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July 09, 1918 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1918-07-09

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VOL. IX. No. 6
",Michigan Cadet Explans Work Cov-
ered and Tells of New Camp to
Start on July 15
(By Ralph N. Du Bois)
Last Wednesday noon a long spe-
cial train, filled with khaki-clad ca-
dets; pulled out of Fort Sheridan, 11-
linois, and brought to an end the one-
month's R. 0. T. C. camp which was
held there More than 2,500 students
received diplomas covering their
work in the course of training, and
all were enthusiastic over the camp
and army life in general.
Wrk Comprehensive
The work covered in the period
was as comprehensive as the time
would perit and included practical-
ly every branch of infantry work.
The first task was to perfect the men
in close order drill. Three commis-
sioned officers from the army acted as
instructors in each company and rap-
id progress was made from the be-
ginning. The spirit with which the
men went at the drill helped wonder-
fully in maintaining stridt discipline
and perfection of detail. Extended
order was introduoed into the pro-
gram later.
"A la Doe May"
Physical drill "a la Doc May" was
given every morning after mess, the
student officers conducting the dri,
and doing their best to sound like
Michigan's athletic instructor when
they yelled for "lots of pep."
Once a week a battalion physical
drill was held under a special in-
structor in which the latest exercises
were tried out.
Bayonet Work Featured
Bayonet work formed an important
part of the course, for this form of
attack is becoming more and more
important in the battles on the west-
ern front. Long lines of cadets leap-
ed out of the trenches and rushed
across "No Man's Land," spearing
row after row of stuffed Huns as
they charged. At the end of the at-
tack the men charged up an incline
and jumped about seven feet down
on a row of prostrate 'Germans" at
the bottom. These were dispatched in
short order, and the whole perform-
ance was repeated.
Camp Was Success
That the camp was a great success
was proved by the fact that the war
department has decided to start an-
other on the 15th of this month which
will last until the 15th of Septem-
ber. One-quarter of the men who
attended the present camp will re-
tirn to the. next, and an additional
quota will he secured from the dif-
ferent colleges. According to the of-
fiers in charge, no promise of a
commission is made, the object being
' to provide a nucleus for an efficient
R. O. T. C. organization in the col-
leges next fall.
Hospitality Shown
One of the chief attractions of Fort
Sheridan is the hospitality shown the
cadets by the citizens of the neigh-
boring towns. Dances, suppers and
even grand opera entertainments
were provided free for the men, and
auto rides were plentiful.
Y. W. C. A. to Hold Reception

An informal reception to all wom-
en of the Summer Session will be
given by the University Y. W. C. A.,
Wednesday afternoon, July 10, at
Newberry Hall, from 4-5 o'clock.
The reception is given so that Univer-
sity women may become acquainted
with the wives of the faculty, and
with each other.




The Women's League will hold L[AYE1000D EID BITS
their opening get together party at
Barbour gymnasium Thursday after- Unit of 20 Girls Now at Traverse City
noon, July 11, at 4 o'clock. This par-
ty is the first of a series to be held Picking Cherries to Help Beat
throughout the summer session, and the Germans
the League hopes every women en-
rolled in the University will keep the Michigan's first farmerettes are at
date in mind and come to thegym- last a reality, for a unit of 20 girls
nasium on Thursday. Vaudeville left over the week end for the B. J.
stunts featuring a short farce, "The Morgan cherry orchards near Trav-
Marble Arch," grand opera by Lucille erse City. The girls who left from
Ruffe, and several other comic num- Ann Arbor are Virginia Cavendish.
bers are planned to entertain the Helen Ahrens, Ruth Abbott, Florella
audience for about an hour. Follow- McKay, Helen Bourke, Ruth Ely,
ing the program there will be danc- Marjorie Van Zandt, Doris James,
ing and refreshments. Grace Inshaw, and Frances Williams.
They will be joined by the rest of
the unit at Traverse City.
The original unit consisted of about
90 members, but due to the partial
SID N CNDUC OfWADfailure of the cherry chop, the num-
Aer has dwindled to 40, the remain-
_mn-ing half of which will report for work
Effiecy Results from Introduction on the 15th of July. It is planned to
of Modern Business Practices spend anywhere from three to six
Into Work weeks at the work, depending upon
the amount to be done and probably
According to Prof. John F. Shep- to some extent upon the girls' reac-
herd, who lectured on "Psychology tion to the various phases of farm
and the War" yesterday afternoon, life.
the introduction of psychological No Lack of Equipment
methods as applied to the army per- The zing zing of the mosquito and
sonnel problem is helping to put the manifestations of other of the little
war machine on a more efficient denizens of nature will have no ter-
basis. ror for this group of farmerettes for
The work has been done under the most complete plans have been made
direction of the Committee of Class- since the project was first formed for
ification of Personnel in the Army keeping up the morale of the unit.
and touches a number of different Each girl carries as an essential part
phases of organization. The classi- of her equipment a bottle of "Bite no
fication card, for example, is the re- More" citronella oil. Tissue paper
sult of seevral trial cards drawn up worn under the stockings and old
by this committee and revised after stocking legs on the arms furnish a
havng been tried out on men of dif- further margin of safety.
ferent occupations in Washington. By When the girls start forth to work
its adoption, it was made possible to at 4 o'clock in addition to these ac-
send from all parts of the country to coutrements, each girl will be gayly
the central office at Washnigton, a swinging over her shoulder, at the
tabulation of the number of men in end of a stick, her lunch tide up in
every type, of trade. Formerly all a red bandana handkerchief. It was
calls for transfer of troops and other- decided that this was the handiest to
wise came through this office which, say nothing of being the most pic-
though having no authority, gave in- curesque method of portage.
formation and recommendations Strictly Business
which were generally followed. Now,
however, all orders are made direct- Ltaeled exiene for this
ly from the War Department. untrammeled existence for this
Rating of officers in training group. It is thought now that an
camps, the testing of recruits, and empty factory about two miles from
the selection of high altitude men in Traverse City will be used as a dor-
the aviation service are but a few mitory, subject to the regulation of
more of the problems which the in- the supervisor. No girl is allowed
troduction of psychological methods to leave the farm with a man, nor
has helped to simplify, according to can she leave at all without first ob-
Itof. Shepherd, and he is if the opin- taining permission from the super-
ion that hit and miss systems of visor. Each afternon at 4 oclock
classifying army personnel will soon when the days toil is over, a swim
be entirely a thing of the past. ming party will be held with a life
saver on constant duty. On no ac-
MANY WOMEN VOLUNTEER count is a girl to swim beyond her
In addition to this unit, another
Many summer school women have was formed to go to the Ashmore
responded to the call for workers at farm near Old Mission. Plans for de-
Angell House, but more will sooi be parture were complete when a severe
needed. The present quota of 2.000 storm swept through Northern Mich-
first line packets and over 1,500 mus- igai and completely destroyedethe
lin dressings is finished and will be cherry crop at this point. owever it
shipped today. This number includes takes more than this to daunt the
all the work done in Washtenaw members of this group, for they im-
county, although it is sent directly mediatly sought a new location with
frnn Angell House where it is col- the result that they leave this morn-
lected for packing. The order for the ing to pick berries and weeds in the
new quota, which is expected today or gardensoThe Blind Institute at
tomorrow, is decided by the amount month, andewill iein asection of
of gauze that the government is ablem , and will live
to obtain the Institute. The girls going are
o . Katherine Loveland, Dorine Potter,
Lient-Col. Malejan Visits Hospitl Katrina Schermerhorn, Marie Thorpe
rit0 r4M and Anna Kirkpatrick.


Fifty-five women are enrolled in
the drafting course given this sum-
mer as a war time measure. Because
of the increasing demand for engi-
neers this course was planned to
teach women the elementary princi-
ples of drafting, so that highly train-
ed men need not waste time at work
that can be done equally well by an
apprentice. Women who successfully
complete the course will receive eight
hours' credit and may be recommend-
ed to permanent positions.
Forty students are taking Dr. W.
E. Forsythe's course in practical hy-
giene. Besides the lectures a dem-
onstration is given every week. In
these dairies are inspected for clean-
liness and efficiency of work. Andly-
sis of the water supply is made by
the instructor, and the students will
be taught how to do it themselves.
Part of the time is spent in learning
the treatment of contagious diseases
at the hospital. The latter part of
the course will consist of first aid in-
Many students are in the home
service coue, given by Mr. E. A.
Wood. Such courses have been given
in previous summers, but never be-
fore have they related so directly to
the Red Cross. But in time and ex-
tent they are superior to the courses
given by the Red Cross itself.
Ticket Sale Opens at 4:10 o'Clock To-
day at Wahr's Rook
The Elsie Herndon Kearns company
who will present a series of three
Shakespearean and one Ibsen play on
Friday and Saturday of this week in
the campus theater, are the most cele-
brated exponents of Shakespearean
and other classic drama in the coun-
try and their performances, given at
the leading educational institutions in
the land, as well as before the most
noted Chautauquas, country clubs, and
social organizations, have everywhere
evoked enthusiastic praise.
Strong Support
Supporting Miss earns and George
Carleton Somnes, who will play the
leading male roles, is a company com-
posed of actors of the highest ability,
selected for their special aptitude for
classicol or semi-classical require-
ments. Miss Kearns has every item
that makes for artistic as well as
authentic presentation of the com-
pany's repertoire under her direct sup-
ervision and it is the object of her
solicitude to see that her productions
shall be kept up to that high standard
which has won praise from some of the
most noted critical audiences that
have ever gathered in this country.
- Interesting Selections
The selection of plays, which in-
cludes "As You Like It," "Romeo and
Juliet," "The Master Builder," and
"The Tempest," to be presented Friday
afternoon and evening respectively,
atternoon and evening respectively,
will doubtless prove highly gratifying
to the discriminating play-lovers, for
the plots are most interesting, the line
colorful, and the action distinctive.

This appearance of the Elsie Herndon
Kearns company is sure to be a great
literary and artistic treat.
Matinees will begin at 4 o'clock and
evening performances at 8 o'clock.
Tickets will be on sale from 4:30 to 6
o'clock today, tomorrow, and Thursday
at Wahr's book store. Prices 75 cents
and $1.00 for single performances, or
$2.50 for four performances.

Committee Plans to Rent Fraternity
Mouses and Build :Four Blocks
of Sh~ps
Michigan will be able to train 2800
army men according to a decision
reached at a committee meeting in
President Barry B. Hutchin's office
yesterday afternoon. An estimate of
the work involved has been made and
the proposal will be sent to the war
For some time the members of the
housing committee headed by Prof.
Evans Holbrook and the executive
committee of the detachment for
furnishing instruction, headed by
Prof. H. Higbie, have had 'difficulty in
providing adequate housing and eat-
ing facilities, which now have appar-
ently been overcome by the recent
Four Blocks of Shops
The committees have proposed
means of erecting four blocks of
shops, on E. University avenue, and
different buildings between the old
Engineering building, the Physics
building and the president's house,
north of the president's house, and
north of the surveying building. If
the entire number of buildings are
erected, the floor space will be about
40 square feet for each man.
If the war department approves of
splitting up the detachment in groups
of from 60 to 100 men each, the com-
mittees plan to rent different frater-
nities' in the vicinity of the Michigan
Union. Ho'wever, if the war officials
do not consent to this proposal, or if
there is not a sufficient number of
fraternities willing to turn over their
homes, a suitable site will be chosen
on which will be built barracks.
The estimate also includes . the
housing of 800 men in the Michian
Union. The entire 2,800 will be fed
in the Michigan Union, if the plans
can be carried out. In case there is
not adequate eating facilities in the
Michigan Union, a number of restau-
rants or boarding houses probably
will be utilized.
Plans are also under way for a
large teaching force. At the present
time there is a small number of
teachers, and if Michigan succeeds in
getting the number of army men ask-
ed for, there will have to be more
than 200 special teachers on the staff.
They will probably be obtained
through voluntary enlistment in the
teaching corps of the teachers them-
selves, or through other means.
The men will probably include au-
to drivers, repair men, general me-
chanics, carpenters, gunsmiths, steel
metal workers, concrete men, road re-
pair men, electricians, telephone elec-
tricians (signal corps), and vulcaniz-
ers. At the present time there are
only four divisions, the motor repair
men, gas engine men, gunsmiths, car-
Invitations Out for Reception
Invitations were received today by
nearly all the League houses to the
reception to be held tomorrow after-
non from 4 to 5 o'clock at Newberry
hall. Girls living at home, although
they received no special cards, are
most cordially asked to come. A

chance to become acquainted with the
faculty women and with each other
is given by the reception, and it is
hoped that a large number 'of the
girls will use it.
Those in the receiving line will be:
Mrs. H. B. Hutchins, Dean Myra B.
Jardon, Mrs. J. E. Beal, Miss Agnes
Wells, Mrs. John R. Effinger, and Mrs.
T. E. Rankin.

1eU -. .~ y , zj~r L-.Y,
visited friends at the University hos-
pital on Saturday. Dr. Malejan was a
member of the surgical staff of the
hospital after his graduation, here.
Last year he entered the medical corps
as a first lieutenant and his rise to his
present position has been an evidence
of his ability. He has been located at
Camp Custer.

Dr. Boucke's Classes Dismissed
Dr. Boucke's students have been in-
formed that his leave of absence is to
take effect immediately, instead of at
the end of summer school. Owing to
this fact the courses in Ibsen plays
and comparative literature will not
be given.

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