PAGE TWo THE WOLVERINE WuerthTheater ftearnoon-2:o and 4:00 Eeig-:oo, 8:oo ad o:o00 Phone-6o-J PROGRAM FOR JULY - Thurs-Fri - 4-5 -Jack Pickford in "Huck and Tom." Also Holmesa Travels and Comedy. Sat 6-Ella Hall i "A Mother's - Secet." Also Net and Coedy. Sun-Mon-7-8 - James W. Gerard's S"Myrour Years in Germany," in IoPat. = Tues-Wed-to--Ann Pennington in "Sunshine Nan." Also "Eagle Eye,"C Sun-Mon-14-15--William S. Hart in "The Tiger Man." Also Sennett Comedy, Kitchen Lady." OrpheumTheater Afternoon-2:30 and 4:00 Evening-7:, 8:oeo and o:a _ Poe-s-J _ PROGRAM FOR JULY Thurs-Fri-45-J. Barney Sherry in "Ilogh Strikes." Also Keystone - cotmedy. -Sat-6-Baby Marie Osborne in "A -Daghter of the West." Also Week- ly andComoedy. Su-Mon-8-Pauline Starke t a The MnWho Woke Up." Alo Seal No. 6, "Vengeance and the Woman." Tues-9--Julian Eltige in "The SClee Mt. Carfax." Also "Eagle Eye," No. t8. Wed-to-Pauline Frederick in "The Hungry Heart." Also "Eagle Eye" - No. a. 'Ty 1111r11111rIllif11111111111111111111U11110 ARCADE SHOWS AT 3:O, 6:30, 8 00, 9:30 i5c Unless Otherwise Specified. PROGRAM FOR JULY Thurs-Fri-4-5-Clara Kimball Young in Theeaee rWhy" ad Christie Comedy, "All Desed Up" zoo. Sat-6-Harry Morey and Florence Deho i"The Golde Goal" ad Dre Comedy,"RoanticReggie." Mo--Br. ad Me. Side Deea i nPay Day" and Flgg Comedy, "The Matinee Girl." Courteous and satisfactory TREATMENT to every custom- er, whether the account be large or small. a The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Capital aid Surplus, $iO,000.00 Resources .......$4,000,400.00 Northwest Cor. Main & Huron. 707 North University Ave. O p e n A L L S u m m e r S Lunch R oom LUNCHES, SODAS AND TOBACCO 338 50. STATE ST. DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor & Jackson Detroit Limited and Express Cars-Leave Am Arbor,7:25 a. m., 8:1 a. m., and hourly to &:/o p. at., Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of Act: Arbor)-8:48 a. to. and every two hours to 8:48 P. m Local Cars East Bound-5:35. a. in., 6:40 a. in., 7:05 a, m., and every two hours to 9:o p. ta., c0:o p . To Ypsilanti only, 8:05 p. tn., 9:50 p . tt71:50 p. t.,12 0 a. t., 1:109a. e. To Saelne chnge at Ypilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. M., 7:23 a. t., 11:20 p. m. Plain Chop Suey Rice - :- One Pot Tea 35 CENTS Open during Summer School Quang Tang Lo 613 E. Liberty St. Phone 948-R GOOD BOARD BREAKFAST FOOD MRS. E A. HURLBURT 8o6 S. UNIV. Opp. Tappan Hall $5.00 PHONE 470-J $5.oo E be W ozv erfn el o __e n SUMMER STUDENTS! Official student newspaper for the * summer session of the University of Regular gymnasium cla saca BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU EAT DURING HOT WEATHER Reguar ymnsiumclasesstart Michigan. Issued Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, July 8. and Saturday afternoons. Prof. G. E. Myers will lecture on Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- cthe "Educational Value of Moving offer you a great variety of vegetables, salads, pastry, as well as fres pictures" at 5 o'clock this afternoon fish and meat. You select what you want, and do not pay for what yo pheotlion to the bustness manager. in the Natural Science auditorium. dont like. Buy a Heal Ticket and Sate Money. Office hours: Managing editor, 1:00 to Miss Mary R., McKee, physical di- d*ku l ea ae y 2:00 o'clock; business manager, 11 rector for women, will hold the fol- Nickels Arcade to 12 o'clock, daily. lowing office hours: Tuesday, 2 to 4 o'clock; Wednesday, 10 to 12 o -clock; Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- Friday, 10 to. 12 o'clock and 2 to 4 ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Rich. o'clock; -Saturday, 11 to 12 o'clock. Ressell Marnes-Managing E ditor This time will be devoted to arrang- SUMME R Phone 2414 or 319. ing schedules for classes. SCHOOL and Dean Myra B. Jordan will hold Agnes L. Abele-Businsess Manager regular office hours from 10 to 12 Phone 960 or 1892 oclock every morning except Satur- STUDE NTS' SU PPLIES day. AT Owing to the illness of Dewitt H. Parker, philosophy 16 will be omitted U,1niversi THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1918 this summer. Bo Oir WahrlsState Si THE FOURTH The National holiday this year serv- WHAT'S GOING __ ig as an observation post from which to look back over recent history of the country shows that the American July 4, 5 p. m.-Causes and Issues of nation in the last year has experienc- the War. Prof. C. M. Van Tyne. ed probably greater changes than in July 5, 5 p. m.Reception by the Pre- any other period of the country, not sident for the students of the sum- -of the - ven excepting Civil war times. Of mer session. Alumni Memorial hall. course we are too close to the entire 8p. m.-Parental Care in Michigan 'iohes, Ilortd) rf . HM L O problem to see things in their proper Rihas, (Illustrated). ProfdJ..E. i _ perspective, and only time will tell ,igar. the full significance of what has been July 8, 5 p. n.--Psychology and the B U S I N E S S occurring, but of one thing we can War. Prof. F. Shepard. be convinced, and that is that the July 9, 5 p. m.-The Jew in English changes have been momentious. That Literature as represented by Chris- C 1O L L E G 1 they are steps forward in our develop- topher Marlowe, William Shake- ment we believe. What we are moving speare, anid Richard Cumberland, toward is shrouded in the veil of the Rabbi Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, 0. future, and the vistas are too clouded 8 in-Orthodontia and its Relation OFFERS BEGINNING AND ADVANCED for intelligent observation. All we to Health (Illlistrated). Dr. M. T. CLASSES IN for nteliget JWatson, Detroit, Michigan. can do is bend to our task, use the best judgment we possess, and trust to July 10, 5 p. m.-The Jew in Englio Gre Shorthand the future to drove ourselves justified. Literature as represented by Walter At this time next year we can look Scott and Charles Dickens. .Rabbi Typewriting with more intelligence on events of Louis Wolsey, Cleveland, Ohio, the national year just closing. EM THD R 1 N EL EGMONT HILDNER, 117, AND HEL. The battle front during a heavy bom- EN NIPPS, '18, TO MARRY TODAY AND ALLIED SUBJECTS bardment is probably a small boy's idea of an ideal Fourth celebration, as Helen Nipps, '18, and Egmont Hild- far as noise is concerned. ner, '17, are to be married today at PREPARE FOR Washington, D. C. The church wed- The kaiser not only wants 45 bil- ding will be a simple one and a small Cvi Service reception will be given afterwards at lions cash, but also ships in which to tehetof the bie forrwntimat carry it home. the home of the bride for intimateB siesP sto friends and relatives. The bride and The majority o American fireworks groom will make their home at An- Commercial Teachin this year is being shot in France. napolis, where Ensign Hildner is a duty officer. Niss Nipps is a member BOYS AND GIRLS ARE INVITED of Gamma Phi Beta sorority and Mr. Tn cTVW ATERVA RNV AT, Hildner is a Sigma Phi. CALL TODAY STATE and WILLIAM th ou Every boy and girl, big and little, in Ann Arbor is invited by the Board pf Education and Park Commission to come to the Water Carnival to be held, at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at the municipal bathing beach. There will be races and various other contests, and the large number of prizes which have been donated by the leading merchants of Ann Arbor will make it possible to award three in each event. There will be plenty of room for spectators and all interested in water sports are cordially invited. Several special features including fancy diving will be given. EDUCATIONAL CLUB ORGANIZED BY SUMMER SESSION )El:N Thirty men who are taking work in the educational department of the Un- iversity met last night at the Michigan Union and organized the Educational club of the University of Michigan. Prof. B. Edmonson was elected chair- man for the summer session. It was decided to hold meetings each Tues- day night, and a committee composed of Superintendent Fast of Albion, Sup- erintendent Nutten of Plainwell, and Superintendent Reeds of Plymouth, was elected to arrange programs. An invitation was also extended to all men taking work in the University, who are teacherg, to join the club. D. B. Clandy was appointed to attend to publicity. Typewriters cleaned and repaired. O. D. Morrill, 322 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch.)-Adv. 3-tf va auaa i v a..i a a a TV . AT THE ARCADE I Clara Kimball Young in "The Rea- son Why," a romance of high society by Elinor Glyn, will be featured Thursday and Friday at the Arcade. An interesting feature of the produc- tion is the fact that Miss Glyn's sis- ter, Lady Duff Gordon, designed nine- teen beautiful gowns for Miss Young to wear in the plgotoplay. They in- clude evening, afternoon and morning frocks, dinner and tea gowns, sport clothes and all the other fineries and accessories with which Milady adorns herself. "The Reason Why" is one of the most popular of Elinor Glyn's novels, and the gayest European society forms a vivid background for the ac- tion. The characters are tinged with adventure and high romance. TWO GIANTS OF THE GREAT LAKES 1 Regular steamer service, on the De- troit and Buffalo Division of the D.: & .C. Lake Lines begins Monday, May 6th. The Two Giant Steamers of the Great Lakes-City of Detroit III and City of Cleveland 1-make daily trips between these points, leaving Detroit at 5:00 p. m., U. S. Central Time, and Buffalo at 6:00 p. m., U. S. Eastern Time. Daily service is also given be- tween Detroit and Cleveland, leaving both points at 10:45 p. m., U. S. Central Time. Rail tickets are honored for transportation on all D. & C. steamers. FOR SALE-1917 Ford runabout prac- eically new. Electric starter and lights, speedometer, yale lock, etc. Jay C. Taylor, 1520 Broadway. 3-St 11 iiiiiiiiiiiii.iuiiiiiuiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirili To Make Yourself Secure and Avoid Delay ORDER CANOE LUNCH NOW Busy BCC It! PHONE 1-3 r i E i u ur i nu i nu i i i u En i « tu u u ut t