FOUR THE WOLVERINE HE DETACHME NTNEW DETICMENT BHAVES Tear Gasitis WELI I ISPECIONWe Still Wunder Twinkle, twinkle, little Czar, Officer Commends Men; Declares He How we wonder where you are. Will Rate Them High in Report Dead or buried-shuffled off to Government Or still a healthy Romanoff? FROM THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE. The inspection held ,by Captain THE LATEST puzzle for war fiends James H.. Buell, Saturday, was near- to solve is the solution of the von ly 100 percent perfect, It was the Hindenburg riddle. Won't some Hun offer 500,000 pfennings for him, dead best inspection he ever witnessed or alive? according to his own statements. ISN'T IT A gr-rand g-1-o-r-i-o-u-s Immediately after inspecting the feeling to hear the money jingle in members of the detachment at the your jeans today. The paymaster is- regular Saturday inspection in the n't a bad sort of a fella awfter all. barracks, he talked to the men in The Winding Trail Waterman gymnasium informing There's a long, long trail a winding them ,of .the exceptional high rating Into No-man's-land in France he intended to give them. Where the schrapnel shells are burst- This procedure is somewhat unusu- ing al, for an,army inspector usually in- But we must advance. spects the quarters, and sends in a de- There'll be lots of hikes and drilling tailed report. Another feature of the Before our dreams, all come true inspection was the fact that the en- But we're going to show the kaiser tire time consumed. was less than 10 What the U. of M. boys can do. hours. For a detachment, or. an army division containing more than 700 With the Stars and Stripes before us men, it usually takes from two to three We'll go over the top. days to inspect. With your spirit there to guide us Capt. James 1. Buellwas present at We will never stop. a battalion inspection held on Ferr With a cheer we'll all charge onwaid, field Saturday morning. Every rec- And with a cheer we'll break through. ord of the detachment, the enfire num- Then, America, you'll know that ber of barracks-in fact, each minute We are fight, fight, fighting for you. detail was systematically inspected, NEW WAR PARODY and but two small mistakes were not- LEAVE IT to the U. of M. boys to t i i r a a r E F ' HOSTESS HOUSE HAS Provide J!luch NON-COMMISSIONED MANY ISIJORS SUNDAY Enetan en1 OFFICERS_INS1RI Five days of solid entertainment is Roster Shows Decrease, However, booked for the men of the detachment School Started by Sergeant (ompared with Number Last in the Y. M. C. A. war hut and the to Hell) Them Solve T Week K. of C. tent. The Knights of Colum- Problems bus will give their second entertain- Visitors at the University of Mich- scent at 8 o'clock Thursday night. Classes for non-commissio igan training detachment hostess The program will be as folfows: ficers of Company A were star house were nearly as numerous dur- Tuesday - Entertainment by the night by Sergeant Christian E ing the last week-end as the previous Masonic dge, "'y tent,-The purpose of the classes weeks. The number registered on the Wednesday-Motion pictures, ' thresh out with the men pe roster shows a slight decrease. tent. problems that are constantly Among one of the novel features Thursday-K. of C. night; Frank J. ring. The men raise a questi introduced by the Hostess house was McIntyre in a repertoire of fun; Gus- by means of illustrations th the cookie jar. A three-gallon can of tave Ritz, whistling fantasy with the tion is reached. cookies, and a large jar of lemonade birds in paradise; and the Jacobus This is the first time that was placed in Barbour gymnasium symphony orchestra. No program in school has been organized by several evenings ago. One of the men "Y" tent. the second training detachme entered the gymnasium, took notice Friday-Stunt night by Co. A, "Y" ular periods are made for of the cookies, and after being told tent. nights, when they meet and that they were for the men, rushed Saturday - Motion pictures, "Y" military manoeuvers. out for his friends. In less than three tent. Before the required period minutes a whole regiment marched Sunday-7:15 o'clock, Mass in K. weeks is completed, Sergeant double quick time through the Host- of C. tent; lecture by Dr. Thomas hopes to have a number of t ess house for the cookie jar. Cookie G. Sykes, who has recently returned commissioned officers from re-enforcements, together with, the from "Y" work in France, "Y" tent, nies B and C in the classes. reserves, were put in force, and by evening. the time taps sounded, every member More than 50 of the men received Insurance Totals Almost $' of the detachment had a sample from invitations through the "Y" for Sun- Il the cookie jar. Late reports indicate day dinners in Ann Arbor homes. Incomplete o compilations that there was one cookie remaining, Prof. S. B. Laird, of Ypsilanti, spoke mr s k out but that mysteriously disappeared on "Characteristics of Jesus," Sun- mens sn he detachment for early the following morning. day evening in the "Y" tent. Mrs. ne shows a total of $6 The list of the Hostess house Carl Smith sang two solos. The officials believe that wl guests is as follows: A stereopticon talk was given by be over the m700, mark Don Palmer, Mount Pleaant; Mrs. Prof. E. R. Turner at the "Y" tent be over the $7,000,00 mark Cecil Rhodes, and Floyd Boomer, last night on "What to See When We Flint; L. J. Cartington, St. John; Mr. Get to England." After the lecture, taken out less than $10,000 w and Mrs. L. Stanton and family, De- the men were given a waterselon war risk insurance. The c troit; Elizabeth M. Daly, Pearl Arm- feed. amount taken so far is $2,000. strong, and H. E. Marti, Flint; Mrs. Primate Sluns Iecoverl Albert Johnson, Mount Pleasant; TAKE OUT LARGE Private Willi s T.cimons Mrs. J. L. Carpenter, and Mrs. Harry Private William T. Simons, B. Carpenter, St. Johns. INSURANCE SUM detachment, who was recently Saturday, Jaly 13 . an automobile truck on North Mr. and Mrs. George Barries and Company C still holds first place, sity avenue, was discharged f: family, Newago; Mrs Ethel Brill, Company B, second, and Company A, hospital yesterday. He is rap Lansing; Miss Lottie Thompson, third, for the best health. record for covering from his injuries. Lowell; Mrs. Velma Sower, Len- the week ending last Saturday. The wick; Miss Clara Sower, Belding; record for the entire detachment for Pictures Taken of Detaclss Edward Thompson, Lowell; Edgar the week was .008 per cent. This is Pictures of the 711 men in th Sower, Fernwick; Mrs. R. Moorland, a trifle higher than the previous ing detachment were taken at I Detroit; and R. B. Cowin, Salt Lake week, but the record remains lower Saturday morning on Ferry fie City, Utah. than the rate attained in the different is the first time that the men Sunday, July 14 cantonments. Company C maintains this detachment have ever hs Mrs. W. J. Olds; Mms. R. S. Swin- the lead by having but six men sick pictures taken in a group. ton, Bonnie J. Willings, Miss K. Shel- for the entire seven days. At 1:30 o'clock Saturday the baas, Miss Y. Meece, Blanche Hornik, also several pictures taken of' Amanda Ricker, Dorothy Blasdale, Trunks and travelling bags for all during the inspection in WE Mrs. E. M. Gocene, Mrs. E. Anderson, purposes-Koch & Henne.-Adv. gymnasium. In addition this 100 percent inspec- tion proves beyond'a doubt tq the of- ficials in command, and to the men themselves, that they are progressing rapidly. No extra preparations were made for the inspection, and this en- hances the value of the statement sent in by Captain Buell. FOR SALE-Canoe, rent paid up to next spring, $10, or rent for rest of season, $5. Phone 2351-J. L. C. Smith, Royal Underwood and other high grade typewriters for sale and rent. 0. R. Morrill, 322 South State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch.)- Adv . 34f THE Farmers &Mechanics Bank SOUTH MAIN STREET CORNER HURON STATE STREET OFFICE 330 SO. STATE STREET A Good Strong Bank With Every Banking Need teach the Teut that right is might. Y.I.AC. A. Notes Dr. Kalenberg, formerly ;physical director at Camp ;Grant, Ill., now physical secretary for the entire Cen- tral department, which covers 17 states, was in camp Friday in con- ference with Secretary Herman re- garding the work here. He promises a speeding up in the furnishing of supplies and equipment. The new tent has arrived, which will increase the tent space from 40 by 60 feet, to 50 by 100 feet, and thus give much better service, and ac- commodations for the men. Those who wish to sign up for Sunday dinners should not wait until the last minute. Try to sign up by noon each Saturday. HELP WANTED-MALE-Boys make money selling specialties and nov- elties during spare time. Write Na- tional Specialty Company, 40 Sun Building, Jackson, Michigan. 3-4t Save the Pieces- Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day TRY OBUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED I LET US SHOW YOU OUR ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES You Should Have One Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers MILITARY SUPPLIES OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE "EVERYTHING FOR THE SOLDIER" GEG. J. MO E "SPORT SHOP" 711 N. UNIV. AVE. Evan Essery, and U. Hunanvill, Ann Arbor; Herman Prina, Holland; Ione Darling, and Mrs. George Darling, Grand Rapids; Mrs. Bert Andrews, Maryland; Elizabeth Weber, Glovers- ville; Ethel Watson and Leona Ban- ner, Ypsilanti; Hattie and Lillie Hoff- man, Monroe; Waiter Gallip, and Les- ter Docking, Pinckney; Mr. 'and Mrs. R. D. Cox, Lapeer; Mrs. Lloyd E. Johnson. Mrs. M. P. Grolfoil, and Miss Grace Wangus, Jackson; Verda Ogline and Rosalyn Ogline, Pittsburg. V Baker, Ypsilanti; Verna Lau- rain, River Rouge; Mrs. E J. Gleason and B. Payne, Lansing; Miss Clara Scott, Alpena; Mrs. Frank Platt, Lan- sing; Mary E. and Annie K. Strong, East loivas; Mrs. Charles Hollister, Mrs. C. J. Fsx, and Carl J. Fox, Lan- sing; Mrs. Fred Bertmeyer, Mrs. Eng- land, and Mrs. Michalke, Mount Pleasant; J. E. Everiss, Jr., Miss Ella Myers, Miss R. Everiss, and Miss G. Hurburt, Adrian, and G. C. Bal- bach, Royal Oak. Mrs. H. Diehl, Mrs. A. F. Meloche, Annie Slothouer, E. E. Slothouer, Miss E. Gords, J. W. Glenbee, L. Ja- cenchen, William Jacenshen, William E. Perry, Mary Platt, Nath. Platt, Theresa Dorge, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Dennis, eVina Laurain, Meta and Ida Lorf, Carl Rinhard, F. Costenoble, Annie Watsman, L. Stzenger, Anna Jaenicken, Miss Lillian Cloeschel, Mrs. . . cHrter, Miss Ogla Leppert, Mrs. C. P. Redcap, Miss L. Cole, Mrs. L. E. Seiler, Mrs. C. L. Allen, Mrs. E. Warner, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. M. Ladensack, A. Ladensack, Carl Lad- ensack, Dorothy Ladensack. Ulliversity ofui IS NOW READY 1 1 1 . THE NEW CATALOGUE of the Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and Scho LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, EN- GINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHARMACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Indivit Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michi