T H E W OLVE R IN E ee cliiPunic lcc icciter , " 11 The official student newspaper Saor I eil4aslu uge _________________ lie University at Michigan sumcmner s I MON"TUES., Aug. 10.1 1-Hazel Dawn ~session utciished hy the students on known on the scroe as Mary Pick- 'Tuesday Thursday and Saturday atf- 1I ford the second, in "One of our Cirls" teenarwny-leiscc by FromtanHowoard. tron.Tet-fiv isues WED., Aug. 1 2-Homterun Baker. of theo usrpinrts=~ aresv Philadelphia Amercansin 'Homerun tahripiic rts16y arir 7 .7 Baker's Double"'(Baseball Dramea} eniy-fc a rents frtar lie scummecc;414 TUR., Aug. 1 3-Ruturu dale, one day mie aayadestrnc e c'nIp17 unly, Mary Pickford in "Toss of the lr c StoreCouuntry" a..1 t 2 ______________________ Advertising rules-turcuisced uponca - Ill,)yr({!. 22 < pl___________________- ictinti taolice bccsiccessmccacager. }. ,Atn (l:}.. 2 E i 1 ilcSuhcriptcoanadsdctaken at(Qgaur--;-- st c ?t) ....2O OF7I JL L ~ry's, tasiicc's and Souctic tciver- Ii Ilocce I ii .40101 MEN'S FUR N H IGS sityPhcarmiacy. 1-.) d I t)1 .141)1 5111 / Offcc Facrc: lanaging ecditar, a2:00 e ' il> VARSITY TO1O 7E R Y S HOP Inot3c0cidily; lcccsicssacnagec, 14- 4ii ...2 1 107 South Universtty Ave. 1.:00 toa>00 dacily. Phaoce(160 o 1<1 1 ________________________ 241.16-- S alr In I, 1 --17-. ill c 1i lit()c 1.7 5 .?'1 fiI I*JN kK Auiciess, TicsWolvecrincc, Press Bucild- iRCll (till . .1i 6cc X76 cing, iMvacccrclSt., Anic Arhar., c ccl 1 1 4 7286 [The Ftinest Billiard Rootm to the State 'Iiic cc . 71 CIGARS and CANDY eN.luet lucgigdtr711iriice IP 6 41 " We Try to Treat You Rightt' Phaice-12t3-M. ;.2_ iclliccg lcd 4 16I 4 .501 _____________________F.____ Glii_ Ornee 1Williril Busitiess fManager. 3--1 ldd Ie,-) ...4 1 .25)0 __________________Phoe- 1407-Mi. cc Bulr l aw)4 4 1 1 1 .2510 Athletic Editor-Charles hendric P licticci 5II5V.55 cboOl of s)26 Ni cc cccii .2; 6 .231 mfI iU tc Ieporters )7-_,cci(lt ....2 4 . 200) Maer treet Ane Arbor JuainlBanillia StockbidcgeIHiltanc-e . ho4(ac)))120 Humild 1Macrck Clemencit Jcac a ,ll (a . 1 1200 Anual Summer Session Lauls IBerc Charles JohnsonaG Schaeflfer i1).1)4)1)t Jue29 to August 21 Verne Bucrnett Duleiy Mcticire 1)1 c c cntution in all Branrces Wilbert Fuller Harry Vandcrwrer i? lat (ir-) ? 1 .182 of M sirFreci. L. Packarci Willis (11, 1)))' cell tl) 117 ' 1716 Frfll Information, CallI Waiter Watsoeec(i, , 6 6 athOffice. Butsiness StaBY;, .167 CHARLES A. SINK Secretary } S. W. Doncaldson, Asst. Ius,. 111cc I; - t1' l ,,} . .: 2 . 154 T . Cilill Le4Watsonc TUESDAY,__AUGUS__T__11,_1__914___S-Ut SPAT, (tnI;i 01, 1154.i. 3 Sugar BowvI TEIII tSSIN Q. LXlY 0t4 F , i Unv ity f li Wit)su me S"S =3 Vi A en(l 17 . r 1 111 4ign iis ero ial vin.cc thee ry si t ie Iit l S..-ta t i7el 1 1 i08I Best Ice Cre2.ri ismarkI eria b icy loosen cesandlacigfin 15 Os ccc in1 v 1 .1067 Homxe mrade cardy tecisityl6-1a.s.11lav 0 0 011 fresh dailrty Nearly isccver uside'"cicucmmer acti-457-cBrycut (a1 ... , 0010 Promxpt Sers ioc ity, ifaotaaIcilurec, ha. cilat i noit ccii--4 111 ilccc I(14\} bceen. ccciucci. Thc tioni asiIc f ailed 144 1cei ccc 1 .1511 PHONE 967 teo 91ricuse thie exectedI enthuseiasm;ci -1 4 ica s (.I ..0 14'i t1" clical ofitucic ehas been raispel i--Keiley (licw) 2.. (7 I .0' el in dishacid its sumicmer choral uciii- 14cce lv. . 0 .1 in; hbcit club rcgctta ilianscever iiii 33-- Carter (lawii .. . 1131 0 tireid; and ibe sumecr basebcllleaguei4ii 4 Ioscicllcal lice) .1 1? . 51 0 K 1'3 has nccci ~eived che proper scipiort. 55-- lileccic(1 .I: )c1: B O KObviiously this condcitioni shoulcd not v6--15cchalac(evia.} . O I) . 5)5 exist. Last summer it was net ano 7-Pctcc can ) ci) 1 ))... LAW ANDMDIAL strikiccelydell. ithlla tfe icitormal ci'8-Stcrliii .1)1110 )" ci M D CA aticericcecofatIhe proper ccnatre, a,.11110 (n 0 () I tec ym asum perhacpsc,thcere cciihI , cc a it) ))} 111) NEW AND SECOND=HAND rise, nitc tel 1cloosecness--ocal- i licl lege spirit-cit the rcciplex vibrating 62 cciiiin 11 (lill 6 ) .W Complete Line atmoasphere of cc eciversity--hut a ild(B r(i t)cc. 0 .0011 ecnthusia-sin, greater cunificiation anc -Cacid 41 1.... ..1)10 Text Books mar rcmpalctniess. 65 P19 -cc (11e1111 4 0) .010 Text Laboratory Books -- __ 66Ala (iic 3 0 .0 Reerence BoniosiltTtRl t1'Ic ' LIt~ilS Wt)tli 01 Ditionaries t tIUSAI 11ALI N Laii t tOT t11. Cotnpena, etc.- Cleasoda water at Calkn. tf FU WISHERS- n HATTERS to University Men' 342 S. Stle St. 4 ATIN HALLER The Most Complete Students' Furnishings Establishmuenut for Book Cas3es, Desks, Tables and Chairs 112-12 2 E. Liberty St. 'I IVF 11111' rIII N4,1'INT(I~ s tlilt Acto Ntn ImoAgaefleto.1cetlo cliP cge uwilieie i'i 1 lliii l iliccil Tccesdayc iigt, Augc- stIfs, by cc east icieivil by Prenssor cctt Shkiccilcc eaciireadic. Thecrecit- ' li o tahave' hi ccheld iii Sarah Cue- ' cl i)all all ci, 11u11owi ii to the (Ic- forSh seatse, it was nieceay to 'taeill -lic ccil ice rieipliccecitary In the Lilalil 1prt iCS 1.1being;taikeii hy icil i llcals wciliav ce cccd swide exeri- } Its) ll ii ccici rcicii teeforsocce tie lciimclcvthll lireetiaciocitrof. ilTacomas I'. 4elmacl, head-ofi thecdeiccricciecil r tI i > '£ Mc, i hlterdaii Qtli'n NI to c~t tlIce t. Ticcecs Cathcolic rccurchc Iatev.1 I. Burke els ni rredI the cirenc- i) . They lice cccat.clckincac, iwhere I hv Frill ccpcci ciaboutI ltce ieeksa.- SUMMER SCHOOL EXT And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partments. HR'S University Book Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLUd Liitedand Expres Care oo Detroit-':to a. ml and houiry to 61o p in, alo icte Local Cars tor Oetrit-iuoo a. m., 6:o a.., and eey to houcrst ~to 6o .i., 7:o6. m. 8: o ..9:1onp. m.,anddtccl.5 p. M, To clpiinedihiiconly:l7:90a. ni., 8:20 i.,1106 a. cc..5:es p. m:,1 :cirisp. m0,121pm.,it 1 :30 ~ p. cil,1t00al. m. Limied Corsefor Jacsn-7'l46 a. m. and evornytwoouris to5:4p.tymt Locl Cr orckluJsco-:t12oa. , 6:5ta in. cod eery tcanous t 61 6itp. s, als9cao All Kinds of Hlat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store 118 E. Huron St !Nara IMAtHtelHtI COUSINS 8thHALL Florsts Car 21h SlantSS.Ui. Ave Phone 11S THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH - cfe Bnigatl tsiCurtecousTratmentoftOr Custioesi Or Woitcowor 3 per cot Intrest in our Sangs Deparmet THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital . ........... ien e - Ic iililil n iielPi s,. o o,co.ci Surpn~lus aol ndeofi ts....... .. ncna. cn~ Transects a GeerlBnk Buosiessec 3 ;rCentin cterstpolld o Sindg Deposis Yor5Busiess oicied Cdasc 1- ircekPecs. Micael J. SitCtocdun Wid_ Idocriic,Vin- re. CrdV. Bdmun, Ast. Ca sic W in aAcst Coil bSavig Dept. 1UNIVERSITY AVE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL 1 219 So. Unversity Avenue Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cigarettes and Candy PHOTOGRAPHIER 319 E. HuronoS. PHONE 961=M 1TEMRWPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET WE0.Aug. 12 - "The House of Dark- 0ess" (With Justiea Hull) FridayoAug. 14-"Too MaeyHusbaeds" (With Johe Sueny) Sat Aug. 15 - "Ashes of Hope" With S fFraciseX. Bushmane j COMING NEXT WEEK I "through The Flamoes" Koadakcs acid supplies at UCalkini. ti 1-4 OFF On Reach and "Ty Cobb' Base Ball Gloves AT -.31 State CASH OR EXCHANGE FOR V(IUR OLD B'3KS LARGEST STOCK IN MICOhMAN 326 S. State St. Tel. 1'61_Mt CANADIAN CRASHES You know the material- ight, porous, elastic, soft in textureedurabte in quaity-the ideal fabric for a Summer suit. We have them, together with a large assortment of flannels Full Dress Suits a Specialty 6, H, WILD CO. Leading MercantsTaloros NlEhi la titi'llrsy ticlsicitits t{ltidliis lutvs .Iche mid-summicer cnmbher fcThie Gthlamdite, pulshedi iy AMichigan aluccini iccNowiYoTkCcSit), wessrcc ceivedI ycsterdacy. It is feaituredlby ,iii acceunit ofat aunccheoni 1bySichese Task alumic i oSnMc. lThocas 4. 5)- Biin,'65, of the Uited Staics dihlo- caicervcice. This is cue lastisueofaT he ccli- clicie unctil tail. It cunancicn bcief ar- tii cice iprnccit campluasemints dccc- incth l tccmincthc of ihe ceguliar tecrl, ccnd contalinsa inanccccial report oatihe cib. SrAcieeenits oathcuembcvccecc at the club cicetaolicwedcloselyi)aecen- dcalistocy belig devctced tCcngcess- miaciiliiamicGraves Shcarp, 81, of Elycia,5., swho is nowailabiassador Sn Frcance. tCniderablc attention' is giveneIo the achlcetic pact ofth~e hack, wichv followescwihgrecat initeres t thc ecoc of StIicOiiasi basebdall teamic lice Chiamipioncs otfIcmericca." Itcclso cn- cains a quotatiion fromTieIlie d cin :Mcili concecning "Chinik"Maccd acid is psseibilitiesSocrlice Ohycipic gamcces. Walter5ccI. Hianis, '011f.rerce bui- ness cmcanagcer of Thu AlicigacnhDaily, I is isitling isbrhcderulmanaigerOto Haccns, lite Ann cAcbar iresc. AMc. I iccuc is connectedcitcliiecliv iehivv- icc dldpccavI licf te Wiin mg Ca., of llarvy,111. Phone 416. We deliver your drugs.1 iorngrycou.lyhethe youlcnosDerot ho oskauifuocknloodanda thDos uomm~~neresornoftor ouCentdryer hoooichel"Wate T WlE"COnSTyoIrEtpfomteasorwsyuwlapectehe an comfortsonETROITatialVteamers Daiy ericebewenBUFFitanlOvl,n eritFaLSufao FotpeeklO foP T oledo n eri oMcincIln n a prs DeghfldytisbenDtoit andNCCeveland du~rn Jl andAugst. Poplarwee-ed ecurion evry a rbtwee E 19 I i t l( I 1 t k I I i