THE WO L VERIN E ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S 'Why al this diiibt :.a-s toiwhreito iii Forcralcsfad, idinner, or after the show When riglht ait th cornier of ]Bayerr rid ?Miiiror. 'Toip" Biaiiroift aiiti'yiaou t icy "hllo." M.i's gi ilrtherepi. Atid alitt ofi ie Will treat yiori lii, Morn, soon or ni-git. li i id ila shs. And tlier iliatial We'll. ivagrr }oui'l smiler. So afiryot inlishithei"fuss"'or ao"Iop,' Fllthe ipshars ALL RIOADS L1E'AD TOIP101S. IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE WiiO IHAS THE Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student Needs. Phone us. We deliver the Goods 1111 So. University Ave. Phone 1331-J sn I i Repairing ol Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 534 308 South State Street The New Catalogue OF THE i _, 1, I f a a c 5 E t _ e I . FIRIIM N O'1I.S JANY S'VLN 11SARE 1PLACED O RSWEATING pBRAU Becarefulwith your grafting inbhe l Y .APPOINTME11NT COMMITTEE trets. Don't chop. tice a ioirn. (Now Sice the lost anouniicement of ap- WAR, PHO'TO ileimenito ho main higher up.) pointmicnto by theruniversity teachers' (driwil to tio Grio.) -__apopinitmenit committee of the depart- (Spcia totheBra.) Sec that fir tollars fit the horse. imeot of teducatioii, thr following posi- _ 1locc ii collar tor tachi aniiial, and do tiins for studlcntsenrolled with the not chanlge lronone to another. (Now cositteerhave brro secured: Miss who will advoccali'Scott tissuc both Wiinified Wililamis, La Crossr, Wis., robes fur hogs, osiltkliose for 0000, andihl lzoglish; ilorry Brown, Grand Rapids, t.oitlet.O autpCiiilt'.s for thei'poo1r Ottr- Wit., phlysical director; C. H. Bryan, wourikedjock 000?) :viilt Ste. aorir, Mich., principal; 0 s, ra'--iThcodora Thurber, Grand Rapids, Firo Loutl od~ lok ii 12boar-:Mich., inidergarten training school; coolo) cir.Ito) A. Waite, iverview Academy, }{Y, 'd Scond LI. . Iiave they foundiittiiPouighkccpsic, N. Y., languages; Mar- t '_ ,: yetgaret Specr, Walden, Colo.; Howard L. __0__ Wheatoii, Flint, Mich., history; Lnln Tourist (ini country store) :tGimmiie 1 . thasc, Gilbert, Minn., snpervisor of o cupe ttilullloii teee ulli050grdc ;Gracr McDoniad Ann Arbor, largi' otlilire crackers, (or a Vie'Ih Mich., Frenich; Jerry Harrington, Psi- iabbi's. ish Semnailry, D~etroit; Emoma Heath, PuAzl'dliltirc'kiciicr I gtithtei'Toledo, Ohio, science; David Van Bns- cc - trheese, loidnitr, but I an't got tihe ikir, Hudson, Rich., history; Alice I'iiSIzzz t z+ ai slle i~di ilre. square traoctit.e 'u ont your1 tiMagner,IRomneo, Rich., sixth and sev- Ti iii iii'il'I's lirabbi) ett(hoeonsmloloe? cnlL gradefs; ,Jeanniette bliggins, Man- harss he ersttilis di lithuh , liic, Aich., mathematics and his- passoge btrswenLiege lt subin, INA, 1t' )Y l'li C ory; Lena Krakau1 itS AYI IlIt, Howeell, Mich., His- "Mr. Cootlooe, gadtefc Ann . iuigsh; ltonl IHarrington, National Alli- Ouo originalf Sweater is spending a torbor t oflcli, fruimtheir fnlawticoiiceCollege, Cambridge, Pa.; George tewt soceks ini the counltry-fart from Setci fliic~S f11 ,l ail ttr Laiohcr, Emporia, Kansas; Geise- the seetihing maitrt aind 5 o'clock extrs daite orc ityattorney." cueAlt Feteghan, Hurley, Wis., Eng- shottheibottle iii tic North Sea. tEis-',,OldONu' THEl o t'wIIHAN i liii lond history. tier the spoth o1 his bucolic surrounidil ust Oto, wiho just got liiroughi ings, he has penned as follows:i N going to Aichigliii College at If li(nit WORfK U ERWY VNFRT' 0bet uis hoiiit for gootd. She iidn't Igel FLOOR OF SCIENCE STRUCJ(TURE HEJNRIY PLEtASlE NOTICE AN marrid so soefhaso tecrPschool, her____ IEIT inat,0says:tGooi Lucaik, aryt, but tcuu Smiiih ids itsawfui frtsh." WXork oni tarriiig the outside of the The towin's ai little burgich it hli 0coiretconcrete fouiidation of the science 01' ditty hotelsE builiding wili be finished by tonight, Fountaii peis arc still ai ilistery A AIt aPnSII d the supports for the first floor will (here, the inaitves tcarty shovels) War's 0. K. fcr thiemi as rhlooses hi comlpeted the first part of the Coco Cola is anweanitdciiclthey sirveT' 'o odraw (hoeiiin and iel diihiclnife, wetek. Thle framework for the second it troum a gourdl, 'Per thieiiast hisi io joy in lith'; floor siiitports arc being placed in po- Gut thie dogeonel lbackwtoods,' form- hut ice i'id ratheirciiurt theo mntsesa ition, and by next Saturday night all ers each possoess a,1littic Ford. Wedntlk e bloody ight, the teimeintcork on the first and sec- We' rahe stckat lioiie and woite; andt floors wiii be practically complet- Yi's ir, out litrt in liec ountrthiey Probe oii the others--that's our motto; id ftrassc sbikadtl dcii't kiiow tihat tliorc's a wtar, (W'uver got to make iiiis colyuni brught. arc beiigsg hiitped daily and the brick You could reaid friiiilast yeair's !No w'fliotr5usiiiiesstw00,otto. iwotro till liegin about threimiddle of papiers thincgs theyineverthta110-0011 lie iionth,. before, Library Students W ill Visit Ypsihsnti But you'd thiiik it wals(Chictago in the Stiudenits in the echiool oh libraroy SrmrSudnsNtc Loop or sevenih tward, niethods gill Suommiacitiiei W ierSpcatenti onto ama When you hear (be nativies Otigueito makeur ourii ofrittiispectioniofthbe Wegvspcaatnio to m- oii the 211bFord, Nra olg ibay hruhtour finishing. Damnes & Nickels, 336 -oE Norciat inogi'thetiry. ArcuthoghS.State SL., over Gushing's Drug WIIlYLE COuLNTY AV*I(NT DRYS oind delivery drabs anda genetral study Store t 'TiceAl. E. Social ho have' heei held of thii'methodts pursucdini this pubic Tiuo. cg.loo, i ii1 h lul i'tA nsiititution ciii bcenmade. The ttipis i Rexall Remedies and Toilet Articles, -Dixoin, (111.) Daily Coutier. uiider the direction of assistant libta- Edaill's Rexall Drug Store, All So, rianu Franicis L. Goodrich. Mtain St. Phone 35. t " 6reat Fa tule Will Stink Haid in Augusit Sale Campus iiootei'y-Any RRPRESRNTATIIVR WANTED- Hand -witht Great Armnies During W1ar" Gents Oxfords iii store $3.91, fornmerly No canivassing or soliciting required. -eadliie.$5.bS,$5.5oiid $6.0S. tf Good incomue assured, Address MER- Now' that's tarrying those iietcdine-ic ______ RILL, 1175 Broadway, New York. es too fair, by cricke'. Kodaks aiid suppties at Cailkins. tf 13-25 Ulliversity of Michigall IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Horneopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University A NN A R B 0 R .c PICTURES for yaurdEYES THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC PtHONOURAPH for your E AR S e l . No Needles Better Tune Longer Records LYN DON hats L the EDISON Comsn and Bear It. LYNDON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supples t miake a Spccialty oh delccoping, Printing anid Enlarging for Aniateurs -by imodern Methods. This has heersimyhbusiness for to years and it has iiicreased every day-oinly results wiil do this and so whenever you want anythinig phiotographsic look for the sign of the kodak- thiats where things I LYNDON I 719 N. University Kodaks for 10c per day ,I 'I 25c Summier School 25c Student i ectory FORSLE AT.THE WOLVERINE OFFICE 25c Press wtilding, Maynard Street 25c U .l m I .. .-