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August 08, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-08-08

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Vol V.


No. 20.

H. Beach Carpenter, '14, Tells Wolver-
ine Impressions of London
Before Outbreak of War
in Europe
Says Campus at Cambridge University
Excells Those of American
H. Beach Carpenter, '14-'16L, manag-
ing editor of The Michigan Daily for
1914-15, and Morris Milligan, '14, last
year's Varsity football manager have
been spending the last two weeks in
England, and previous to the outbreak
of the war intended to spend several
weeks on the continent. The follow-
ing letter was received yesterday from
Russell Square, London,
July 26, 1914.

Detroit Street Railway Wants Men 'RUSSIA AND PRESENT CRISIS'
A letter received by Dean Cooley
this morning from the firm of Barclay TO BE DISCUSSED FRIDAY
Parsons and Klapp, states that a num-
ber of young men are wanted for
transportation work on the Detroit Six Other Lectures, Recital and Con-
street railway. As Dean Cooley leaves cert Will Compose RestPJ
the city tonight, has referred the mat- of List
ter to Professors Riggs and Allen, and
they will attend to any applications. "Russia and the Present European Friends Here Grow Distressed as no News
Crisis," in connection with lantern
Amercan tevew PintsKoc Lecureslides, will be discussed by Prof. C. L. C ~ N' ' ' ei
ATmericamnReview Prints Koch Lectu r eade riday afternoon as e moa Comes; M any Believed to Be in
August, 1914, ;contains an article, timely number on next week's enter- Inland
"Some Old-Time Librarians" by li_ tainment program. Professor Mead-
brarian Theodore W. Kach. The ar- er's long study of Russia permits him
tide is a reprint from a commence- to speak authoritatively on its place
ment address given by librarian Koch in the present European struggle. LIBRARY WILL SUFFER GREAT LOSSES
at Western Reserve university. Other numbers on the program fo'
the week are a faculty concert, six

Engineers Forfeit Yesterday's Game to
Laws, While Latter Hand
One to Lits

other lectures and a recital of miscel-
laneous readings by Prof. R. D. T.
Hollister's class in interpretative read-
ing. All of the numbers will be held
in the west physics lecture room ex-
cept the faculty recital which will be
presented in Hill auditorium and the
readings which will be staged in Sar-
ah Caswell Angell hall. The program
Monday-"Educational Evolution of
Women," Prof. C.O. Davis, 5:00 o'clock.
Cnala-(ivi I omrv~ n t il

No word has been received from a daughters are in Cambridge, England.
majority of the professors who were Friends of Professor Fred N. Scott,
touring in Europe at the outbreak of head of the rhetoric department are
the war. Friends here who were at especially worried. When last heard
first confident that they would receive from he was with his wife and family
cables promptly, are now distressed in :Berlin.
about the safety of the travelers, es- As announced in the last Wolverine,
pecially those who were in inland Prof. Rene Talamon is believed to be
countries when the war opened, with serving as an officer in the French ar-
little hope of getting to a port, or ev- my, taken from his honeymoon in par-
en of getting transportation to a place is.
U li (rifta ihrar nL. .

_ British Islets o ts so s '-' " "mprovement, of safety. Spain is believed to be the nl irs 0 y ary to Uiier
FINAL LEAGUE STANDING * lustrated), Prof. A. Teldi, 5:00 o'clock; objective point of many stranded tour- Unless the present blockade of for-
Perhaps the most disconcerting thing Faculty recital, 8:00 o'clock ists. eign tratnsportation is broken up with-
about the English people is that they Won. Lost- . - t a recda.-"University-Education
speak the language as it is spoken in inWednesday-unive 7 2 .778 *rsed Prof. Greiner Has' Thrilling Escape in the next few months the university
Epag....g.g.s....s. 2 .7 in. Scotland," Prof. R. M. Wenley, 5:00 . library announces that it will feel
those high society, much-liveried En- *Lits.........:..6 3 .67 o'clock; "Photography in Natural Col- Friends of Prof. Anton Freidrich lary ssnst hat it wil ted
glish dramas prevalent on the American aLaws.......... 6 .33 ors," (illustrated), Prof. H. H. Willard Greiner, assistant professor of me- flat the university library carries on
stage. The broad vowels and crisp Medics.... 2 7 .222 8:00 o'clock. chanical engineering, a German citizen a bou trade iti Germany, England
Thuendings are there. E"ery Thrsday-Plantation Life in the who went to his home it Germany for atd France alone amounting approxi-
Englishman, be he waiter or lord, A 15 to 4 slaughter Thursday after- Ante-Bellum South," (illustrated), a visit this spring, were greatly relie- iately to $10,000 yearly Germany
seems to talk as if he were a member noon of the laws by the lits marks the Prof. U. B. Phillips, 5:00 o'clock; mis- ed when they learned yesterday that iastl the list with an order atounting
of some faculty, and the singular thing finish of the iterdepartmental sum- cellaneous readings, Prof. R. D. T. he had reached Detroit. He sailed just to $5,000 yearly, England next with
about it is that, after a week here, you suer session baseball league, as the Hoilister's class in interpretative read- before the outbreak of hostilities on $,000, asid Frtncthird with $2000
grow acclimated to the speech, and engineers forfeited yesterdays contest in 8:00 o'clock the German liner, Kaiser Wilhelm, The sittatiot as regards Germany
find yourself listeningskpialtotthlasadtelteintrfr-ng8:0'cc.
dsFriday-"Russia and the Present which escaped from Eiglish and is particularly serious. The center for
the decided Americanisms of people feit tomorrow's game to the lit team. European Crisis," (Illustrated), Prof. French cruisers after a thrilling chase. the book tralding inidustry in this
from the States just off the boat. There will, however, be a post-mortem C. L. Meader, 5:00 o'clock.; "The ad- According to German law, citizens country is situated at Leipzig, which
"English" Easily Acquired scrap between the its and engieer justment of Modern Education to New is far inland. The books must be first
here are, some time next week. Educational Ideals," Supt. C. E. Chad- country may not be brought into ser-
Thr rof course, a lot of "En- Tusa' aeshipped tu port, and then transported gihss"poal uta nees eo eri,80 'lc. vc.I ehdntlf uti ie ot~~onr.A ead nln
Afe h is nThursday's seaf etoi,:0 o'clock. vice. If he had not left just in tinme
glishisms," probably just as indefens- After the first round, Thursday's however, he would ave been presse s country. As regards England
Ible as the figures of speech hatched game degenerated into a footrace oe e and France, with their book trading
game degeeratedrinola footrceeintoutecfield.cetero at Lodon and Paris, the pro-
across the Atlantic, of which mostly around the bags among the members B D A TDr. Reuben Peterson and family, as hemses tfcndt. af, howvs, hug-
all depend largely for their juiciness ofthe lit team. The laws started '' BANDsPLA
on the lip action and utter nsonha- bs
anhe of t usr tes nones in fine form. Bachop, the first man be in London waiting for the earliest land should lose her water rights,u
up, began the game with a sizzling GO TO CAMBRIDGE passage home.asac
hasan Englishmanspa mnsccoetaotdtih
r ngsm ean sunhrtriple and Adams proceeded to follow Dr. C. A. Burrett is due to land on come to a standstill.
an absolutely un-American manner suite, scoring Bachop. Martin drew the Holland liner, Kroonland, ne Assistant librarian Francis L. Good-
that he has to look him hard in the a base on balls and stole second, both Manager Hoexter Says Baud Will Play Mondayrich, of the order division, sent out a
aeasyoebll adatoekecndsbthMnaesHexth'SastauhWllPlyiona. areoeria oderafe-wekxao
eyes to make sure that he is not try- Adams and Martin scampering home at Both Harvard and large German order a few weeks ago,
lng tao uphold the studied speech of Cand a smaller one last week. No ship-
onng to upholdgle therystudiedk- speech.GaofsNothing has been heard front trot.
the stage., It is all so un-natural,onCrsnssnl.Eeyhglok tACGas James P. Bird ad a party of 12 ot- mseitst from these countries have been
thi sthge. foreiner, at whi montu ed soft for the pleaders, but Wilbur ers, who were in Switzerland when ts r m te second cass mail
thinks the foreigner, at which momentdampened things slightly by whiling WILL ALSO APPEAR IN NEW OK the war began. received lately, but second class mail
the Englishman in his turn is doubt- out. Millard, however, came through Dr. ArthPrER.IHaElYndters.Haan still continues to come in. For the
Dr. Arthur . Hall and Mrs. Hall
less regarding the American s with a double and tallied Carlson. This Michigan's football team will meet and Dr. Powell, and Mrs. Powell and time being, all orders will be held over
practiced clown. ended the scoring for all time with Harvard at Cambridge, Mass., Oto- until the present crisis is passed.
Caricature Americans the laws, as Brilmyer steadied, fan- ber 31. That Michigan's band will also the band sill go to Cambridge via New company thet on this trip.
The other nght I went to a show ning the next two candidates and hold- make the trip was the announcement It is probable that a body of local
at a local music hal, where considering the barristers to one hit and no of Mr. Samuel J. Hoexter, manager of York City. According to these planssupporters ill make the trip, and it
able fun was produced by caricaturing scores for the rest of the game. the band yesterday. which are practically certain of being is largely on this assumption that Mr.
Americans. I suspect that there were . The lits almost filled their stick with This is the first time in the history carried out, the band will arrive in loexter is going ahead with his plans.
a great many American tourists in the notches in the third inning, eight runs of Michigan's band that actual plans New York Friday, Oct. 30, and play Definite plans have also been made
audience, and that some of the uproar being accumulated on a total of four have been made in advance for the before the New York alumni at a sass tot taking the band to Lansing for the
over the libelling of Geo. M. Cohan's safeties. The laws gave a fine exhf- certain transportation. Mr. Hoex- .ll. A. C. game there, Saturday, October
"Grand Old U. S. A." resulted from bition of a French aviation corps and ter states that if he receives favorable meetimg Friday night. As a large num- 7.
the attempt of some of these to cover forgot to come to earth and see what replies to letters which he has sent ber of alumni would go to Cambridge Up to last year, the University of
up their nationality. In the play, Continued on page 2) to the New York alumni association, from New York, the band would an- MIichigan band was one of the biggest
which was "Msee Tralala," it es of the campus. Trips to
was suggested that tea be offered to a(Cornems andtPenyapualTrys bo
couple posing as Americans. Retort:C andbengstas alwpasbn
"Probably they would prefer gum" jsmade by selling tags or pssing the
The play was a good one, by the way, hat among local merchants. This
which is more than can be said foryear,Muder Mr.Hoexter's guidance,
mos ofthe ligter prouctisd r- Reorganized Uivhersity the organization, with what help it
most of the lighter productions run- of lichigan band which received from the athletic association,
ning in the theatrical season just adb w ulccnet n
and by two public concerts and a
about to close. will follow the team this dance, has been able to establish itself
American talent seems to control the
music hall stage here right now. fall. Accordimg to present onafoothg, which in another year
Elsie Janis is the talk of the town in wivi be entirely "rock bottom".
a "Passing Show" at the Palace, whileplins of Manmger Hwle,
Sam Bernard led the audience to the the band will Journey to Dean Cooley Goes on Fishing Escapade
brink of hysterics in his "Belle of Dean Cooley leaves tonight for an
Bond Street," which also featured Ina extended vacation trip through the
Claine. Enemies of the tango might game, cleber ii, ans sill northen part of the state. Me will
have found good debate ammunition atg-
the Alhambra last night. While dand- play before Netv York joist a party of friends at one of the
ing one of its more animated varieties, alumnnorthern lakes, and they will spend
a woman lost hold of her partner's most of the time fishing. The dean
hand, and fell backward into the or-wexpects to be back about the middle
chestra. It was sometime before they eptetobebk
(Continued on page 4.) of September.

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