TUHE WO LV ER IN E THUR., Aug. 1 3-Retun date, one day only, Mary Pickford in "Tens of the Storm Country" FRI. Aug. 14-Lillian Walker in "The Accomplice" by Mrs Thompson. (Vii. Comndy) SAT. Ann. 15S-Anna Schaffnr In "Thn Ponr Folks' Voyaen." (Vii, Dramna) MON.-TUES. Aun. 1 7.8--Carlyln Black- well in "Spit-Fire" by Edward Popin, "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNIS HINGS VARSITY T O GGERY S HO P 1 107 South University Ave. 'H' WI ('OLVTER INE1 ipiohii - u f(irto nioral goodniess, iint aul rigidines55an1 The official student newspaper for physical stiffnes. the Unrnsrity of Michigan summer stssion. Published by the students on* Tuesday Thursday and Saturday of- The isosnen are s'tirog it. Tiey are terisoons. Tscenty-five issues. dfanciiig andsifvifi farciees szIid tryfisg Subscription rates--Dy carrier, sev- enty-five cenits for the summer; passibie. But the sp irit doesn't get mnaileid to aiiy address for ,one dsl- info t(li oesi'fabrci. It iieeds jolt- lar. usegisp. There should lice iori rcviii- Advertising rats-Furished upon oP- ions,ilastifwshisc theieiiand swomein of plicatioss to tisc business manager. ssiiiier sesion (001l1 lesirin to bieome Sibecriptionis and ads talken at Quar- ry's, Cuslifeg's aisd Sooth Uniser- sworse fsr an evening. siy Pharmacy. There still lbe(lie riglid personi to Office flours: Mlanaging editor, 2:00 ihold upi Iis iir heir sanids in lhorror thii to 2:00 daily; buisinsess mnsager, first tiiie. lliithiley isill yet over' it 1:00 to 3:00 daily. Phone 960 or abottetirliisau ti e it 44. ilie spiirit thsimselves. Address, The Wolseriine, PressDsiiltd- lWe si :a ighiui t iupei liteso use, Maiyinard St., AmissArbor. desit smiiisiiica lib ic iarlte oth(erday. TINKER &COJ FURNISHERS and HAITERS tn University Men 342 S. State St. Student Furniture FLtRNISH YOUR ROOM1S Complete line of dousble deck beds at $i1.75, cisiffoisiers froms $i0-o0toS112t00, stc dy tasbles and desks, 050 50o0 $13.75, chairs assd rockess, r4.75 to 6, essnabling you to rout y osur roomsmustceadily. MARTIN HAILEIR Furniture Carpets Rugs FilR IDA N .SUMN ER l 101 Twso lectures sire schiieduliei foe rs siay ciithesuissiier school issleciii- iiieii cosirse. '"Rssisesind ltse Prs-e Eiiiopean Crisis" is the subject of a (silk to be givess by Prof. 0C. L. Measdir 1i :00 o'clock. Professorc leir liis maide spiecisal study o[' ill pasiss of lNsssiass life, ad assiso cargeof tile essirses iii Russsiassii ine ssodel''s sc- glisagi'di'parstmen'st. 1-ie has a ci lloe- loss ofsviiesss, ssithi chlshe wilil- listrate liertinent (sicts relaitingsto is pesentilcomplsete _silisstioss 0n the cuns lisicist.t 'loi'lescesit 0:0(1 o'cleck''rFeid-sy The Finest Billiard Rointhe Stoie CIGARS and CANDY Leo I. Bsrnett-ilfinagitig Editor "We Try to Treat You Right"1.(srie Phone-12083-M.i r' Gtr f1 nad --Bsintess imaniager. Phonie-1407-M. Atletic Editor---Cluasrles Keundrick. i 13Le iC ian Rporters Manr treet Ann Arhor Ju B onilila Stsckbridge Hiltoss H-farold Boswcock Clement Jackin AnulSummer Session Louis Brucs Chsaries Johnson Jue29 to August 21 Verne Burniett Dudley McClure nsuction in all Branches Wiilbert Fuller Harry Vandarwarker of MusicFresd. L. Paickarsi Willis Goosdensoiw Fo lfl Information, Call Walter Watson athOffice. Business Stali CHARLES A. SINK Serntary S. W. Donaldson, Asst. Duo. Mlgr. T. C. lill Lee Watsons Tl-I CIOSAY, AUGUllST 13, 1014. SugaC obuss.,intsrilliasntly ini coitrast isithi 109 S. ruin Street othest umsmessir schsool activities, suini- "Say, but this si: iss 004,"hei' sail, ("I issu'tslo11islwhesn I cit bas iit lIliscl - scy villt." HeIi're wsoneiiil'i(olisidicssisgisl1i1l she siea.We clou't swsastliihem to smsoksi nsecesosarily-. Putice do sNissi (heisso isndulge iii s littli' ha~rsmlessitorsessisse 1-all of thesisisess sasd scossss-- prisieipals asid sisperintesndn'siths, lasis, issesics, eninieecs, risis, islisr- ss' iessnd emibalmsers. CI VIC I IPROVEMIENIT~h~f 111PRO'.10u' 'FL tiltIN TALK 'Some.i' CitIisoith Ilisis il-Isisl t hz(ili tes plies Elsind-ld BookV foY al de pL.~ .^...-arfm±."ae-.--+at :s:S.4kW. Un Q-:-'ai.rierca-cc~".sit ' C Sg y tore. I hTRI U lIDLiE AN AiO TMETAL And Is, 1, P- tism nd . pre l as o Dto(5 s i-cod Loal Cacirsfo erishos-ssi 0a.5m, 0:o6 a. m., Fa:lctveytohrslt tore.m, :6p [1 8 :o ). j1ron :ioSt. rn-aiis lene .Hit. Best Ice ICreen.r Home mxade candy fresh daily Prompt Service PHONE 967 BOOKS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECOND=BAND E Complete Lice Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionatries Comnpends, etc. CASH OR EXCHiANGEFO0 YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MiIChlIGAN C. E. Bartlieill 326 S. State St. Tel. r61-M CANADIAN CRASHES You know the material- light, porous, elastic, soft in texture,durable in quality-the ideal fabric for a Summer suit. We have them, together with a large assortment of flannels Full Dress Suits a Specialty mer svomsc'sshave successded iso arosus- I ug si little of (be enthussisassi,ths' sb- sensie of ishich c'haracte'rizes siummser unudertakinigs iii general. A series of larties switi dancimig mnd refreshmsenssas thecir 'enstrsal attrac- cionis andi a light play soPS' guvess this week ar ie samsong hi' thsings liii'social- -stimig siomsisnshiss fosimnd for susmser' shiv ersioni. ArnoilildBennsett, amid better phsiloso- pihers of shiv livinig of life.,ihsvi' ssaid thast thei saseraigeiseromsshould snot consscienstiously sells recresitionsssich is to bitter hinus, but rsaiher somsetinsg whiich still sworsen ims. Massyiseopsle hsave sdriftced alonmg iii narrosw duty csan- asil for so bung a pseriod that tbeir semi- sibilities ice cosigeasltediandsthirpuho- piosee do usoctsadmit of relaxaions. Amid here is the suommer school stu- denst. Shiv averie school tesacher, so- (ifntsendenit, picipihal-ainyonieswho chososs the heat of siumer s a peri- od of study-doesn't scant recreation iihiich sill better bliss, bumt somiethuing uwhichisill iworsens lhim. The best focus of diversions is clue iopposite to thast whiiich ovcuies most of Isis timse. If is usl1 enough for the ssumme'r studeinst to sattenud all of clue special lee- slurs5. hie gets infosrmasstionu there schuici he csansgiftiso sihere else. Dot lii' shossulnutchoose lecture-goinug as i n amsuisemuent. Lecture-going ssillmuot siorsen huimu. It is perfectly proper for ths summoser studenst to spenud sonic of isis leisurce muoussensreading souse bsuok or othesr, wshich hs alwasys limt o1f re adinig unmtil mnoss.-(ust he shuouldn'tl choose thuo as sum amususemnt. Book- resading ill. mot sworsen buss. Nieitheir book-residing muor lectur e- gooing w ill give clue least relaxaions to ths bodhy or smind or morals of thue high schosol suuperinutisendet. :Let imn takse Irk little dlipinisto somuethuing evens as dies- ilisis isdanmcinsg. Let imussimus. Let huire usinu" - . Lt imsumiix. must by suit zsmeassus lht AmissArbour offer himsthue Pm-cu. A. Tesaliisishiedcuiusscilluss-j sighs skilllie dilisece.,1lby Sipt . . Isasiosssof ilssiewyin ich some s si'cit- ' isuisey, of Detroil. lIi' isill tolkes i allosst(liu' sh ts uitfsushic lvid fbi ' heAdulstmenumt of Atodisui I1f (isis elite hproberiesssto bes-ome ussslgsucize(uttiosnto Nsw Educasionassl Iiieals" Buts throughla sck of ites t saushsalseci- leciurces isill be giivems iii fle iost utioms of (hi' maturasl hisssutics, iii Ils levtures'out"Cisvit 1Iii ,,r si nit'" is "pest pby sit'es ulit i li usr 'Isiesu s l f- les's mnesworchestra sit Tessmessc tarns,on.In is ou f. I -,osli Iiliiitie le ii atousse Fridasy nusd. 2 sightly bill hosardis, dumpslsgrosundsstel--- - ectieuspolsli', sand (s thMondaly ir i~g August Ssale CanmpusPDootery--Any wshlinhsss, hue uas esecsal pitrs of cs Oxfordhs iiistoic $3.0,,formserly cvsic lsesaustiitioni, bulls in theUie 50,$5306and $6004. tf Stasssanusd abrosad.-- Professor S'esldi tallied strongoly uin, l .li 2- - 5i fasvor of chesan, oustdoor lplaygrounssi for vchildrens, slating c that itwsisthe iKodaks and suipplieo at Calis. tI onsly swayito hsringup ssscu~ustrog lndeffi- _______________ cient chihlren. lie fsurtber urgcdltha 1$ It s snewv orchestra at Tessisioce eery one tsike assissuersest civicsii5i5lJbosthsouse Friday night. 22 iscovesuc' tat sth(lecaimpigmigh us.lt lie musose effec'tive? - - 1-4 OFF Eflectric fixtures for sale, Inquire O ec n T ob sit Umniversity IIusic House, hPres. Base Ball Cloves buildinug, Muaynardl St. tf AT Musy's. , s s I mei'x I''Z lie '--- h's y';'F": 310 State 1' i. Florists Cit. 1211 t.l nd Uiv . l e.ii F Phone 11-5 Ca i tt, o isti(suit Is IIce acod THE FAIPMES AN5 M ECHANICS BANK Safce sLanisg-uand CoeousssielsvuisssessfcOure 9 Custuissu s 55ir5Watc Isessi 3yer cnt Iterst noureSaingos Department uplus -- -d rois-. a0,OC Transects na Ororras nemitto Ousloecs i-serCe-si iuseeesl pus. lonss -'e- iDeposis Ch sI.Hisosi.Priso,Sicis-it. EriniCa'ess iou uai,,iii-iuiiv'icePrst'aIS' i ssst". Cisi'r, scinSWsiz, Asst Cashs'rS aviugs Despt. D eD.CLussieaidBu eamdDmefor nuCiesad, Pmhl eaee Glenn land tofMasing laidrdzes, thipsfweeklymanefthtodepandthe n uu riou eso enmiut fthe sppat D C.seey steip ailyrse aitscbe twngTnldmir4youWth-P you jsnot1mbto S'peabutihakna sad Yh aouR smrAretoA tCeNtadingtrywoDeioosthandWBte- Waylon yourtripedrol elad easairbwestfoewilacpreiatentone0manC. itmfam ts oesu r padltiase amrs DaNiNeretIenDetoiPaMPHleTvgind ahd Detipanufaof Foa ri ups wseklmiToaledyeonri toMackenacdslaypsage.wa addns AAugssPo ub.wekPoecsigs5,verySmtrdayetee lanup to MackisactIuslPunediect.A.wAtrisekFcine 25td outept.h liignosoerute imxepmt fuse fetrofilevery trip.ilhasrv~icbe teenATldIndt-In-aJCeK0tItNptmbr0t.C YOURAILRO D CETRO,digLewen DtadBf ANITSTINGPMHLTgACE.talddecitino UNIVERSIIY AVE HRAY 1219 So.Uteri' Avenue Drugs, luTlet .r:ticles, Cigars, Cigarettes and Casndy PHOTOOiRA13HER 319 E. flumin St. PHONE 961=M ! I. FridayiAsu. 1 4-Tomisany Hussbands" kWith John uSens} Sal Aun. 165-- "Ashes of Hope" With (Francis XBusnhman - - OPi[.NORNEXT WEEK Ths'ooeah T Flains"' Leading Merc? ant 'Iailors G. H. ILD CO