PAGE FOUR THE WOLVERINE THE DEHENT NEW NICTS OF COLUMBUS Tear GasidisI WAR TENTNOW OPEN1 PASSING THE BUCK taro Hinder Prm But Cod ains SHner Progr .e A.t Crowd The colonel calls the major Fills Shelter; YX . C. A. Assists 1When he wants something done. In Opening Exercises And the major calls the captain, And starts him on the run. The Knights of Columbus war tent, hich was recently erected on the The captain then gets busy ampus for the detachment, was of- And strives to make it suit, dally opened at 8 o'clock last night. By shifting all the baggage espite the fact that the rain hinder- On a shavetail second neut. d in some of the plans, the tent was The said lieutenant ponders rowded with members of the detach- And strokes his smoothy jaw, tent and.their friends. Then calls a trusty sergeant Several of the speakers and sing- And to him lays down the law. rs, who were scheduled on the orig- ial program, could not be present. The sergeant calls the corporal, . motion picture show was planned Explains how it must be, y Mr. Hamilton of the Y. M. C. A., Then the corporal calls a private ut it was postponed on account of And that poor private's me. se Knights of Columbus opening. Co-operation Evinced This is the way a private The Rev. Father M. P. Bourke Gets his orders in the army. poke a few words on the splendid Trench and Camp, Camp Funston -operation evinced between the POETRY APPEARS to be all the nights of Columbus and the Y. M. go with humorists, so this is the start A. Mr. Newton Fetter, of the in- of the bunk. ai Y. M. C. A gave an excellent talk The Cabs Are Raving Again a the purposes of the two organiza- (From the Swindle Sheet ons Prof. William A. McLaughlin The dining room had been set with oke for the members of the faculty many little tables, as well as with the University. several long ones, so that small Flags off all the allied nations were groups might have their lunch to- ised on the outside tent poles. The gether. On the tables were snowy terior of the tent was thoroughly cloths, and bowls of flowers, giving luipped with benches, a stage, writ- the banquet roo ma festive look. g tables, a canteen, a Victrola and a TALK ABOUT BROMIDES! Here's layer piano. The piano and the Vie- one from the Wolf Rine ol were recently moved from the "The zing zing of the mosquito and nights of Columbus club rooms on manifestations of other of the little ie corner of Division nd Huron denizens of nature will have no ter- rests. ror for this group of farmerettes. Frank Ryan Speaks Each girl will be gayly swinging over The program was, opening address her shoulder, at the end of a stick, y Frank Ryan, grand knight of the her lunch tied up in a red bandana cal chapter of the Knights of Co- handkerchief. tI was decided that .mbds; old Irish songs by the Rev. this was the handiest to say noth-: ather Goldrick; a selection by Van's ing of being the most picturesque eod; talk by Prof. William A. Mc- method of portage." sughlin; song by Robet Diterle; EX-CUBESS HAS mixed canoeing ilk by the Rev. Father M. P. Bourke; terms with the low brow populationj ng by the Rev. Father Goldrick; who is NOT helping to win the war, ik by Mr. Newton Fetter, of the Y. but is still somewhat PICTUR- C. A.; battle song by Mr Robert ESQUE. leterle; and closing number by en- A LEARNED instructor of the Uni- e audience, chorus of the battle versity recently said, "The difference mg. between a low brow and a high brow is 99 per cent. vocabulary. 1,400 Pairs of Shoes Arrive Fritz, We're After You More than 1,400 pairs of regulation Keep your head down, Fritzie boy, my shoes arrived at noon yesterday. Keep your head down, Fritzie boy, r'mess time the entire detachment Last night, by the pale moonlight, seived one pair of army shoes, while We saw you, we saw you. eremainder was issued by the quar- You were mending your broken wires rmaster this morning. When we opened rapid fires. This completes the issuance of If you want to see your Fater und )thing to the men in the detachment, your Faterland, :tra clothing will be issued to the Keep your head down, you dirty Hun. n as required. ANONYMOUS SONG WRITER. Officers' Pictures Are Taken "Personal Health"-Subject Pictures of all the officers in the "Personal Health - A National As- ond training detachment were tak- set" is the subject of Dr. W. E. For- in front of the gymnasium at 8:30 sythe's lecture on Tuesday afternoon :lock this morning. At 5 o'clock in the auditorium of the Natural Science building. It was an- THE nouncedi in the list of summer school armers & MechaIcs" lectures as "Personal Health-A Na- n ~tional Habit." Bank Dance at the Packard Academy SOUTH MAIN STREET next Saturday evening, July 13. Ike CORNER HURON Fischer's orchestra. Dancing 9 to 12.- TATE STREET OFFICE 880 SO. STATE STREET Dancing at the Armory every Sat- urday from 9 to 12. Fischer's or-, ood Strong Bank With Every Banking Need chestra. NEW UNIFORMS RESULT FROM WREXPERIENCES Long Trousers Replace Present Mod- el; Shoes and Boots Also Have Changed Appearance (From Stars and Stripes, France) Your talior announces his winter opening. Incidentally, he has a few new creations for summer and fall. Your tailor, otherwise the Q. M., has _ got a line-not of talk, but of wearables-that is the result of sev- eral months' experience showing just what happens to army clothes in the trenches, behind the lines, and in the wear and tear of toil in the bases. Every alteration and new issue an- nounced (and there are several) is the outcome of a defect in wearing qualities and bodily comfort or a worth-while economy that did not be- come apparent until the test of war had disclosed it. And thereby stands proved the slogan of the army's tail- or: "Your comfort and welfare is our first concern." Hence, the new blous- es, new trousers, new gloves, new shoes, new boots and all the rest. To begin at the bottom, the new shoe, of which you have already heard, was evolved after a winter's use of the old shoe in trench warfare proved that it lacked the qualities of wear and waterproofness that a good shoe should have. It had stood up beautifully in sham battles in the States, with dry ground underfoot, but over here it was different. New Shoe's Service Record Briefly, the new shoe's service rec- ord is this: Wider last, higher instep, more toe room (allowing the wearing of additional socks), toe plate pro- jecting up over end of sole, heavier heel plate, sole attached in manner to prevent leaks, absolutely water- proof. It has been tested at an A. E. F. orthopedic hospital, and a fine report has been given it. It is esti- mated that the new issue will reduce shoe replacements not less than 50 per cent. Then there is a new boot. The boot we had was thought to be excellent, but trench use showed it wasn't the perfect thing desired. The new boot will be absolutely wa- terproof inside and out-for perspira- tion can easily spoil the lining and ultimately rot the whole fabric un- less the lining itself is proofed. There is also an ankle strap which wil secure the boot to the foot, so that no footwear can be lost through getting caught in the mud and suck- ing free of the unsuspecting wearer's leg. In the hip boot the seam above the knee has been changed to the back, so as to do away with the discomforts of chafing. The most radical change is in the new breeches. The funny thing about the new breeches is that they aren't breeches. They're trousers - plain, ordinary, common long trousers-almost The end where the foot comes out is nar- rower, for one thing. The hips and knees are full. The regulation spiral leggin will be worn over them just as it is worn over the present issue. The new trousers will obviate all the defects of their predecessors - tight lacing, impaired circulation, easily chilled feet. Heavier Cloth for Blouses The new blouse will be of better appearance and shape and will bring the wearer more warmth and com- fort. The cloth of both blouse and trousers will be 20 ounce instead of 16 ounce wool. The pockets of the blouse will be cut-in instead of patch. The woolen gloves you wear next winter will have such long wrists that the wristlets being knitted for you at home had better be handed aver to father. For winter wear there is also provided a one-fingered leath- er mitten: to be worn over .the woolen Movies Tonight "The Hidden Pearl," is the title of a motion picture to be shown in the "Y" army tent at 8:45 o'clock tonight for the men of the detachment. The reels are booked from Detroit and have heretofore appeared on the regular Y. M. C. A. army cantonment programs. Mr. De Ross and Mr. Cald- well will sing songs. Mr. Mayloff will be the accompanist on the piano. ' Motion pictures will be shown in the "Y" tent on every Wednesday and Saturday evenings. The films are of the latest, and in places where they Iave been shown, have proved pop- ular At 8:30 o'clock tomorrow Company B will have their stunt night in the tent. The men in this company have splendid material, and a prospectus of the program shows that the evening wil be enjoyed by all the men attend- ing the affair. This is the first time. that Company B has appeared for stunt night. Company A will have its stunt: night a week from tomorrow. "Another American," by the Famous, Players Motion picture company, is' booked for Saturday's movie entertain- ment. The show wil start at. 1:41' o'clock, and several musical numbers; will be given during the performance. Wolverines at Kelly Field, Texas Lieut. Joseph H. Drake, E '16, and H. D. Draper, '18, are stationed at Kelly field, San Antonio, Tex. glove for warmth. In more temper-. ate seasons it will be used for heavy callous - raising work. The one with all five flingers, is de- signed for the use of mounted or- ganizations, motor units, wagons and truck companies, stevedores and oth- er h'onest working men. A new slicker is now being tested' in the effort to' provide an article ab-' solutely impervious to water. Before long a man will have to bore holes in" his shoes, boots, steel Stetson and' slicker if he expects any moisture to get through on him.1 Special clothing will be provided motorcycle drivers, chauffeurs and teamsters as follows: Kersey lined1 gabardine breeches, muffler (for the. man not the machine, and winter cap. MAJOR SWINTON UNA 10, COME: T1EE Sends Regards to Men But eel it ite Impossible Io Appear Mt utes Are All Full Efforts to obtain Maj.-Gen. Swinton, the man who creat' British tanks, to speak to the r the detachment were unavailin cording to a telegram receive terday by the local secretary army Y. M. C. A. Major-General Swinton re startled his Detroit audience 1 claiming in a solemn, but not pr :manner, "God damn the Germa what they have done." The Det cheered for more than two soli utes after this exclamation, but General Swinton thought it bet apologize for his words, He member of the staff of the F ambassador, Lord Reading. H represents the National service tion of the United States sh board. The substance of the telegrar as follows: "I regret that it is quite impc for me to come to Ann Arbor (yesterday), as I am fully book( turning to Chicago this ev Please ask the commanding off! wish the 750 mechanics God from me and to hope that th the tank service will 'treat rough'." Wherever Major-General Sv has apeared, large audiences greeted him. His message is those over there, and every wo says is from the heart. Every Man in War Lecture C Every. man in the detachment tending classes in the "Causes Present War," which is being by four University professors. classes are held from 7 to 8 o every evening except Saturday Sunday. Eighteen squads a nig tend the lectures. Professors Dow, A. D. Cross, A. E. R. Boal V. W. Crane are giving the lectu the Engineering building. Subscribe at the "Y" tent fo Detachment News. Now 50 ce THE NEW CATALOGUE of the I' ilivorsity o"f Michigai IS NOW READY Complete information concerning the eight Colleges and School. LITERATURE, SCIENCE, AND THE ARTS, EN- GINEERING, MEDICINE, LAW, PHARMACY, HOMEOPATHY, DENTISTRY, GRADUATE, AND THE SUMMER SESSION Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Land- scape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a Course for those preparing for the scientific administra- tion of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individu Information, address The Dean of the School or College in which interested, or SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University Ann Arbor, Michiga Save the Pieces Broken Eye Olass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day TRY OUR SERVICE. EYES EXAMINED LET US SHOW YOU OUR ARMY AND NAVY FRAMES You Should RHave One Haller & Fuller State Street Jewelers 7 7 1 l 1 .q t E