PAGE TWO THE WOLVERINE t - k WuerthTheater Afternoos-: and 4:00 Eening-ps 0s,:o andaaoa U Phone--6-J PROGRAM FOR JULY us ii - o-PauljesFrederickjin 'Laosca" Also Hobes Taels adComoedy. Sat-r3 oney Castle in "Hill Crest Mystery." Also Pathe News and 5 SusMon-.4-15--Wi liam S. Hart in The Tiger Man." Also Sennett Comedy, "Kitchen Lady." - Tues-Wed--6-sy-Henry B. Walthall Hin"His Robe of Honor" in 7 Parts. 2 T PusFui-tg erJab Pickford Aisn "HsMoiestly, BnkersBat." Also2 Holmes Travels and Comedy. 2 OrpheumTheater I Aternon-:3oanatd 400 Evning-7:0;8:ooand a0:oo Phone--6o-J PROGRAM FOR JULY 2 PThurs-Fri-st-s--Roy Stewart in 2 " Ths Rd-Haid Cpid." Also Ky-= stoneCosdy, "I Lo eChats. A- bert' - Sat-13-William Carroll in "Dangero Within." Also News and Comedy. Sun-Mon - 14-5s-- Alma Rubens in "Madame Sphinx." Serial No. 7, Vengeance and the Woman." . Tues--6-Sessue Hayakawa in "The 5 Seret Game." Also News and Com- . edy5 Wed 17-Jack Pickford in "Jack and Jill." Also News and Comedy. fnuillliliiillliunwirnulumlifflumluufi ARCADE SHOWS AT 3:oo, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 Ss Unless Otherwise Specified. PROGRAM FOR JULY Thos-Pi-s-s-Mas Mashbits "All- Womat" and Christie Comedy, "A Lucky Slip." oc. Sat-13-Nll Sipsan and Alsd Witmta its "Bas-s, Sos oaas" agewd s'Comedy, "A Case of Rogn is." Mn-s-Harold Lockwood in "Lend M AeYos eNase" and Flagg Comedy, "The Atst Mdl." Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00 Resources ........$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Mqin & Huron. 707 North University Ave. O p en A L L S u m m e r S LUNCHES, SODAS AND TOBACCO 338 5Oe STATE ST. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor & Jackson Detroit Limited and Express Cars-Leave Ann Arbor, 7:25 a. m., 8:o a. m., and hourly to 8:10P. t.- Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Atn Arbor)-8:48 a. mn. and every two hourst to 8:48 P. t. Local Cars East Bond-5:35 a. o.,6:40 a. t., 7:05 a. t., ad evey to orso s 9:5 p. om. to:so p. t. To Ypsilanti only, 8:o P. Mto.9:50 P. t., sa:50 p. t., -22 aop., :o a. to. To Salisne cbg at Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. to., 7:23 a. t., "t:ss p. to. Plain Chop Suey Rice -:- One Pot Tea 35 CENTS Open during Summer School uaig Tang Lo 613 E. Liberty St. Phone 948-R Chinese apd American Dishes OPEN ALL SUMMER Try GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY - WAI KING LOO 314 S. State St. Phone 1244.M tbe ltlonverine Official student newspaper for the summer session of the University of Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 to 12 o'clock, daily. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.. Russell Barnes-Managing Editor Phone 2414 or 319 Agnes L. Abele--Business Manager Phone 960 or 1892 THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918 ENTERTAINING DETACHMENT MEN Several Ann Arbor families have already entertained in their homes members of the training detachment of the University. More should fol- low their example. As a class the men are as cultured and well bred as many of the men enrolled in the Univer- sity. They come from some of the best homes in Michigan. It is natural that such men taken out of a home environment and thrown together in military quarters, should miss some of the advantages and com- forts of home life. Especially is it so during the first weeks the men spend in camps- Entertainment in a home such as they have left goes far to help tlleviate the longing for home surroundings. Not only does such entertainment provide pleasure for the men, but it also helps them resist temptations that surround the military man. Cut loose, as they are, from home ties, and ob- liged to form new habits of living, the renewed contact with home life should assist in forming the right kind of new habits. And the obligaton is not all one sided either. Residents of a university town are comparatively isolated as far as the real facts of the war, and its influence on the country, are con- cerned. The population of such a town is not representative, and won't be af- fected in a representative way. From contact with these men a fresh out- look can be gained. They can add to your practical knowledge. If you want to entertain them call the Hostess house. Y. M. C. A. REQUIRES HUGE SUM TO CONTiNUE CAMPGN More than $100,000,000 is required by the army Y. M. C. A. during the coming year if its work fot the Amer ican and the Allied soldiers in this country and in Europe is to be con- tinued at normal. Announcement has just been received here that the war needs of the Y. M. C. A. in te 12 months following its financial cam- paign, which will likely take place in October, will probably reach a total of $112,000,000. This will cover every item of work that has already been undertaken. For the first time since the decision was made to hold another big cam- paign in the fall of the present year, an itemized statement of purposes to which the new fund would be put has been made public. It is offered for the first time herein. For Y. M. C. A. work in the United States $29,000,000; for American troops in France $42,000,- 000; for troops in England, $2,000,000; for similar work with the French army $9,000,000; for work with the Italian' army $2,000,000; for work in army and prison camps in Russia $1,600,000; for other allied needs and prisoners of war $2,000,000; for working to carry on canteens $20,000,000; for workers in war industries in the United States $5,000,000. WHAT'S GOIRG ON July 11, 5 p. m.-Rabbi Eli Mayer. 8 p. m-Educational motios pictures. July 12, 4 p. m-Shakespeare's "Ao You Like It," 8 p. i.-Shakespeare'o "Romeo and Juliet," Elsie Herndon Kearns and her company. Admission will be charged. (Campus theater.) July 13, 4 p. m.-Ibsen's "The Master- Builder," 8 p. m.-Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Elsie Herdon Kearns and her com- pany. Admission will be charged. (Campus theater.) July 15, 5 p. m.-The Origin of Man (Illustrated). Prof. E. C. Case. 7:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the Ob- servatory. Admission by ticket only. July 16, 5 p. m.-The Social Outlook After the War. Mr. A. E. Wood. 7:30 p. m.-Visitors' Night at the Ob- servatory. Admission by ticket only. 8 p. i.-Personal Health a National Habit. Dr. W. E. Forsythe. Jieing the Story of a Detroit Trip Men under 21 years of age ought to wear a bow of blue baby ribbon in their lapels, or some other insignia to designate their extreme youth during these war days. If they have any fussing proclivities and have any con- sideration for the object of their af- fections they should be particularly careful about this Smatter. If you don't believe it, ask (we'll call him Joe). The story reads as fol- lows: Joe, a perfectly nice college boy, and one of Michigan's fairest, whom we will call Lena, thought they would go to Detroit and see S good musical comedy, before Joe left for the fourth officers' training camp at Fort Sheri- dan. Neither of them knew Detroit, and consequently were surprised to find nothing of merit in the dramatic line there at that time. It was then that the great idea occurred, which was nothing less than a moonlight to Sugar Island, a bit of a socialogical venture, you know, to observe the masses in their leisure moments. Cards or Patrol All went well until debarkation at 11:45. At the foot of the gang plank stood two officers shouting "Your classification cards or tl patrol wagon for yours." Joe grew a bit pale around the gills for being under 21 he of course had no card, and his recently acquired mustache gave him the appearance of a man about town of 30. Remonstrance with the officer proved futile, and Joe found himself in the patrol wagon with nine other unfortunates, waving a touching farewell to their girls on the dock. Now most of the girls Lena instinc- tively felt were not from her strata of society, and her first impression was confirmed when one of them ap- proached' her in a chummy manner and said: "Gosh! ain't this war terrific? I can't go home alone." Lena flew up the street at this, not knowing where she was going. Fortu- nately she spied a taxi, which she got to take her to the M. C. station. She bought her ticket for Ann Arbor and was going through the gates at about 2:30, when she felt a hand clapped on her shoulder. Her heart almost stopped beating, and she could al- ready picture herself going down in history as another mysterious disap- pearance. Turning around, she saw Joe standing there. Fortunately he had been able to show his entrance papers to Fort Sheridan, and -had thus been allowed to forego the pleasure of a night in the cooler. Registrar Arthur G. Hall and his family left Thursday for the Chenaux Islands where they will spend their vacation, returning about Aug. 1. SUMMER SCHOOL and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AT University wanrSB00O State St. MAY MARSH The Girl of a Thousand - Faces" in ALL ~WOMAN" TheT Roiance of a Girl 1'Who Fought for Love -t and Won t t Theatre' Today and Tomorrow 20 Cents SUMMER SESSION LARGER THAN 1917 One thousand two hundred and ninty-nine is the entire number of stu- dents enrolled in this year's summer session as reported July 14. The in- crease over last year is due mostly to the war courses in community prob- lems, civilian relief and history, and to the fact that many students are hastening their graduation by attend- ing summer school. The number in the College of Liter- ature, Science, and the Arts, 639, ex- ceeds by 56 that of last year but does not equal 1916. The 1917 record for the college of engineering was 362, but this included 65 men in the army stores course so that the 303 of this year is really an increase. In the Medical school there are 158, in law 36, in pharmacy 19 and in the Gradu- ate school 144. The engineering camp on Douglas Lake last year had 89 men but has this sumer only 34. There are 13 at the Biological station as against 25 in 3917. The course in mechanical drafting is being taken by 47 women and the one in the architectural college by 10. SIXTY WOMEN SIGN TO TAKE 'YMNASIUM; SWIMMING POPUL AR About 60 women have signed up for gymnasium this summer, at least two- thirds electing tennis and swimming. The schedule for classes is as follows; Gymnastics, plays hnd Igames, folk dancing, Wednesday 2 o'clock; Friday 9 o'clock; aesthetic dancing, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 3 o'clock; tennis, Monday, 11 o'clock; Wednesday, 10 o'clock; Friday, 11 o'clock, swimming, Monday, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, o'clock; Tues- day, Wednesday, Thursday, 2, 3, 4, o'clock; Friday, 10, 11 o'clock. The swimming tank will be open for gen- eral use Fridays from 2 to 4 o'clock. Ushers Forego Regular Banquet Fifty dollars in War Savings Stamps, the net receipts of the check room at Hill Auditorium for the past year, have been turned over to the Red Cross by the ushers of the Chor- al Union, instead of being devoted as usual to the ushers annual banquet. ALL MAKES TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE or RENT Typewriting Done HAMILTON BUSINESS COLLEGE State and William Sts. Jiadame Picard SpeaksTonight "The French Children" is the subject of an informal talk to be given by Madame Jean A. Picard at 8 o'clock this evening at Lane hall. Madame Pic- ard was a French correspondent for American newspapers during the first year of the war, and M. Picard ill be remembered in Ann Arbor for a lecture given at Hill auditorium some weeks ago. An unusually attractive program has been arranged. The first number will be several French songs by lit- tle girls in Miss Alice Lloyd's school. The talk by Madame Picard will be the second number, and a group of songs, embodying the spirit of our Allies by Prof. Theodore Harrison, accompanied by Prof. Albert Lock- wood, will end the program. No admission will be charged. Y. M. C. A. Receives Many Gifts Many of the citizens of Ann Arbor have been very kind in contributing several useful articles for the Y. M. C. A. detachment tent. Mr. L. E. Wenzel has given a fine hand painted war map to the detach- ment. The University School of Mu- sic has donated a victrola, and dif- ferent fraternities have given a num- ber of records. Anyone wishing to give any records or other articles to provide entertainment for the boys, are asked to notify the University Y. M. C. A. Such gifts are appreciated very much. Dancing at the Armory every Sat- urday from 9 to 12. Fisc er's or- chestra. Dance at the Packard Academy Dancing at the Armory every Sat- next Saturday evening, July 13. Ike urday from 9 to 12. Fischer's or- Fischer's orchestra. Dancing 9 to 12. chestra.,