T H E W O L V E R INE FOR RENT Four and five room flats. Will be ready September 15. J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U, of MI BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillion Orchestra Sunday Afterneens and Evenings' P. G. TESSMER, Prop. Grand Rapids Librarian Speaks Here "The Grand Rapids Public Library" was the topic of an illustrated lecture given by Mr. S. H. Rank, librarian of the Grand Rapids public library, yes- terday afternoon in Alumni Memorial hall. After the lecture Librarian Koch entertained Mr. Rank, the faculty and the students in the school of library methods at his residence on Hill St. Landscape Design Class to Take Trip Courses lb and 3a in landscape de- sign under he direction of Professor Tealdi, will take a field trip Friday afternoon to the forestry farm a few miles west of town. The party will leave here at 4:00 o'clock on the in- terurban car and return shortly after dusk. Redecorate inirversity Hall Offices Offices of Registrar Hall and Dean Effinger are being re-decorated and painted in preparation for the fall term. The work is expected to be fin- ished the end of the week. Buy Indestructo Baggage Just Received. A new line of INDESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. The kind that can't wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Light weight Uaderwear Manhattan SHIRTS, with Soit Collars and French Cults. Prices - - - from $150 to $3.50 Light Colored Worsted and Flannel TROUSERS At 20% ofi trom regular prices Prices - $3.50 to $5.00 Reule, Conlin & Fegel MICHIGAN HAS 17 SECTIONAL tIRtANIZATlIONS (Continued from page 1.) countries, and has a membership of 18. The Rocky Mountain club, which has recently changed its official name to Kappa Leta Psi, is made up of men whose home is west of the Mississippi river. Its members number more than 40 men, and 12 states are represented on its roster. The Dominion club, made up of stu- dents from Canada has more than a score of members, and embraces a ma- jority of the provinces of the largest British possession. Among the state clubs are the In- diana club, organized last year and now having a membership which num- bers about 60; the New York state club, which is housed in its own build- ing, has a membership of 30; and the Kentucky club, made up of men from the Bluegrass state, and having more than 35 names on its role. Grand Rapids Has Big City (lab The largest of the city clubs is the Grand Rapids club. Sixty-four men from the furniture city are enrolled in the organization, and almost every man from that town is a member. The Cabinet club, made up of men hailing from the national capital, has a mem- bership of 26, and every man from Washington is an active member of the organization. Twenty students whose homes are located in Buffalo, N. Y., have organized a club. The club, made up of the graduates of the various high schools of that city, has a mem- bership of more than forty. The two distinctly high school clubs are the Phoenix club, whose members are graduates of Detroit Western high school, and which has about 40 mem- bers; and the Totem club, made up of the alumni of the Detroit Eastern high p school, and having about the same membership as the Phoenix club. ,DEAt SKELETON AND UEM SP'ECINENS SENT '10 MUSEIII Mr. N. A. Wood, the university taxi- dermist, who has been gathering spec- imens at White Fish Point this sum- mer has recently sent a collection of bones to the museum, comprising a 1 pair of deer antlers, a bear skeleton and a number of smaller bones pecul- iar to the animals found in that part of the state. Mr. Wood is expected Iereabout the first of Septemsber, and the work ii taxidermy will be resumed. PLAN LAST SUMMER DANCE AT UNION FOR FR )AY NIGHT The last dance of the summer schoo will be given by the Michigan Union at 9:00 o'clock Friday evening. The csmrasec ic c..s. ,.,.nsi ,,-at- ville Wheat, '14-'16L, chairman, and C. T. Bushnell, '15. Tickets may be secured at the door at the price of 50 cents a couple. WANTED-Club of 12 or 14 boys for school year. Two blocks fron cam- pus. Modern house. Electric lights. Address 417 E. Washington. 22-23 desa e tc nsa'. Cold Soda, served right. University Avenue Pharmacy. tf Buy your kodak films and supplies at Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State. tf May's new orchestra at Tessmer's boat house Friday night. 22 MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard St. Special Bargains in Used Pianos Headqua rters for COLLEGE MUSIC BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman s 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One block north from Hill Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We bail our drinking water and cool it TS I.JTTL E'S Attractive Mid-Summer MILLYNERY LUNCH ROOM AT LUNCHES and SODAS DANA R I C H A R D SON'S 338 South State S*. It5 E. Liberty WE P.ES BY HAND C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Unv. Av4. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING THE ANN ARBOR Swiming FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday-and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVE THIS COUPON Good for ONE looker a~t the Swirm mIn g pool Good for- Summeor School Stueden~ts Onily I E 1 i ea " I The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER W H ITE SWAN Reasons in every bundle of Laundry work sent from the White Swan Laundry, why you sLould CALL PHONE 165 for our wagon. GDODS NOT ROT'ED BY CHEMICALS-White, not yellow nor blue-button holes intact, buttons ditto. Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES 7 HE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN l1AUNDRY FOLLOW MICHICAN'S FOOTBALL TEAM THIS FALL IN THE MICHIGAN DAILY Special offer to Summer School students- Sent to any address for the football season - - - $1.00 Sent to any address for the entire school year - . - $2.50 SUBSCRIPTIONS ON SALE AT WAHR'S STATE STREET BOOKSTORE AND THE WOLVERINE OFFICE I WA