THE WOLVERINE i ORPHEUM SAT. Aug. 1-" A WAYWARD DAUGHTER." 2 reel Vitagraph feature. MON.-TUES., Aug. 3-4-TuOS. ROSS in "THE ONLY SON." "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNISHINGS VARSITY T O G G E R Y S H O P 1 107 Seuth University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The inest Billiard Room in the State CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" ntnversitV c0oo0 of Maynard Street Ann Arbor Annual Summer Session June 29 to August 21 Instruction in all Branches of Music For full Information, Call at the Office. CHARLES A. SINK Secretary Sugar Bowl 109 S. Plain Street Best Ice Crewam Home made candy fresh daily Prompt Service PHONE 967 BOOKS LAW AND MEDICAL NEW AND SECOND-HAND Complete Line Text Books Text Laboratory Books Reference Books Dictionaries Compends, etc. CASH OR EXCHANG FOR YOUR OLD BOOKS LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIGAN C. E. Barthdel 326 S. State St. Tel.t61-M SCANADIAN CRASHES You know the material- light, porous, elastic, soft in texture,durable in quality-the ideal fabric for a Summer suit. We have them, together with a large assortment of flannels Full Dress Suits a Specialty G HWIL G CO Leading MercbatsnT'ailers THE WOLVERINE, The official student newspaper for the University of Michigan summer session. Published by the students on" Tuesday Thursday and Saturday af- ternoons. Twenty-five issues. Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- enty-five cents for the summer; mailed to any address for one dol- lar. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Subscriptions and ads taken at. Quar- ry's, Cushing's and South Univer-. sity Pharmacy. Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 to 3:00 daily; business manager, 1:00 to 3:00 daily. Phone 960 or 2414. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- ing, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Leo N. Burnett-Managing Editor Phone-1283-M. F. Gurnee Millard-Business Manager. Phone-1407-M. Athletic Editor-Charles Kendrick. Reporters Juan Bonilla Stockbridge Hilton Harold Bowcock Clement Jackman Louis Bruch Charles Johnson Verne Burnett Dudley McClure Wilbert Fuller Harry Vandarwarker Walter Watson Business Staff S. W. Donaldson, Asst. Bus. Mgr. T. C. Hill Lee Watson SATURDAY, AUGUST 1, 1914. M . MARKS, PLEASE GIVE US A PLACE'O0S1. With the exception of a few station- ary planks with iron pipe backs, there is no place to sit on the campus of the University of Michigan. During the spring, and through Com- mencement week, benches were to be found at many a shady spot. Now, in the summer, when shade and lounging are most desirable, we have to seek our rooms and front porches. We hear that the campus benches are stored away in some basement or other. We don't know why they were thus hidden. Perhaps some of them were stolen; perhaps it was thought that by removing the benches, walking on the grass would become less pop- ular. These are no reasons for de- priving the campus of Michigan of its meager signs of hospitality. Ann Arbor is barren enough without taking away the seats. There are a lot of summer school people here who would enjoy sitting on the campus "of an evening." Please, Mr. Marks, let us have a place to sit. A SUGGESTION REGARDING FUTURE SUMMER DIRECTORIES, The directory ends in this issue. Publication of names of summer ses- sion students in The Wolverine is in- adequate, inconvenient, and distress- ing, not only to the reading public but to The Wolverine itself. It was under- taken this summer because it has al- ways been done before. This, we ad- mit is a poor reason. Every summer the enrollment be- comes larger. This year the session is more than half over when the last name is printed. Next year an at- tempt to print a list even larger would be nothing less than a joke. In future summers the university should arrange to have all the names carefully catalogued by the end of the first week of summer session. A com- plete list should be typewritten and mimeographed, or carbon copies should be made. Then a copy of the complete directory could be placed in the library at a State street store, and other convenient places for ready ref- erence early in the summer. * LETTEtS FROM 'HE * UNITARIAN CHURCH Letter No.2. * State cor. Huron ** * * * * R. S. Loring, Minister. Dear Ed:-Lunnon is no place for a real live American, it is too much like the balky mule, as sloe as gin. We Morning Subject at 10:30 were here four days and got caught in one of those famous London fogs. Af- TENNYSON and the ter wandering about half the night trying to find our way back to the ho- CONFLICT WITH tel, we walked off a wharf and got all DOUBT wet. If there is anything that I des- pise it is getting soaked with my cloth- es on in a foreign land. It isn't so bad He fought his doubts at home, but to get an English bath and gather'd strength because you couldn't see thru their He would not make his blamed fog was more than. I could judgments blind." stand. You know me Ed, so we left for France on a night boat. That's a long, tedious ride across the channel. It made me think of TINKER & CO. some of those interurban rides we used to take to Detroit. I was so sea FURNISHERS and HATTERSito University Men sick when we finally landed in Brit- 342 S. State St. tany that I immediately looked up one of those famous French cafes. You-u know me Ed! A French cafe is one of the most N-ise Drives Out Psychology Class peculiar things on the continent. You Course 7 in elementary psychology, are bowed in by a pretty little man given by Mr. Dockeray in the old psy- with waxed moustache. We reached chological laboratory, just east of the Paris about nightfall. All the men were new science building, has been moved lounging in front of the gardens de to other quarters on account of the plaisir, with cute cigarette listlessly noise of the construction work. The held between their lips. class will meet Monday in lecture I couldn't stand this French pace. room 303 of the chemical building. You-u know use Ed! So we went over into Switzerland. As we took a night Position open for experienced col- train we couldn't see Mt. Shasta or lector at Mack & Co. 16 some of those other horns of matter that the geologists talk about. We C Calkiins Pharmacy for drugs. If. expect to stop on our way back. We kept on into Italy and I hope to write you something about Napels and Cold Soda, served right. University the beautiful sky next time. Avenue Pharmacy. f Yours abroad,- A VANDAL. Kodaks and supplies at Calkins. tf Phone 416. We deliver your drugs. For results have your films develop- ed at Hoppe's, 619 East Liberty St. tf Rexall Remedies and Toilet Articles. ----- Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. 122 So. SUMMER SCHOOL TEXT BOOK And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partments. WAHR'S University Book Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Listried and Express Cars for Detroit-7:1 a. m. and hourly to 6:ia p. m., also 8.1o Local Cars for Detroit-5:4s a. m., 6:06 a. m., and every two hours to 6:o6 p. m., 7:o6sp. m.. 8:o6 p. m., g : i p. M., and 10:15 p. m. ToYpsilantionly: 7:46 a. m.,8: a ..nis11:06 a. m.. 3:06p. i.' :15. is., 12:15 p. D., 1:30 P. m . ,i1:0a. D. ~iiteid Cars or csos-7:46 a.ei. lad every two hours7to :46 p. m. Local Cars for Jackson-5:12 a. m-, 6:51 a. M., and every two hours to 6:5 p. m., alsoas:i p. m., 11:15 p. M. All Kinds of Hat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store 118 E. Huron St. Near Allenel Hotel COUSINS (f HALL Florists Service, Quality, and Prices Right. Edsill's Rexall Drug Store. 122 So. Main St. Phone 35. tf Buy your kodak films and supplies at Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State. tf Electric fixtures for sale. Inquire at University Music House, Press building, Maynard St. tf Weymann Mandolutes, Martin Gui- tars, and Musical Instruments of every description for sale at reason- able prices at Schaeberle & Son's Mu- sic House, 110 S. Main St. tf Rent a camera at Hoppe's. 10c a day. tf Clean soda water at Calkins. tf Main St. Phone 35. tf REPRESENTATIIVE WANTED- No canvassing or soliciting required Good income assured. Address MER- RILL, 1175 Broadway, New York. 13-25 Summer Students Notice We give special attention to ama- teur finishing. Daines & Nickels, 336 S. State St., over Cushing's Drug Store tf 1-4 OFF On Reach and "Ty Cobb" Base Ball Cloves AT SSWITZ ER'S P A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION Use D. & C. Line Steamers for Business and Pleasure Trips T HE refreshing lake breezes, the freedom of the decks and the luxurious comfort of the popular D. & C. Line steamers are wait- ing for you. Whether you go north to beautiful Mackinac Island, the famous summer resort of the North country, or choose the "Water Way" on your trip from the east or' west, you will appreciate the many comforts on our palatial steamers. Daily service between Detroit and Cleveland, and Detroit and Buffalo. Four trips weekly from Toledo and Detroit to Mackinac Island and way ports. Delightful day trips between Detroit and Cleveland during July and August. Popular week-end excursions every Saturday between Detroit and Buffalo, and Detroit and CL-veland. Special Steamer Cleve- land to Mackinac Island direct, two trips weekly, June 25th to Sept. 10th, making no stops enroute except at Detroit every trip. Daily service be- tween Toledo and Put-In-Bay, June 10th to September 10th. YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS, reading between Detroit and Buf- falo or Detroit and Cleveland, are available for transportation on D. & C. steamers either direction. AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving detailed description of various trips will be mailed you on receipt of two cents to pay postage. Address L. G. Lewis, Gen. Passenger Agent, Detroit, Mick. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY Philip H. McMillan, President. A. A. Schantz, Vice-Pres. and Gein. Mgr. Steamers arrive and depart from foot of Third Street, Detroit, Mich THECOAST UNETOEO AKINAXC DETROIT, CLZEL ND. -~BUFFALO,NIAGARAFALLS "''" .. ..... .,d-" i Cor.12th Stand S.Uni.Ave. Phone 11 5 Capitul, $o,eeeeeeo Surpls,'. tneseooo f ndt tivied Profits,,lu 5Isios THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK ANN ARBOR, MICH. safe Banking and Courteoe Tireatmeit of Our C"stomers is our watchword 3 per centInterest in our Savings Department THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capita1e............e..e... ...... ..$30o, oo surplus and Undivided Profits.... Soo,ceo.oo Surplus adi Under Profits..... ...2 .ocoo Resouices ............3ooooo Transacts a General Banking Business 3 per Cent interest paid on savings Deposits baur Busines 5lleiied Chas. E.Hisok, Pres., Michael J . ritz,Cash'r 1WD.sHarimanVice-Pres., Carl N. BrnAsst. CosI'r, Win, Wale, -Asst Cash'c 5avings 0D-pt. UNIVERSITY AVE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL 1219 So. Unversity Avenue Drugs, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cigarettes and Candy PHOTOGRAPHER 3t9 E. Huron St. PHONE 961-M TEMPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET SAT. Aug. 8- Mystery of Room 643. COMINC NEXT WEEK 'Too Many Husbands.'