T HE WO L VER IN E MON-TUES,Aug. 101 1-Hael Dawn knowonthe screeneasMary Pick ford the seonnd,in "On fouer Gis" by Froman Howard. WED, Aug. 12--Honmerun Baker, of the Philadelphia Americns, in "Hoenren Baker's Double" (Baenball Dramea) THUR., Aug. 138-Return date, on day only, Mary Pickfor-d in "Tess nf thn Storm Country" OF MEN'S FURNH1HINGS VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. T17H E W ( L V E R I NE)tog ly scaoty, for tie advaorcefstuo- _____________________________________dents,tcf woth~ tter are so sto. ilt Theotticial studt fnewopsper for tla re nuobter. It fisnattraltht theytt tte University of ichfigan sonmer souddead utttoritat isoeitttror- sesion. Putbfiohed by ftoe studonto on tion tthefir variouso Hits, nto trotsthtn Toesday Thoroday and Satturday of- dotrfog tttrelro teren. _- --- Itlitakosouometrsessin a firmte r titit- Subscription ratro-By crtrier, sov-= tinsi. entyive cenrots for ttto summner; omailed to aety address for ondt i5~l~t~ti fi r. IS~lilit ti - Advertiig ratrs--buritistied up00 ap- (C"outtittiottfrotti ptte 1.) pltcationt to tteso ineiss manager. Otto tiemyt-vott it otoitti tiito initit Suttioripitiotsanaos otfatkensat Quar-oteimiit. Thet se rsroretito m ry's, Cumshigsand Sooth Univer- boattdarottdndtitttioeiI tatied o shy Phtmmacy. it i iir; thett tmictrotutd. Ofibe Iloors.:tManaitging editor, t:0b Thtree ste toirletoried theo irtc to 3t:00 taily; business maonagor, it the tlab, buttnottt of themose-eotnt 1:00 to 3: 00 daity.Phtotto 960 or to be table to reurb the iavtriciouis cuit- 24t4. iure ser:m. Bilmtiyter, toe li.tot UNITARIAN CHURCH State cor. Huron fR. S. Inoritig, Mitister. Morning Subject at 10:30 The Evolution of the Idea of God Retegtone es tot Petreited dd bit tseatite asitgrottitg. Uteavges madsthett idea of Godti, erec ti- intee Betibte, indttcate retigion can tbrottdfetot to itttnclu eoewscicen- tifc trthstndent eetesocialfileas. HUITIJSBIOON Addees, Ttte Wotvr ie. Press Buid- 'The Ftnest Bttttard Ream in the Stat in,,2nmsdtAtn rb. CIGARS and CANDY ls ,1c tei-I1n e iio "We Try to Treat You Right" ttotto 1283-Mt. - ~~F. G(reecetiillmrd-Bsites tfrteeeger.I 'anive g/itV Z~iooi o Alte1tielt itenes isene Maynard Street Ann Arbr Jan Boila StoekbigsHiltonmi Annual Summer Session Lolds Btco hrolUesttJohnmeesn Jutee 29 to August 21 V ene Buteft ftt Ddey Ir~utre Itnstruction in all lBranchlest Wil ibert Fuller Ilsrry Iadrs seler of MusicFri..leest ili ei'oe For full Information, Call I Wltr Watsonm at the Office. t llcsitess Stff CHARLES A. SINK Sertary .. . ,Doeattsoe, Ast. ftute. J, _________________________T C. tuft Le Watsnm SA''UiOIAY, AUtGUSTP , 1914. S uga~r B w eo'v I ut of lato' cion b 109 S. Plain Street thie ouieee tecete ftity proier'l restsTel vite t lc itte'a' sigtt Best Ice Creae.xh i i titoeIblte ce le et IHomxemiade can'dy gef0' ptee let ineesIteeonr t ies wit fresh dIe.1t r te ftluoite ifoccrmtionte I - et- Prorsipt ServieC o l'teee. tlteesesettet PHONE 067 of 1' seec". battet 1 tee hichteill t wendcexpeslerienedEsetlfe sves tstl gctttteteeg hooeeccetn:t eleoeeetiel- her ofEdilsonttCo w fetle swilt sendtei-t B OeScteic' by ecetavet tsnoetiiedit lTh~iseinormtionliecete feeanotds eec floer tesentet etelrowitg'of I1ylo LAW AND MEDICAL Ilrn ely this sumee soetel ae prtvetdthe fragedey thele esesineewsiltc-oeae wstifh NEW AND SECOND-HAND Xrs. 'ess~cmieesr kin etg eti ocfher c-t fioneto t tete freietmce essafe'.11;f Complete tin e is pirohbblett grepp~lig teoossill teeplacled in a caseahes lesbriges or aeel Text Books itee'neareestf fhcuses Text Lboratry Books 11 eHopeothaitetfi,filtfal eesboaet lebfe Reference Books amile lisoliCoe(m, 1sti lltsecefite te Dictionr'mies ssoerk iilife prnesrillg, Compcends, etc. CASH OR XCtANiiOFIR PAlRT OF tTiElA3 '1I11 YaUR OLD B IOKS Ai am oy wtoumt a band is tbot s tpoo sttn ry iitot ti etpoit. LAROST SOCKN S~li~tiAN So is a football teamtta football C. p~l." B c otoot o footll s;ooitA nisem - itywithot tbad is a setminary. oe 326 S. Stale St. Tel. 761-MfI ii sry a wtimoyeartineAuoliganm had no html. Cr te pott yer, mtteer duie ___________________________-to le cst o ile. Sammutl bexter. Michtigatt n orse neomi' Othe fore- nitn immisrity mumsial oganizatios CANADuIAN i Tst alti fol tie footlilte(rnt is goimmg to I traretmd. So is te bmn. ClF t o is i goimg to as tie lotmort sll tgs. I is goigaso amaorgania- itui t Intel artof uliignit tnsltart of You know the material- ttetrain. light, porous, elastic, I - J - soft irn texture,durale IOff110 l~ . r VWtiDEtfltslS. Itdid mit riqire a FUnop onmi semi, in quality-the iel ledneigtersftt naeu fabric for a Sunmrrer missfonyin othei mosi Piomi mint fac- suit. tlt> t(min. . tintof tieimsingi nor iiinoen it eekiwhntie simmemr studient5Wms eeting iftcorsmees. e W~e have them, together with Ttoeepttationt of osuntnier sessioni a large asorment of flannels -rs aiefatmmet of tie mniesty of Muichiansdeitendsleprimamril iponmito Fall Des Sut a Speciaty list mif trofessor. An a deprtmiemt ot tie univmerity, aO snistitutio hihim WIL oftlires to rose and atrtmct stdetso, 8. H. WILD CO iinrimmititersesionti lei hol~ Leain Nfrcb E~a B~t aiilotos tontinithOftnameso of oor "big mtee." edn eeae'relet l tfougth compe~tent isrucotiomi is ist- ____________________________________d_ iniiall cormens, tie buttltimi is strik- twhmeeei rovedlstt'that t «s a 'ticer tos itellits a5pitcheiiri, gattiiri ti t t 'toa diiolebis oof 1fourtOripto tihet pltte. Ii tebe 1, trimshitsshtownti - self lto be'aotthte bent hitter itsthe Ii ot ,ue aitsodiiti otto .ot1work. ithi t stiik,mot triti tree Kin.tjes ire isfotot tinitos ip. til'e bittit ro 1;s orttohi.esean., tilt it tpmblisedin. Ttliitiesd5sissue o1 'bTt'e01otternet situtll jiltyeri'm h most' detected-.0iremors in ititir ecoluimns itt tte sutoimmnrio, tim'requtedtto .ititiiito time tleticedtitiottfororec0 tioni. momThei 'siito imi o f ttin loei t ia- ntionesthmoat tese em to beitta le' tberto itothaeiotsottledi i uill heir- bt(ttlo it m to o tothe i tarift. -rosi".]Bn cett. t e t i i' tit 'lmi summis'oriii'I mmrsdtiys gmi fltlote: Lll FURNISHERS atd HATTERS to University Men 342 S. stae St. iTt tirbshtits-tittitop, Ai to; to bas hiisittso-IMillatdif. '~liltenBrii- i r ic3);i uts ckotObt Brilmy er 10, itt Cate r 2 ii i -3itnniitogs, by Spen- ce in 2- nigsbseott btalls- till Si tot m' 1 i 2-3 immemitgbt- Briliny- er litt mitt-of ~item -0,oft Carter 4 ini 2 1-3iimimtsoil Spenceer 4 its.2-3 hmi iof'iAat imi4 im onr ining; I timi lii i -t tiiir 1., Cartert1 hiti lotitictindiibtll --11ilmtotiby Btimoy- er lnybyCa rte;letonottto.es- Hi *,bts1 p i sottbitt-Ace;timoem of , Rnie--1:0). ' t'tu'mmKedrirk. Clttim sodam iwater at Caikins. tf Stervice, Qumaity, and Prices Rtight. f Edsilln itoxtiti Drug Store. 322 So. iHint St. fihone iti. tf Buiy your finettil filmsonamd sopplies at Sootien Dtrug Co., 301 5. State. tf SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT IBOOKS And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partmeiils. IUniversity gook Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLEi LfitfeeitedndExpesseCars teeoretroit-7.10 metni.eand lcnurly te i:ea p. ec., alot:1o Loecal Cars lefnereetri-tuea. em., 6:e6 a.m. andeeyetwhurs ton6:o6p. M., 7:o6p. m..O8:o6 p. m.,t9:1op. m.. and 1:e05p.cM. a.eiii.. 5:0p. 111.,11:c5 . m.,i1t:15tp, me., 12:30 Limeited Cars tor Jeckson-7:m46 a. m. and Levmerto oursineto 6 p. m am. and evsertwous'ie teo 6:51p. M., aloso p. em., 11 ice pm.eM. All Kinds of Hat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store 118 E. Huron St. Nelr Allenel Hotl COUSINS (a HALL Florists Cor. 12th St.and S. Uiv. Avt. Phone 115S ndi vide foe ofi teepim, om,m e THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. Safe maninig mmmiiouereouseTeatmeueof Our Cutomers is urchwoimrd 3 per cent loterest tonor Savngs Department Ali It I11I'l 1-liebil, s no ... 0 1 :3 0 l3ilittit or. ..... i . 4 it 3i{) .\imanm.2b ... 4 it 2 0 Rtoss, itt...... 2 2 it (aittiety, ri .... '0 0 1. Mcllullem, if..... 0 11. 0 Miflton, of ..... t10 2 Alinomilimgir", b ..2 0 0 uchf. r.......... it2 l1' 'Totals ......30 15 lit fi Las - .. 0 0 lii biltt elee fuxtores for tale. fonire 0 itneisersity Ifosic fHoose, Press bunildiog, Manynard St. tf Pehone 406. We deliver yoor drogs. -ll Biteftoi. itt.... Adtams, 2b..... I. Caimpbell, of ......1 ,liirtim, ss & p....0 Caelsonimfi&ef .it.. \ iilbor, ef & lb.it.. illarmd, cr....3 Ctarter, Iplb & on ... S.ncmo, p & 0b.. :Riosenmthal, of & ft . ..1 11 1 . to1 01 nit 1 0 to 0 0i 001 0 0 0 0 0 0 PO AES 0 0 0 022 0 tO0 Fo 1020 0 0a 'WeymmtmMmmiuandoluntes, Martin Gui- sors, amid Ihisical Instrumenots of evry descrition for sale at reason- abin prices at Schaeberle & Son's Mn- sic iRoose, 1.t0 S.tAfain St. tf Calkeis Pharmacy for dm00s. tf. 1-4 OFF On Reach and a"Ty Cobb" Base Ball Cloves AT ,$ 310 State L- f - t- ;f f. i Ttls.......2O 4 5S1it7it hlteeicgs 11110 its .... ... .... t0 i4 si_15 12 Li; 11. . ......4 00 0 0--4 5 61 i cr rs ,,_* _ tan ALAKE TRIP FOR REST.1AND RECREATION i Use D. & C. Line Steamere for Business end Pleasure Trips HErelreshiglake bres,te reoemeof theddckaed the T luxeriousecomiortftheppuareD. &C. Lie seamerere wait- ieg fee yea. Whethee yea ga nertc es beauctietlMacliaeslcand, fine faemone eamecmeesrc aftheccNortcounetry, ar cheese clue "Water Way" en yeae trip foteemeeauscat well, yoa will eppemiace the maeny coemortesensacrpalatiel esteme. Oathy servicecbetwetee Oetoit end Cleveland, tedOecroit ad Beffalo. Fear tripe weekiypfrornToledo seed Oecroit IsolMackinac Islaed end way ports. Delighfual day trips between Detreit and Cleveleaed deeieg July eed Augeet. Pepuar week-end exsiseerey Sacurday between Detreit aed Buffalo, aed Detroie and Cl..ieland. Speial SteaercCCete- teed te Mackinac Islaed dtirect, twa mrips weekly, Juee 25th ta Sept. l0ch, mliig aosmopsere ecespt atDetroeey tip. 'Daily serviienbe- tw eeTledosand PnIe'-Bay, June 1thmbto Septembe tit. YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS; reding becwe e0ereit aed Bet. tale or Demeoitean Cleveland, ae avatflable' far trasporcacianona 0. & C. slemerseilkhedirections. AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving decailed description et varioustips ill be maied yea.on eelo tcenatstapay "pstege. Addrcess L.G.C eis, fit Co asnerAsgetetoi, Mhin. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY PhilipH14Mctiln, t m C mdiit. IA. A.Oliaaitz icPtCrese. aOdGent. Mgr. Steoamesmcmivoit!1mat rt. frome liit of Tltiel imeof, Dtrloit, Midi. THE COAST LINE TO ' I C DETROIT, CLEVELPND a- UFFALO, NIAGAR A ,FALLS f____ ~TOI.LD PTHRON -totIN Fc~i- , es THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capintal.................$300,000.00 Surplusneant ndiedPofits.. Soo.coo~oo Surpls andUnerPrfis ....... $15.on.uo Transacts a General Banng Businens 3 erCGent initerstipeid on acevinigs Depesits Yoer Basiness Solicoie Guas. in-.eHimcock, Prese., MiichelctJ, SccceGash'c 1tW.D. Hinincee-Pes.,GCarl P. BrauneAsec. Cash'rtem, Walin veinGamir SavineseDept. UNIVERSITY AVE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL 1219 So. Unversity Avenue #Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cigarettes and Candy PHOTOGRAPHER 319 E0. Huron St. PHONE t5t=M TEMPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET SAT., Aug. 8-"Mystery of Room 643" ti With Fraeeis X. Bushman, COMING NEXT WEEK C "Too Many Hushands." Big Comedy Featur I I 4 I