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July 25, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-07-25

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No. 13



IHis Sixty Piece Band to
nusual Program at Hill
had many triumphs in my
ye done things of which I
But the greatest ambition
3is to lead. a hand down
asse in Berlin playing "The
;led Banner." I will be sat-
my life work when that is

/ >s Ada Grace Johnson Pleases Audience
at Hill Auditorium; Other Talent
Also Popular
:" (By Cordelle Kemper)
The regular Wednesday evening
audience at Hill auditorium was pleas-
ed last night by a program of great
interest, 'headed 'by Miss Ada Grace
Johnson. Miss Johnson is a favorite
in Ann Arbor and never fails to de-
light her audience. She has a clear
soprano that carries particularly well
on soft notes. She takes her notes

these words, John Philip Soursa,
pant in the United States navy, JOHN PHILIP SOUSA
ssed his present burning am-
n to a group of admirers re- rep Jt
. The great band leader will C T cg
r at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill Conganv C ,Lue
rium with the original Sousa
of 60 artists.' The concert is
given under the auspices of the , Who is the proudest boy in Ann Ar-
e theater and will be for the bor?
t of the Red Cross. "Red" claims this honorable posi-
To Play Mlchigan Song tion, for he has recently been inducted
sa was always a famous person-
abroad he was called "the de- in the training detachment and de-
of nations" and he and his re- tailed to act in the capacity of mascot
d band reigned alone and unriv- for Company C.
when they were in England, in While the members of the first
, Australia, on the continent, training detachment were in Ann Ar-
sarly every other part of the civ- bor "Red" made quite a hit with the
globe. The program which they or "Re mad te a ht wi ssh
lay here tonight will include both bays, for he lead the songs at mess,
cal nd opulr nmber, aongand often ate beside the captain in
sal and popular numbers, among hUnndnngrom -
tter, the patriotic success, "For he Union dinning room.
ica and. Liberty," by Prof. Earl Recently moembers of Company C,
ore of the School of Music and pf the second training detachment, de-
L. Davis. h ' cided that a real live, human, and en-
Program ergetic mascot would be just the thing.
hCourto Many of them thought that animals
ra h...........urt'Chapi were so common, and in order to have
rnt Solo, "The.......... .. variety, they at once decided that
rnethear" ., ..T.. Sudenstst "Red" would fill the bill. The boys in
reetheart" ..i.......Bellstedt Company C chipped in and purchased
aracter Studies, "The Dwell- "Red" a complete training detachment
Sin the Western World". Sousa- uniform-which includes the brilliant
"The =Red Man." green hat cord.
"The White Man.", , Every night observers will notice
"The Black Man." "Red" acting as right guard for Com-
prano Solo, "Ah fors e lue", pany C as they march to and from the
rom "LaTraviata") .......Verdi mess' all.
Miss Marporie Moody
,ht of the Classical Sab- DETACHMENT FACULTY AND
th (from "Mephistofele") OFFICERS PICNIC TOGETHER
... . . ...... Boito
Intermission Every member on the detachment
or America and Liberty"... faculty, together with all the officers,
..Earl V. Moore and L. L. Davis went on a picnic last night. The in-
British Air, "Shepherds' structors left the city about 6 o'clock
By" .............. Grainger in the army trucks for the purpose
March, "Sabre and Spurs" of preparing a repast for the officers,
ew) ,,.......... ...... Sousa whe departed from headquarters at
cal Solo, "In Flanders Field 7:15 o'clock.
e Poppies Grow" (new)..Sousa A site was picked out along the
ords by Col. John McCrae) banks of the river. A meal was pre-
Miss Ruby Helder pared, a large camp fire built, and
apsody, "The Southern"..Hosmer after dinner stories told by the officers
and the faculty. This is the second
gistrar Hall Coming Home picnic to be given by the officers and
strar Arthur G. Hall is expect- the instructors of the detachment.
ie next week probably on Tues-
ug. 1, after spending a month's At Home for College Girls
n at Cheneaux Islands. Dean Myra B. Jordan will be at
home to college girls Tuesday, July
ustee Meeting Held Monday 30, at her residence at 1215 Hill
e will be a'meeting of the board street. Girls who have had exper-
tees of the Young Men's Christ- ience in cutting registration cards can
sociation Monday, July 29, at 11 help materially in this work at Bar-
in Lane hall. hour gymnasium any afternoon.

with ease. The Waiting Song from
Madame Butterfly, "Un bel di vedre-
mo," was particularly suited to her
voice. Her rendition was sympathetic
and full of longing. The audience was
enthusiastic and Miss Johnson gave as
an enchore the Sunshine song from

, '

"Peer Gynt" by Grieg.
Miss Genevieve Seyler and Miss
Lucy Cannon pldyed a piano and vio-
lin duet, the Sonata Op. 45 of Grieg.
It was a beautiful number well rend-
ered. The Allegro molto ed appas-
sionate was played with spirit and
yigor. The second movement, Alle-
gretto espressivo alla Romanza, in
contrast to the first, was more dreamy
,and sentimental. The final movement,
with its attractive melodious themes
was a lively climax. This interesting
movement was rendered in an animat-
ed and spritely manner.
"Good Morning, Brother Sunshine,"
a charming song by Lehmann, was in-
terpreted by Miss Johnson in an en-
joyable manner. "Day is Gone," by
Lang, and "A Birthday," by Woodman
were rendered in the artist's charm-
ing style.
Miss Johnson was accompanied by
Miss Frances Louise Hamilton.
The program next week will be giv-
en by Theodore Harrison, baritone;
Earl V. Moore, organist; and Albert
Lockwood, pianist.
Entertainment has been given the
boys at the Y. M. C. A. tent every night
this week. Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Powers rendered several vocal
and piano selections. Mr. Liyle gave
several readings. The entire program
was under the direction of the Knights
of Pythias. Wednesday evening mo-
tion pictures were shown, entitled,
"Fooats for Luck" which featured Tay-
lor Holmes.
Tonight Mr. Thieme, who has been
with an ambulance corps on the battle
fields of Europe, will entertain the
boys with a talk upon his experiences
while over there. He is now connect-
ed with Company C of the mechanics.
Saturday night moving pictures will
be shown featuring Vivian Martin in
"Unclaimed Goods."
The carpenters and cabinet makers
from the detachment have built music
racks, bok cases, and writing desks,
and placed them in the Y. M. C. A.
tent. The stage has also been enlarg-
ed in order to hold wrestling and box-
ing matches.

"Girls, Was nt N
It Just Terrible? iJUU flLUIIVLI
Occupants of Newberry residence 10 [0OLLOA!M I
will now sleep in peace for the rest'
of the summer. No lossger will each
girl carefully lay out her winter coat Ultra'Conservitives tore to be Feared
and galoshes before retiring, and re- in Reconstruction Period Than
peat the mystic formula, "close down Radical Element
,the window, put up the shade, turn on
the light, and leave the door open. No MUSTI'PRlOTECT DEMOCRACY
longer will she sleep with one ear at-
tuned to even a more deadly noise The forces to be feared in the re-
than that of her Big Ben, for the fire construction period following the war
drill is a thing of the past. are not those of the I. W. W., the so-
Precisely at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday called American Bolsheviki, or the
morning, each girl tried to chase away socialist, but the ultra-conservatives
that fly buzzing in herlear, only to who will want to re-establish the old
realize with a wild start, that it was order of things existing before the
her turn to fly, for the fire' was on. war, said Prof. I. Leo Sharfman who
But heavens, which did she put up, spoke yesterday afternoon in Natural
the shade or the window? As she Science auditorium on "The War and
grabbed Oswald's photo from the Economic Recontructipn'
dresser and started the four flight de- In the belief of Professor Sharf-
pcent, how could she know that the man the order of society toward which
button she pressed turned on the elec- we are striving is an order in which
tric fan instead of the light? Halfway competition exists as the ruling
down, she remembered her coat and force, but with restrictions that will
her roommate. entirely protect the masses from ex-
Meanwhile, when the alarm rang out ploitation at the hands of unscrupul-
on the third floor, one girl reached out ous profiteers.
her hand to turn off the alarm. She In the period immediately follow-
was going to have another five minutes ing the war our social progress toward
sleep even if she did miss that old 7 this order must be distinctly acceler-
o'clock! Another, on the contrary, ated. We have not the time to wait
decided that the performance have its for the gradual emergence of the
dramatic possibilities and wanted a new order out of the old. It is in
box seat. Consequently, she was first the fight for' this new order that the
out. ultra-conservatives will be a men-
Then the revelation-when all were ace, he believes. They will insist upon
assembled on the outside and the roll trying to re-establish the old order
had been taken (luckily there was a in which individualism is the key note,
moon to see by) where was that girl and personal agrandizement the
with the large fluffy coiffure, at least prime motive, and will have to be con-
where was the coiffure? How ghast- vinced that the world changed with
ly pale the moonlight made others the war.
look! . But speculation was cut short The millions of men returning
by the news that there had been a cas- from the war to make the world safe
ualty. A little Japanese girl from the for democracy will insist, he says,
fourth floor was missing. A rescuing that democracy be made safe for
party was sent out and in about five democracy. They will no longer count-
minutes, she came down leisurely, ful- enance a condition of things in which
ly clad, and looking as though she industrialism can crush them just as
had just stepped out of a Japanese effectively as could an armed ruler.
version of Vogue. They will demand protection, and the
Fourth floor also suffered the only opportunity to obtain a fair living.
other casualty. One of the inmates The legislation of this kind that we
stubbed her toe in the flight, and will have enacted since the start of the
probably hobble around for several war is not directly the result of the
days, according to reports. war itself, said Professor Sharfman,
but is merely the working out of the
WESLEYAN GUILD TO HOLD tendancies of the before the war per-
SOCIAL EVENING SATURDAY iod. We were moving in the direction
of legislation to protect the masses,
Wesleyan guild of the First Method- and the war gave the opportunity to
ist Episcopal church, will entertain put it into effect.
summer school students and members The acceleration after the war of
of the detachment with a social eve- this social tendancy, he says, must
ning at 9 o'clock Saturday night in take place, but it should not be gone
Lane hall. Games, stunts, and refresh- about recklessly. The lessons of the
ments will feature the evening's pro- past should govern in the formation of
gram and all are invited. The com- every piece of legislation. The nas
mittee is composed of George Stim- tional spirit must also be fostered, as
son and Lois House. Russia is an example of a country in
Nilkranth Chavre, of India, will which was attempted a social reor-
give an ilustrated lecture on "India of ganization without consideration of
the Indian" at 6:30 o'clock Sunday the national interest.
evening at the church. Students and
soldiers are cordially invited.
Greek Picture Books Is Subject
Second Term of Law School to Open "Picture Books of the Ancient
The second term of the Law school Greeks" is the subject of the lecture
will open next Monday, July 29, with by Prof. Campbell Bonner to be given
a complete set of new courses and Aug. 14 at 5 o'clock. The topic of
some changes in the faculty. Prof. the lecture was announced as "Some
E. C. Goddard will give several cours- Ancient Thoughts on Might and
es. Right," but has since been changed.

sere to Go Tonght-

usa's Band Concert


8 P. M. Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Contributed by Arcade Merchants

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