TEE WO L V ER IN E ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S thyLli l is doub t as s ow1la Itoa- 'lal'II, aaaftaais- youa tosay "hllo," ll' ,ataltaik ). Anda [()lI o pp Will I rat yoraaeslih, Macal, noar al~t To iala wat isl bes. Is's giac Iisma tet. Audalor tat ril Wall11wa,(9r you'll smile. Soa alaryoulinisla t1e "fuss" or a "Hls," Foalloxw esag ars ALL ROADS LEAD TO TOY'S. IT'S THE STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE WHO ETAS faiR Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars w I i nr DIRtECTORtY OF SU:IMIER Oelrich, Henry, 910 E, IWashinagto. SCHlOOL STUDE.NTS Narrowsbury, N. Y. 989)-H. Pharmacy D)epartmtent Peat, C. A., 444 S. State. Norwalk, 0. Asersohn, Samuel, 317 N. Thayer. Day 97 City. Mick. 2527. Wells, H. R., 444 S. State. Wellsville, Blrines, O. A., 615 E. Univ. Detroit, N. Y. 937. Mich. 1551. Cummines, E. W., 720 S. Univ. De- The following namnes are those enS- troit, Mich, rolled late in all departmento, con- Foucek, C. J., 514 N. State. Chicago, eluding the directory. No designation Ill. 1581-M. follows lit names. Hternandez, L. C., 1005 Lincoln. Porto Alexander, Elizabeth 517 E. Ann. Felts Sico. 166. Mills, N. Y. Jones, Hervin, Ypsilanti. 1156-M. Amrine, J. A., lawv, Columbus. Kadeis, F. C., 514 E. Jefferson. Hoynae,j Applegate, J. R., medic, 555 5. IDivision. City, Mlich. 1556-J. 383. IKopp, F. J., 119 14th SL. Detroit, Mich. Arnold, H., nmedic, Dentons, Mich. Madden, C. A., 522 Mlonroe. Grand Armstrong Jr., tDavid, lay, 901 1'. Rapids. 90J. Washa. St. Harys, Ohio. 494-51. Mann, E. A., 408 WV. Liberty. Ann Arnold, Effe, 520 E. Ann. Dletroit. Arbor. 1040. 47 Masrton, A. O., Bloomington, sii. 1028. Atwell, J. C., medic, 029 Forest. Blut- dead, J. 5., 508 Hill, Nashville, Mich. ler, .Pa. 1452-J. 1106-J. Bayless, R. T., enag., 823 E. Kingslcy. Mlullenix, John, 418 Kingsley. Jack- Detroit, 560. sonville, 11ll Bartlett, L. D., lasw, 007 S. State. Scotts Everything a Student Needs. Phone us. 1111, So. University Ave. We deliver the Goods Phone 1331-J a ti ,. .r ' . . FRANCI S OUIMET ? 'SHIRTS aM0'0e ' 00S00NA < G Send f 1~ ~ ; p~ hilp o~e~ 119 YRAWY.e~r Bluff, Neb. 1700. Ilassy, J. ID., cog., 1007 N. tHuron. P~ortland, Ore. 231. Bemnst, R. E., cog., 512 S. State. Lan- sing. 120. Benedict, Alice, Flint. B~enoy, K1 H., rug., 621 11. William. tOwoso. Blersett, G. 1i.. hlanson, Mich. Blill, I-1. J., ong., Camp Bogardus. Be- troit. Sl1anco, J. A1., 522 Monroe. Porto .Rico. 990-J. Doardman, 1t. D., law, 31129 W~ashte- nawa. Jackson. 3855. Boshlin~g, It. 5., 7.007 Huron. Chicago. 211. Blolyard, Laura, 311 Thompson. Per- rington, Mich. 1198-J. Bosnilla, Juan, medic, 1522 Geddes, Co- luambia, S. A., 2315-J. Bright, Corrine, 80005. Univ. tDetroit. Blurass, lRens, 210 N. Slate. tampbell, L. C., cog., 715 Arbor, Al- pens. 932-J 2-c. Cars tarphen, J. B., lawe, 324 Catherine. New Lonsdon, Mo. Claris, A. M., cog., 429 Hlamilton Place. M1t. Sterling, 111. 1389-J. Cohns, E. S., law, 6316 S. Th~ayer. Spo- kane, IWash. Condit, SI. C., 514 Thoaspon, Cedar Falls, Ia., 1505. Corpus, J. A. V., cog., 327 S. tDivision. Cuyler, It. F., 417 K. Univ. Newcark, N. Y. Philippins. 723-J. Davis, F. t., caag., Canmp Bogardus. Be- troi , D~obbinso, Anana, 120 S. Division. Iouia. Dockeray, F. C., grad., 714 S. State. Lawrence, Kansas. 1257-M. tDonnelly, SI. IL, 426 N. Ingalls. Tole- do. 16. D~onveiler, P'., grad., 220 5. lIsgallo. Pittsburg. Doolittle, B. 5,, 030 Wssh. Saginaw. Dugdale, K. E., lasw, 916 Mon~roe. To- ledo, Ohio. Eddy, A. L., medic. Nashville, Tenn. Ehlers, G. 5., grad., 407 E. Liberty. Baltimore, Md. 8006. Eisennaan, Harry, medic, 214 S. Thay- er. Slonoa, Michs. 1138-L. Evans, Arthur, grad., Wellington, Ill. Farnham, Fransces, 214 5. Ingalls. Ann Arbor. 726-J. Flask, Clara, grad., Miamaisbaarg, Ohio. Fisher, Abram, eng., Granad tapids, Mich, Fuller, Anana, 520 Chaurch. lHathesburg, Miss. Caaaaborn, Edwin, anedic, 1105 Spring St. Ann Arbor. 953. Geiselhart, Josephine, msedic, 821 N. Washingtona. Berkeley, Calif. tlbrganoff, R. S., cog., 712 E. Washing- ton, Green Bay, Wis. 166. (Continued on page 4) Repairing of Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Hailer Jewelry Co. Telephone 531 308 South State Street 111111E 1)il llhllI U IJIIDIIIJIIIIIII( 111111 111111[iIIlilUilll lhIlltllhllllhllll W))(ll~ lllt~( I) I The New Catalogue OF THE Ulliversity o ihgl IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation Study), and a course tor those preparing tor the scientific administration of departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY W. SMITH Secretary University A NN A R B 0 R I- PICTURES 1'r yOadEYES THE NEW EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH for your EARS No Needles Better Tune 'V Longer Records LYN DON has the EDISON Cone to aod hearitI. LYNDON, PHOTOGRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodaks, Cameras andPhoto Supples I make a Specially of developing, Printing and Enlarging for Amateurs --by maodern Methods, This has been may business for as years and it las increased every aday- only results will do this sod so whenever yon want anything photographic look for the tign of the kodak- thato where things LYNDON __ 719 N. University Kodaks for 10c per day I 1 25C .Summer School 25c, Student Directory FOR SALE AT THE WOLVERINE OFFICE 2 5C Press Buxilding, Maynard Street 25C r