PAGE FOUR THE WOLVERINE THE EMHEN TNEWS TEN MEN PICKED IO CO AS SIUDENT OFFICERS Colise Will Last Four Months; Will Consist of Infantry Work at Camp Gordon pressed a dcsire to enter the central officers' training camps,randis found sufficiently qualified to do so. This is the first time that ths lini- cerotty of Mlichigan trainiog detach- ment has ever sent any men to the officers' training camp, and unless other orders are received, members of future detachments will be recom- mended for the camps. Ten men in the second training de- tachment have been picked by Cap- Roma tain Ralph Hi1. Durkee to attend the o iei arc officers' training camp at Camp Gor- don, near Atlanta, Ga. No definite Sergeant Lawrence HamiltonI date has been set for the departure, maine, Q. M. C, M. S. T., marriedi but the authorities believe that the Dorotby Dillaway on July 1, accord men will be sent to the camp before to information received here. Serge the beginning of next week. Romaine was a member of the f The course of training at Camp training detachment and was det Gordon embraces the infantry branch, ed to Camp Holabird, Baltimore,I extending over a period of four Miss Dillaway is the daughter of months. While being instructed,,en- and Mrs. Walter T. Dillaway, a pr listed men will retain the rating pos- inent Detroit family. sessed at the time of entrance into the This is the first time that news course. All privates will receive first- been received of a marriage among class private's pay. At the conclusion members of the first training deta of the course officers will be sent to ment, although there have been r replacement camps to await assign- ors concerning the future marria nent. of men in both detachments. Commanding officers of all divis- ions, departments, depot brigades, and Subscribe at the "Y" tent forr camps will continue to recommend two Detachment News. Now 50 cent percent of their commands, each month provider sulh a percentage has ex- Subscribe for The Wolverine Ro- liss ing ant irst ail- Md. Mr. °om- has the ach- ges The ts. MOVIES SHllWN ALL-STAR REVUE EN IRESSON TO BE PRESENTED ENHSASI I0EKIPE go Y. M. T. A. IENT Members of Company C are rehears- AITTENDS ENTERTAINMENT ing for their all-star revue, which will erite Clark and Taylor Holmes probably be given during the last Frank McIntyre and Babe eitheiner iWeek's Bill; Program of week of the detachment's stay in Ann Delight Hearers; Other Numbers Events Arbor. The entire talent will be Good drawn from Company C. Several of the leading features will uerite Clarke in the film, "Rich Frank McIntyre, in a repertoire of 'oor Man" will he shown at 8:15 be a chorus of 60 "charming young ladies," an 80-piece orchestra, fun, and Babe Leitheiner, the 10-year- tonight at the "Y" tent. The mi of attractions for the cm-Corporal Cowan, will have complete old fancy dancer, were the leading ek is as follows: Sunday, 9:30 charge of the production end. characters in the Knights of Columbus Bible class in the tent; 10:15 war tent entertainment given at 8 Go To Church groups will TWO GIANTS OF THE o'clock last Thursday night. The men at he tent and leave for the GREAT FAKES of the detachment, and a large number it churches of their preference; Regular steamer service between of outside visitors, encored these two clock, Y. M. C. A. combines with Detroit and Buffalo. The two Giant acts several times. es in Union service at the band- Steamers of the Great Lakes-City of Gustave Ritz amused the audience The Rev. T. G. Sykes, of De- Detroit III and City of Cleveland III with his whistling. He imitated birds, who has been in France with -make daily trips between Buffalo mechanical devises, and musical in- M. C. A., will speak. and Detroit, leaving Detroit at 5 p. m., struments. Private Kruse, Company Lay, 8:30 o'clock, Prof. A. G. leaving Buffalo 6 p. m. Daily service C, sang a number of his specialty A will give an illustrated lec- is also given between Detroit and solos. Miss Devine also sang a few a "Joan of Arc;" Tuesday, 8:15 Cleveland. The steamers Eastern numbers. The concluding number was Knights of Pythias will give States and Western States leave both a selection by the Jacobus band. .ertainment atethe tent; Wed- points at 10:45 p. m., arriving at des-, This is the second entertainment 8:30 o'clock moving pictures tination early the following morning. that the K. of C. have held in their for Holmes in "Fools for Luck;" Four trips weekly are made between war tent. Officers of the organiza- lay, no entertainment at "Y" Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac tion are planning to give another on ie to program at 8:15 o'clock Island and St. Ignace over the Coast next Thursday evening. Otass will be f C. tent. Line to Mackinac. Railroad tickets at 7:15 o'clock Sunday morning in the statement which appeared re- are honored on all D. & C. steamers. tent. in the Wolverine to the effect e School of Music furnished the it with a Victrola was errone- SUMMERI 'he Victrola was furnished by SCHOOL oot of the University Music Sa d Those in charge of the "Y" vs asked students and towns- TIU D E NT 'E to leave current periodicals, they have finished reading at AT t for the soldiers. N cently that th THE EBERBACH & SON COMPANY A 200-204 E. Liberty Street I'sl.R r tent ha CHEMICALS, DRUGS, SUNDRIES corie Always Good Quality he Best the Market Affords Go to LYNDON'S 719 N. UNIVERSITY AVE. Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films GUARANTEED AMATEUR FINISHING ENLARGEMENTS FROM YOUR NEGATIVES A SPECIALTY I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results or no charge. ,We give you "Peace Time Result's" as we have a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.oo per lb.) and we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing. If you want the best results you will bring your films here Two Doors from T Y N 'N9 71 North Hill Auditorium 1J lei .L ® University Avenue : Illlliltillllil l ttlllf II! l lll ll d 11t11tlilif111I Itililllltiiiltitlliit[1111_ ... ... C ... . ... ... C ... ... .. s s see r s r A r r :' w _ rr r wr rw 0 ww ATN FREEMAN'S Tear Gasiis Gott is Against You, Germy Cross my heart and hope to die If I should ever, every buy Or use a thing on which I see The trademark, "Made in Germa -TAD, CHI. TRI "IIREWOMEN latest thing or pon," -headline in Detroit News. Keystone people ought to take adv age of this and visit the islands the latest, despite the fact that entiss claim "theres nothing under the sun." SUPPOSE A. A. had such a department, one can easily ima such endearing comments as, "Wa minute, Jennie, I haven't any po on my nose, and you know I woo tare attempt to rescue a mere wthout it." "Horrors? A mo Turn the hose on him Sadie, whi climb a chair." "I won't start bus, you hussy, until you tell whether my helmet is on straigh WANTED-Some profiteer to in a penny ice cream cone stand in war tents on the campus for the Cscers of the detachment. Patroi assured.-Adv Yes, I Wonder "I wvonder swhat the officer of day says whenwhenteetsthe office the night," asked a newsie after overheard some learned sergeants cussing the situation. ANYWAY, THIS weather is too to write. Subscribe at the "Y" tent for' Detachment News. Now 50 cen THE Farmers & Mechani Bank- SOUTH MAIN STREE' CORNER HURON STATE STREET OFFIC 330 SO. STATE STREET A Gold Strong Bank With Every BankingI Boolistor~e State St. 7weanrws Save the Pieces - Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day ny. B. TRY OUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED LET US SHOW YOU OUR Nip ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES The You Should Have One ant- for Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers sci- new fire gine At ar THE NEW CATALOGUE ldn't of the man ,use! tig le I this me05 t of Michigan t." stall IS NOW READY the of- sage Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, EN- GINEERING. MEDICINE. LAW. PHARMACY. Per Week Per Week Light Breakfast Per Week Lunch and Dinner Per Day Dinners x$6.00 5.501 4.75 1.00 50 r ot he dis- hot The ts. cs T lE Need HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michigan . .Y. .. . . ,... ... ... .:. .:, . "... ;J11111 Drinking Water Boiled and Cooled Everything Clean and Sanitary 803 East Washington Street R One Block North of Hill Auditorium = 11i11 1111.1111tiitlN1111t1t1iilltii11li1ttii1111tIItili11111!lI1111IiIlIIIIlillll!lIIt111i1lillo= t E