YOUR DOOR TIMES A WEEK IX. No. 15 IEDYES £CLIIP . Carl Rufus Recounts E es on Trip to Oklahoma View Phenomenon TIONED AT AVARD, OK] tor's Note-The Wolver ate in securing a direct ac e total solar eclipse of , as observed by .a memh Ian's astronomy faculty fro if totalily. The eclipse w of a life-tme and the obs uade at Avard, Okla., were most successful taken at n the United States. (By Dr. W. Carl Rufus) interestifg astronomical e ed on June 8, 1918: the pre solar eclipse, whose pat y crossed the United States ngton to Florida; and the s ance of a new star in the ion Aquila, which flashed nence and attracted world on. This item pertains tF vent. members of the staff of th ory of the University ofP ave been wholly or part: in government serviced d at year, so extensive pre for an eclipse expedition eticable. The writer plan .owever, to observe the phbs isually with the four-inch the 37 1-2 inch reflector.! ical conditions and nearne rbor favored western Oklah accessibility and central n the path of totality pc ard, a village on the Panh n of the Sante Fe. "Ropes and Fears" journey was checkered ating hopes and fears on of the uncertainty of the w 'he following notes were :e. June 6, rainy, Chicago; udy, Kansas. Newton, 5: in. Mulvane, 7 p..m., sun! e later, none!! Sun sa night was dark and di reet lights greeted us at A. 45 p. m. Fortunately a b iger alighted, who offered I de, led the way to a. dark ded in arousing the lan need, "I bring you a man orning of June 8, the sky ist. During the entire for ct of the sun was hidden b ese, unwelcome clouds. ope remained untouched. oon began with a slight d in. The telescope was unp er, and set on its tripod o porch, where guests and vi use it on terrestrial o were surprised to see d and women standing on "Silver Linings" ut the middle of the afte iy grew brighter; soon rif ouds began to appear. The was taken to an open fiel d toward the sun; so bet a large, number of vill (Continued on Page Two) LL SUMMER NEWSPAPER I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 30, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS Famous Farmerettes From Flint Return With Cash And Experience Six enthusiastic Michigan farmer- PHIL PACK VISITS ANN ARBOR ettes returned Saturday from Flint BEFORE SAILING FOR FRANCE where they have been emplyed for the past three weeks on the farm be- Phil Pack, '18, is in the city on a longing to the Flint School for the five-day leave from Great Lakes naval Deaf. training station, after which he will They have worked from 7 to 11:30 leave for aviation base B in France for o'clock and from 1:00 to 4:30 o'clock, further trainng. picking berries, hoeing weeds, pitch- While in the University, Pack was ing hay, weeding onions, and making associate editor of The Michigan Daily, themselves generally useful. They re- and a member of the Gargoyle and port their living conditions as being Michiganensian staffs. He was a mem- most satisfactory for, as the school her of Phi Kappa Stima anrd Pi Delta was out they had the entire dormitory Epsilon fraternities, and of several for their own use, with a chef and campus societies. second cook to prepare their meals. Girls Make Money GE Each girl came home with about JRGEC CEOI $20 jinglin'g in her bloomerettes pock- -flfla5 ets, forthey received 20 cents an hour for their labor besides room and board. The girls who went were Tickeis Sell Fast for Musical Event KatherinekLoveland, Marie Thorne, R onight at Auditorium; Money to Anna Kirkpatrick, Dorine Potter, CmayFn Katrine Schermerhorn, and Muriel Company Fud Gaines. Muriel Gaines left immedi- ately upon returning to Ann Arbor, to By the way tickets are selling for work in a munition factory in Jack- the concert to be given at 8 o'clock son for the remainder of the sum- tonight in Hill auditorium by the mer. men fron the detachment, the auditor- The employer of this Flint unit ex- ium should be nearly full. pressed himself as being very well The detachment glee club have been satisfied with the girls' work, and has working every spare minute, to pre- written letters of recommendation to pare the selections that they are to Dean Myra B. Jordan and the chief ex- render. The artists who are to assist ecutive of the Women's Land Army of them have exceptional ability. Francis America. Ingram, the noted contralto of the Chicago Opera company, will render losIng Money at Morgan several selections. .Eddie McGrath the From all reports, the unit at the clve snead Dick Whiting the Morgan farm near Traverse City ispolr sng writer from Detroit, will not dong as well. Their housing con- entertain the audience to the best of ditions are unsatisfactory and they are ther ability Robert . Doeterle, '1 very poorly paid. It is estimated that has sung to many Ann Arbor audi- each girl receives the munificient sum ences,andthasanysnn Ar cit- of $2.50 a week. As board amounts to ed. He has been practicing with the $3.50 a week, to say nothing of rail- detptct ingrthittee road fare, it looks as though their detachment glee club for the last week chances of walking home were excell- giving them all assistance possible. ent. It seems that there is no dearth The oney derv from the concert of workers in this section, but the wil go t the company fund to buy wages are so low it is difficult to ob- quently. The tickets are now on sale tain help. Some of the members of for 25 and 50 cents at Moe's Sporting this .unit have already returned to Goods Store, Quarry Drug Co., Grin- their homes, and unless conditions nell Bros. Music House, and Henry & improve, the entire unit may break up. Co. NURSE CAMPAIGN Mids Agnes E. Wells Not to Lecture 'TO BE EXPLAINIBD Several reels of patriotic movies called "Rally 'Round the Flag," will The campaign of the Red Cross for be shown Thursday afternoon in place 25,000 women to take nurses training of the lecture by Miss Agnes E. Wells to supply the demand created by the on "Women and the War." Miss Wells numbers of graduate nurses going to has been called out of town and so is France will be explained at a meet- unable to give her talk. In the eve- ing at 7:10 o'clock Thursday evening ning at 8 o'clock Mr. E. L. Miller; at the city Y. W. C. A. Miss Fantine principal of Northwestern high school Pemberton of the University hospital, in Detroit, will deliver a lecture on and Miss Albertine Morse from Dr. "Thrift" treated as a war subject. The Peterson's hospital will discuss the talk will be followed by' a few reels movement and answer any questions of moving pictures. of those interested. A number of in- quiries were made yesterday at Fost- er's Art store and the Y. W. C. A., To Talk on German Warfare which are the }laces for enrollment. "The German Use of the Principals of Evolution in the Defense of Ag- Harvey Boyce Made Instructor gressive Warfare," is the subject of Harvey Boyce, '19E, who enlisted in the lecture to be given by Prof. F. C. naval aviation last January, has been Newcombe, head of the department of made instrucisor in mathematics and botany, tonight at 8 o'clock in the Na- physics at Great Lakes, Ill., and is tural Science auditorium. The title attached to a squadron scheduled to was first announced as "The Laws of leave soon for service overseas. Evolution Applied to Human Conduct." *5 * * 5** * * *n*r * UNIVERSITY WOMEN TRYOUT *.'NO ISIOGA1IONS * FOR DETACHMENT PROGRAM *r * *11f' A~~g I,, * Several University women tried . out yesterday afternoon at Bar- * bour gymnasium for the cast of * entertainment women of the Uni- * * versity are to give for the men of * * the training detachment. Plans were discussed and a tentative * program arranged. * The program will consist of two or three one act plays, interspers- * ed with musical numbers. In the cast will be included several wo- o men who have appeared previous- * ly in campus dramatics. The en- * tertainment is being given under * auspices of the Women's league. * Prof. John R. Brumm will direct * rehearsals and be in charge. * * ** * * * * * * * * * MUSIC SCHOOL FACULTY TO CONIIBUJE PHOCHAM Harrison, Lockwood, and Moore to Ap- pear in Concert Wednesday Night at Hill Auditorium Three heads of departments in the School of Music will participate in the concert at 8 o'clock toworrow night at Hill auditortuiu. Theodore Har- rison of the voice department, will ap- pear twice on the program, first in a Massenet aria, and later in a group of war numbers. A unique feature will be the appearance of Albert Lockwood, head of the piano department as ac- companist to Mr. Harrison. Earl V. Moore, official University organist and in charge of the organ department, will contribute two organ groups. The concert is referred to on the program as a complimentary faculty recital. It is open to students and members of the faculty of the Univer- sity, and the general public, as well as students of the School of Music. The program will be as follows: Aria "Vision Fugitive" from "Herodiade" .............Massenet Theodore Harrison Sonata in C minor, Op. 10 -- . Ralph Baldwin Allegro patetico; Adagio; Moderato Un modo d'maia maria Adagio Recitativo-Finale Earl V. Moore (a) "War" ................ Rogers (b) "0 Red is the English Rose Forsyth (c) "Peace Triumphal"........ ......... ........Marschal-Loepke Mr. Harrison Finlandia-A Tone Poem ....Sibelius Mr. Moore Accompaniments by Mr. Albert Lock- wood Steinway piano used Alumnus Holds Responsible Position Lieutenant Lyman R. Flook, '13E, has been placed in charge of the build- ing of the United States nitrogen fixa- tion plant No. 1, at Sheffield, Ala. Mr. Flook's official position is inspector of construction. His promotion has been rapid. Mr. Flook was formerly superintendent of buildings and grounds at the University of Mich- igan, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Flock, of 704 Church street. UN UII1IIILUIII1LI French Churches Destroyed by Ger- mans Can Never be Replaced, Says Prof E. R. Turner ORIGINALS LOST IREVOCABLY When they promised to rebuild any cathedrals which might be destroyed by their airplane raids over Paris the Germans were agreeing to the impos- sible because the spirit of modern times differs so greatly from that of the periods when these churches 'were built that no restoration could equal the original, said Prof. E. R Turner in his lecture on a "Trip \hrough Histohic Paris," given at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium before a large au- dience. Explains Siructures The structural development of Notre Dame was carefully explained by Pro- fessor Turner -who illustrated his points with slides showing the facade, the towers, and their ornamenting gar- goyles, and the flying buttresses which support there of. The interior of the church shows the conventional plan much used in the Basilican type hav- ing an aisle on either side of the nave separated from it by a long row of columns. The two extremes of building that are found in Paris were exemplified by the Eiffel tower and ^the Latin quarter. The tower is the highest man made structure in the world, coming close to 1,000 feet. From the top, which is reached either by a winding stairway or a slow European elevator a splendid view of the entire city is visible. The tower was built for the world's fair held at Paris not very many years ago. Latin Quarter Old At the other end of the scale in Paris is the Latin quarter. The nar- rowness of the streets and the high, close buildings show it to be one of the oldest districts in the city. This interesting porion can be seen only by walking through it on foot much to the tourists disgust. Besides the Eiffel tower the two things most generally known at Paris are the great art gallery, theLouvre and the huge triumphal arches. The Louvre is one of the largest buildings in the world and is a fine example of late Renaissance architecture. It con- tains a splendid pollection both of painting and of sculpture. During the war some of the most noted statues such as the Venus de Milo have been put in a vault lest the building be destroyed in a German air raid. At one end of the Avenue, the Champs'Elysees, is the triumphal arch which Napoleno had erected to com- memorate his victories while atthe opposite end is another arch so like the first that the difference can hardly be recognized. Dean Myra B. Jordan Entertains Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at home to all summer session women this afternoon from 2 to 4 o'clock at 1215 Hill street. i "-- - ! 35c At SHEEHAN'S WAHR'S SLATER'S JDENT SUPPLY STORE THE SUMMER SCHOOL DIR E C T-ORY NOW ON SALE Subscription receipts may be redeemed at the Wolverine Office Only 35c At SHEEHAN'S WAHR'S SLATER'S STUDENT SUPPLY STORE