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August 06, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-08-06

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U". hal Inhabitants 'in Clean Victory
Over League Champs, "-;
Boiler-makers De-
feat Jaws
League Still in Debt and Makes Cali
on Players for Financial

Take Over Old Botanical Gardens Near
Boulevard; May Be Ready in
One Year
The old botanical gardens on the
new boulevard drive, which were
found inadequate for botanical experi-
nents, have been taken over by the
landscape department, and will be
transformed into a laboratory for ad-
vanced students in landscape design.
This will necessitate a great amount
of work, and Professor Tealdi, who is
supervising the the project, states that
it will be fully a year or more before
the laboratory will be completed and
ready for actual use.
The land purchased last spring on
Packard street will be used by th'e


Harry Rottschaefer, instructor in
political economy, who is taking work
in the law department during the sum-
mer, is worried over the prospects of
being catted to serve in the Dutch ar-
my in case that country should become
seriously involved in the present Eu-
ropean struggles.
According to statements recently
published regarding requirements for
military service, those born in Holland
and residing in this country may be
mustered in time of exigency.
Mr. Rottschaeffer left Holland when
six years old, and hopes that he has
been forgotten, but still believes there
is a possibility of his being called to
defend the land of his birth.

Won..Lost.. Pet.
E -...........7 1 .875
Lits ..........4 3 .571
Laws..........2 4 .333
Medics. 2 7 .222


After winning an easy victory over -
the laws Tuesday by an 11 to 0 score, Organization Offers Timely Lectures
the engineers fell prey to the furious and Entertainments in
attack of the lit team yesterday after- Announcement
noon, breaking their long chain of
victories by accumulating three tal- CLUB WAS LAUNCHED IN 1905
lies while the lits chalked up a total
of six. The medics finished their The seventh annual announcement
schedule by forfeiting their last game of the Lyceum club, which will be
with the laws, which was slated for ready for distribution soon,. shows that
some time this week. Michigan towns may select for their
Tuesday's Shutout fall and winter entertainments speak-
ers who come up to a high standard.
Tuesday's game was about the aol- Lecture subjects of a timely nature
eat picking the 'league champs have together with entertaining recital
had during the summer, as in fivelIn- nmesmk pteporm s
ngstycrsdthpattw rnumbers make up the program. In
nings they crossed the plate two or addition to a huort sketch of each
more times in all but one round, to- nddbtron theaprortseanoune-
taling 11, while the barristers with ment contains a hiatory of the Lyceum
three scattered hits failed to make a club together with press comments
single round trip. Eight errors for and other interesting data dealing
the laws coupled with eight hits for with the work of the organization.
the engineers and some clever slab The Lyceum club was organized in
work by Wheat made the result inev- 1908, under the direction of the depart-
itable. The boilermakers had every- ment of oratory. The membership of
thing their own way from the very the club has been limited to able
start, chasing around the bags at will speakers drawn from the student body.
and making all sorts of trouble for the There are 20 members this year, and
score-keeper. from this number the best will be se-
The game was somewhat marred by lected to speak in towns throughout
an injury received by Donelly, the star the state. Only those students who
of Monday's game, who was knocked have had special training in public
out cold iu a bad mixup at the plate. speaking, and whose work has been
None can tell just how it happened Continued on page 2)
but after the dust cleared away both C u
Donelly and Ide were declared out at
home. The center fielder soon recov "UNIVERSAL. PEACE" TO BE
ered, however, and finished the game
In contrast to their stellar ball on
Tuesday, the engineers cut a sorry
figure on Wednesday, while the strong Saginaw SupecintBndent Chose ub-
r ject of Speech Before War
lit team played all around them, fort-Began
lug the champs to swallow the bitter lea
pill of defeat to the tune of a 6 to 3 "Universal Peace and the Teaching
dirge, of History" is the subject of a lecture
The fussers started off with a rush to be given at 8:00 o'clock Friday
and scored three runs in the first night in the west physics lecture room
round. After Huebel had been retired by Supt. E. C. Warriner, of Saginaw.
at first Brilmyer singled and went to Superintendent Warriner occupies
second when Thomas muffed Nie- a high place in education, not only in
mann's grounder. Ross then followed Michigan, but in the middle west. Sum-
suwih another clean clout, allowi mer school authorities, who arranged
bothrimerssimanf toscdamh-nfor the lecture, announce that the sub-
per home. Ross, himself tallied when ct was pcked before the outbreak
Glenny and Lords found Hughitt for jEwapedobe o
of European hostilities.
two more singles and Glenny was tag- "The Che 'ist and the High Cost
ged at the plate for the third out. Theo .v. i,,s.f
lits' lead did not look so bad, however, A. L. Whiteat50 10 o'clock this after-
after the engineers had their turn at)A.P.Wh at: inskislal-
bat ato dre a ree ripto frstnoon. Prof. L. C. Karpioski will talk
bat. Eaton drew a free trip to first Friday afternoon on "The Develop-
and Hughitt likewise waited for four ment of Arit metic." This lecture will
bad ones. Thomas then singled, scor- be illustrate y a valuable collection
ing Eatoia and "Tommy" ran home on
a pased na"otchedathoerst of early arithmetics belonging to Pro-
The engineers notched their stick
again in the third while the lits gar- is now a reality as the result of action
nered a tally apiece in the third, fourth on the part of the management last
and fifth rounds, the run in the third night. No games have been definitely
being due to Huebel's clout for the scheduled at present but several good
circuit. encounters are in the process of ar-
'The All-Campus Team rangement.
The much talked of all-campus team (Continued on page 4)


* * ** * * * *
The summer session baseball.
* league is in debt. The members
* of the various teams are re-
* quested by the management to
* contribute whatever they feel
* is right to one of the officers be-
fore the end of the week.


As French Reserve, Prominent Faculty
Man Is Called into
Active Service
Called abruptly from his honey- He has been spending his honeymoon
moon in Paris, Mr. Rene Talamon, there, and in other parts of France,
prominent member of the French fac- expecting to return to Ann Arbor in
ulty, is now serving in the French ar- time for work in the fall.
my as an officer' in the reserves. French Faculty Worried
Friends of Mr. Talamon in Ann Arbor
have no doubt about his being in the Prof. Arthur G. Canfield, head of the
field, and are distressed about his ab- French department, announced this
sence from the faculty this fall, morning that he is entirely at loss re-
-Has Completed Required Servie garding the situation. Professor Can-
r.alasConeted itmpied hServie field was planning a year's study in
Mr. Talamon completed his required France next year, having obtained a
two years of military service about leave of absence, but he announces
ten years ago, shortly before coming that he will remain in Ann Arbor and
to Michigan. Since that time, accord-atdhelor.mainin nAorn
tug to the military rule in France, he adhldoM. Taao'.wr ni
ingto he iliaryrul inFraceliesome definite situation is reached.. If
has been a member of the reserves the war continues, and Mr. Talamon
holding one of the lesser non-commis- is unable to return by next semester,
sioned offices. While in actual service, Professor Canfield announces that his
Mr. Talamon never saw any fighting, place will be filled. Mr. Talamon was
France being entirely at peace. considered one of the most valuable
Prominent Faculty Man men in the department, being the on-
For several years he has occupied a ly native Frenchman in the group.
prominent place on the French faculty,
and has achieved considerable social Telegram From Dr Peterson
popularity. He has been identified Word has been received from Dr.
with all work of the French depart- Reuben Peterson, of the medical de-
ment, and has directed the annual partment, in a cablegram from Lon-
plays given by the Cercle Francais don, England, forwarded via. New
for several years. York, as follows, "Family safe in Lofth
Marriage Was Romantic don, will sail at earliest opportunity."
Mr. Talamon's marriage early in Although no names of Ann Arbor
June was a romantic one. Leaving toursis have appeared in either the
nearly a week prior to the date set in New York, Chicago, or Detroit papers
the announcement, he was married it is believed that most of them have
about June 1 to Miss Beatrice Under- reached places of safety.
wood, niece of Congressman Oscar Un- When last heard from, the locations
derwood of Alabama. "Married Mon- of several were as follows: Prof. F.
day, Speeding Toward New York" was N. Scott and Mrs. Scott, Berlin, Ger-
the message receiyed by the discon- many; Prof. H. P. Theime and Mrs.
certed friends who were planning the Theime, Paris, France; Prof. F. C.
usual honeymoon festivities. Newcombe, Italy; Prof. A. G. Hall and
The couple went directly to Paris, Mrs. Hall, Durham, England;and Prof.
the former home of Mr. Talamon, and J. G. Winter and Mrs. Winter in the
the present residence of his parents. Netherlands.

A course on children's libraries, giv-1
en in the school of library methods,
will begin this week, and continue
1 throughout the remaining 'reeks ofI
.the summer session. The course will
be conducted by Miss Edna White-1
man, of the Carnegie library, of Pitts-
burg. Miss Whiteman, who has beeni
on the teaching staff of the school ofI
library methods for the past four
years, is a member of the faculty of
Pittsburg university, and is also a
teacher in the training school for chil-,
dren's libraries at the Pittsburg Car-r
negie library.t
Laboratory tables, . which are usedt
by students in qualitative ana'sis, arec
being altered so as to give each stu-
dent more space to perform experi'
ments. The drawers of each table are
being enlarged, and more tables aret
to be added to accommodate a larger

number of students in the fal. The INDIAN EXPERIENCES ARE down upon. Most of the roads were'
work, which is being done in ncreas- in excellent repair.
ing the capacity of the laboratory for RELATED BY MR. BURSLEY The chief points of interest which
general chemistry, is progressing rap-
idly and will be finished the last of
the month. A large crowd at west lecture room eluded the seven island pagodas beau-
Tuesday night was furnished with a tiful but hard to approach; old French
President and Wife to Take a Rest tour through India, by means of the forts which resemble Gibraltar; the
Pres. Harry B. Hutchins and Mrs. lantern slides and explanations of Mr. temples with the Horse court and Lily
Hutchins will leave for Osterville, P. E. Bursley. tank; Bombay with its ancient Per-
Mass., tomorrow night on an extended "The houses of India," said Mr. Burs- tugese buildings, its Persian quarters,
vacation. They plan to spend the
month of August in resting at the sea- ley, "are damp, hat, and almost air- and busy habors; the Pear mosque and
shore, and will return before college tight; they are one-storied for the sarcophigi at Delhi where in certain
opens. Hindoo abhor sleeping below anyone. temples a prayer is worth 500 offered
--- __ Much of the native population lives in elsewhere; scenes of the Sepoy rebel-
Next Union Membership Dance Friday poverty, filth, and mental stagnation, lion at Cawnpore at Lucknow; the sa-
The next regular Union dance will for the natives are like their houses. cred Ganges river where hundreds of
be held on Friday evening. The com- mlin ah
be held n cFarieing.mp he om- W The population has no one type any millions bathe yearly; Rangoon and
mittee In charge is co osed C. W. Burmah with their million pagodas,
Wilber, chairman, and Sidney Steen more than has the United States' pop- and Mandalay wi h its glass mosaics.
Dancing will begin at 9:00 o'clock and ulation. A good way of studying the "Religion in India is largely Bhud-
tickets, which are 50 cents a couple, different types is by starting .a trip dist and Mohammedan. Caste lines
may be secured at the door Friday preferably from near Ceylon,, 'due are sharp; the Brahmin, or the upper
evening. north through central India to the foot caste, is perhaps the most exclusive.
of the Hymalayas, and thence east to For religious offerings flowers of
Professor Bolts Lecture Yesterday showed this route on a large map bright colors are popular.
Prof. H. A. Sanders, of the Latin de-' thrown on the screen. "India has several architectural
partment, failed to apear for his lec- "Transportation in India," continued traits which are unique. Its magic
ture on "Early Translations and Man- the speaker, "is by means of elephants, and philosophical sophistry is the
uscripts of the New Testament" yes- river flat-boats, single wagons with deepest. A charm of tradition and
terday afternoon. The audience wait- ponies, or railroads. I once rode 46 mystery shrouds this great land. Eng-
ed in the west physics lecture room, miles before breakfast, in one of those land has done much to help and to in-
but when the speaker failed to appear, wagons. The vehicle was springlets pair this huge race; and much remains
was dismissed. The lecture will not with straw on the seat, too narrow to for which Hindooism. along must pro-
be given at a future time. be comfortable and too short to lie vide."

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