a"God helps tose who help them- ' SIDN 10 BE NOMALT one actplus,"TheiGolden
selves." hepewoheDoom," "Helena's ulSand," and theld IITO A
"No one knows how long the war " 11111MX1iIU0IVIIUUIIIU
is Mnst Not Think of End Un-
sk of Defeating Germany
is Accomplished
atil the very end with. noth-
of a full peace was the mes-
ught to the University and
iy the four speakers at the
meeting held at 2 o'clock yes-
ternoon in Hill auditorium.
look for the end of this war
ames warned General Leon-
ood. "No one knows how long
will lat-it must be until the
me. Cost what it may it must
Ilust 11e Efficient,
right won't win it, we must
more eflicient than the Ger-
he war won't be won on the
e, but will be won here at
Ate must do great deeds,
ich, say little. The big bur-
e war will soon be ours and
prepare to bear it. The motto
American must be 'I serve.,
must and serve we will."
I Wood then pled for univer-
Si after the war.
ed Unlversial Training
uber the lesson'%of today," he
ink what would have happen-
n had had to meet this on-
lone. We have accepted this
men--we must accept univer-
ng like men. Numbers mean
ess they are organized. Re-
your boys can be just as
and decent if they are stand-
as if they were unprepared.
a is the khaki clad form of
'al appeared on the platform
hr address of Sir Robert A.
he did not arrive until near-
ock, the crowd rose as one
ided him one of the greatest
ever given a man appearine
e University. He saluted the
audience and then took a
wside President harry B.
, The ovation was repeated
acluslon of his address.
zanne Indicts Germans
>han Lauzanne, of the French
smission and editor of Le
e great Parisian newspaper,
I the crowd with his spirited
it of the German people, and
ration that France was in the
the very end, andwould die
in rather than compromise.
f sympathy for the German
le said. "We who know, we
and Belgium, who have setn
and women shot and our
others and daughters trans-
sto bondage, we know that
ould be no sympathy. We
re are no good Germans, ex-
.Q who are dead. Because of
have suffered, and know, we
oday that we are notfighting
nation, or against a race or
but that we are fighting
he power of evil itself.
tinued on Page Three)
will last--it must be until the task is
"We must do great deeds-suffer
much--say little."
"We have accepted the burden of
this war like men, we must accept
Universial military training like men."
General Leonard A. Wood.
"France has lost 1,000,000 men kill-
ed, she has lost 1,000,000 crippled and
maimed. When the last man has made
the supreme sacrifice our women will
rise up."
"There are no good German people,
except those who are dead."
"Among the Allies there are n'
small nations. All of the nations are
great so long as they fight for liberty"
M. Stephan Lauanne.
"Who are we in the presence of all
that Great Britain and France has done
to boast of what we have done in the
first year,"
"The fatal error of the people op-
'ecsing Germany has been pacifism.'
"We have made the error of assum-
ing that peace is such an exalted con-
dition that right should be sacrificed
to it."
"It is better to go on to the very
end, no matter how terrible that end
may be, than to compromise."
James tIE. Beck.
"Until insolence is smitten there
can be no peace."
Sir Robert A. Falconer.
That the attendance of the summer
session will compare very favorably
with that of other years despite war
time conditions, is evidenced by the
number of early enrollments at the
registrar's office, the good correspond-
ence maintained, and the apparent in-
terest of the faculty and the student
body. As the greater share of the
prospective students have not as yet
arrived in Ann Arbor the present reg-
istration is indicative of a large. at-
tendance, in all probability greater
than that of last year, 1,449 students.
Over 275 courses will be offered.
Owing to the desire of many under-
graduates of military age to acquire
as many hours of credit as possible
before enlisting or being called to the
service, a great percentage of the male
student body will take advantage of
the opportunities that the summer
session affords. The attendance in the
Literary and the Medic colleges faces
an increase for this reason. It is
thought too that there will be a cor-
respondingly strong enrollment of
those under military age due to the
willingness of the student body to
adopt the "Work or Fight" slogan.
An unusually interesting program
of special lectures and entertainments
'vill be offered during the summer ses-
sion of 1918, the first of these, "How
to Read the Newspaper," will be given
by Professor F. N. Scott, head of the
rhetoric department on June 1st.
Maker of Dreams," were successfully
presented by the senior girls Tues-
day evening at the CampIs theater.
The second one, "Ilelena's Iitsband,"
was the bst received, albhougih ithe
third was nearly as popular. Tie mod-
ern satire on the three ancient char-
acters llelen, Menelass and Paris, was
the predominate feature. The fre-
quent allusions to pacifism and a
"piece of paper" were clever touches,
but the climax of the sarcasm was re-
vealed in the parody on the German
hymn of hate. All the acting was na-
tural and spontaneous in spirit, but he
part of Paris taken by Marelka Deng-
1er was especially well done,
The third play "The Maker of1
Dreams," was charming. Of the three
characters, Margaret Cooley was easily
the most popular. The plot, in which
Pierrot finally finds his ideal in Pier-
ette, by the help of "The Maker of
Dreams," was prettily brought out.
Rapid progress has been made by
the 711 men of the secolid training de-
tachment, detailed by the war depart-
ment to report at the University, June
Classes have been organized, com-
panies formed, and vacinuations made.
Family allotments and war insurance
has been been made out for each man
(lass Service Flag at Gradation
Show Many Men to ie Already in
Service of Country
With 47: stars on the service flag
hanging above the platform in 'Mill
auditorium, the 1918 war class of the
tniversity of Michigan graduated this
morning.E Expressed plans of the men
indicate that the remainder will be in
service of some kind before the end
of the summer.
Although hill auditorium was
crowded the effect war has had upon
the University during the past year
,was very apparent, in the draping of
the flags of the Allies above the plat-
tarot, the service flag of the senior
class, and the even added note of
solemnity in the ceremony. When
presentimtg the diplomas President
Sarry H. Hutchins referred to the 471
men, whto cstead of being present to
cce ive their degree were already in
the serire of the country.
Pres. Bryan Speak '
labits of life as traps in which men
are crushed when social changes oc-
cur, and means of avoiding them, was
the theme of the commencement ad-
dress delivered by President William
Lowe Iryan of the University of In-
"The evolution of life on this planet
from its first ieginnings until this day
may be viewed as on the one hand the
creation of the organs and the habits
which are found to be temporarily use-
ful and then ain escape out of the trap
of thioe organs and of those habits
into greater and greater freedom,"
said President Bryan.
Play is Valuable
"There are two things that can be
done to escape the traps. One should
apend a certain part of his energy year
by year in acts which lie outside of his
bread winning occupation. This is the
defense for play in all its healthful
forms, from the play of little children
to the high forms of play which we
call art. Play in all forms and gen-
eral education in all its forms tend
to keep us young, tend to keep us
plastic, help us to escape from oc-.
cupational traps.
"There is, however, a far more fund-.
amentat way of escaping from the trap
of one's occupation. That is by a
deeper mastery of the occupation it-
Freedom in Success
President Bryan then cited several
examples of people who rose out of
the rtt of their routine occupations
itto intellectual and social freedomi
by plunging deeper into them and
gaining new knowledge of the sub-
jects. He upheld general rather than
specialized knowledge, since it per-
mits of readier acceptance of condi-
tions, which means better chances for
success. He declared vocational train-
ing as it is being taught, to be injur-
ious to the future of children, and
favored study of the classics, not for
(Continued on Page Three)
AMIONG lIEN SO HON- ABSENCE OF CLASS OFFICERS in the detachment. Out of the en-
ORED PREVENTS REGULAR EXERCISES tire number of men, there were only
12 who took out less than $10,000
Iteresenting the University President Due to the fact that all of their ofR- worth of wvar insurance. The total
Harry B. Hutchins this morning cers were in service, and many mem- value of this insurance reaches $7,-
auvarded Ionorary degrees to ten men hers as well, neither the senior law or 000,000.
woaehonay derescomplishen senior engineering classes were able Uniforms Are Isere
who have shown by their acemuplish- to hold their regular class day exer- Uniforms have arrived, and it is ex-
iments that they are worthy of the cises. The literary class was able to pected that 11ey wihl be isuI to the
honor. - present its program by securing sub- men by the end of the week by Quart-
Among the number are General stitutes for those members who had ermaster Edward J. Stoer, who was
Leonard A. Wood of the United States gone. The program was as follows: formerly stationed at Camp Joseph E.
army, M. Stephan Lauzanne, member Program Johnston, Jackson 1111, Florida.
of the French high commission, and Orchestra. The commissioned personnel of the
editor of the French newspaper Le President's Address .............. faculty totals 16, as follows:
Matin, Sir Robert Alexander Fal- ..........James Schermerhorn, Jr. Captain Ralph Henry Durkee, Cap-
coner, president of the ttniversity of History. Vera Hazel Brown lain Bedford E. Vaughan. First Lieut.
Toronto, and James Montgomery Beck Poem....Jeannette Maud Kiekintveld Mark A. Millberry, First Liteut. Charles
of the New York bar. Prophecy.......Philip Clarkson Pack J. Harrison, First Lieut. John P. Nor-
The list in full is as follows: Oration............Allen Shoenfield vall, First Lieut. Ray G. Walter, First
Mlaster of Arts "The Yellow and Blue." Lieut. William K. Montague, First
Jesse Buttrick Davis, present prin- Orchestra. 4 Lieut. Grover C. English, First Lieut.
cipal of the Central high School, SeyaRourAL. Elliott, Second Lieut.
Grand Rapids, Michigan ii oFO MER RUSSIAN CZAR SHOT Frank Godfrey, Second Lieut. Harry B.
Brutus Junius Clay. Graduate in BY FLEEING BOLSHEVIKS Curtiss, Second Lieut. John D. Jacob-
the class of 1868, United States com- son, Second Lieutg Thomas J. North,
missioner to the Paris ExpOsition, Paris, June 27.-Former Emperor Second Lieut. Percy A. Thompson, and
Minister Plenipotentiary to Switzer- Nicholas of Russia was shot and killed Seomsd Lieut. Edward J. Stotter, Q. M.
land from 1905 to 1110. by Bolsheviki troops during their re- C.
Iaster of Engineering treat to Kekaterinburg, according to First Inspeelien Held
James Berry Foote. Consulting a dispatch from Kiev dated Wednes- The first inspection of the detach-
engineer of the Consumers' Power day, June 26. It is also rumored that ment was held at 1:30 o'clock last Sat-
Company of Michigan. the czarvitch, former heir to the Rus- urday afternoon. "It was the best
Doctor of Engineering sian throne, is also dead. first inspection that I have ever seen,"
Gardner Fred Williaj is. General Food riots have broken out in Pet- remarked Captain Durkee afterwards.
manager of the De Beer' .'nsolidatet rograd and Bolshevik troops turned Drills have been held at definite per-
(Continued on P.,' Twto) machine guns on the crowd. (Continued on Page Three)
'ribe Now! .-
7cW V RIN E Summer School
with Each Sub-
ur doorthreeCv it :
a week . Official =Summer School Paper sc ption 00