IMES A WEEK (loof THE ONLY, OFFICIAL 3~inI ur izw- SUMMER NEWSPAPER ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 20, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS _IN PICKD I0G I SDIEHIDAN CAP rsity Representatives Appointed by President; Selected by Lieut. Mullin P FROM JULY 18 TO AUG. 15 :higan will be represented at the id Reserve Officers training to be held July 18 to August . Fort Sheridan, IlL., by the be- nentioned men. They have been ily appointed by President Har- . Hutchins, and were selected eut. George C. Mullin, professor litary Science in the University. Id, Ellis J., Marine City, Mich. >lt, Samuel S., 26 Maple St., ssillon, Ohio. sod, Stephen S., 1'20 Hill St., a Arbor, Mich. strom Edward P., Big Rapids, :h. y, George A., 02 Paw Paw St., v Paw, Mich. , Jesse W. E., Ann Arbor, Mich. r, Ernest W., 169 Oak St., Wyan- te, Mich. James F., 841 E. University e., Ann Arbor, Mich. elman, Alvin C., Cass City, Mich. 1, Robert F., 501 W. Midland St., y City, Mich. ett, Willoughby H., 400 S. War- St., Munger, Mich. gren, John E., Norway, Mich. in, Charles A., Lakewood, Ohio. slee, Francis R., 565 Hamilton ., Detroit Mich., R. R., Oswego, Illinois.' Harry G., 1404 Hort St., Mus- on, Mich. , F. T., 5452 N. Pauline St., cago, Ill. n, Hf. J. Leland, Detroit, Mich. E. W., Grand Rapids, Mich. er, Edwin. J., Mt. Clemens, Mich. n, Haynes, 338 Paris Ave., and Rapids, Mich. er, Richard 0., 4301 Barry Ave., cago, Ill. , Charles E., 1776 E. 90th St., veland, Ohio, John A., W. Palm Beach, Fla. ite, Charles L., 111 Edmund ce, Detroit, Mich. , Wilbur E., 326 E. Liberty St., . Arbor, Mich. rie, L. O., Detroit, Mich. ding, ohn Kt, 2305 E. Third Duluth, Minn. ert, Waldo G., Detroit, Mich. sman, Harry K., 2733 B. St., N. Washington, D. C. >s, Albert C., Birmingham, Mich. um, H. D., 517 Canton Ave., .roit, Mich. Herbert, 730 Market St., Lou- .lle, Ky. n, William, Waterbury, Conn. , Allan ., 386 Dufferin Ave., idon, Ont. . ra, Joseph J., 1413 Wesley Ave., c Park, IlL. e, Isadore H,, 506 E. 10th St., higan City, Ind. , Bruce O Theodore, Ala. e, Wilfred R., 289 Queen St., tham, Ont. sy, R. E., 21 W. Green St., an, New oYrk. onald, Albert, aMrssall,, Mich. gel, Kenneth B., Alma, Mich. r, George I., 43 E. Liberty St., aArbor, ich. i Julius A., 7026 Lexington . Clevelahd, Ohio. man, Lews H., Toledo, Ohio. p, Lawrence A.,.13 Cutting , !nn Arbor, Rich. eon, L. A., Montgomery, Mich. ey, Virgil A, .Lorain, Ohio. igel, E. Lt: 845 Walnut Ave., H., Canton, Ohio. LeRoy J., 116 Mt. Elliott Ave., Says 1rowning Is Poet for Hen For men, if not only for men-Pro- fessor Strauss in his lecture on "Browning-A Poet for Men," said yes- terday afternoon in his lecture in Natural Science auditorium: "Granted that men no longer read poetry, Browning is the poet to draw them back to it." The qualities which make for this result are found in his optim- istic philosophy, which exalts the struggle regardless of result, sees the good in evil, and the superiority of age to youth. This optimism is not the result of shirking life's difficult- ies, but of meeting them half way. It is a hital virile thing. That Browning's poetry is men's poetry does not mean that it is not also women's poetry It does not lack the womanly quality of tenderness. It is transcendental in spirit and essent- ially lyrical in expression. Browning went beyond the plane of the verse writer and achieved the ulti- mate Thule of the poet-he reached the realm of the prophet. He lived not in the present but in the future and had a broad and untroubled outlook over the movements and tendencies of the age, said the lecturer. SINYCE Of LIDDABIS DEEMNED BY PLANS New 3flclgian luidlag Will Rave Stacks Located Near Large Reading Room Although the architecture and plan of a library are not so important as the administration, they are still very decisive factors in determining the utility and quality of service giv- en. This was the point brought out by Librarian W. W. lishop in his lec- ture last night on "Some Great American Libraries." A number of the most famous i- braries in the world are located in buildings not originally intended for books, he said. Among these are the Vatican and the British Museum. The growth of the latter can easily be were added as necessity de- traced by the different wings that manded them. The plan of having the stacks work like sliding doors has more than doubled the capacity of the library. In buildings built specially for housing books the location of the stacks has influenced their architec- ture more than any other one fac- tor. In a number of buildings, not- ably the Boston library, the stacks are built around three sides of a court which necessitates carrying the books a long way and slows down the service. Sometimes they are planned to ,make a good outside ap- pearance regardless of convenience. Such is the case of the Chicago 'ibra- ry, which is cut up into a number of small rooms. The Library of Congress is one of the best in every way in the world. The stacks radiate from an hexa- gonal reading room, thus giving am- pie opportunity of growth. he read- ing room is roofed by a huge decor- (Continued on Page Three) "NO INADWIIBOVI MSIC, SAYS LIEVIENANI SOS Famous Bandmaster, Who Comes Here Thursday, Calls Music Patriotic Force John Philip Sousa, who will bring his famous band to Hill auditorium next Thursday evening, has been quoted by newspapers all over the country as saying during an inter- view in Boston, "The band is the most romantic element of war, and without romance, war is nothing but drudgery. Without bands of music war will cease." The noted bandmaster has said that music in all lands is a greater power to bring out the patriotic in man than any force, except the influence of motherhood. He declared that though at times there is dissension among the most civilized people on earth, any criticism from outside is immediately met with a united front. This, he says, is du to the fact that music and song have ever gone hand in hand with love and loyalty. Three soloists will appear with the band in Ann Arbor. Miss Marjorie Moody comes rom Lyne, Mass., and appeared for the first time a year ago at a Sunday night concert in Boston. Her success was instantaneous and a public recital followed which establish- ed a reputation for the young soloist, then only 20 years old., Miss Ruby Helder has met with marked success on both sides of the Atlantic with her true tenor voice, and was a great favorite in England, her native gcotntry, where she appeared many times in London. Her specialty isto sing the tenor parts in such works as "The Stabat Mater," "Elijah," and "The Messiah " Another soloist on the program will be Mr. Frank Simon, cOrnetist. Tickets were placed on sale yester- day at Wahr's bookstore, Calkin's drug store on South University avenue, and at the Arcade theater. Concert Program Led by Soprano The program to be offered at the complimentary recital in Hill Audi- torium, Wednesday evening, will be given by Ada Grace Johnson, soprano a member of the faculty of the Univer- sity School of Music, who is well- known in music circles. In addition to her many appearances in Ann Ar- bor, she has sung in a large number of cities in Michigan and in other states. She will appear twice on the program. Miss Genevieve Seyler, pianist, and Miss Lucy Cannon, violinist, both graduates of the University School of Music, will appear as guest soloists, offering Greig's "Sonata, Op. 45.' Both of these young wmen have made splendid records in their re- spective fields, and their contribu- tions to the program at this time will be welcomed not only by the host of friends of both young ladies but by the music loving public in general. Piano accompaniments will be p ayed by Frances Louise Hamil- ton. Cherry Pickers PickPeaches Michigan's first farmerettes still think nature is mighty grand, comes the report from the J. P. Morgan cherry orchards, where 40 Michigan girls are plying their scissors fron 4 A. M. on. Although their wage earning powers have not placed them in the capitalist class as yet, yet there are other compensations - namely, their next door neighbors. Although their Uncle Sam wouldn't allow them to take a hand in affairs across the waters, it was decided that flat feet would not prove a serious handicap in the cherry picking industry, so as a result, about 50 young men are do- ing their bit in this way. With this a common bond, conversations over F the back fence as to the relative mer- its of the scissors and hand picking methods were inevitable, and it was not long before the gate was dis- *overed. The unit which went to Flint is now comfortably quartered in a wing of the insane asylum and from all re- ports is enjoying a wave of financial prosperity as well. Herchants Assist In Retaining H en In order to assist the University in keeping students in school until they complete their courses, several of the merchants and bankers in the vicin- ity of the campus have established a fund known as the "Join the Navy- Stay in the University" fund. Thee movement was organized by E. H. Shetzer, government representative, who will direct the expending of the fund in advertising for the naval re- - serves. This branch permits a stu- dent to enlist and still remain in the University. The donors to the fund are as fol- lows: The Farmers and Mechanics bank, the Ann Arbor Savings bank, the Busy Bee, 0. G. Andres, A. J. Bloomfield, Louis, Peters, Harry Perdicaris, John P. Trojanowski, George Kyer, Varsity Barber Shop, Paul's Shoe Repair, L. E. O'Conner & Co., J. H. Wild & Co., Robert Mi- ler, and Quang Tang Lo. PROF. GOMBERG COMMISSIONED MAJOR IN ORDNANCE DEPT. Prof. Moses Gomberg, professor in chemistry in the University and one of the greatest, if not the greatest chemist in the world, has received a commission as major in the ordnance department from the government. Since the entrance of the United States into the war he has been do- ing research work for the ordnance , department. Dr. Theron S. Langford of Ann Ar- bor, general manager of toe Ann Ar- bor Machine Company, h s received a commission as captain in the med- jcal corps. He was ofrmerly a phy- sician in Jackson, leaving the prac- , tice to come to Ann Arbor to take the management of the company, fol- lowing the death of his brother-in- law, who was directing theabusiness up until the time of his death. HGCNISTIDNSAC LITTILUSINESS Extend Leaves of Absence One Year; Make appointments,and Approve Contracts BETTER HOSPITAL FACILITIES Little other than old business was transacted by the Board of Regents in its meeting yesterday. Most of the measures taken up dealt with readjust- ments in the personnel of the faculty, or concerned the war time operation of the University. All leaves of absence granted pre- viously were extended one year. In ° addition leaves were granted Wp Fran- cis L. Goodrich, reference librarian, and Miss Elizabeth E. Steere of the Law library. Also leaves were grant- ed Assistant Professors H. B. Merrick, C. 0. Carey and Hugh Brodie that they might accept engineering work on the Grand canal in China. Make Appointments Appointments were as follows: W. N. St Peters, of Big Rapids, to an in- structorship in the physics depart- ment; Miss Grace Quick as a demon- strator of anasthesia in the Medical school; Harold R. Snow to the $500 fellowship of the Michigan Pulp and Paper Manufacturers' association; Elmer H. Worth to the -Stearns' $500 fellowship in pharmaceutical chemis- try; Assist. Prof. C. O. Davis, of the education department to a full profes- sorship; and Edmund Wild and A. F. Hurlburt to assistant professorships in the department of modern language in the engineering school. Enlargement of the office and the rendering more efficient'the facilities for obtaining entrance into the Uni- versity hospital were provided by the board. It also appropriated money for the purchase of a valuable collection of law books from the Harvard law library, and some engravings of Eng- lish and American judges and lawyers. Money was also appropriated for the purchase of maps to be used in the in- steuction of the training detachment now at the University. Approves Contracts The board approved the renewed contract for the training of 700 stu- dent mechanics at the University, and the establishment of the naval re- serve unit. It also decided that in case the government should send the 2,800 men here, as is a possibility, that the board should be called together to make plans for meeting the situation. The Degree of Doctor of Laws was conferred upon Ladye W Forbus and Herbert W. Clark. Additions to the Stearns collection of musical instru- ments were accepted from Prof. A. A. Stanley. They are a signal whistle, contributed by Dean John R. Effinger, and a K-in, one of the oldest forms of Chinese string instruments, contri- buted by M. A. Ives. The sale of two small houses in Baltimore, a part of the Octavia Botes bequest, was order- ed. FLAHERTY TO LECTURE ABOUT BELCHER ISLANDS FRIDAY Setting up a movie studio in Baf- fin Land, on the northwestern coast of Greenland, taking pictures of the natives and showing themrto the in- habitants of the Belher Islands, which he explored, is what Mr. Rob- ert J. Flaherty has done. Mr. Flaher- ty lectures on Friday afternoon at 5 oclock, his subject being "The Belch- I er Islands-Their Exploration and winters among the eskimoes and dis- covered a number of new features about the islands heretoofre almost FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Huron and Division Streets 10:30 TOMORROW LEONARD A. BARRETT SPEAKS THE TYPICAL AMERICAN Prof. W. D. Henderson speaks at close of service on "The New Democracy" on Page Three) 1 i unxnown.