THE W O LV E R INE Cut this out and bing tomyshop IT IS GOOD for $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW .0of M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES, Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillien Orchestra Sunday Afternoens and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. NEW EQUIPMENT PURCHASED FOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARY A new Burroughs adding machine has recently been installed in the uni- versity library for use in the order division. A new card catalogue cab- inet has also been purchased, and will be placed in the depository catalogue section which is located in the south wing of the reading room just back of the reference-librarian's desk. The depository catalogue, where the libra- ry of congress cards are filed, has been overcrowded for some time, ne- cessitating the addition of another card catalogue cabinet. Cosmopolites Hold Successful Outing After a successful picnic attended by 25 foreign students at Whitmore lake last Saturday, it war decided to hold a picnic open to all foreign students at the same place at the en dof this week. Each picknicker is requested to furnish favorite foods of his own country. Buy Indestructo Baggage Just Received. A new line of INDESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. The kind that can't wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEN Light weight Uaderwear Manhattan SHIRTS, with Soft Collars, and French Cufts. Prices - - - from $1.50 to $3.50, Light Colored Worsted and Flannel TROUSERS At 20% off from regular prices Prices - - $3.50 to $5.00 Ruele, Conlin & Fiegel THE ANN ARBOR 1Swim tming Pool FREO C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVE THIS COUPON Good for ONE looker at the Swimming poolGood for Summer School Studensts Only MICHIGAN RANKS HIGH IN INCOME (Continued from page 1) supported entirely by the grants of the city fathers which totaled, in 1911, $1,258,291. It has no trust funds whatever, and stands at the head of all the municipal universities. Ohio State University has an annual income of $1,209,958, a portion of which is derived from productive funds which total $950,000. Columbia University has the largest productive funds of all the American universities. The New York institu- tion enjoys the interest on $44,154,132. Its official income, as given by the United States Bureau of Education, amounts to $744,587, which includes the moneys coming only from tuition, fines and other incidental moneys. Johns Hopkins University has an an- nual income of $755,826, and a produc- tive fund og $,269,529; Dartmouth, an income of only $419,824 and a produc- ive fund of $1,269,529; Dartmouth, an University has an income which totals $316,473, which comes entirely from the state legislature, as no trust fund has been supplied for its use. ARRANGEMENTS MADE FOR FALL IN PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT Course 7 in elementary psychology will be given in room 205 N. W. this fall, while the advance courses 8a, 24, 26a, and 30 will be held in the old psychological laboratory, which was moved just west of the chemical build- ing early in the spring. The building at present rests on wooden piles, which are to be con- cealed by a frame sheeting. The wat- er, steam and lighting connections are to be made as soon as the summer session is over. WORK ON Y. M. C. A. HAND BO00K ALMOST COMPLETED The University Y. M. C. A. 1914 hand book is almost completed, and will go to the printers in a few days. The manuscript is now being corrected by the "Y" secretaries, and the total edi- ion of 4,500 copies will be ready by September 1 for distribution among the students. The new book is to be somewhat larger than that of last year, and among its several new features will be a soft brown leather cover instead of the customary black one of past years. MEDICAL PROFESSORS STAY AT HOME AND DO RESEARCH All work in the medical department will come to a close this week, but the "embalmers" and the others doing clinical work will remain for two or three weeks more. This summer has been especially fruitful for the results obtained in different researches, due largely to the fact that a greater num- ber of the professors have stayed over to perfect some of their material. There are at present only two mem- bers of the faculty that are away for their vacation. Graduate Honored by Western School Charles J. Conover, who graduated from the University of Richigan in 1911 and did two years' post graduate work here, has been made a member of the Oregon Agricultural College faculty. While in school Conover made a good record as a forester. MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard Sit. Special Bargains in Used Pianos Headquarters f or COLLEGE MUIC BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman s 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One block north from Hill Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We boil our drinking water and cool it S Attractive Mid-Summer TUTTLE'S MILLINERY LUNCH ROOM AT LVNCHES and SODAS DANA R I C H A R D S O N'S 338 SOUth Stete St. 15 E. Liberty W E PRESS BY HAND C. I. KIDD Phone 1530 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER 1WHITE SWAN in every bundle of Laundry work sent from the White Reasons Swan Laundry, wby you should CALL PHONE 165 for our wagon. GDODS NOT ROTIED BY CBEIMIC'A.S-White, not yellow nor blue-button holes intact, buttons ditto: Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES ?HE LOWEST. THE WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY 50c BRINGS THE sc WOLVE R IN E TO YOURT DOOR FOR THE 50e REST OF THE SUMMER,