T HE WO LV ER IN E ORPHEUM MON.-TtUES. Aug. 17.8--Cartyte Stock' welt in "Spit-F'irs" by Edward Pepto. WED., Aug. 19 -"The Candidate for Mayor" THUR., Aug. 20 '-C. M. Anderson in "The Good for Nothing" FRID., Aug. 21 - "The Terror of the Ntaht" - SAT., Aug. 22- The Moonestone of Foz' "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS VARSITY TO G.GER Y S HO0P 1107 South University Ave. T7H E 'WV0L VER IN E g it of i abttit is w it apeculiar I Th ffca uen esppr ro ide tt hereactsofcurrent in- TINIKE & CO the sciersty f Mchian ummr s'catc i e n' icu ic'c'cicg pce ithFURNISHERS and RATERS to University Ment session. Published by the etudents on thce best of tlhems. 32S tl t Tuesday Thursday and Saturday at-, Ce cas't blamew yout for eriieisinsg___________________ ternoons. Twenty-five issues. cur catmputs candlperisaps sotne of our _ maieriailIpoperties. Butt we can, at PtlliiPARE NEW OFFICES FOE Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- leaset bid youtc o tell lice aspring achool PUB3LICAT1IONS NEXT WVEEK only-live cents for the summer; boy shvlc tasi a college educations mailed to any address for one del- thsat icibgan is tihe Lniversity of tOp- Wtiths tis close of The Wolverine lar. IottutOity. tsis stock, work will be begun on the Advertising rates-Furniished upon ap- plictio tothe usiessmanaer. , ; lseas offices for the University of Mich- plcto o hXuies aae.E1,Ft 'i' TOEO .iI,1,TE Nl l igati publications. The store near or- Subscriptions and ads talton at Quar- IillifOI Il A 1,icesidbyteUvriyMucHoe ry's Cuoiuc' andSout Unier-wisll be partitionted, affording new eMh- sily Pharmacy. Cetlctiti Cteuilii t'la to Wtitnishi re for'PTe Michigan Daily, ThseGDec Office Hours : Managing editor, 2:0s ll Olin o.1re Icon fl iit' lfs'ntiottn oleadIleMcignnia.Ts to 3:00 daily; business masnager,i'isIeiilrlutsconofTeMhgaDiy 3:00 to 3:00 daily. Phone 960 or eti otatrpresro fTeMcia al - -swhich is now located ons the second of SUMMER SCHOOL BOOKS And Students Sup- Plies Second-Hand Books for alt de- partments. oAj jBROS.Address, The Wolverine, Prose B3uild- H U'IIN BOS.in , Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Tine Finentstilliard Roomt tn the Stale CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right't (ftnitvtV cbool of mIIusic Maynard Street Ann Arbor Annual Summer Session June 29 to August 21 Ins'truction in all Branches of Music For full Information, Call at the Office. CHARLES A. StNK Secretary . Leo N. Blurnett--Managing Editor Phonse-1233-M. F. Gureee Milard--Businsess IManiager. Phone-407-M. Athletic E~ditor-Chiarles Kenidrick. Rleporters Juan Donilla Stockbridge Hiltott Harold Boavcock Clement Jackman Louis Brunch Charles Johnson Verne Bnrnett Dudley McClure Wilbert Fuller Barry Vandarwvarker Fred. L. Packard Willis Cood( ass Walter Watson Busitness Stuff S. W. Donaldson, Asst. Bus. Mgr. T. C. Hill Lee Watson *1 TUESDAY, ACCUST 18,-1914. Sugar Bowl, 109 S. f lain Street Best lee Crea~m Homne made cansdy' fresh daily Promnpt Service PHONE 967 I'' BOO KSI 'r LAW AND, MEDICAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictiocparies Cotnpends, etc. CASH OR EIXCHIANGE FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK tN MtCIGAN Co.E. Bartliel 326 S. State St. RTel. t61-M Announcing our An- nual Exhibit of Exclusive Fall and WI nte r Woolens Orders takeon Row or later delivery G. IH."WILD &co. State Street Leading Merchant Tailors I i 'ITHE iNI ESIT Y OF OPPOJI- 'TUNI. It is the universal, unwyavering cus- toot. of a collegiate press to extend this word of advice to departing stu- dents: "Praise us, and send us stu- dents." The summer press is partic- ularly prone to this request, inasmuch' s a majority of thse sunmnor students are teachers who wvill have it Os thteir nower to direct the higheor education of their students. If Michigan has pleased yen, wo shouild be hsappy to have you praise us. If you have had occasions to. find fault, if you like some other university bet- ter, we want you ts be firm to your convictioss in erecting educationoal guide posts for that portion of the sta- tion's promising progeny swhich comes under your jurisdiction. But isi being firnsIs your consic- tions, we want you to be broad nminded, and want you to consider future tossi- bilities. If 'you do, not like sotmo of our present buildings, dun't fail to say thsat you sate a groat new building as- souoing shape, If yots took Frenels, and your classroom Was poorly vensti- lated, don't fail to rencember tlhat yntt sawt scores of wvorkmen toilinmg on out' of the biggest and most moodern of ed- ucational shelters. Tell the girl whtt iiisquises dubiously about social condi- tions at Michiganu that two dormitories see being built. Tell the anxious highs school lad who likes football and othser sports, that Michigan has one of the finest athletic fields in the World, and thmat a_ great nsew stadium is makinsg it even greater. Tell those who like music that Michigan has one of the msost excellemit auditoriums in the country, If they askc about reputationt, toll thsem that Michigan has sent more mnsc to congress than any othser uciversi- ty in the United States. Donst fail to reminod them that the spirit of Hr. Jamses B. Angell, Michigams's presidenst- emneritus, hovers everywhere at Ansn Arbor'. Michigan has hsundreds of excellems- cies which cams be felt only by the aIl wnus. No university in the world hsas as loyal a body of alumni. Thmere is a net swork of alummsi associations in every part of the country. It is the greatest fraternsity in the world. He firm in your convictisots when you toll thse high ochool students about Michigan. Perhaps you find it a dull place in the stmmmr, but be bread msinded amid imatcgineo the fall ancdsvins- ter. P'icture the Micigansof test years hsece. The alumuso is proumd of the Mlichi- en' dottittoe tea ttteltactot'tt'r'of S. 1nal stte a'cittttS.Ulitsaity ace., ts 'tillch'tglttt" ettsecn stottry, attd ifteele tcccectof tec'otntractolrs ate t itillithlie bttilcdintgstill be m'ecaty to be cc ettt tcbythetlc'fit'sitt, f lay', IT' 1 cacicg totftc' fotttndccttttnswas fittcshtedlas~ I c t~t we ct agcttg o01mnct is ccas woet ot'tccictclly'. Thce stet'l pa't:t,, 'ce'c'c o Iacrive bytyhie begimc- cigo ei(o. t c atncce:cd sworkent wilt itt oct hcantd totacic'e cre'oitthlere anct placct r ipoitStl5ltnccss ootn as prac- ticcble. 'IhIe conctractI dot's cot require thtat thc buitlitg be comcpleted before thec firstttf S'ptemcbe'r 1915, bu~t thse contrctotrs oreIcoiitelt c t ae itcostly for ihetunivs city twomen'tcloncg before thact tiune. TIiS D'EFIk FOiR I1ii'LO AS Dliplomas tees, lpayable' by thcose stu- dtents wsalts c, etoiscompctlete tso ro- quitretets dusringtc hecsc'smmtler 505- sions, tre tdte atntdasttuld bt' settled att thse offit't'of cisc'tctnisersity tre'asutrer htcmc icic 13y. ,Ctcliecccs shld tlibring a btclak loteiy ly'hlteditoct. rsm thte sectretasry oftt11eir dtlc'tccs'ttc'Is, sltt- ingItt) tctwcat stdsress ticsy' wsishs t' dse- ttntts tortsartdec. FlIOSi'TO JilEPLACUE IAWITON IN DElTifOIl IT'JUENIL1' (CO[I1tI Leotn W. Frost, '14, of tGratnd Rapidls, hass beets aiptoincte'dtprobatioss officer is lice stvenilt 'octtofIDetroit to re'- pslaceFred l.,cttouc, '11,.wao list hsIeld lt'e offic'e'sittss'egradatcionst ttd platts to eterthle itisurantce'busittess this fall. Frs'css s t c'senconced.' withtso- c'tologiecalstotkicnisGrantdlRaptis. Coldt Sodas, serv ecdrigih tt iverstty Aventuo l'harnmacy. tf Autgust lccSa I 55le iicccl't'o y . Anty Cs'tc's ttxfor'cs itsFore'$'.98 1, lif'ttmetrly tte cPross suttdtng wttt so remnoved to cte basetnttwhich is being pre- pared for the purpose. 'The bttsittess office of Thse Michtigast Datilyc-ill be occupied by the mantager of the tnusical clubs, ist wotking out the' ititterary of the Atlantic trip to be takets in the spring of 1916. Calkitns Pharmsacy for drugs. tf. Student Furniture FURNISH YOUR ROOMS EARLY. Most complete assortment of Doube Deck Beds, Chlf- oolers, Study Tables, Desks Choirs and Rockers, which we offer at a price that will make your rooms attractive MARTIN HAILER Furniture Carpets Rugs Clean soda salon. at Calkins. ci Duy your kodak films and supplies att Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State, tf ItEPRESENTATIIVE WANTED- No canvasointg or soliciting required. Cood itncome assured, Address HER- RtILt,. 1171 Broadway, New York. 13-25 August Sale Camtpus Bootery. Any Gettt's tOxtords itt store $3.98, formerly $5100, $5.10 and $6.80. tf 1-4 OFF On Reach and "Ty Cobb" Base Ball Gloves AT SWVITZE R'S 310 Stat. i 1 1 1 ,c I DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLIC Limitedasd ExrsstCas toeDetroit-7'1o at. ancdSorly isocta1op. m, atto 8tto p. m Locol Cors los Detrot-5:4t'a. cm., 6oa. ina and every twous etos6:o6p. m, 7:o6 p. m.. 8:o p. .tt, sct p. m_ arid toc i.tm. TosYpsiltoly "t'1s n. : . 0ac.m,5511 :16 a. si.. c:06 ap tic., 1t :1;yp tic., 12c:51). c 1 t::30 P.oM.,I1:00ea.. Limtited Corst isfoe also-to7:46 a. l. otnd every tlo hours to s7:46p. m Leol Corst los Jocsoa--5:12sa. sos, 6:5ta. OM., and ever twoeoussto 6:51p. 1n., alsto g: p. M0,1:15 p.m0. All Kinds of Hat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store i18 E. Huron St. Near Allenel Hiot COUVSINS ~HALL Florists Cot. 1215 St. and S. holy, Ave. Phone1 1 5 i I ---" IWAWFR University Book Store A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION Use D. & C. Line Steamers for Business and Pleanure Trips HEeeshing loke hrerezes, the freedom of the decks and the_ Tuxrouos comfort of the popolar D. & C. Lice steamers agee wait. tog for you. Whether you go north to beautiful. Mackinac Island, tse famnois umer rsorot of tseNorth country, or choose the "Water Woy" o0 yous irip frms tse soilor west, you will oppreciate die esay comfosts 00 sos palatial oteamers. Daily setvice totweesoDHtsoit and Clevelaod, sod JDetroit ond Bolffeta. Foss srips weetly frtorn Toledo ood Detroit to Mackinas Island one- way pots Delightful day tript hetweeo Detsoit sod Cleveland during July end August Popolar week-sod excursions every Satorday hetween Detrsit ond Buffalo, sod Detsoit sod Cl.eeland. Special Steamer Cleve- lanECo a inaL I slandrctoiswelyJune 2thA C et.10h main o tosenoteexet DetroitCever t i Dal erie e twe oed n u-By uneFALho.Septembr 10th. OUEDORAIL~ROTCES edn etenDtotadBf i I CapittI,$icolooots Surtplus', assess as Undiidedc Prtofits, ',,ctctse THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Saf Baning andtCtoutetousc'ircct~c tt tltu Cusitmes s tOsr Watchwsacs 3 per centlInterest inouorSavings Departmnst THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capit............... '"..$;o'"oo 5upu atnd Utntdtivided Prt'fits., nocoo Srptustanctd Un e cPrtit',..,... 150oo Resourcecs-. ................ 5 e o sico 'transacts a Generan Backing Bustners 3 per Cetitesrest pid onitScaitigs Dtoits Cthas. E.iHiscock, Pres.i, cael J. ~iis,I.sh'r W.D. nsscimttiti,'iceet 's., 5Cartl I t ,Astst. Cahr Wnciw Waltsast Cos'rsaltns aDept. UNIVERSITY AVE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL. 1 219 So. Unversity Avenue Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cignrs, Cigarettes and Cahndy PHtOTOGRAPHIER 319 C. ttsroe St. FPHONE 96t-Si I TEMPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET TUES., Aug. 1 a-"In the Sink cf Time," "The Counterfeiters," "The Cireus and the Bey." WED,, Ace 18-" Through Tho Flamos" with Alice Hollister FRt., Asg 21--lourt of Death" Last the Adeenturns% of Kathlyn SAT., Aug. R24i-"Voce Iron tke Wilder- ness,"with Francis X.Bushman _ NEXT W'tEEK - "Fathnr's Flirtations" (with John Bcnny) li