A. WEEK Y I THE ONLY OFFICIAL SUMMER NEWSPAPER No. 7 1OHE STUDENTS GODTOSHED/DAN cled by Lieut. Mullen and Are g Notified by Letters; to Leave July 18 'Y ME1BEIRS INCLUDED cimately 80 students and 16 nen of the University will go o. T. C. training camp to be ly 18 to September at Fort Ill. The men have been by lieut. George C. Mullen, r of military science, and are tiled letters informing them of ection. As soon as the replies ived the list will be announc- Alowing communications from department relative to mili- ining at the University were by President Harry B. Hutch- Baker's Letter rder to provide military in- s for the college students of try -during the present emerg- comprehensive plan will be ffect by the war department, g with the next college year, mber, 1918. The details re- be worked out, but in gener- an will be as follows: ry instruction under officers -commissioned officers of the 11 be provided in every insti- f college grade, which enrolls instruction 100 or more able- tudents over the age of eight- se necesary military equip- ill so far as possible, be pro- . the government. There will ed a military training unit in titution. Enlistment will be oluntary but all students over >f eighteen will be encouraged ,nThe enlistment will consti- student a member of the army Inited States, liable to active the call of the President. It wever, be the policy of the ent not to call the members aining units to active duty un- have reached the age of 21, rgent military necessity com- earlier call. Students under therefore not legally eligible tment, will be encouraged to the training units. Provision nade for co-ordinating the re- feers' training corps system, dats in about one-third of the e institutions, with this broad- [nnecessary Depletion new policy aims to accom- two fold object: first, to de- s a great military asset the dy of young men in the col- d secondly, to prevent unnec- ntinued on Page Three) Al LSIE I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1918 PRICE THREE CENTS Elsie Herndon Kearns, who comes with her own company of out-door players in Shakespearean and Ibsen repertoire to give four performances July 12 and 13, in the Campus theater INTEHESIINC PDOSBAM PRESENIEDDY1AMISTS Second Complimentary Concert De lights Audience Last Night at Hill Auditorium (ly Helen Kemper) 'The second complimentary concer given by the faculty of the Universit School of Music wvas held in Hill audi torium, Wednesday evening. A ver interesting program was rendered by Mr. Albert Lockwood, pianist, and Mrs Anna S. Imig, vocalist. The first number on the program was the Sonata Op. 37 by Tschaikow sky. The first movement, Moderato was a brilliant opening followed b an Andante non troppo with appeal ing and wistful themes, the Scherzo was gay and spritely, and the Final ended the composition with a grand uourish. The Sonata was so easily rendered that the technical difficulty was not realized. Mrs. Imig gave an Aria from "La Giocondia" which delighted her audi ence. Her encore was well known and received with pleasure. The airy scales and arpeggios of Chopin's Andante Spianato fairly rip pled under the light touch of the art ist. It was followed by the Grande Polonaise which is always a favorite Mrs. Imig closed the program with "Yesteryear" by Crist, "My Heart is a Lute" by Woodman, and "Dawn" by Curran. The pleasure of the audience was shown, in that, every number was en cored. Another such concert will be given next Wednesday evening, the program of which will be published later. "AS YDD[IKE IT" 10 ieatrice Fairfax OPEN SEIES_QOOWhat Shall .I o? ---- 'SGirls!-and whether you be she of Comtpany Declared to Be Hest in the Hoover factory fame, the A.B., Years; Will Give "Romeo and M.A., PH.D., Phebe . variety, or Juliet" in Evening any of the other 7, you will leant of something to your interest by calling Elsie Herndon Kearns, assisted by 184 between the hours of ci and 7 esorge Carleton Sones and a strong o'clock tonight. Here 17 of Michi- supporting company will open the se- gan's better men are waiting anxious- ries of ofgr out-door performances ly to hear a feminine voice. which she is to present in An Ar- Picture their plight. The summer b r, with a production of Shake- school directory sn't out yet, some speare's "As You Like It" at 4 o'clock are anti-coed, the air friends of oth- tomorrow afternoon. The performanc- ers left when the school year closed, es will be given in the Campus thea- and the mechanics have decamped ter between the Library and Univer- with the remaining possibilities. So, sty haile intcae Lofrain in tn- knowing the widespread popularity of verstyhall.csorthe Wolverine among Ann Arbor's verity all. osost representative young women, Scores Big in Ypsilanti they decided to appeal through its The company comes to Michigan columns for feminine companionship. from Wisconsin and is traveling east. They place no qualifications what- , A performance of "As You Like It" ever upon the type, realizing per- was given Tuesday night at Ypsilanti cance, that a "references required" and, according to Prof. M. P. Tilley, plea might entail reciprocation. And who was present, the company is the here they are: Jay Stough, George best that has come here in six or Stone, Al Haigh, J. Wirth Sargent, seven years. A large audience was Harry McCallum, Doug Bond, Ben very enthusiastic over the splendid Motter. Harold Boron, Woo. Scott production and the characterizations Trowbridge, King Messner, Chas. Mc- of Rosalind and Celia as played by Callum, Doc Collins, Speed Harbert, Miss Agnes Scott, formerly of the Bill Isham, Leland Kennedy, Murray Ben Greet company, and Miss Kearns, Gardener.-Adv. respectively, are said to be delightful- The interpretation of Touchstone is1 also especially pleasing. SOUS HN T P The production is more completeR than it was as formerly played and COCR O E RS y begins at the very beginning of the play with the scene in Oliver's court- yard and the interesting wrestling match. The incidental music is very Organization Comes July 25 Through y effective. According to Professor Til- Agency of S. A. Moran; Appears ley, the production of "As You Like at Auditorium It" will be the best choice for those who are planning on seeing but one John .Philip Sousa and his famous of the series, although "The Master band appear July 25 at Hill auditor- - Builder," which has never been given ium in a benefit concert for the Red , here before, will prove quite novel. Cross. The contract was closed yes- Perhaps no summer event has pro- terday by S. A. Moran, proprietor of vided as much entertainment for the the Arcade theater, who had planned people of Ann Arbor as these annual to have the band play at the Arcade. out-door presentations of the plays When he learned that the auditorium e of Shapespeare. Added to the high could be obtained he offered to turn I standard of the cast, the novelty and his share of the receipts over to the charm of their acting in the open has Red Cross, and was accepted. made the company famous during Patriotic productions will be featur- their 15 years in America. ed by Mr. Sousa in his program. In Combines Many Qualities addition to the band numbers there - Miss Kearns has been the leading will be solos by Miss Marjorie Moody, I feature with the original Ben Greet soprano, and Miss Ruby Helder, ten- players for several years and is pro- or. The concert will be held at 8 f claimed by the press and public as o'clock. Prices will be 50 cents, 75 - one of the most talented exponents of. cents, and $1. - Shakespeare's women in the past dec- Use of Hill auditorium was obtained e ade. Mr. Somnes was also with the by Dr. Louis P. Hall who took the mat- Ben Greet players until Mr. Greet ter up with University authorities, who returned to England. readily granted permission. s Many plays make bid for patronage' solely on spectacular features, the Son Horn to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Page gorgeousness of scenery, or the elab- A nine and one-half pound boy was s orate nature of costumes and "prop- born to Mr. and Mrs. Melvi E. Page - erties," and too frequently the real during the examination week. Mr. e dramatic interest is. ignored. When Page is a member of the '19 dental e a drama combines all of these quali- class. Mrs. Page was formerly asso- d ties, it is always popular and such a ciated with the Univlersity health (Continued on Page Three) service. SUMME BASEBALL TEAM PLAYS PSI Normal Game First for Newly Formed Volverine Niue; Oher tiames Will Follow XOI MEN WATEI) T' T6RYOtT With Adams and Cooper of the Var- sity champions of the West team, and Hardy, Robins, and Wilson of the all- fresh as a nucleus, Michigan's sum- mer baseball team will go to Ypsi- lanti Saturday afternoon for a game with the Normal nine. The latter is being coached by Coach Mitchell, Wol- verine all-fresh and basketball mentor who arranged for the game, and is try- ing to schedule more. No organiza- tion has been perfected and all men who want to try out should call Rychener at phone 609. The team leaves Ann Arbor for Ypsilanti at 1:10 o'clock Saturday. There will be no practice before the game. There is a possiblity that Rube Shideler, who broke into fame by beating Chicago 7 to 6, and Iowa 7 to 2, may be in the box for Michigan. At last reports it wasn't sure that he would be able to go, but chances are good. If he goes the Wolverines have a good chance of coming- home with the game. . Men who will go are Adams and Cooper, members of this year's cham- pionship team, Hardy, Robins, and Wilson of the all-fresh, Steve Farrell, who formerly played with Colgate, Barney of Western Reserve, Darling of Albion, and Pilliod, Messner, Ben- net and Rychner, all men of experi- ence. DIVINE AUTHORSHIP OF BIBLE DENIED Rabbi Levi Mayer, who is giving a series of lectures on the Jews, spoke yesterday on: "The Jew and the Bi- ble." He denied the divine authorship of the book, calling it, rather, the liv- ing testimony of the soul of the Jew- ish nation, and unquestionably inspir- ed. From this view of the Bible he showed the logical necessity of a dis- belief in its infallibility, inasmuch as it is human and prone to error. To prove it vacillating he cited the legis- lation of the Talmudic leader, Rabbi Hillel, who flourished at the time of the boyhood of Christ, which was in direct contradion to the Jubilee law of the book of Leviticus. Rabbi Mayer further disproved the accusation so often hurled at the Jew that he is legalistic, sacrificing the spirit to the letter, by saying that Jewish society even as that of all peoples, holds factions both liberal and conservative. I NNUAL SUMMER SESSION ENGAGEMENT OF HERNDON KEARNS Her Company With George Carleton Somnes CAMPUS THEATREJULY12-13 I Sale at Wahr's State St. Store daily, 4:30 to 6 p.m. irved Seats, 75o The four performances, $2.50 Matinee, July 12, "AS YOU LIKE IT." Evening, July 12 "ROMEO AND JULIET." Matinee, July 13, IBSEN'S "MASTER BUILDERS." Evening, July13, "The Tempest" mwlmmmmmmmmm