I~lf[11{111IIIIII1it1H111111ti1; PCK ZRIN U S ( A t the Thea
Afternoon-a:3 and 4:00 By CAMPUS PROFSSORS AT THE ARCADE
Evening-7:o, 1:o and xo:on Constance Talmadge is c
Phane-ssa-J - by some to have surpassed
ThPrs Gr 89JacM FR Y =frd in Present Outlook for a Career in the previous screen successes
"His Majesty, Bunker Bean." Also Field of Geology is Excel- portrayal of the madcap
Hiolmes Taels and CosedyFedf e1g38Ecl potalofhemcp
Sa2o-Bryant Washburn in "Twe- lent - "Up the Road with Sallie,"
,y-One." Also Pathe News and the offering at the Arcade
Sun Mon-2-22-J. Stuart Blackton in (By Prof. Ermine C. Case) today and tomorrow.
"Wild Youth." Also essett Cam- The work o the department of geo- The comedy is said to be b
Toels- ed- 3- Ase Basug e logy and geography in the Univer- breezy and exactly suited to
Comedy. sity of Michigan is directed toward ents of the popular star. I
Thss-Feri-z5-z-O-Nid Beset io
Nasrbsy, Nnughy" Also Holmes the advancement of knowledge, of the of unique situations, each f
Travels and Comedy, "Oh U Boat." earth and the response of its inhabit- hard upon the heels of the
ants to the various influences of cli- and each adding to the fun a
mate, soil, altitude, hydrography, to- tery which make the plot
Orpheum Theaters pography, etc., which are brought derfully complicated thing.
to bear upon them. snap and energy she puts i
Eening-noo, 5:nand ro:oo Geology is essentially a study of the character of Sally, who co
Phone--6o-J interaction of the various forces of staid aunt into the outeri
Thurs-Fi-r8--BeF RBenett in nature upon matter under natural adventure, that is principall
"The Last ebeel" Also Keysoe codtnsIisa
Comedy, 'M. Miller Muddles" = conditions It in an application of the sible for her success.
Sat-2o-Mary Miles Minter in "So- laws and principles of physics and
ial Briars." Also Newsesand Com-
ed. chemistry to the matter of the earth. WISCONSIN GOVERNOR'Sc
Sn-Mon--2-22-Jack Richadsonria There are so many phases of the sub- LEAVES SCHOOL FO
-"His Esemy, the Lose" Also SeeialYP
No. 8, "Vengeance nd the Woman." that it is impossible to even name
Tues-23-Vivian Martin in "Molly+=
Estangled." Also News and Conm- more than a few of them here. Phy- Milwaukee, Wis., July 17.-
Weda4-J . Stuart Blackton in "The siography has to do with the shape Philipp, only son of Governo
Judgment House." Also News and+B and shaping of the earth's surface by joined the navy today. He is
Thos-Fri25-26-Gloria Swanson inN the rivers, waves, winds, ice, etc.; old and a junior at the Uni
omedty, 'Nesespper Cippins."s tn structural and dynamic geology with Wisconsin in the department
IIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIlllIIlIUIIIIIIIIIII lIIi6y the position of the various rock mass- arts. Young Philipp said he
es and the changes going on within navy because he wanted th
them, also with cause of the great that would give him the mos
disturbances of the earth's crust by, ure. He will go to Munici
Sivolanoes, earthquakes and mountain- Chicago.
making movements; economic geology
SHOWS AT 3:oo, 6:3n, 8:00, 9:3 with the recognition and location of INSPECTORS FIND DAIRIE
r5c Unless Otherwise Specified. valuable material of all sorts; histor- FAIR SANITARY CO
PROGRAM FOR JULY ical geology with past events of the
SUp the o d Wi h Snalie" nd earth and the position of the land and (Continued from Page C
Chrstie Comedy, A Bold Bad water masses at different intervals of be done to advine the dairy:
Knight." 20. b oet dietedi
Sae o-Harry Morey in "A Game time; paleontologic geology with the to have good clean, bacteria I
Wieh ate" anodDGeeseComedy eeomn at.t aego labcei
"When Two Play a Game." development of life upon the earth. The latest discoveries made b
Mo- n-Viola Dana sn"The Only The department is attempting to train entists employed by the go
good" sod Flag Comedy, "Theenitemlydbthgo
Spoiled Girl." men for teaching the various branch- will also aid the dairymen,
es, for service in the different state inspectors intend to give thi
geological surveys and the federal edge to them on their mon
geological survey, for commercial of inspection.
Courteous and satisfactory work as oil, coal, ore, or soil geolo-
TREATMENT to every custom- gists, and to give an intelligent idea Age Cannot Wither
er, whether the account be large of the subject to those who are Inter-
or small, ested in the subject an part of a well Sir: Must Idrag forth tha
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank rounded education. aC.oH wP Tittien-Aofe
Incorporated 1869 Outlook for Career Brilliant has dared me. Tany rate, I
Capital and Surplus, $560,000.00 The outlook for a career in geology to run an eating shop for
Resources.........$4,000,000.00 was never more brilliantrthan now. dents, and on one occasion w
- At present, under the ;stress of war lg a cup of coffee with h
. Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. conditions, men possessed of any immersed in the beverag
707 North University Ave. knowledge of ground water condi- Pop," remonstrated the ui
tions, the sources of usuable material "you've got your thumb in
for construction or metallurgical fee" "'Sall right," said P:
work, soil conditions, and fertility, hot.'
Open A L L ,Summcr fuel, either gas, oil, or coal, or a - -Chicago T
hundred other branches of the sub-
ET LT U Tject can be of the greatest use to the migratory movements, the c
government. Under more normal con- wars and political crises are
ditions the rapid exploitation of all soil, the climate, the water,
Lunch R 0011 the natural resources of the country routes of transportation, and
has developed a demand for experts in able deposits of the earth. TI
LUNCHES, SODAS every branch of the science which ian, economist and the polit
AND TOBACCO absorbs the output of trained men at all very closely concerned
338 SO. STATE ST. once. It has been very difficult to content of a modern cours
etain men in the various universities graphy and students of thes
until their period of training was com- ments in the University are
plete. large measure of value in s
DETROIT UNITED LINES Stratigraphic geology, which is us- studies.
ually taught as a part of historical There is no one of the p
etween Detroit, Ann Arbor & Jackson geology, has to do with the position industries which is not dire
of the various layers of the earth's efited by geology and geogra
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-Leave surface and their interpretation. Its there are none of the hi
in Abor, :5 a. i., :o a. m, atfd horly
:ro, function is to determine the age of which would fail to find help
acks nRapress Cars (loal stops sto si the different beds and correlate their rial in the subject. On the of
in Abor)-8:48 a. s.ansd eery ems hosesa ntesbjc.O h t
L8 l pars Rast Bssnd- 35 a. in., i:4s separated parts as they appear in out- the two sciences are the aj
n., 7:o5 a, m., and every two hours to crops. The determination of the age of physics and chemistry in I
5 p. m., 10:so p. m. Ts Ypsilanti only, and the correlation is accomplished ing the problems of the eartl
o5_ p. i., 9:50 p. i., rr:i0p.M.120inthprbesoteeah
m. sox:o a. m. To Saline change at by the aid of the contained fossils so results touch every phase o
lal cars West Bound-6:an a. i., 7:2 the study of paleontologic geology be- life
s., 11:20 p. m comes a very practical matter. Cer-
tain geological products of value are L. C. Smith, Royal Underv
confined to beds of a certain age, they other high grade typewriters
P C S may appear only once or they may oc- and rent. O. R. Morrill, 3
Plain Chop Suey cur in successive periods but confined State St. (Over Baltimore I
Rice -- One Pot Tea to particular beds within those periods Adv.
35 CENTS and they must be accurately located in
depth as well as geographic position. LOST - Conklin Fountain
Open during Summer Aside from this purely commercial tween library and Hill au
School phase the students of fossils have con- Reward. Call 885-M.
Quang Tang Lo tributed some of the most brilliant
chapters in the development of the HELP WANTED-MALE-B
613 E. Liberty St. theory of evolution. ' money selling specialties
Phone 948-R Geography Is Now Practical elties during spare time. N
Geography today is - far removed tional Specialty Company,
from the old place geography, where Building, Jackson, Michiga
Chinese andAAmericin Dishes the ability to name all the chief towns,
OPEN LL SMMER capes, and rivers, of any country or Dancing at the Armory e'
OPENALLSUSEIER to bound a state was the sufficient urday. Finchers orchestra,
Try GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY sum total Geography now approach-
WAI KING LOO es the matter from the casual side, Trunks and travelling bag
314-S. State St. Pione 1244.1 the development of peoples, the great purposes-Koch & Henne.
Get This New Drink Today
all her It Will Surprise and Delight You
in her
Sallie in The reason so many people like Excelo is that it has a snappy, palate-
which is tickling tang possessed by no other beverage.
theater . And because it is rich in food elements which are bracing, cheering, in-
vigorating and energizing.
right and It is possible-as we have now proved-to brew a beverage which exactly
the tal- suits the critical palate of the beer drinker as well as people who have never
t is full used beer.
former, EXCELO
and mys-
a won-.
It is the is non-intoxicating. It is not a substitute or a makeshift of any kind. It is the
nto the result of long, exhaustive, scientific experiments, made with a view to produce a
axes her new and different drink.
world of Excelo has a mild, delicious flavor that is a delight and a revelation to
y respon- everybody who drinks it. It is a splendid tonic-full of vitality and rich food
for the blood and the body.
It is put up in sterilized, air-tight bottles, never loses its sparkle and its
SON character, and always satisfies.
R NAVY Get a case of Excelo. Drink it with your meals-before you go to bed-
whenever you are thirsty.
-Cyrus L. Excelo Beverage Co.,
r Philipp, Detroit, Mich.
s20 years
versity of Trade supplied by NATE HORNING, Phone 1778-M, 208 S. 4th Ave.
of liberal
chose the
Regular steamer service between
Detroit and Buffalo. The two Giant
Steamers of the Great Lakes-City of
Detroit III and City of Cleveland III
-make daily trips between Buffalo
and Detroit, leaving Detroit at 5 p. m.,
leaving Buffalo 6 p. m. Daily service
is also given between Detroit and
Cleveland. The steamers Eastern
States and Western States leave both
points at 10:45 p. m., arriving at des-
tination early the following morning.
Four trips weekly are made between
Toledo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackinac
Island and St. Ignace over the Coast
Line to Mackinac. Railroad tickets
are honored on allD. & C. steamers.
Sheehan & Co.
C. W. Graham, Prop.
Eastman Kodaks Eastman Films
I have led while others followed in amateur finishing for twelve
years. Now we are still leading. We guarantee perfect results
or no charge. We give you "Peace Time Results" as we have
a plenty of Metol (which we could sell at $50.00 per lb.) and
we venture to say that no other firm is using Metol for finishing.
If you want the best results you will brilg your films here
Two Doorsfrom L Y N D O N' S UNorth
HiO1 Auditoism 1 .~JJ. ~ Unsverssiyey u
More Charming Than Ever, in
"Up the Road With Sallie"
From the Novel by Frances Sterrett
Clean as a whistle and swift
an a wink-this story of a
young adventurer who sought
romance with a bank-roll,
and found it!
Constance Talmadge will
give you laughs galore
with thrills for paprika.