AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75c 1 1 1V IISUMMER PUBLICATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1914. No. 23. PLAYERS WILL RETURN TO NINE GAME SCHEDULE Arrange For 40 i M Aid-Wl ek Scrap to Prepare Wolverines to Face Strong Teamsin Late Fall DEPAU'W AND1 MOUNT UNION ON NEW LIST OF OPPONENTS Three "Big" Games a Week Apart Make Colossal Undertaking For eoaches By F. I, Church, Mlichigan will play nine intercollegi- ale football gaioes this fall for the first time since the season of 190, fol- lowi g which the \\estern Conference adopted the seven game rule. Now, howeer, the athletic authorities "cheer foly adm i"that there is not even a ghost of a show of the Woler- ines ever going back to the fold, and to equalze in part the disadaitags under which lil igan plays the east- ern uni ersities, mid-week gaes hae been restored to the Wolverine sched- tile Athletic Director . G. Bartelme to- day announced the scheduling o De- PaUw for Wednesdy, September 1. and Mount Union for '\ ednesday, Oct. 7, hefore and ater the Case game, re- spectively. DePoauw is a strong little Indiana college where "Tons" Bogle, Wolverine guard in 1911-'12 is now coaching. Mosnt Union is the plucky little L ea froma lliance, Ohio, which held the Wolverine machine to to a 14- 0 scme last season. The complete list of Michigan dates follow September 30-DePauw at Ann Ar- bor. October 3-Case at Ann Arbor. October 7--Mount Union at Ann Ar- hor. October 10. -Vanderbilt at Ann Ar- bor. October 17-M. A. C. at East Lan- sing. October 24-Syracuse at Syracuse. October 31 Harvard at Cambridge. November 7 -Pennsylvania at Ann Arbor. November 14-Cornell at Ann Arbor. Inasimuec as Michigan is now out of the conference for good and always, the board in control could see no use in handicapping the Wolverine squad by asking them to prepare to meet elevens shich have played ten or elev- en games, when Michigan's warriors have but seven Contests. The train- ing season will also start a week ear- lier than usual this fall, and it is safe to say that Harvard will know they have pn slaying football when the Crimson team trots off the field ats Cambridge October 31, after the big intersectional feature battle of the 1914 season. head Coach Fielding H1. Yost will be on hand earlier than ever this fall, and Monday morning, September 7, will see the fall campaign actually under way. Owing to the long spring practice, at which both Yost and Schultz were on hand, most of the veterans will be in good condition at the start of fall training. Many of them have been do- ing outdoor work this summer, and the usual bunch of "softies" will not be on hand this faill. Last season sev- eral men were on the hospital half the time, owing to injuries received before they were in condition; and Yost has impressed upon all of his huskies that they must be ready from the gun this fall. With practically a veteran team at Hlarvard, Yost must whip his green (Continued on page 4.) MONEY FROM CITY CONTEST TO BE EXPENSE FUND ONLY Rule Regarding Proessionalism Will Prevent Summer League Men From Getting Share There is a rule pertaining to profes- sionalism among college athletes, which states that such persons are prohibited from playing the recogniz- ed college sports for prize money. For this reason, when the all-campus base- ball team crosses bats with the Ann Arbor Independents at 10:01) o'clock next Wednesday morning, the student aggregation will receive only that amount necessary to defray expenses. Previous announcements have been inacurate, The following men are requested to report at West Park in suits at 9:30 o'clock, Wednesday morning, August 19: Sisler, Hughift, Huebel, Keiser, Achi, Wheat, Galbraith, Donnelly, Rob- inson, Stewart, Eaton and Smith. If for any reason any of the above-named find it impossible to comply with this request, it is desired that they imme- diately inform the athletic editor of The Wolverine. SAYS WAR WILL BETTERRUSSIANS Pro Meader Believes They Will Come Out of European Struggle With More Liberty AUDIENCE WAS ENTHUSIASTI "In the present European upheaval, the Russian people will be successful. There can be no other result." So said Prof. C. L. Meader in his lecture yes- terday afternoon on "Russia and the Present European Crisis." "It makes little difference whether the Russian armies meet with success or defeat, the ultimate result of the war will be an increase of liberties for the mass af the Russian people." Professor Meader based this opinion on the fact that in its past history ev- ery war brought a change in the con- dition of the Russian people. After the famous defeat of 1860, the serfs were liberated, and after the defeat by Japan in 1905 the people were given many of the liberties they had asked for such as the constitution and parli- ament, although most of these later proved to be merely nominal. No Spirit in Fight With Japs "Do not think that the Russian ar- my or the Russian spirit of today is anything like it was in the Japanese war of 1905. The heart of the Musco- vite never was in the struggle in the, far east. He knew from the begin- ning that the difficulty was caused only because some of the nobles wish- ed to gain certain timber rights. Whole regiments of tht Russians walked over to the enemy and laid down their arms. On the streets of Petersburg men rejoiced over a Japanese victory more than they did over.a Russian vic- tory. In the present struggle things are different. The Muscovite is fight- ing for his country and for his race, and he has something to inspire him to go onward into battle." Audience Enthusiastic In the beginning of the lecture Prof. :header gave a short history of Russia from the time of Peter the Great down to the present, and discussed the va- rious elements in the national char- acter of the Russian. Many views of Russian buildings and of Russian rul- ers were used to illustrate the lecture and so interested did the audience be- come in the discussion that when he first attempted to stop cries of "Go on, Go on" were heard throughout the lecture room. In closing the lecture Professor ECONOMICS STAFF WILLLOSE FIVE "ITwo Hamiltons" Among Those to Be Missing From Teaching Force Next Semester O0TLINE ltEORG ANIZATION PLANS A complete reorganization will mark the department of economics for the coming term, due to the five men who have left the teaching staff. Work for the coming semester has been tenta- tively arranged, pending the arrival of Prof. Henry C. Adams February 1. Professor Adams, who is head of the economic department, has been spend- ing the year' i China, assisting in the systemization of the railroads there. The principal loss of the economics staff is that of the "twos Hamiltons." Prof. Walton .H. Hamilton, who has been a popular teacher in the depart- ment for the past few years, has ac- cepted a better post at the University of Chicago. He will have charge of the work in economic theory, a chair which has been occupied at various times by the foremost economists in the country. Stuart M. Hamilton, in- structor in commerce and industry, as well as a class in elementary econom- ics, has abandoned teaching and will go into business. He is undecided be- tween two or three offers and has not determined where he will settle. Mar- tin J. Shugrue, instructor in economic theory, will be connected with the ac- counting department of the Massachu- setts School of Technology, while Rus- sel A. Stevenson, instructor in account- ing will enter the accounting branch of the University of Iowa. Bradshaw Langmaid, who has been serving as an instructor, will pursue advance stud- ies in economics at Harvard. Robert J. Rodkey, '14, and Frank F. Kolbe, '14, will fill vacancies in the ac- counting department. William F. Mar- steller, nho spent several years ofl study in Switzerland, has been trans- ferred to economics from the French department, where he has been teach- ing during the past year. Mr. Ivey, of the University of Illinois, comes to Michigan as an instructor. The ranks of the assistants depleted1 by graduation have been filled as fol- lows: Robert F. Paton, '16, first teach- ing assistant; Russell D. Kilborn, '15, Mr. Miller, Charles S. Morgan, '14, and Harry J. Connine, '15.1 SHAIESPE AREAN (LASS WILL PRESENT"TWELFTH NIGHT" A platform recital of "Twelfth1 Night" will be given complimentary to the summer students and general public in Hill auditorium Tuesdayt night by the members of Professor1 Thomas C. Trueblood's class in Shak- espearian reading. The cast which will present this Shakespearian com- edy have been in training for someI time under the direction of Professor Trueblood. Library Class Visits Detroit InstitutionI The students in the school of library methods went to Detroit yesterday to; make a tour of inspection of the publici library and several of the branch li- braries in that city. Most of the time was spent at the large public library in the center of the odwn town district,I where a thorough investigation of the1 system and methods used ,in the insti- tution is being made. The trip is un- der the direction of librarian Theodore W. Koch, Meader pointed to a photograph of Tolstoi which had been projected on the screen and said: "He is the great- est Russian because he is the Russian. His character and his life are the embodiments of the character and life of the whole Russian people." DR. PETERSON WRITES OF DIFICUTIE INLONDON london loormet I m{alans lbnt isisssis be bankrupt and will not recover for Inability to Obtain Fiuds . years. Fron English August 5. Banks "Well, England has declared war - 50against Germany, and things here are isin a terrible mess. Naturally our sym- sk LsL RET? l NED T O' A\Y patsies are with England, but time I alone can decide the outcome. Cook All Leave Other Part ie Still t'nlie ird Fisroi iisA' ie in agooipeson where Prof, Staiiiley ht the cooks have all left for Germany, Sctlandu but we shall get along someway. I ' ai ngoing down town and try to get Among the'complaints eoming from hold of some money. If you have any American tourists stranded in for- inluence please have the U. S. gov- eign countries is that o Dr. Reuben rnient send over some gold so our Peterson, director oi the University cheques will be honored. Also a few hosital, who is is l o.sit, es icisisfur transports would come in handy." money and transportation. In a etter r.S e Not Wrie Aios smtrstrts. ssts yn ttayn rofn I I recivd b hs on er v>.sorla he Il, eL er receiv ea yesterday from recived by is son h re y.-stea h its ci . A. A. Stanley, dated August 3, at writes in part as follows: laselenburgi, Scotland, indicated that Queensborough Terrace, the school of music head is not greatly Hyde lark. Excited about getting home. He said Auust 3, 1,14 that the next day lie intended to go "Although it is very interesting and to Glasgow. At that time England exciting, it is somewhat annoying to imhad not entered the conflict, and Pro- have cheques and a letter of credit lessor Stanley said the Scotch peo- which the 1Lcondoners simply sniat, Isle were greatly disturbed about the and will not accept. I have f I prospects. Although lie made no deft- money, such as it is, buti ni ; s.-ill site stateient, he will probably re- take it. Still w are saiy an are Iturn home as soon as an opportunity not warry.ingf fr thss'c si1 1 esome offers, and will forego a contemplated way out of o r duss it ,_ trip tothe continent. "It s cos t dsttupid.; 5 , t No Messages From Others what ha'- been dread,,,ed for yts ,hL Nothing has been heard from the cme, and i tth' f t une, it turists in the inland countries. The as if iany nat'ossi would be wn ird party of 13 and Prof. F. N. Scott into the strugie. 'esides ti-0 lives iid family are among those who have which will be sacrificted and which itu s far been unable to communicate can never be replaced. Europe will witih friends and relatives here. 'NEGRO IS GOOD PRISONER' SIX-YEAR HIGH SCHOOL IS SAYS-PROFESSOR PHILLIPS FAVORED BY DETROIT MAN "An interesting think; to be otd at 4 ilsi mChadsey Says ichigan Ws about the ser cit" said 'r. U. "L. Phil- First to Openly Ask for New lips in his lectu. uitsdis ii "1 l- System tsstioms Life isn the Ant, 5 'iums .a i taton ifein heAnt"';f'°itiiiF'iti,?$ "'Pe' Isiversity of Michigans tothe "is that, although he falls short oft e the first institution to .openly recommend white in many lines, still is a prisoner the iec educational ideal of a six- he excels all races." Pictures taken year high suchool," said Supt. C. H. in American penitentiaries were son, ansd tise spaker expiined the Chadsey, of Detroit, in his lecture last characteristics of the negro which night on "The Adjustment of Modern cause him to make the best type of Education to New Educational Ideals." prisoner. "Teachers must make the public in "In many respects the negro of the their communities believe in the new South was better off before than after ieals of modern education, and thus the Civil War," he said. Professor Phillips showed how the master in the loosen the purse strings of those who ante-bellum times took the best of control the school money," said Su- care of the slaves and allowed thei to perintendent Chadsey. "The kind of share many of the pleasures that he education wanted today differs radi- ims-If enjoyed. 'TodaY iany of the cally from that wanted a few years iiegroes of the South are badly treated. ago. The causes that produced the poor "Schools must be considered as a whites were given together with a his- group of individuals and not as a torical account of the early life on mass," said the speaker, "and the chief southern plantations. He also spoke faults in the existing system can be at some length of the life of the negro traced to disregard of this principle. in Africa. Much praise is due to those pioneers "The origin of the poor whites of the of education who, twenty years ago, South is as much the product of dis- delved into the so-called 'child-study.' ease as of economic and social condi- "Among the adjustments desirable, tions," was one of the observations of I recommend the six year high school, the speaker. lany of the people of the which should begin at the end of the southern states, according to Profes- regular sixth grade. This high school sor Phillips, are not careful in their should consist of the junior and senior methods of living and because of this iigth school, each requiring three they have been made the victims of years of attendance by each pupil. The many diseases which have sapped their transition age at the end of the sixth strength. grade is more strongly marked than A large number of illustrations, at the end of the eighth grade, for it showing the various types of homes is then thuat the age of puberty comes that existed on the southern planta- for the normal child. After the sixth tions in the Alt'e-tellum daywes re grad ts child needs a higher ideal shown and Professor Phillips explain- to guid'e him, and the idea of high ed the changes that had been made. (Continued on page 4.)