lIT T SENIORS GRADUATE H I UNTIL WITH 473 MISSING CRY SAYS WOOD (Continued from Page One) esthetic pleasure but for the ideas and ed from Page One) wisdom contained in them. sen Will Fight' The classes assembled at their re- s lost 1,000,000 men kill- spective colleges at 8:30 o'clock, and er 1,000,000 crippled and at 9 o'clock marched to Hill auditor- eed be when our last man ium, under direction of Chief Marshal e supreme sacrifice, our Prof. L. M. Gram. The alumni form- se up." ed at Alumni Memorial hall and join- ed great bitterness to- ed the procession there. THE WOLVERINE Some Girl! "Captain, I'm in great distress." "What is the matter?" asked the captain of a new man in the detach- m ent. "Here is a letter .f'om my girl," the private replied. "She said that she sent the last letter to me without putt- ing my name or address on the en- velope. Is there any way of getting "Orderly, explain the postal regu- lations to this man." the Allies there are no ms" he said. "All the na- great so long as they fight If today there is a small Europe it is not Rumania, r Serbia. It is another, large small, very small, in sense, nd duty. Well, let that small Let all those who are tired and are eager to frater- he burners of Louvain, the the Lusitania, the murders avell. Let them go, but let .er great nations who con- ht remain united and stead- War to the End to the very end, however end may be, was emphas- Honorable James M. Beck, rk City. He recounted the ry of the German people,, d how the present great, Slargely an outgrowth of es which Germany has forc- ations that would rather fight. participation of Canada in Atil victory is realized was Sir Robert A. Falconer, .t of the University of Tor- declared Canada had com- in the ability of the United undertake the burden of the rry it through to full vic- tR Dieterle, '18, sang the mn of the Republic," and llais;" Theodore Harrison Consecration Ode," with Stanley, its author, at the DETACHMENT MEN FIRST ENTERTAINMENT of the second training de- rere given their first "pep- inment by tht Y. M. C. A. 10 o'clock last night at the n the campus. ing attraction of the even- fire eating tricks by Jehova ch brought much applause en of the detachment. Mr. tastreiter rendered several ections, while Miss Gladys '18, recited two selections, stertainment is scheduled esday night. .nd travelling bags for all Coch & Henne -Adv. rS & MeChanRCS =RAnk '9EHBERS OF SECOND TRAINING DETACHMENT SHOW PROGRESS (Continued from Page One) iods throughout the day during the en- tire time that the men have been at the University. 'Their progress is clearly demonstrated by the profici- ency they are attaining. Gymnasium Used Members of the first training detach- ment werequartered in five houses. The second detachment still has the five residences, but only four of them are used as barracks. The fifth house is equipped as an infifmary. Water- erman gymnasium has been turned over to the government, and 460 beds have been placed on the gym- nasium floor and the running track. The basement is used for showers and shaving, and the small room, where the University R. O. T. C. kept their stocks of guns, is now a guard room. No Visitors Allowed Government orders prohibit any civ- ilian, especially women, without spec- ial permission from a responsible per- son, visiting the barracks. A number of violations have been made, but ef- forts are now being made to enforce the regulations. The first muster will be held next Sunday afternoon. Week-end pass- es will be returnable at 4 o'clock Sun- day afternoon. Company C will stand muster roll call at 4:15 o'clock, Company B, 4:45 $ o'clock, and Com- pany A, 5:15 o'clock. The hospital detachment will muster with Company A, and the headquarters detachment will muster at headquarters. Alumni Banquet at Gymnasins More than 500 alumni were served at the luncheon given for them in Bar- bour gymnasium on Vednesday. Be- tween the courses and afterwards the representatives of different years sang their class songs, and met old frieids. Another Ancient One "I wish you would go over to Com- pany A and get Private Dubbs." "Aye, aye, sir." "Aye, aye, sir? You should say, 'Yes, sir.' You're in the army now." "Yes, sir." TWO GIANTS OF THE GREAV' LAKES Regular steamer service on the De- troit and Buffalo Division of the D. & C. Lake Lines begins Monday, May 6th. The Two Giant Steamers o' the Great Lakes-City of Detroit III and City of Cleveland III-make daily trips between these points, leaving Detroit at 5:00 p. in., U. S. Central Time, and Buffalo at 6:00 p. m., U. S. Eastern Time. Daily service is also givem be- tween Detroit and Cleveland, leaving both points at 10:45 p. in., U. S. Central Time. Rail tickets are honored for transportation on all D. & C. steamers. PAGE THREE MAKE OUR STORE YOUR STORE When in need of anything in Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Optical Goods, Fountain Pens,. Silverware, Silver and Gold Novelties, Military Watches, Service Pins, Army Jewelry OPTICAL DEPARTMENT We maintain a complete optical department and give rapid service in replacing lenses. Lenses ground in our own shop. HALLER & FULLER STATE ST. JEWELERS A large assort- ment of SECOND HAND BOOKS BUY EARLY Sheehan & Co. C. W. Graham, Prop. I'i -J LL chi ans Son Take the Mqichigan ongs Home' They should be known and sung in every home HEF- Price of Book $2.50 Sheet Music 25c We have a Complete Stock of the WAR SONGS Sung by Our Boys OVER THERE They should be known and sung in every home here Hail to our College men fighting for right. Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue! Blue for each star on its background of white, With a prayer that the gold stars be few; Loyal the answer our men gave the call, And loyal our women who help through it all. Hail! Hail to our College men fighting for right, Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue! By BERTHA C. HERBST, '12 Copyright 1918 by University Music House, Ann Arbor, Michigan trE s IL . STRloEE 601 EAST WILL#AM STREET q. - ERWA Y BETWEEN 1 T BUFFALO