POPS THEWOLVERINEf ALL A L I) TO POPS ~IELLDAN{GEII-1LAT OF PEA1CE I IflIIHflllH H IHKl 11 Sil tdubt010 v~ t r o, ToRed vl i ti 4 In 1lteture BIe oe Jakson Gemians, iuw II~gr ,,7 iri e -w piile l I ,t{ALR;DSL,1 OPPS nt recent lecture to German sort- _________________________________or________________________ eties o Jackson at te laying ofrthe I cornerstone oe a new auditorium, Dr. IT'S THE W. W. Florer, ot the German deprt- inuent phasize the dantgets of pece, hl U ~jISTR which are more imsportant thai thtose f r~csa lbr'Ctd oa upis "At ttmes peace is more dangrous } than war. We heard withs hotroe of Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars theeotc death of thousands uponthet e Eerytintg as S t ea N Need. Pione n,. We adeiver the God teids butg heeadtotenthtboensthe outside shirt and underdrawers of ottsgre~iaandwoite, woheoenare one garment. This means thaIelsethiet lilt So. Univyesity Ave. Phone 1331-J in ody atnd ins spirit, fall in tie insid- I can' work ut of te troses, that there are n shirtlsils oo a gorilla warfare o1 social atties. -J to bhnl in et, that the drawers "stypt"to say nothing of I tie. csmtort a .d economy of stig agarment. OLUSJiscot cut- '________________________the_____-______-__dow___n-closedWeslstde osenonlcahoflecltassesed alback. Seenclsedcrlillloedhac. reeilsieoio mo______ ___ tohitstruoments o destructive steel, " Fssn gl, tttttsatd field wear, e recommend the special attache' ut do it t observe the rueleans, IuM- 01.1 with reglar or hrt sleeves,Eate, sizes for very tall or stot whic ar attringth vorr wals' en.Allsirt fhis, insmart deigo, incding sls$.0to $10.00. at childhood. oIntitttes of set betold I -S one-piece PAJAMAS for lottngin, reting and comfortable lep. he. dangers of p eace. t Matecosatte sase prittepipe as OLIJ Shirs-coat cu, closed back, Weher iuliabs etsota i-I lsedslcroth. No strings to tighten or coe loose.$15 to 8.50. ~" (' -iw hud ~s tetstetAsk $.5yr daler for OLVI, mBrlt on reats. abt ersotal ights its chidret. Ytu Phlips-Jes Cmpy, Mks.Der,,N 1199 Brsdwy,N.. ts. ave tie opprtunity oi eOlfttttttg F hat ytur brothetrsitt Germtatsy Iare Scommuettced-ts fight for te iastrsve-u menf of Ithe scial cotnditiotts.fMay thisohall serve as a centter for social service sorts. 11 not, it woulthave 1 'l.S "eett best, if it had never betn built. r~s acile P ep Now is the tihe to enter ttnon the Na beverage can appeoach-has ever even challenged newe battle o civilizatiota and tiers- ah spemasy of Cuss-Cola. It sands firs.Te b shots your fels{iien la k eelwciiesht' drtnk that ill refesh and delight you with its disin IGeumanfcharacer remains1stil tiead deliios. flavor-its wonderful thirstqsench sltas iaateIeoitssit iss_____ g qaliy.atid that there are erstastntow as 'Delicious - R.efreshing tey wenesits 1771 on the frotier line - Thirst-Qu1enching which sttsnd the colonisie and ots bothla 1 U y shores of ths Ohiatd Mssisppi Ui- l THlOACL o rivers itt 1861-t865, the guard whichi .5Atlanta, Ga. resrraa stood Peit sit the Maott andtidxonf ew t~iik f Cca-ol "lit "n thismomotnt see should linene cotfidence that the etntal power ofW h t an -° _justic nill eentually sis. Atnd wiha 'athis haptpy faith we should courag- " C eosybtl o h od hb ni of ye Glasses a fa and the true. May ti'be' out d-' __temnaio. Priced are FINEtSae WmpsTooer-An IAsLE SESDU LIEWELentRYfodREPAIRING.8, ori $5Q RFIEgAT H ND E$LR.50AIIN and . $ C113rJe w lr Co. ttod als and supplies at Calkins. tf , (Scsnail rFloor Telephone 534 30S South Slate Street " E~tlectric fixtures for sale. Inquire hlr at Ushivesity Msic Htouse, Press building, Maynard St. ft Th®aetw r i uia ntrm nsiIh Eio im n m OF THE Complete Informaation concerning seven departmaents Collegifate, Engineering, Medicine, Lawx, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, elnt6L trv and the Graduate Depart- Disc Phonograph and the latest word in Edison Phonographs is A New Recor Every Day Consider.-No needles to clualge-Non-breakable records--Records with 40 % msore music-Better volume-Bet tee tones-Records flat will practically never wear out-The Eldisotn will play other records as well, asid ploytitemn better, Hear it antd he con',ilced. LY NDON - - - 719 N. University Ave. mnt and the Sutamer Session. , 1= Special Courses tn Forestry, Newpaper Work, Lundsaipe Design, Higher Commercial Educatio, including 'Oiway Administration and Irsourance, Arch.itecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedugsui y (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schoolsofor Oboervation study), and a course b(r these prejuaring for the scientific udminiatUiVon of deftartments of sanitation and public healh. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individua Info=mation, address Secretary U )ive rsity ANN AR BO R Ie Wolverine WILL RUN A If you, have lost anything or desire to sell something, try an A D=LET ®1 r