THE WOLVERINE ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S \%lt ;1' I this, taht O 1st t rle' 1 tot, Ior. i ott "Relitt ., list, oonorIII-t.ot e H ItI,. Toi tid whtis et And af:t ril W( 0l < itrtot u'olhsmile. :moA i,, yotHAfI))Ps I II l.fus ra"jp IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE WSOHO HAS THI, Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student Needs. Phone us. We deliver the Goods lilt So. University Ave. Phone 1331-Jt JOUR SWEATING BRAU iiriltaff11-we vote to rIii in nttileu- trals antd drafted tlhe folloin tg'as taar war olaiey: "Wit:dott 1111 erila .N": "Vihe la Fratee"; itd "(God Saits the (Wit OWN WARt Pl11011)S The following picture.-ivere procured exclus ively for the Soweating Strait by a sptecial correspondent whto has ateni in toutct with ati of thse crownetd headts. By a heroic dash fronm teathso the hands of ftseiRussian Cossacks these photos were obtained for fte coilyut. -0- Iwo d-mintless embetiers of the Ser- vhat aviation corps, illustrating cos- tumtes wornt in the bsest flying circles. Ilirddive zAtettt li Kunf(otstatitins- iii's Bhst let. lMobiuintioti ofitcF renichicav ary int Partis intprepiarationi forthlii stric. - - -- ' die. -°See ositthe lbatttte, whtere stuct F l 1 e e t - ifo teul sif'lie fightitng is expected to take pllicc, yoult Whoiiis i _______to_________________ Steep enibatnkmtent which will op. pose Austrian bitatilions ini their de. wcettupiontMoscow. .; ~ i t F , carry secret mtes- s a gy e s liciweco 'warrinig capitals, all telegratphtliii- es antd otbli itialss of cont- municatiot. hav- ing ibeeti cut iltioti. t fit m i f f f t t t t f t t f" .. t f '3 3I ItI{F _ tlti ;- I - ' t. 1 . t 1 Rearn of Eye Glasses a epaiingSpecialty I LENSES DUPLICATED IFINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING i Hailer Jewelry Co. ITelephone 534 308 South State Street I The ewatalogue OF THE Ulliversity o ihgl IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course for those preparing for the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIL EYVW. SMITH, S ecr e ta ry University A NN A R B 0 R t lieavy O(int to be nsoed for lois cr5113 of iltli ito coast itefetnse I eniporary iiiiarters of Persiani reir- aditoi anti his staff. PICTURES for yourdEVES THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHsONOGRAPHi for your EARS tI! I No Needles Better Tune 3 1!F Longer Records I ' LYNDON has the EDISON Come in and hear it. Going On With the Clearing Sales of Women's Low Shoes and Pumps Plenty of good summer Itoplwear is on hand to be cleared away shortly. Somnmers best styles are here---models which will be worn inito Fall seasoii and brought 0u1 again next Spring. Our shoe people are the Red Cross and Dorothy Dodd .Manufacturing Companies. These are lbs revised price:- WVomeii's $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Oxfords and Pumps, $2.98 White Footwear and Rubber Sole Oxfords, worth $3.75 are $1.98 All While High Shoes, worth $3.50, are $1.98 While Baby Doll Pumps, worth $3.00, arc $1.98 NOTE-All sizes are not present in oll styles, but you may bd sure we have your size in at least one good style A0ki04, LYN DON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters icr Kodaks, Cameras and Photo Supple* I imake a Specially of developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs by smodern Miethiods. This has been my business for in years and it has inicreased, every day--only results will do thisod so whieneer you want asything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- thats where things ____LYNDON 719 N. University Kodaks for 1o per day -U EMW