THE WOLVERINE ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S t4IIy !IItItilNtibald cc,Its tw eto Cag. dr-lt-l timmer, or -after h io ' NVWh'iacc at!It Icorerfl Tayer ll fl(( _(I III( 1'I). a - ai ' AtdmI a la cC tp; "-11i II i-a yioC eighlt, S-tee, ma 2c I or w _'I, To find wliat ithest. Just gtze him a test; Andl after that, trial, We'll water you'll smile. ito after youa heisih em"fuss" or a "Hop," tollow the, slga baards: ALL ROADS LEAD 1O POP'S. IT'S THE STUDETS' SUPPLY STORE WHO HAS THES Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything.a Student Needs. Phone us. We deliver the Goods 1111t So. University Ave. Phone 1331-J SAYS COLOR PHOTOGRAPHY S'HOO11 OF,1 tIP 11 Itf" VI @ 'I y thoug h no idefinittearratigementshv "T 1{ 7 1,141O { bttnoiplettt ted itoslikely that mere MAY SOON BECOME PERFECT tiiitiiiti:- 1111 H oaol of' lotie glde aill be greaped 1'"o______ liv m : Tr.ti ;> m Oe toga tantformterly. Piof. H. IH.1W ilard ITraces DIeveloptit Ite I itiftiti 1 s k itti, INtuv niet ofatPopiular Phiotographi ttttitriiai ci 1' iii t n'eiy R teide Hltl Method WiththetreovalllItwoot 11 ,_r ooiareinowidoaplet- bu__ aidings fromthieli-propCCety of tilt' Illcta itt-Na t ticiry ic-eni's resience "Coter phetegraphy leseti the high University StchttitotiCMuic ati it'il t iC COCICIC Stole street.Ahot 50 read fe perfectien," said l'ref. H. AWit- sotha s eitcot re fla6atndlil li Icoliacti w'atrkitig en the structure, in- lard Wednesday eight in his lecture VINiltiti stree-ts, the third h'ci5 - re -tcict -a25 hii-I-layers. A woeden en "Ceter Phetegraphy." modelled for use0as aoi i alt ohu towettac.lilethadit it Ferry' field ts usetd "Ever slate the mtddle ages, odie-j presetquiaitrites. 'lhealie adiellfortcarigiltfoenicrete. The reef wiltt tists have experimented te fluud seine avallelltby t-eainig downithlt - oldli0itb icmli-cldby- Novemtber, anid the int- device ef exactly reproducing natural struettiresa-ill it onvec rted into tail- aide' cwork icy Janutary 1. Tthe old ath- relers en paper," said Professer Wil- iih cortc. sit ttofficre ahieh stands itifrottof the lafd. "to 18101, at Jena, a ptrefessoer In adiioit to seceiring parlos ni-ow it Pilin,iiwill he usedl duirinig the made a discevery which started tthe in- the neca locatiotifolothecut isicai lii u- t ill sceliat, tlac ill tiot he tern terest which has since heen shea- iniidenta, tDetinF. It. Baceir l il cel ii iliiocn1uncliexcct sprinig. the suhject. In 1890 Lytton devised ling iititte dean of wsoicnccllticeI _a means ef color photography by the a niersity to incer athte.' itoiomlic 1of -interference principle, hut tois plan lhouses t-li-wh i' rert'aocltirldc. alll itt-i ewchstliora oft'Peoomerts - was impracticable. 'The recent maeto- approved by the' aomen'sti Al-froccho i to tFridalty nighlt. 22 edo have been the separation of white ltght, the use of ante-chrome ptates, and use of the pagent ptate." "Three primary caters, retl, yeltow, ', - ---am and btue, when combined in the formiftasitetih om ht;we oftrnsite lgt or aie;nhi combined as reflected tight, ttte resiult of a conibination of the thraa colorso isbak iaoclri h oisforms a pleasing though inmperfect col- or scheme by rapidty combining 1t-o sets of films, one in red and the otherĀ°3 in green. Att plates are made by oy n- thesis of little squares apparent under, - the microscope." Vies were shown botta witstthe pagent plte and in the auto-chrome, o 'a I I j;61 It IIS of scenes on the campus, views from NeavEngtand and the Rockies, and fti-___________________________________ mitiar objects. Several pictures of gardetns of the factttty were shea-t. "Ftashlighto may be taken ini col- N U I., S I -F e h ors," said the speaker, "and anty ordi- nasry camera ptate cats be used in color e4/ 1A photography, The process however is Y comptex and expensive, cud is not practical. Hand colored plates thoughW h t an ed. Much research neck is being done 7J 0Iv i in rotor pthutograpthy, antd it 10 likely that in a fear years a quick inexptenstve' method may be pruduced" oI iced are flay's new orchestra at Tissiner's ini th C boat house Friday night. 22 REPIIESENTATIIVE WANTED- Eu canvassing or soticiting required. Coed income assured, Address ME{W-_ RILL, ff75 Droadway, New York.,(Secondf I/Oor) 13-25r _ Catkints Pharmacy for drugs, tft. - Repairing ol Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH. AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Halt er Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street mm"ll. m The New Catalogue OF THE IIiest of lVichigall IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, The latest word in musical instruments is thle Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph and the latest word in Edison Phonographs Is A New Recr eya Consider:-No needles to chantge-Non-breakable records--Recortds with 40 0a more music-Belttor volume-etlter tones-ecocrds that will practically nover wear out-Thue Edihon will Iflay otlltr records cs well, attd plasy them better. Hear it atid be coog-jutred, LYNDON 719 N. University Ave. ment and the Summer Session. i I1 I Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper - Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SILEY Wm SMITH Secretary University A NN A R B 0 R The Wolveri e WILL RUN A 'Want=Ad mn If you have. lost anything or desire to sell something, try an A D=LET D- -/ _