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August 11, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-08-11

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Vol. V.


No. 21.

Has Only Four Real Veterans But a
Large Amount of Freshman
and Reserve Material
Looks Promising
Men to Arrive in Ann Arbor Sept, 7
for Consultation; Practice
Begins on Sept. 8
With only four real veterans avail-
able, Coach Fielding H. Yost has is-
sued his invitation to 40 prospects to
attend the opening gridiron rehearsal
Tuesday, September 8, at 10:00 o'clock
in the morning. He will commence at
this time to mould into shape the team,
which is to face the hardest schedule'
Michigan has ever had.
Scholastic Troubles Bar Some
Eight or nine of the number invited
are restricted by scholastic difficulties.
Although the services of some may be
lost in this manner, there are always
several who show up for practice
without a formal invitation. The ath-
letic association stands ready to refund
the expenses of training season to any
who make good on the squad. In past
years there have usually been one or
two of the unsummoned youngsters
who have proved invaluable contribu-
tions to the team.
Rule books have been mailed to all
of the candidates, and they are asked
to arrive in Ann Arbor Monday, Sept.:
7, to have a consultation with the coach.
b fnr th rn iln sririn i n af

.FINISHES SEASON The summer session entertainment
course includes two lectures for to- TflhI
morrow. Prof. R. M. Wenley, head of
Engineers, Under lutelage of "Tom- the philosophy department, will speak TuRISTST
my" Iughitt, Take Pennant on "University Education Scotland" at

Easily 5:00 o'clock, and an illustrated lecture
on "Photography in Natural Colors,"
will be given at 8:00 o'clock by Prof.
MEDICS, DROP TO LAST OF LIST 11 H. Willard. Both lectures will be

The summer session baseball league
has finished its most successful season
since its organization three years ago.
The league has provided summer re-
creation for 66 men, and has proved.
that it deserves a place among recog-
nized summer events.
In previous years it has been im-
possible to keep enough interest to
complete the schedule, but this sum-
er' the schedule has been finished
with two weeks to spare, and with
but four forfeitures. The "pennant"
goes to the strong engineer team,:
which under the guidance of "Tommy"
Hughitt, won seven out of their nine
games. The lifs, however, were but a.
game behind, finishing with six won'
and three lost. The laws are handi-
capped during suunmer session by the
fact that they have two semesters, the
mid-term examinations interfering
with any other interests. They finish-
ed with three games to their credit,
while six went to their debit aide. Two
scraps were all that .the medics were
able to win, while seven black marks.
were placed against them.
The management .states that it is
still in 'bad shape financially, and de-
sires that all slayers contribute. any

hieldi in the west physics lecture room.
The following musical program will

Messages From a Few Studeids AbeiU; as a lassenger on the Mauretania. He
Only Information Which las s a member of Zeta Psi fraternity,
Reached Ann Arbor (.'B1.Carpenter,, '14-'16L, managing
Since Saiturday ior of 'he Michigan Daily for 1914-
_-_ 15 aswritten from London that he
BRUCEI llRtOilOEY WIJIES FATEt oic 11safe andwaiting for an opportunity
THAT lIE IS SAFE IN PAtIi ' irturn tosme. With him is Morris
nil iin , -'14,si hoaas Varsity foot-
iall maager last year.
Names of Prof. Itenderson and H I t is Grare lowers, who has charge
Carpenter, '14, Ieceived in List o thi biological laboratory, is a mem-
From London j te.r of the party being conducted
h Em-> 1 b1,n e Prn fg cT

rug-i jurope ty vro. .James i-..
be given in Hill ai~ditoriux, Tuesday Relatives and friends of Ai arborCi'.She writes froni Venice, Italy,
evening, at the last faculty concert of tourist.siarossio'1in t'irni ii ' 28,0but males ns uention of the
the season, when Mr. E. N. Bilbie, vio- ceived little satisfaction u;is g h pnding struggle.
linist, of Pittsburg, Penn., and Miss past few diys. Frw cables aid w 'ht dt you ttiik of this ear be-
paatdew Z.s.Hfwgcerg,, ltianoist, thinrofehisywr-be
Maude Z. Hagberg, pianist, formerly letters have been receiv'd, at g nAustria and Servia" inquires
of the University school of music fa- there are a few messages beginin to r' 'rank E. Robbins, instructor in
ulty, but at present head of the piano arrive written when the war wasin siGr nrom Florence, Italy, in a letter
depaitment of the Frances Schimer its first stages. The idinisan FG oipkiis.
Institute, Mt. Carroll.,Illinois, will ap- has not begun to worry yet alo t the uord has been received from Dr.
pear. This is the last summer session possibility of some of its most valua . . lll that his family is safe at
concert, and is given in place of the
ble faculty members being absent from Ox ,r, Entgiand.
proposed choral union concert, which work next fall, but stands ready t I Thi oflicial list of the state depart-
has been given up on account of lack make changes which becoiie ini'sa- tof the American refugees in Lon-
of time. The program follows: ry without any serious trouble. e ii)neludes the names of Prof. W. D.
Allegretto Tranquillo and Allegro A si i Hinderson and MAIrs. Henderson as
A niajority of those heard froiii since'
Animato from Sonata, Op. 13, in last Saturday ore students. Follsingi s iiais that of I. 1:. Carpenter, '14.
SE. ......................... Grieg are the lates messages which have str- Prof. S. S Bigelow, of the chemistry
Miss Hagberg and Mr. Bilbie rived: deiprtment, has given up a proposed
Prelude.... .Otterstrom- ijour to Ilerniuda on account of
................ Bruce 13trii '14, has cabledi s
Fruehlingsglaube .... Schubert-liszt father, Mr. P. 1.. Iromley, tha uhe iiiiiiitions caused by lie sar, and
Spinning Song ..... Wagner-Liszt safe iii Paris. uiriiig 's lost yi i 'ill imai atth Bismark Hotel
saeiM.ai.iss igIl as er nNwMaude Z. Hagberg c York until September.
, college he was leader oh the Unier- Irof'.lo ris P. Tilley, of the Eng-
(a) Soldier's Song ...... E. N. Bilbie sity of Michigan glee club, and 't
]is,:, rnnt. has made all prepa-
(b) Nek Nefeljets ....... J. Hubay took a prominent part in eai
r1 o ni or Europe, having
(Accompaniments by Ilathryn Burlin- ti:itics. i'o'sp:nuiyg 1i i . sn ai eol absetce for next
game.) cycle trip through Europe w i ls c e
gam..)cyle ripthott;h urpe a. Iyeti . ttste ad, however, he will spend

oeiore the regular gridiron routine is miC ~i~,alvacauitu Iy
taken up. small amount that they feel able to Mr. E. N. Bilbie P. Wilson, '15. They had just com-
Although there are only four real part with. The batting averages for Barcarolle . . . . . . ... . . . ...... Liadow pleted a tour of Belgium and 11olland
veterans from last year's squad, there the league players, as comiputed from Nachtfalter (Waltz Caprice). when war broke out.
are nine who wore the Varsity letter. score published in The Wolverine, ap- .................... Straus-Tausig Howard M. Wfarnei, '16, has arrived
Nine "M" Men pear in another part of this issue. Miss Maude Z. Hagberg in Halifax, Nova Scotia, from London,
"Tommy" Hughittiquarterback, has
barked the signals two seasons for.FRANCO PRUSSIAN HERO IS LOYAL TO ARMY
Yost's battlers, while Captain Jimmie
Raynsford, of Detroit, has been on the OF KAISER, BUT SAYS 'TOO MUCH IS TOO MUCH1
varsity squad for two years at tackle
and:end. Johnnie Lyons made a regu-
lar berth at right end last season, and "Too much is too much," is the sim- on the invasion after the battle of by the confident tone of the one who
should star there again this year. MartsWorth. After this, fight, Reetz with addressed them that they were
Glple war philosophy of Wilhelm Reetz, Wrh fe hsfgt et ihadsse htttut Fuy u 'i
Galt, Craig's running mate, completes two companions, searched the country i overwhelmed, they stlacked arms
the quartet of regulars left from last f for a comrade, their corps having gone at the side of the road,
season's machine. He is a quiet, modest little man, 72 about two.miles ahead. They found and marched before the three daring
Craig, Paterson, Pontius, Musser, years old, who sweeps out the office the companion seriously wounded, and Prussians directly mito the German
Torbet and Traphagen are all lost by of the Ann Arbor Press every morning. decided to get him into camp, although camp, nearly two niles down the road.
graduation, and their departure leaves He is following the war-closely, and is there.was' no hope of saving his life. It was thus that Reetz and two others
a scanty groundwork for Yost to build probably more vitally interested in-its They went down the hot country road, captured 300 Frenchmen, and that he
up this season's team. outcome than anyone else in Ann Ar- and.becoming tired, stopped ii the was recommended for the Irout os
There are several promising candi- bor. Although-he loves the German edge of a woods to drink from a spring At the close of the war, Reetz same
dates from the reserves and All-Fresh, army, he believes that the Kaiser- has andawash the wounds-of the their com- to the United States with a newly-ac-
and still other men who have made tackled more than he can handle, and panion. quired bride and has ived here since.
good on class teams are counted is glad that he can spend his.last It was then that they heard the Hie never talks about his accomplish-
on to fill the shoes of the veterans, years in- so safe a placeas; U. S. A. steady.marching of troops. They im- ments and dislikes the thought of war
Principal among these is McQueen, Reetz not only served in the Franco- mediately discoveredthat a body of in general.
varsity baseball captain,who will come Prussian war but in Germany's strug- 300 hostile Frenchmen was upon He was deprived of a pension, and
out for varsity gridiron honors for the gle withAustria in 1866.; He hastwo thxem. although .72, depends entirely upon his
first time this season. Lillie is anoth- medals to show for his :deedsin the Opposed to 300 Frenchmen were daily work for his livelihood.
er class team halfback who is expected latter struggle, and for his part in the these four Germans, one of them about Like General Sherman, Wilhelm
to make the competition for berths Franco-Prussian fight,,he was recointo die. Reetz says that the wounded Reetz says that war is as bad as hell
lively this fall. Among the 1913 All- mended for the Iron Cross, a mark-of comrade begged them to leave him was ever painted. Although now an
Fresh, Maulbetsch, a plunging full- great distinction in German army cir- and -save. themselves, but they refused. , American citizen, he has a feeling of
back; Splawn, a punter, and Niemann, cles. Stepping boldly from the edge of the patriotism for Germany. Nevertheless
a center, look especially promising. The story of his experiences-in the woods, with the two able companions, he does not possess the unlimited con-
Benton, Bastian, Mead, Staatz, Wat- war with the French is a thrilling one. Reitz shouted,"Halt"and surrender fidence expressed by those who are
son, Roehm and Quail, of the Reserves, The Second Army Corps, of which aromsayou are.our prisoners; the blindly patriotic. "Germany will win
are all valuable men who have had Reetz was a member,;had passed into woods are full of Prussians." for a while," he says, "but too much is
(Continued on page 4.) hostile country, and followed close upri The French hesitated, but believing too much."

J - ti.fI"11, -1 Il, , - 11. .afr. -
thu year in tHe east doing research
work in libraries there.
.\ telegram received today from Dr.
t'. A. 13urrett states that he reached
New York this morning on the Dutch
liner Kroonland, and will start for
in. Arbor ato e.
Igsmont tHildner, '15, son of Prof. J.
A. C. Ihildier, of the German depart-
uis'nt, established a new swimming rec-
ord at Whitmore Lake Sunday morn-
ing, wtuheu he swam frot Stillson's
Beach to the Lake house, a distance
of approximately two miles, in 44 min-
uts, lfuster than any previous time.
H ildier's record is even more re-
m"ii ablu on account of being made in
tbhei la e of a strong head wind, which
beat up the surface of the water, and
made swimming rather difficult.
(JIMA N 'TIC (E 681 ('PION
Russel Allman defeated F. S. Breed
ii the final match of the Union tennis
tournament, on Saturday, and, as win-
ner, received a tennis racquet. This is
the second time Ir. Allman won the
championship of summer school in
tennis, having won the tennis title it
the summer of 1912. The score on
Saturday was 6-1, 6-2.

Sp Miat offr4to Summer School students-
Sent to any address for the football sbasen - $1.00 Sent to any address for the entire school year . - $2.50

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