AGE TWO WuerthTheater Aftenon-a:3oand 4:005 " Evening-70 8ooand io:oo Phone-16o-J I I PROGRAM FOR JULY Tues-Wqd--i-o-j-AnnPennington in 'SuhshhW@Has." Als "Eagle ye yZ Na. 1f.' Sun-Mona-4-i5-William S. Hart in 'The Tiger Moo." Also Sennett Coo~sdy, "Kitchen Lady,' Tues-Wed-16-17-Henry B. Walthall i "His Robe of Honor" is 7 Parts. Thurs-Fri-8-19-Jack Pickford in "His Majesty, Bsu e ean" Also 11oboes 'Travels ond Comsody Sat-ao-Bryoos Woshbburnsi"Ta n at A O yAo atte News and '(omnedy. g OrpheumTheater Afternoon-2:o and 4:o Evening-7:oo, 8:ooand10:ao Phone-6o-J PROGRAM FOR JULY Tues---Julian EHtinge in "The Clover Mrs. Carfax." Also "Hagle Eye," No. 18. Wed-io-fPauline Frederick is "The Hungry Heart." Also "Eagle Eye," No. 1f. Thurs-ri -i--2-Roy Stewart in "'The Red-Haired Cupid." Also Key- stoso Comsedy, "ILose Chas. Al- : bert." Sa--13-William Carroll in "Danger Within." Also Noes and Comsedy. Su-Mon--14-s5--Alma Rubens in "Madame Syhinx." Sorial No. 7,w "Vegeance ad theWosson." 1111111 Ififill Iil#1if1111111111111111111111iyg ACA AE SHOWS AT 3:oo, 6:30, 8:oo, 9:30 =sc Unless Otherwise Specified. PROGRAM FOR JULY Tues-9-Sir Johnston Forbes-Robert- son in "Masks and Faces" and Pathe News. -c a Man Sees Red." (Ret.) and Screen Telegrams. Tba:s-ri-rr-oo-Mae Marsh in "All Woman" and Christie Comedy, "A Locky Slop." sos.. THE WOLVERINE Cbe L olverine Official student newspaper for the summer session of the University of Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday afternoons. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 to 12 o'clock, daily. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Russell Barnes-:sanaging Editor Phone 2414 or 319 Agns. E. A 4ele--Busseoo Manager Phone 960 or 1892 TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1918 UNIVERSITY LECTURES There are few students on the cam- pus who do not waste the greater part of their waking hours. These hours could be spent just as pleasant- ly and more advantageously if the student would devote a little thinking as to how he could better use his time and take advantage of the opportun- ities for culture offered by the Uni- versity. Too 'few students on the cam- pus seem to realize the advantages offered by the University course of lec- tures and entertainments being con- ducted in Natural Science auditorium, numbers on which are presented near- ly every day. At home students would pay a good sum for the privilege of attending a Chautauqua program of probably sev- en days duration, and whose headlin- ers offered no better material than WHAT'S GOING ON July 9, 5 p. m.-Rabbi Eli Mayer. 8 p. m.-Orthodontia and its Relation to Health (Illustrated). Dr. M. T. - Watson, Detroit, Michigan. July 10, 5 p. m.-Rabbi Eli Mayer. 8 p. m.-Concert. Faculty of the Uni- versity School' of Music. (Hill at- ditorium.) July 11, 5 p. m.-Rabbi Eli Mayer. 8 p. m.-Educational motion pictures. July 12, 4 p. m.-Shakespeare's "As You Like It," 8 p. m.-Shakespeare's "Romeo andl Juliet," Elsie Herndon Kearns and her company., Admission will be charged. (Campus theater.) July 13, 4 p. m.--Ibsen's "The Master- Builder," 8 p. m.-Shakespeare's "The Tempest." Elsie Herdon Kearns and her com- pany. Admission will be charged. (Campus theater.)- Y. 1f I.. A. GIVES THREE SOLID DAYS OF ENTERTAINMENT Three solid days of entertainment were provided for the detachment dur- fig the week end by the Y. M. C. A. The different programs were as fol- lows: Saturday night--Concert, string in- strument trio, Fred Motley, leader. Sunday-Bible class, Lane hall, 9:30 o'clock; go-to-church groups went to various churches, 10:15 o'clock; Am- erican-Hawaiian trio of Detroit,. con- cert, 3:30 o'clock; evening services, 8:45 o'clock; Miss Ruth Juliffe, so- prano; Miss Hood, accompanist; Rev. D. Arthur Savary of the North Wood- ward avenue Congregational church, Detroit, talked on "The Vital Thing Germany Lacks and America Up- holds." Monday-Stereopticon talk on "Vis- its to the Battle Fields of Caesar in France," by Prof. Albert R. Critenden, 8:45 o'clock. About 50 soldier boys were invited out to dinner Sunday by private fam- ilies. This is one of the really worth while things as it brings the young loon intol the right sort of environ- ment. Any who are willing to enter- tain the boys, phone Army Y. M. C. A., 1496-W, or the University Y. M. C. A. SUMMER SCHOOL and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES AT University W ahr's BSa Stae St. .LAOATO SU P P U I E S1. tQ CHEMICALS StudentToilet Articles -- Sundries THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY ST. Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson Everybody who knows anything about FAMOUS PLAYS NOTED PLAYERS THE BEST IN COMEDY-DRAMAS knows about SIR JOHNSTON FORBES-ROBERTSON and Charles Reade's Story of "PEG WOFFINGTON" This wonderful play entitled "MASKS AND FACES" has been produced in Photoplay Form with SIR JOHNS TON FORBES-ROBERTSON in the leading role, and a strong supporting cast. This feature insures a delightful en- tertainment. Today Only-July 9 The Arcade Theatre TWENTY-TWO CENTS that proffered by the men appearing here almost daily. Also they would Courteous and satisfactory 'REATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Dapita and Surplus, $550,000.0 Riesourees ....$4,000,000.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. Qpen ALL Summer TUTTLE'S Lunch Room LUNCHES, SODAS AND TOBACCO 338 Sd. STATE ST. DETROIT UNITED LINES -een Detroit, Ann Arbor & Jackson troit Limited and Express Cars-Leave Arbor, 7:25 a. in., 8:so a. m., and hourly soa p. a. :kson Express Cars (local stops west of Arbor)-$:48 a. i. and every two hours 48 p. M. ,cal Cars.East Bond-5:35 a, m., 6:40 1., 7:oa, a.m., andl esery twooubest to p. m., 1o:so:p. m. To Ypsilanti only, p. m., 9:50 p. m., t1:50P . a., 12:20 n o :1o a. in. To Saline change at anti. cal Cars West Bound-6:oo a. m., 7:23 a r p. M. Plain Chop Suey dice -- One Pot Tea 35 CENTS Open during Summer School )uang Tang Lo 613 E. Liberty St. Phone 948-R Chinese and American Dishes OPEN ALL SUMMIR Try GEORGE'S CHOP SUEY WAT KING LOO 4 S. State St. Phone 1244-M sit during the program in a hot, stuffy tent, with a multitude of shouting children playing around its borders. In comparison the University course is- conducted in a cool auditorium, especially constructed for lecturing, under the most favorable circum- stances. Also the lectures and enter- tainments are free. The regular lecture hour from 5 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon, is one which the majority of students waste. There are few on the campus but who could spend it in a beneficial inspiring lec- ture without interferring in the slightest with their present program. For the benefit of the campus The Wolverine prints in each issue a pro- gram for approximately a week ahead. Get the habit of looking over this pro- gram, and picking out the lectures or entertainments in which you have special interest. Attend as many as you can. These are bad days for the thin- ning ranks of the laws. The statue of a female lawyer now gazes out over the campus from a vantage place on the front of Martha Cook dormitory, and down the campus walks stalk engineers with mathematical books hidden in green bags. Shades of -lackstone and Coke! Many beautiful women have come to Ann Arbor in the past to dance at our J-Hops, but our fellow students, the mechanics, also import some that need not be ashamed in any compnay. "Why should the spirit of mortal be proud,' when ones manly form isn't encosed in khaki. IMIPIENSE SUM OF INSURANCE TAKEN OUT BY DETACHMENT Six million, seven hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars of war risk insaurance has been taken out by members of the second training de- tachment, up to the evening of July 8. Practically every man in the de- tachment has signed up for $10,000, and officials in charge of the tabula- tions expect the final total to be more than $7,000,000. This record is somewhat higher than the one of thefirst detachment, when all but 12 men took out $10,000 worth of insurance each. UNIVERSITY WOMEN STUDY ORTHOPEDIC RECONSTRUCTION estemn Heserve Mars Aliens Western Reserve university has es- The seven weeks' course in ortho- tablished a precedent by barring all R pedic reconstruction that is being aliens from attendance who claim ex- Detr given at the Normal Physical Train- emption on the ground of non-citizen- Stea ing School at Battle Creek fits women ship. Detr for work in hospitals for convales- -m cents in this country and abroad, LEASED LIVES. A Baccalaureate and where the graduates are placed on address delivered recently at the leav completing the course. The school University of Indiana by Lloyd C. is at Battle Creek is only one of many Douglas has been produced in a Clev which are established all over the brochure. On sale at the bookstores Stat country. A number of women have at 25c. poin come from towns throughout the ' tins saeespecially Hay City. Among the Fou vstatersi wlleBawhiyhA one Typewriters cleaned and repaired. Tols University women who have gone 0.BTorl,325 tt t Oe ola are: Marion Holden, '18; Ruth Mc- O. D. Morrill, 322 S. State St. (Over Isla Laughlin, 18, and Dorothy Inglis, as- Baltimore Lunch.)-Adv. 3-tf Lin sistant in the Zoological department. are. Katherine Harrington, '18, is doing Trunks and travelling bags for all civilian relief work in Detroit. purposes-Koch & Henne.-Adv. A Ten-Minute Lesson in Gregg Shorthand TWO GIANTS OF THE GREAT LAKES egular steamer service betwe xoit and Buffalo. The two Gis amers of the Great Lakes-City roit III and City of Cleveland ake daily trips between Buffs Detroit, leaving Detroit at 5 p. ing Buffalo 6 p. m. Daily sere also given between Detroit a eland. The steamers Easts tes and Western States leave be its at 10:45 p. m.,,arriving at d+ tion early the following mornii r trips weekly are made betwe edo, Detroit, Alpena, Mackir nd and St. Ignace over the Co e to Mackinac. Railroad tick honored on all D. & C. steamers SbeiA for'ThA Wnova S d n I m READ (by Sound) r at will' U. in not the ,. .gs" afl'':, , -, ,r _ WRITE by d n Can he lead the lamb here? Go get the cream a Omen s in the dairy. The rain will delay the deacon. will not May he go in at the gate? Lena made a good ..r in the' cake.,Can he get ready in a day? "' at the proper names GREGG SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING BOOKKEEPING CIVIL SERVICE COMMERCIAL TEACHING SUMMER SESSION HAMILTON BUSINESS - COLLEGE STATE AND WILLIAM STS.