T HE WOL VE RI NR 1OR1111 'I i. ((otined ficia pae 1.) Four and ive room cold Set:iher ot, cd alt o ns thought flats. Will be ready sheimut hvei beei injured seriosly S eptember 15. b otunatelylul hIiso wsnot 111e 00s, 111 he 1came 1o1t witli rtiner110at the ent o1the perormroane to resur J. K. MALCOL M t l iii 011110(1 . 604 E. Liberty St. Iailoas tir'Ttaer Engliricilraigis ta cpuzzle to th Amicanrli. Tovnder tostt an NEW UVo M. BOAT LIVERY Ilhe rsor crrigoes,at fcore di ie il to eliol Ini tento seintg CANOES rom sixto toten. Iiorerig ciopoirt- ci lil, you it i your etoson coea, Candies Cigars lie or di1 ngry or thirisy, from on011 Cakes soft [rinkes stop t1t0 ttii i. n T.iin seldomo Soda Fountain and avilie n 000. tieir lho, ait east inpli c 1, 011 Orchestra Sunday Alernns ir 1is00n1110lowieiib'1wee10te and Evenins two 9't for tisiomfoiiortig reeao- tion.G. TESMER, yPropD. 10Iiyupail tthird lss, as mot peole do, you11are troan11110 very Buy Indestrtucto aggage Just Received A new litmeo INODESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. The kind that c at wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Light weight Underwear Manhattan SHIRTS, with Soft Collars and French Clts. Prices - - - from $.50to $350 Ltght Colored Worsted and Flannel TROUSERS At 20% ott ronm regular prices Prices - - $3.50 to $500 Ruee, Conlin & Fiegel THE N R 4"I FRED C. WEINBERG Proprietor OPEN EVERY Y EXCEPTDA SUNDAY 900 A. M. to 900 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fith Ave. Phone 996-2 rings JGood for ON0toeker a~t the Sw*Armmtec pool Good for Suimzkr School Studervta Only U as mostof the traficis toc10111,te ptoplc 01101a01lsoe riteahroulieh lpas introdcliedt 1ith 001111blar cf trumpeits 111 the btetetroins, hile '' tiltlalni otteepinig carriaiges"'re 11111rid ils a tuxirtios11010113 00te stain It1was1o01 0110 01 tiec orrtidor trains 11101 we ,o01 0u10firt 0010e 1011 smelt of En~g~lh"retauranlO~titcars." We had 10 walkthrough0100fil' 0cariage0s 111011 10100.110 1va1, 1besideso 100 gurd's 000111 anit thekittctietiof 111e Iie , 001001 110 ieachedt 0110s0001. Thetoeal 1000 goian1011ceap,btitt1113prIejditee aga~instl te 0011vi11 010s 0110f011111 w1hin the condutlctor tried a litllt sleight o hoiid by wich~ot lie 001 tl c111110,0fot me. Thei surface' 10111ay0s 1100 child's play, boowever, comlpared owihc thi 10111111 subwalys. Ii the 1latter0the, 1001111110o110o 1111l op at 0100y t- ton, 00te taveller a to 1001k wel to the stons. WIe (id ailt got carried a1way paor010staion. 1110sign reat "net ~ trainl 11s1000 1us10e11Square." Nl id 1111t101t0011to 1011si11e'0ta~t, 00 hle 10111111i fairly tgt, all traio 'live to to trough ev01001statoi, a11d 111111t111sig01f11shed lte1111010at wIhicli tiers10d(id 0111 stoi. GIlsgowl, a ci1t f about 11millilo,r hasanil uderground 00a110113rnniiing' 113 1c11111 iia.acricle heneath tepin01- cipa po llrtion 01tii' city It seeiiio1 11 1e10rty muchl of a farce. Te venti- lationlis to Ocious a11111tie place to 00 Idampo that you half colect to s e iho dyting through the air. Every oice in a11111l' te Icable 10110 dagsoiiii a mloulidy traini, 1011001 01100 onid 01' im111roid by a judiiciouso bringiof0 o lid rags or hair. Cambsridge Campus Idat 'Thle univers'0iie's at 01110s011'and Edinbrgh 1ha11e s1111elybuiitldigs, but. they'3 001' 10111 surr1ounded01 bi3buy urib rnte sp11'10101eilly ttractive10. a goo-okig st11c11100 loom 11he Out idie. '1111'nivrsity3 lt ("amtbritg ha 111n01idea1l lcatin, btterthant'lo0 ail' o1 the two ozdeiiiAniiO'irliiit veorsitteo I have seen. Tte iveti r tCni 01111s amon~g till'aoust~l coleges, ad tihi' oact 1111100 10c'ket inia11beaIuiful 'mcatner,01hle te trees arc01011niiore vierabile luan tebilding. A I iiideirtaititit, Cambrig omplirises lnore 1111111a dozeitcolilees, iiot o~ 1 twhitoch ivearts coirses, auideach 01 ihle uiitterity' beig'tadmiiiotered 0100 actively by a vite cacelor. Its ttlattendatice is 1100011013,00. Witi sc arcely' 111re' t11011a1.liititted (Gertan andilFreciriwuortdobeweei"ts1, 1011110 atlrtltii011tiitittotome inusal xp'iece's oil theoCoitiett,twhereourOtt icit 01130 that we are to go nelxt Iweek TO)1L14 ItLNAIL 1MArclI1I tUNIO)N'I'ti15NTSItLT.' TOAY The os'mi-inal maoitche l i'ini ih- 1ig11ntUiiont tteniis tonmet, fplyed iTursdaly reultted 00s 1011011: P. S. Broedxvs. P. C. Codit 6-I and 6-t0; I. Allmnan 0s. C. X,.Mack, 7-5, 1-7 anti20-13. It. Breed and Mr. Alin w1 il play' le fitil liatch today a11i0 the winnelr wliiirecivei0 tnisor000011. Prtiofsos Recriet'atlar Eaton' Prof. Joseph A. Pursey, w0it Prof. J. C. Know1lto atd Mrs. Knowlton, 000 spending their vltation at Bar t-abor, The lew(iltrn arl bot the atof01Al- ('old Soda, servd right. Unisiy Avonco .tharmoacy. I UninrntPYitI1j ±Thxtiic ItsQ Press Building 6B.M .RO Maynard St. Headquarters for COLLEGE MUSIC BOARD AT $4.00 Freeman's 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One black narth fran Hill Auditoriam 75 cts, per Day Dinrner 35 cts. We bait oar drinking water and cant it ?S Attractive Mid-Summer t"U T T LE MILLINERY UNCH ROMAT 16VCH ad ODA DNARIC GH A RD SODN' S 33 oxth tateSt.115 E. Liberty C. I. KIIID Phone 1530 J till S. Univ. Ave. s.... w v DRY AND STEAM CLEANING T hei White Swan Laundry Corneir Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER W HITE SWAN Reasons ha evety bundleofo Laundry work sent from the 'vhite SwnLundty, why you should CALL PHONE 1 65 fco' out' wagon. C hODS NOT ROTTED BY CEEICALS-White, lieu 311(110v nor blue-bultton holes intact, buttons ditto. Special atten- ti11n1 gioot to ladies cothebs. OUR PRICES IRE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN lAUNDRY 50c RESTOF TH SUMEK50