THE WOLVERINE FOR RENT Four and live room flats. Will be ready September 15. J. K. MALCtOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U, of MK BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillien Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. IIOSP IAL II(A X TI (Continued from page 1.) The new contagious psavilion is n0ow completed. This buildiug has been erected at a cost of $25,000.00. This suns having been given by the city of Ann Arbor to the Univerity of 1\iehi.- gun on condition thai, the equipmsent anidi maintenance be assumed by the latter. To care for these additional hiosit- sl patients, it has been necessary to increase the number of nurses in the training school from 10i0 ho 12t, and the numober of nrses fromtli5 to 125. So urgent loss been its demndm for mnure beds, Sisal only a small portion oi this hospital is given over toi iurses' qluarters. Thse remainder of the pupil nurses ore hotused in six different buildings adjaient 10 the hospital. August Sale Campus Ilootery. Any Cent's Oxfords in store $1.ti8, formerly $5.00, $5.10sindS $6.00. tf -By Indestructo Baggage Just Received. A new line of IN DESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. The kindi that can't wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Light weight Underwear Manhattan SHIRTS, with Soft Collars and French Calfts. Prices- - - from $1.50 to $3.50 Light Colored Worsted and Ftannel TROUSERS At 20% off from regular prices Prices - - $3.50 to $5.00 Re ale, Conlin & Fie gel THE ANN ARBOR Swimmin'g FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Filth Ave. phone 996-2 rings SAVEI THIS COVPO N Good for ONE looker axt the Swlmmrlag pool Good for Suwmer School Stusderxta Oxily (tCmntined from page 1.) slttiatleasieventhese.iuions them, until dir. Rhiead 'issnt downii1toe bsiness setctisn of Iferlia on a 5shopping toor tlii isorninig ofSitu riay, August 1. 'l'isre XI re. lRhead ast exitieuIgrusps I people talkinig rapidlly andl veie- msientliy togetiir, aldse'msangesdto etc h enoughiheses'anid lhre 10 realies thtsar lied beim declared, cubher by ioi osi Geimny. 'This fact, togethes' with grouips 01 weepdig swomen, deid- ed her tos get outl si the city as soonis 5 posseile. flu'e c sentlto ihcribankers, sasdieschlaingeie le iters isf crdit for i'ass,iaidilhiasCreasni toibelieve se sas amniig thei'la timeicias ii1er liii fortueen~'iioughfstoi hi'aile to do lis. Wheisheii'arcriiidst hscrlboadinig hiousse iindl told i iex'ri'\ ncesi'ii'of iithe iningsii, li ail 550gea;cdifficulty ini peirsuadsing Tiertieo0icopaniionsisto ieav w'' iiths sr,'Tihe'trie got telasst' traiin oust of Beirlin, and for 24 hours tiii yex'pierie'in'edi some of the ansnoy-{ sasesitfiwar, cisr lhsygetnso seep, ansd bistieens tisse thseyhssd for a day' anssiasi iightlutbutu' sassidssices, ose cuiiso01coffe'e'and lieuaplpes Bust thsey inlss~ly arrivedsin15London, iser sirshiRealisd isbig estertaises at the homse 01fc. Q. 'f'suckr, who is welsl g}owasossi iiAnnsarbor peops, ad ishio gavse 'T'cer Memiorial bilinisg to hi' Baptist church. Sr. Rahser asd Ms iere a s'srs' comsfortably situated at a hotsel. It:' fail Writes A letter rce'iive'dlyeterdasy fromsiDr. AtrilMsi lhu hocciii h.i iis Iiswife asd P'rofsseor and sitr.i'oseill 01fIOxford, 0., are' louringi, inglandsssinisaas:autoso- bile brisigs assurance tast the nmen- beir; of the pasrty arc all sfi'asd swell, but ansxiiuset10getihomesi. "Some Iho andisisonicsie e ie a'cosinsg bscc10 sth Unsitesd States adsiAnsiArbor," says lDr. Itall, sasdi le cidelsithe 10 trsinsg their ssy iii Euirope miay not bei tois irolongeds. tre.:Halls letter wascdsated at Wells, Ensglasd, August 5. 7'ile partyhassd epected tiitur aris of fleucontinsist, es'pec'iall the ChsateacixsounstrysitfiFransc, after they had mioisredi ihrousghs Englandis, Wae assdsiIrelndii, but liiiiswcr brue out hi- loe'shlii'shail ascliansceto lhave SEng- Stuidentls Float SarstinIStries. t'arltos, Jenkis, '2, eho arrived in Ain Arbortlisemsoring sfter hving Iis bicycle rip tirocugh Esgasd and Francset ct short by liii' war, relates sonse istrestinig tale of exerinces whchel beell hisi. at the firt of the 'helpi' ty-,compsihosed ofV'ilbur 5, IDavieidsn, '5 hiss ii S\Warnr', '16, asd Weeot Smsith,'51, togiterwstill Jek, lissd reahedss m eiall toss in nosrhesrns Frsncei'wshissafairs reced liii breaksigt ioit. Thesdasger of beinsg issd iin Fass'sn cu hlls'tlii'Frsnch irmyi5cas beinsi'mioiilizeaItoce ue 'eaitied itself, togitser witillstisafear iliac they msiht besspectedcIas spiss. Wssithout idelay, liiiy btgans to rtrace thesir ses. Upos rt'ainisg a some- iwhitllargr's' n, tis.ley cciiiicros a shop ini iwhich theiy isers' able to po- chase fousr A'mer'sicanssflag. ''These they strappedsilto lii'elhasndle-barseof their bictycle,assil siter meetsinsgwithilssee- erail scuissicustancsseluy clear- edes dai'cnisgr zonse,iriisig a short timesi aio st. Haslifax through passage 055 tiii Mausreanisa .11eun is's penHss Darsig seteibe 'hss cnivrsils mussssemsis open.sdaia- ly ixcepit Sunmdcuyromss700 oscck 10oS:i0 orlolkeduingisithet'mothisof Press Building Maynard St. The Second Edition OF THE New Michigan SogWill be Ready In a Few Days We will take Orders and mail if not in by the end of this week BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman s 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One block north from Hill Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We bail our drinking watec and cool it TUT L Attractive Mid-Summer T u TTL. I~ MILLINERY LVNCH ROOM AT LVNCHtES and SOMAS DANA RICHARDSON'S :338 Souith Sta.te St. 115 ft. Liberty WE PRESS BY HAND C. I. KIDD MRS. M. M. ROOT iPhase 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WA'TER Reasons in every bundle of Laundry wiork sent frosmtie White Swan Laundry, why you souond CALL PHONE 1 65 for our wagon. GOODS NOT ROTTED BY CB ESISALS-- W'ic, not yellow nor blue-button holes intact, buttons ditto. Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes, OUR PRICES I HE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY '' hepteuus hi' FOLLOW MICHIGAN'S FOOTBALL TEAM THIS FALL IN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Special offer to Summer School students- Sent to any address for the football season - - - $1.00 Sent to any address for the entire school year - .- $2.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS ON SALE AT WAHR'S STATE STREET BOOKSTORE AND THE WOLVERINE- OFFICE