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August 04, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-08-04

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Vol. V.


No. i8.

Only Four State Schools Pass U. of M Fussers Pounce on Reorganized Laws
In Endowment and Income and Take Their Measure
Per Year 7 to 4
Only four American state universi- * * * * * *
ties enjoy a larger yearly income than * LEAGUE STANDING
does the University of Michigan. There . Won..Lost.. Pet. *
are, throughout the country, four in-.*Eg..............6 0 1.000
stitutions of learning which are more * Lits ............3 3 .500
or less termed "endowed universities,",* Medics ..........2 6 .250
which also have an income which is * Laws ...........1 3 .250
greater than that of Michigan's. state *
university. Thus, in the grand re- After a two weeks' layoff, the laws
sume of the incomes of all American picked up a team yesterday afternoon,
universities and colleges Michigan and lost to the fast improving lit ag-
stands ninth in the list. gregation to the tune of 7 to 4.
The University of Chicago, which Carlson started in the box for the
was enabled to reopen its doors in barristers, but his arm gave out at
1892 through the generous gifts of the end of the first inning. Spencer,
John D. Rockefeller and Marshall who replaced him, pitched good ball,
Field, enjoys the largest income of but was given poor support in the
any American institution of learning. pinches. The lits did the bulk of their
Its income during the year 1911-12, scoring in the third when they batted
amounted to $2,750,361, and was de- around for a total of five tallies. Af-
rived mainly from productive funds ter Niemann was retired, Keiser came
which total $17,226, 573. Harvard through with a clean triple, and start-
stands next in the list, with a total in- ed the procession. Ross, Brilmyer,
come of $2, 487, 470, which is derived McMullen and Van Aken followed him
from productive funds which total for the circuit, as a result of a mixture
$25,756,21. of hits and errors, ending the pro-
Next in the list of national universi- gram as far as the lits were concern-
ties, and at the head of all state uni- ed.
versities, stands the University of Ill- The laws came up in the fifth with
inois. Its annual income amounts to faint hopes of evening things up, and
$2,305,211. A portion of this sum is grew real hilarious when Kerwin, the
received from productive fundsltia second man up, smashed the ball over
amount to $647, 341, but the largest the left fielder's head fora'-couodtrip
portion comes from the state treasury Glenny, the lit pitcher, settled down,j
through the medium of an annual tax. however, and struck out two of the
Cornell University, which receives next three batters, ending the game.
a portion of its income from endow- Donelly, who capered about center
ment funds, and some from the state field for the laws, put up a stellar ex-
of New York, stands fourth in the list, hibition of fielding, amassing a total
with $2,207,543. The Ithaca institu- of five putouts out of five chances, in-
tion has a productive fund which cluding a real circus catch of Ross's
amounts to $9,523,505, but the greater drive in the first. The summaries for
portion of its income is derived from the game are incomplete and none will
the state legislature, be published. ,
The state university of Wisconsin An attempt is being made to secure
stands next to Illinois, with a yearly a game with the Ann Arbor city team
income of $1,854,910. Its relatively for the representative summer team,
small trust funds amount to only $859,- which, if arrangements can be made,
298, but the interest from this money will be played at West Park next Sun-
is supplemented by an income from day. The personel of the team picked
the state legislature, as in all state by the management will be published
universities. in the next issue of The Wolverine.
Next in the list of state universities, The engineers meet the laws this af-
comes the University of Minnesota, ternoon, and will try to maintain their
with a yearly income of $1,806,800; clean record against the lits tomorrow.
the productive funds from which a afternoon. There will be another lit-
minor portion of this sum is derived law game Thursday.
amounts to $1,446,798.
Below Minnesota, stands the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, with a yearly "BLACK FLY" HAS CARTOON,
income of $1,702,809. Its4trust fund, ADVICE AND CAMP HUMOR
which amonsunts to $6,474,160, is the ADIE NDCM HUO
largest productive fund enjoyed by any
state university. Yale, with a product- Camp Pogardus's second ssee of
ive funid of $1,124,018, has an income
of $1,508,92. the "Black Fly," the weekly which ap-
Ninth in the list stands Michigan. pears on blue print paper, has reached
The iternational state university has this office. Evidently the camp is not
an annual income which totals $1,- without its cartoonist, for the paper
406,833, without benefactions, which contains an appropriate drawing print-
add several thousands to the grand to- ed over the caption of "Daniel in the
tal. Its trust fund amounts to $900,- Lion's Den," and shows one lone stude
524. The greater portion of this fund facing the instrument man late in the
formerly consisted of lands in the evening after a hard day's work in
northern part of the state but which the field.
were. sold by the state and the pro- Humor and good advice abound too.
ceeds spent. The state, however, still The funny man's column appears on
continues to pay to the university the the back page, and tells us that pupils
interest on this sum. At five per cent,' in the swimming school have learned
the annual income of the University of to wade after taking three lessons and
Michigan represents the interest on also that "snow fell in Colorado yes-,
$28,136,660. This sum would have terday." The good advice is found in;
purchased all the wheat and corn a first page editorial which makes a
grown by the farmers of the state of strong plea for a more earnest spirit

New York in the year 1900. in performing the tasks assigned. '
Following Michigan comes the Col- A news article tells of a new and
lege of the City of New York. This in- 'wonderful "cure all' which has been
stitution, which charges no tuition, is discovered by the camp "Doctor" and
(Continued on page 4) which has been named "Tauchenichts."'

Claude C. Maurier, SOD, from Do-
livia, left the university this week to
join the French volunteer troops which
will be sent to protect the frontier
from attacks of the kaiser's army.
Several other foreign students have
written to their consuls to learn
whether or not they will be required
to join the reservists in this country.
Many foreign students, according to
reports from the Cosmopolitan club,
are ready to leave at a moment's no-
Reuben Peterson, Jr., Jells How News
Was Announced on S.S. President
Grant Saturday
A letter received this morning from
Reuben Peterson, Jr., son of Dr. Reu-
ben Peterson, of the medical depart-
ment, is one of the first war commun-
ications from the Ann Arbor travelers.
The letter in part is as follows:
On board President Grant,
Hamburg American Line,
August 1, 1914.
"The President Grant, one of the

tended to remain on the continent un-
Some Traveling Professors Reported til September 5. Dr. Burrett reports
Out of Danger; Others'Are having seen Dr. Arthur G. Hall and
Stranded in Countries Mrs. Hall and Dr. Patton, former pas-
of Mid-Europe for of the Congregational church in
England about two weeks ago.
DEARTH OF CHEMICALS AND Nothing has been heard from a par-
APPARATUS CONFRONTS LABS ty of 13, of which Prof. James P. Bird
is a. member, although it is believed
Supplies Amounting to Nearly $10,000 that they are in Switzerland. Other
Ordered by University From members of the party are Mrs. Bird,
German Houses Miss Grace Powers, custodian of the
biological laboratory, Miss Lucy Chap-
The European war is being felt in in, Miss Harris, teacher in the Ann
Ann Arbor by the danger in which Arbor schols, Miss Carrie Watts, and
prominent faculty men, who are trav- Miss Harriet Bird, Professor Bird's
eling on the continent, are placed. Let- sister.
ters and cablegrams received up to Others who have not be 0hear
this noon indicate that most of the fac- from are the following: Prof. Freder-
ulty men are reaching places of safety, ick C. Newcombe and Mrs. Newcombe
as many as possible crowding with the Professor Herbert Cross; Dr. Elsie
hundreds of other tourists in England. Seelye Pratt, Prof. Hugo Thieme and
According to authentic New York Mrs. Thieme, Prof. Fred Scott and Mrs.
papers, army and navy transports will Scott and children; Prof. W. D. Hen=
probably be used to bring the stranded derson and Mrs. Henderson; Prof. J.
tourists to America, in case a truce G. Winter and Mrs. Winter, Prof. W.
cannot be effected for the temporary H. Butts and Mrs. Butts, Prof. John O.
utilization of the English and German Reed and Mrs. Reed; Prof. Edward R.
lines. Turner, Prof. Claude H. Van .Tyne and
Another effect of the war is the can- Mrs. Van Tyne; Miss Ella Houghton;
celing of orders for large amounts pf H. Beach Carpenter, '14; Morris Milli-
chemicals and apparatus, which were gan, '14, W. S. Davidson, '15; Carlton
to be used this fall in the various lab- Jenks, '15; and a large number of oth-
oratories. According to a rough es- ers.
timate by Purchasing Agent Charles With the stock on hand both at the
Loos, between $8,000 and $10,000 worth university and at Eberbach and Son,
of chemicals and apparatus are proba- as well as at other American supply
bly being held up, with no chance of houses, by strict economy, the labor-
being released ntil the closg of hos- atories may g
tilities. semester. After that the authorities
According to a cablegram received offer no answer. Work this fall will
Sunday night, Mrs. B. F. Bacher, and be interrupted chiefly by the lack of
Mrs. George Rhead, both teachers on special apparatus and rare chemicals
the school of music, had reached Lon- which were ordered in small quanti-
don from Berlin. ties, and of which there is a scanty
Mr. A. A. Dudley, school of music in- supply in this country.
structor, when last heard from was in The university supplies were order-
Switzerland. ed from Berlin and Stutzerbach about
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Harrison are the first of May, while other large .f-
believed to be in Paris. Mr, Harrison ders were placed by Professors visit-
takes Prof. William Howland's place ing in Germany before the outbreak o'
at the head of the vocal department of the war. Nearly 20 boxes ordered in
the school of music next fall. Prof. March were received this morning.
A. A. Stanley is believed to be in Eng- Purchasing Agent Loos has no idea re-
land. garding the other supplies, and expects
Dr. Reuben Peterson and Mrs. Pet- to communicate with his brokers re-
erson are reported to have reached garding then. A large order was also
Paris from Munich. They are with placed through Eberbach and son, who
Mrs. D. T. Davis, sister of Mrs. Peter- have few hopes of filling it. There are
son. This report was received yester- 600 cases of chemicals tied up in Ham-
day. burg for use not only at Michigan, but
Dr. C. A. Burrett, according to a ca- at Columbia and other universities.
blegram received Sunday sailed from Another large shipment is between
London on the Kroonland, of the Red Hamburg or Berlin or Thueringen and
Stor line, a Dutch company. He in- Berlin.

H amburg American line steamers, on
which I am at present'a passenger, set
sail for Europe Thursday, July 30,
1914. The following hulletin met the
eyes of the passengers as we came on
deck today:
'On account of the danger of war,
S. S. President Grant has been order-
ed back to the port of New York.
'Tickets will be returned to passen-
'Passengers of first and second cab-
in will please call at the Hamburg-
American line office, Broadway 45,
New York, for settlement of their pas-
sage money.
'Passengers of the third cabin and
steerage will be taken care of on ar-
rival of the steamer at Brooklyn.
'Steamer expected to arrive in New
York Sunday morning.'
Reuben Peterson, Jr., was to have
been abroad a year, six months in
Germany and six in France, and ex-
pected to attend universities in each
Dr. Reuben Peterson and Mrs. Pet-
erson were at Munich, Germany, at the
time war was declared. Dr. Peterson
was visiting hospitals with a number
of other doctors Scom England, Scot-
land, France, Germany and Switzer-
land, expecting to return about the
middle of September.
Begin Brick Laying on Dormitory
With the completion of the founda-
tion and first floor, the brick-laying,
which was begun today, hastens the
construction of the Newberry dormi-
tory for women. About 25 men are
working who will complete the roof
by November 1. The building will be
ready for occupation by January 1.
Librarian Koch Returns From Conven
Librarian Theodore W. Koch re-
turned Saturday night from a trip, to
Menominee, Mich., and Marinette, Wis.,
where he attended a joint meeting
of the Michigan and Wisconsin library
associations which convened in those
cities July 29-31.
The remedy has already been used to
cure sunburns, chills lockjaw and
many other ailments and a single case
of an incurable disease has not as yet
been discovered.


The last organ recital for the sum-
mer will be given in Hill auditorium
tomorrow night at 8:00 o'clock by Mr.
Earl V. Moore. The general public is
invited to attend, but all are requested'
to come early enough so as to be seat-
ed at the beginning of the concert,
since the doors will be closed during
the concert and no one will be allow-

ed to enter during the performance: of
the numbers,
Mr. Moore has prepared the- foll-
ing program:
Concert Overture .......... Fanlek
Adagio ........... Mendelaohnr
Scherzo .................. Crawford
Chant de Bouhem .......... Lemare-
Fugue in G minor .........Bach
Pastorale Suite...........Damarest
I. Sunrise
II. Rustic Dance
III. Sunset
IV. Thanksgiving
Ie Paradisim..........Dubois
Feat Lux. ..............Dubois
While working on a machine in the
wood shop in the engineering labora-
tory yesterday morning, Sidney Steen,
'16e, of Allegan, Mich..,-had the index
finger on his left hand cut off as far as
the first joint. Dr. Darling, dressed
the wound and it is thought that he
will be able to use his finger in a
few weeks.

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