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August 01, 1914 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1914-08-01

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Vol. V.


No. 17.


Barristers of Pist Year Numbered lien
From Nearly 190 UIT. S and
Foreign Schools
Ninety colleges and universities, sit-
uated in the United States, Japan and
Switzerland, were represented in the
law department of the university by
one or more students during the reg-
ular term.. The marked increase in
the last few years in respect to gradu-
ate students shows the gradual growth
of the department into a graduate
The enrollment in the department
last semester was about 550, a de-
crease of over 100 from last year's
record. The falling off is due to the
recently added literary requirements,
making one year of literary work com-
pulsory for admission into the legal
branch of university work. One hun-
dred and ten colleges were represented
by students last year, and comparing
the present record of 94 with the pre-
vious record, shows the falling off of
graduates not in ratio with the de-
creased enrollment.
Out of 216 students enrolled in the
senior law class, 52 were college grad-
uates. Of this number 28 were gradu-
ates of Michigan while the remaining
24 represented outside colleges. Since
in many cases more than one student
enters the school from the same uni-
versity, the number of colleges other
than Michigan represented in the sen-
ior class, numbered 19.
One hundred twenty students com-
posed the junior class, out of which,
69 received their degrees in literary
work, 41 from Michigan and 28 from
outside colleges. The latter 28 stu-
dents represent 21 colleges foreign to
Michigan. Eighty-five non-graduates
complete the junior enrollment.
A registration of 194 students has
been made in the last freshman class.
Twenty seven of the enrolled were
college graduates, five from Michigan,
and the remaining 22 from other uni-
versities. The 167 non-graduates in
this class were divided into, 40 coin-
bined course men, 88 from the Michi-
gan literary department, and the re-
saining 39 entered from other colleges
without degrees. The 88 Michigan
non-graduates were divided into one,
two and three year literary men; 60
from the first class, 25 from the sec-
ond and 3 from the third. Of the 39
students from outside colleges, six
have had three years' literary work,
17, two years' literary work, and 16,

The skeleton of the extinct hippo-
potamus found in the Pleistocene de-
posits of Madagascar, which was pre-
sented to the university museum by
ex-governor Chase S. Osborn, will not
be placed on exhibition until some-
time during the fall. Mr. N. A. Wood,
the taxidermist, is at White Fish Point,
Michigan, this summer, and is engaged
in gathering birds and reptiles found
in that part of the state. He will ar-
rive here about the first of September,
and the work in taxidermy will be re-
sumed. The skull, however, is on ex-
hibition on the first floor of the mu-
seum, having ben prepared by Mr.
Wood before leaving.

Six lectures and an organ recital
will make up the entertainment pro-
gram for the coning week. All of the
lectures will be held in the west phys-
ics amphitheater and the recital will
be given in Hill auditorium. The pro-
gram follows:
Monday-"The Relation of Chemis-
try to Some Household Problems," (il-
lustrated) Dr. W. S. Hubbard, 5:00
Tuesday-"The Nature of Sleep,"
Prof. J. F. Shepard, 5:00 o'clock; "A
Trip to India," (illustrated) Mr. P. E.
Bursley, 8:00 o'clock.
Wednesday --"Early Translations
and Manuscripts of the New Testa-
ment," (illustated), Prof. H. A. San-
ders, 5:00 o'clock; Organ recital, Mr.
Earl V. Moore, 8:00 o'clock.
Thursday-" The Chemist and the
High Cost of Diving," (illustrated)
Prof. A. H. White,
Friday-"The Development of Arith-

That an intelligent vote is almost metic," (illustrated) Prof. L. C. Kar-
if not quite an impossibility with our pinski, 5:00 o'clock; "Universal Peace
present "long ballot" and that the and the Teaching of History," Supt.
"long ballot" brought more straight E. C. Warriner, of Saginaw, 8:00
party votes, was the contention of o'clock.
Prof. Jesse Reeves of the political
science department of the university, MUSL
in his address at the summer school IC IU
Thursday afternoon, when he spoke SIRENS AND TURINGFORKS
upon "Our Complicated Ballot."
The lecture was illustrated, and h'
showed in contrast our own compli- A lore of pitch pipes and tuning
cated ballots, which have at times forks'substituted the emotional quali-
reached the extreme length of 14 feet, ties of music at the hands of Dean
and the "short ballot" of England, . Karl 1. Guthe in his lecture on "The
which he hopes may some day be in- Physical Basis of lusic" in west phys-'
troduced here. ics le fure room last night.
In the begining Professor Reeves "Sound," said Dean Guthe, "say be
referred to the present threatened considered from the stand-point of sen-
war in Europe, when he said: "In sation or the cause of the sensa-
these days, when every moment brings tion. Sound is merely air-vibration
forward some very dramatic scene, whether it is heard or not. Velocity
the matter of the ballot in the United of sound which is about 1,000 feet per
States, whether 'long' or 'short' must second, is equal for sounds of high
seem insignificant, but it is a matter and low pitch. Thus in the Dill audi-
which closely concerns us all because torium the sensation is the same in
through our ballot we gain or lose all parts of the room.
the realization of a 'government for "Music has a historical basis. The
the people and by the people.' As a ancient Greeks had flutes with holes
matter of fact the form of our ballot equally distant; and the Chinese had
leads us to a study of the fundamen- 22 notes in an octave. Pythagoras
tal structure of our government. The contrived the diatonic scale which is
ballot is the one point of direct con- used today in all countries. The rare-
tact between the voters and the gov- ly-used minor diatonic scale is of ori
ernment. ental origin."
"There are places in this country Dean Guthe illustrated his points by
where a voter is asked to make a lantern slides and by apparatus, in-,
choice in 50 or more elective offices. eluding hydrogen flame sensitive to,
It is absolutely impossible for a voter Vibrations of one ten-millionth of an
to make a rational choice for the full inch, a siren, and series of tuningf
50 offices. The result is that he forks and varyig air columns. 1
usually makes a choice of two or three
important candidates, and then lumps LATE BOOKS ON ADVERTISING
the others. Certain offices are natur- RECEIVED AT THE LIBRARY
ally in the limelight, and voters have
their minds made up as to how to The university library has recently
vote for governor and president. . received a new shipment of books "Li-
By shortening the ballot, Professor brary of Advertising" in six volumes at
Reeves contended that the average a cost of $12.00. The set is compiled
voter would be able to vote intelli- and edited by A. J. Johnson, advertis-
gently without giving more attention tng manager of the Chicago Record
to politics than he does now, when Herald, and contains a number of ad-
his vote is given intelligently to the vertisements reproduced from papers
election of one or two officers, and in different cities throughout the Unit-
the balance of usually something over ed States. The plainest, simplest and
40, are bunched, the names of the most readily understood advertise-
candidates means nothing to the voter, nents are used as illustrations with
h,( nonfnhnoIi rcl f fthA mild !i til ifiT nnendp d where crit-


Aunuam Geology Outing to Putin-Bay
Takes Place Today LAST OF LEAGUE
Geologists and pleasure seekers to
the number of 50 under the direction Forfeit Game to Engineers Yesterday
of Prof. Carl O. Sauer, of the geology Afternoon; Promise to Come
department, left on the excursion to Back Today
Put-in-Bay island this morning. The
party went at 6:97 via. the Michigan LITS AND LAWS CLASH MONDAY
Central for Detroit, where they will
take the steamer "Put-in-Bay" to the** ***** *
island, arriving at the famous resortW s
about noon. The day will be spent in a g Won..Lost.. Pt. *
inspecting the three caves, the cliffs, El'. 2 4 .333 *
the beaches, and the glacial groovings * ......... 2 333 *
* Laws .....,1, 2 .333 *
of the island. On the return trip the * d.286 *
party will reach Detroit at 8:45 in the Mecs,,,,.* 5 21*
evening in time for the 9:30 thain for The medic team in the summer se-
sion league dropped tolast place yes-
terday afternoon as the result of a
PROF, LEVI LAUDS EARLY forfeit to the laws. The doctors, how-
DRAMS O MAEER~NCKever are confident that they can come
DRAMAS OF MAETERLINCK 'back today and brs up the engineer'
string of victories, when they clash at
"It is a significant fact that the Bel- 2:00 o'clock.
nians produced nothing in the line of The management of the league is
literature before the 19th century," still howling about the financial end
said Prof. Moritz Levi of the French of the project, and urges all players
department in a lecture on "The Early to settle up their assessments at once,
Dramas of Maeterlinck" in the west as it is important that there be no
physics lecture room yesterday after- debts at the end of the season. Two
noon. "The reasons for the sterility assessments have been levied thus far,
of Belgian literature are both political the first for 25 cents and the second
fad social. Belgium was dominated for 50 cents.
at different times by France, Spain, A postponed game between the Lita
and Holland, under these conditions and laws is slated for next Monday
such a; thing as a national literature and the schedule for the remainder of'
was utterly impossible." the week is as follows: Tuesday, la
The speaker traced the development engineer,,Wednesday, engineer-lit;
of the nation's literature from the Thursday, lit-law; Friday, law-engi-
time of her independence, and point- neer; Saturday, lit-law, and sometime
ed out the representative writers be- during the week a game between the
fore Maeterlinck,showing that the work laws and medics.
of these authors entitled Belgium to REMODELUION OFFICES IN
boast of a truly national literature. PREPARATION FOR CAMPAIGN
"It is the sincerity, heart interest,
and mysticism of Maeterlinck that
makes hsins loved by the world," said Slight changes are being made in the
Professor Levi. "Princess Maleine," offices at the Michigan Union The
m k ie"T h e I n t r u d e r " P e ssle a s a M e l is - o ffic e o c c u p ie d b y M a n a g e r H o m e r E .
aTde," "Alladine and Palomides," and Heath is being enlarged so it will com-
i"The Death of Tintagiles" were point- prise part of the space formerly In-
ed out as representative of Maeter- eluded in the hall. With greater office
lisick's early dramas, and were ana- room, Mr. Heath and his corps of as-
iyzed with respect to the following sistants will be able to carry on in a
author's more efficient manner the campaign
salient characterisiss of the for a mililon dollar Michigan Union
art: his romanticism, his sese of club house which they will start in
mystery, the idea of fatality, and the
psychology of his characters. September.
In concluding the speaker said,
"Maeterlinck is not only a dramatist VISITORS AT OBSERVATORY
but a poet and philosopher as well. TOTAL 450 FOR THREE NIGHTS
His early plays are lyrics which have
been dramatized not dramatic lyrics. Summer students and their friends,
To be appreciated fully they should .be to the number of 450, have been enter-
seen by the mind's eye rather than tained at the observatory during the
through the medium of stage effects." past three nights. All tickets were
- _ _given out the early part of the week
Increase Capacity of Chemical Lab and many were refused admission.
Courses in general chemistry, which The cloudy sky of Thursday and Fri-
are given during the regular school day night prevented the visitors from
term, proved so popular last year that observing the moon, but they had an
it has been found necessary to increase opportunity of seeing Jupiter, and lo-
the facilities. The laboratory at the cated four of the eight moons which
north eind of the fourth floor of the inhabit that planet.
chemical building is being altered so Professor Curtiss and his assistants
as to accommodate at least 25 more explained facts about the solar system
students. and the care of various Instruments.


one year's work.
The class in Shakespearean reading,
which gave "The Hunchback" Monday
night will present "Twelfth Night" in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall near the;
close of the summer session. Parts in f
the Shakespearean comedy have been;

1 G

a~uc iacaay c~ >cri1.. -I - -= V-- and forgotten before the result of Le mic critcsms appeteIa e 1
assigned, and work is progressing rap- election is announced. icism is necessary.
idly under the direction of Professor
Thomssas C. Trueblood, head of the do-'IOUNiD WORK ON SCIENCE Cliange Employment Bureau Hours
partment of oratory.'( TO BE COMPLETED SATURDAY Office hours of the Y. H. C. A. em-
A number of the same people who
took parts in "The Hunchback" will ployment bureau have been changed.
appear with prominent roles in the Excavation work on the science Philip C. Lovejoy, '16, will have charge
second production. In addition to these building will be completed the first of assigning the work from 8:00 to
actors, several members of the class part of the week, and all the concrete 9:00 o'clock and 1:00 to 2:00 o'clock
who did not appear in the last recital work necessary for the construction week days.
will be given parts. Theh following of the first floor will be finished by
are among those to appear. Misses Saturday night. In addition to the Secretary Smith Spending Vacation
Ruth Parker, Ruth Lenzner, Amma first floor cement work, the forms for Secretary Shirley W. Smith is spend-
Fee, and Ola E. Fuller; E. R. King, the second floor supports will be start- ing his vacation at Wall Lake. He
R. D. Bracket, AT. Wisdom, G. A. An- ed, and brickwork will begin by the will be away during the month of Au-
drews, and C. D. Wilner. 1 middle of the month. gust.


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