PAGE FOUR THE WOLVERINE THE DETACHMENT NEW DETACHMENT HECEIVES $10,000 FROMPAYMASTER Only 70 Minutes Required to Pay Off Entire Body of 700 Men Approximately $10,000 was paid out to the members of the second train- ing detachment Tuesday afternoon. The men lined up on North Univer- sity avenue in front of the North University avenue Ann Arbor Saiings bank branch at 3:30 o'clock. The entire number of 700 odd menj were paid off within 70 minutes, mak-' ing the remarkable record of paying off one man in every six seconds. Only one window was open, and one clerk handled the entire amount. A number of the men were surpris- ed to find out the small sum they re- ceived for their month's wages, but they forgot to figure the allotments, and the war risk insurance, which took practically one-half of the reg- ular pay. INDIANA ALUMNI SECRETARY ENTERS REPUBLICAN OFFICE Bloomington, Ind., July 17.-Ralph 'V. Sollitt, alumni secretary of Indiana university, has resigned to accept the management of the New York head- quarters of the Republican party as personal representative of Republican National Chairman Will H. Hays. He will begin his work in New York, Aug. 1. THE Farmers & Mechanics Bank SOUTH MAIN STREET CORNER HURON STATE STREET OFFICE 330 SO. STATE STREET A Good Strong Bank WithEvery Banking Need Tear Gasiis I Had a Little Pony I had a little money, I put it in the bank, I lent it to the government To help buy a tank. I saved stamps, I saved food. I did without my candy, Because I thought it very good To have a bond handy. Alex. Wilson. LEAVE IT to. us, we can't see what the pony has to do with it, unless this particular personage sold it for ready cajhl. SHUSH! ! A deep mystery. There are reports going the rounds to the effect that, the summer school di- rectory might not appear until late in the season, or at least until we are packing our things for home, due to the fact that it can't be printed un- til late, and the prohibitive prices in other printing shops. It would be a pretty good suggestion for the b. m. to request students through his cols, to phone up the office if they want to find out the telephone, ad- dress, and home town of their girls or beaux. How's that for service? ONE GLANCE at the Wolverine last time reminds one of the simpli- fied spelling that T. R. attempted to introduce. Here are a few of the bears: Yusilanti, breaches (breeches, harizan, ecellent, and many others. "Q. R. KILLED IN ACTION,"- Headline in the Swindler Sheet. Oh, if he were only given a chance to land successfully behind the Hun lines, he sure would have made things Hum for' a while. "HAD COAL MINERS FREED FROM DRAFT."-Headline in Detroit News. Looks like we may not be cold this winter. But, may one ask, what is the matter with the soft coal HOSTESS HOUSE SHOWS EFFICIENCY IN WOR? Churches Assist in Entertaining Me Sundays Through Y Com- mittee Many inquiries have been made re garding the efficiency evinced by th Hostess house in securing rooms, en tertainment, or members of the de tachment for the visitors. The sys tem is thorough and up-to-date. Whenever a person desires to se a man in the detachment, that per son registers at the Hostess hous and an orderly is sent out for th men desired. If perchance, the visit or or visitors desire to walk aroun before the man can get off duty a arrive at the Hostess house, they te the hostess in charge the exact hou when they expect to return. In thi manner the smallest amount of con fusion is avoided. As to the entertainment schem the boys desiring entertainment re quest o1 at the "Y" tent as soon a they know if they are to be in th city Sunday. The homes desiring t entertain get in touch with the per son representing their church on th committee for home entertainmen the members which in turn phone a the names and addresses they hav secured to Lane hall, where the a4 signments are made. The member of the committee are then given tb assignments that have been made t their respective homes. Sunda morning at mess the boys are give their assignments and are asked t get in touch with their hostess b phone. The members of the entertainmer committee are as follows: Mrs. Hopkins, Disciples; Mrs. McAuliffe, St. Thomas; Dr. Tatoc St. Andrew's ;Mrs. Markley, Baptist Mrs. DeBarr, Methodist; Miss Gooe rich, Presbyterian; Mrs. Tinker, Cor gregational; and Mr. Fiegel, LutI eran. He Surely Just SECOND ENIEBIINNi Know the Cook Food served at mess at Camp n Jackson is better than that received Frank J. McIntyre Heads Prograi while in Ann Arbor, according to a Babe Leitheiner Will Danle; letter recently received from Priv. A. Ritz Whistle C. Billingsley, a member of the first training detachment. The men are Members of the Knights of Cole well housed, and enjoy camp life. bus will give the second enterta "All of the 11 of us boys arrived ment in the K. of C. war tent al safely in camp at 1 o'clock Thursday o'clock tonight. There will be morning," wrote Private Billingsley. number of men in the detachment "We were met at the depot by Lieu- the bill, together with several prof e tenant Critten don and brought out sional numbers. rto camp in a large truck. Camp - Jackson is situated six miles from The leading act will be Frank PI Columbia City with a population of Intyre in a repertoire of fun. I t about 40,000. There are about 30,000 McIntyre promises to give the me t- in training here and more coming in hers of the detachment a big numi A every day. The climate here is some- full of humorous songs, jokes, a r what different than in Ann Arbor for stories. lr it is as warm as the deuce here in Babe Leitheiner, the 10-year- the daytime, but one thing which we wonder, is the next leading attr s can be thankful for, is that the tion. She has been performing nights are cool. fore different lodges in the west( "We all live in barracks, sleep on part of the country. She is cons , cots the same as at Ann Arbor, but ered to be the best child dancer I- have to line up to receive our meals the stage. Miss Leitheiner has at mess time. The food here is real- cently completed a tour of the we e ly better than we received there and ern cities, appearing before large r you get more of it and all you can diences in fancy dances. r- eat. We have not as yet been issued Gustave Ritz is booked for a wl ie any equipment, but that will come tling fantasy with the birds in pa 1t later. One thing they put the ban dise. His whistling has already ve on is wool suits. tertained a number of Ann Arborit _ "We are going to be sent to school and has caused much comment. again and there are about 11 different Owing to* the fact that the lea s branches we can take so that has the of the Jacobus symphony orchestrs t0 advantage of Ann Arbor. This is the unable to appear tonight, the m e first school to be started here and ager of the orchestra has consen y there will be about 300 in attendance. to have the regular band, which. t Everyone who makes good will be scheduled to render several sel y made a sergeant and probably kept tions. here as an instructor." Private Kruse, who is alre, nt known to the men of the detachm Subscribe at the "Y" tent for The will sing several solos. Miss De C. Detachment News. Now 50 cents, will also contribute a few-songs. k, d- Save the Pieces n- h- Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day TRY OUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED I miners? SUMMER SCHOOL B and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AT University Bookstore State St. THE EBERBACH & SON COMPANY 200-204 E. Liberty Street Aiwa' CHEMICALS, DRUGS, SUNDRIES ys Good Quality The Best the Market Affords 637,000 AMERICANS CARRIED TO EUROPE IN THREE MONTHS London; July 17.- Of the 637,927 American troops brought to Europe in the months of April, May, and June, 350,956 were carried in British ships, according to a statement made in the house of commons today by Sir Leo Money, parliamentary secretary to the ministry of shipping. He added: "Ar- rangements are being made whereby we hope to carry larger numbers in the future." No Baseball Here Saturday Through inability to obtain use of the Varsity diamond Saturday, the Wolverine summer baseball team will not play Ypsilanti Normal here Satur- day, but will go to Ypsilanti the fol- lowing Saturday. No Wheatless Days in France Paris, July 17.-The abolition -of wheatless days in France after July 20 is ordered in a decree issued today. More Visitors at Hostess House Monday, July 15 The visitors during the first part of the week who registered at the Hostess house were: George Lordham, Bright- on; Harry E. Root, Brighton; William Fitzgerald, Standish; Ida Pomeroy, Benton Harbor; Mrs. H. C. Stayton, Mary F. Dunn, and Sara Hoff, Ann Ar- bor. Tuesday, July 16 H. W. Hughes, Harrison; Miss E. L. Miller, Detroit; Misses Florence and Rosalie Frindell,' Minneapolis, Minn,; Miss Appel, Detroit, and Mrs. G. M Delbeit, Bay City. Typewriters cleaned and repaired. O. D. Morrill, 322 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch.)-Adv. 3-tf LET US SHOW YOU OUR ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES You Should Have One Hailer & Fuller State Street Jewelers THE NEW CATALOGUE of the ilhiversityof Michigan IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Schools: LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, EN- GINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHARMACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH T HE W A TE R WAY B E TW EEN DETRWIT aBUFFA LO , The D & C Steamshipav Line, with daily service from Detroit to Cleveland, and De1toit otBuffao ofrd~s oarite routefor travel betwentheepin r eat ofCleveland II-nsur he"begseobtainabl nth a o uurosappon ets safety andhealth o passeng ersare alsoabundantlypovided frllsteam ers bein equipped with wireless service aoter mHodernsaeydevices. ":0 A. ., Esetrn Tim.vClveland steamrsrleav~e Detroit daiy t 10:45P..en- efc rom Bfalo toatroitand Cleveland to Detrroit.Alsoregular steamerervie from Toledo and Detroit tMina Il and and Lake Huon way nports.,ircio. Ask our tickt agent to route you via D. & C.Line, making connections with rail lines e Si END 2c STAMPFor illustrated pamphlet and Great Lakes Map. Address, L. G. DETROI & CLEELANDNAVIGATION COMPANY - hlpH.M lan rs A.A- Shnt-ViePes -Gnl.Mr Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michiga