THIE WQLVERWI E. ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S \11 il](his doubt Isa'I()NN hre I)p N , rH ,I 1i iiiiro. in Irler n And ;I I li()t pip. tVI ireai y>. iiii 1 M, 1) lo it ToIii idii hlInhpeti, AnI ifter titcii iil. So aftieryoi ii sLr tn''fao r a '"Hp." Vo'owte iar l~a(, ALL PIHAH-z 1EVA Ti) PO'SI. I'STHE SIENTS' SUPPLY STORE w (P110lls THNI Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars Everything a Student .Needs. Phone no. We deliver the Goods l11l, So. University Ave. Phone 1331-J . w -w 'i . 1 Repairing ot Eye Glasses a Specialty LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRINGĀ£ Halter Jewelry Co. Telephonz 531 303 South State Street 1 _ ; p l i s o t I3 a 7 s i 1 I tunore, Md. ford,PT'enn. 3144. DIRECTORY OF SUMMER Hi -un,.Mlax, .$01 Catherine. Pitts-0111110j) H. D., 3139 ,. HreurnTluteor- bur, Pnn 112-J i, South Imdia.P1-. SCHOOL STUDENTS Bond, H. 1., 417, Marynard. Alo,ih. Eggerh, Arnldl, . 1334 Volla-nd. Aim Harce,1. ).,115 Wsliena, Mr-Brockaman, Paul, 435 S.-Divisi101. Eee Arbor. ,12'llli Cisilad ise 1k' ltepailenti Comlete ichl. ViroiG.W. 5 eddes. Ann CapelAur-, lPC~et.Mu' o 10i esr, Mich. 344. CetlirJr . ,111 S. Ingals. O~ hio. 921. Hat. aT. . 3 ay.AnAlo. Graff, Hhio, 1466-M1. Vioie 7 oberIt.enia, Ohio. Heaver, H. F., 11(0 N. Ingalls. Hecatur, Chase, C. HI., 300 Ingalls. N. Halti- Pisle,, Imo. P 101 S. 'hw er. ,Ann Ind,' more, Ohio. 314. Arbor. 1398-J. Hensing, i. I., 1308 PI{.nn. I1rraxe Chow R uei611 I.N. ibrert'y. Ting-' b'ur lenbxrg, A. C., 1600013. Ann. hpg_- r.trw, China, inav, Alicia. 344. Bergstromi, V. Wt., 1145 Warirtenaw. Clay,,, It., 7316. Arhor.. Antn Arbor,. Gage, Helen, 805 E. Huron. New 14ud- BayICity. 144. 1 1.52-lI sor, Bich. P91-J. Bere, . A, lG Heni. Dvenor ~ Cnnreli , 3. T.,, 910 PE.. Washington. Erie Gardner, N . D., (Harlan, La. l21., Wal.16-.Pa. 989-1M. (rates, J. L., Anil Arhor". 942-M. dergy, G. A., 411 Croso. Caledonmia, Crane, La. T., 30P N. Ingals. New. Hoclmawer, H. A5,14111Fart Ann. Free- Mich. 776-i. York, N: Y."394. port, 111. larcapathea, ID. A., 3210 WashitenDavi , .A. 21S'tuiv eto ttrewsti, H, L., 723 S. Thrayer'. Pitti- San Juan, ':P. H. 33- 'vrl, . .,233 . n ~ MicA h ud. PP0-4iburg, fPa. 'ovelyS. S, 23 S.Inglls. AnnGuLtIaust, G. 0., 1023 Haklaurd. Ga- r t. D.emius, Williaom, 421 Division. Hxford, I: i 1 i. ~ irir. ' wranda, N. Y. 110P ilaekmian, 11. C., 10001 u Anii. Ford Blanchard, Irein, 718 5. IngaIo. Hal- Donraldson, Sarr, 100 N. lIgalls. 'tush- City, Pa. 344. BaleArt r l,1101 . 4luro m. Holl1y, ( jJI11I... Slicah 753.. iIanaselF a r8 1827ll. o Arbor HlanniaBH.G, 14:3 S. Stala. Hlaivelton, N. Y.1"4.4 11arniias E 151. 3., 132 5E. Jebferson,.1'd- I_ wardsilie, 1ll. 1361-i. H-ar risounH. L.,Shelby, Mich. Odrrnu, .Vt,332 . inJfferson. Fort StIor ~cr, ..;417gfE. fSterling, 1 nei.P,3001N gnall-. ill- ___amnsportIsd. 14. Ja mas,'H.1. l.,Detrout, Mich. w_ Ja~mesWillini,u14:Catherine. lhere- g:;s 'Ur .: ur Shrt. T ils %bank Cae Town ,S. Airia. 215-J. -______ Kllei C. it.,15Cheee r.Annr Ar- ut r e Sbor I12911 111 t.151.,1001 iliuouu. tBattle xm ~~What Good Is a Shirt Tail Anyway? Creek, AMic N GtILUtal 00outsideu shi oad underrwes-are IKlei, 1-i.M i38I S. State.Syr-aiuse, 0110 gar ae ni Thi s ueans tat te shit tcan't. rte" ' ksot of the trouseus, that there are no kIhit ti obuchu u-a sri u ~> tedraer "tay raft tH W., 3(0 \. usc 11. Detroit, F put;', ) s pinotisng rofitue comfort ad econmy filc-S4. P7' t x iaszving i garmente. HLUS iscoral crt, litrohr, Albert, 431 E2.,CUiv. Detroit; t tirpensu all the sw-aydown-cuse rotch, Mich. ~~ \u Iia cloeds ac.See ilutration. -1.,,04jA .Puly sor vglI, ternuis ansd field wear, we reo- 0Autraia d1li secalaiaredcrmeOLS ii, $heo, -117-4E. Univ. Foscinaw, China. wihregrur orsrt urisleeves. Specal siz es r. r isfo very lull or strut men. All shirt Lieu, T. C., 533 V. Ui. Toochowv, Ā°9fibrurs, in smart designs, including China. 267-i. S/ silks--$1.54 to,$10.00. Lowe8, 1-. N., 444 S. State, Ann Arbor. /I1 r OLUS one-pi eePAJMAS Sm ran in, pt3lf 3 a ie prcplr us rOm Sirlts - coatscrt, Lindenberger'1, Irvin. Louisville, 1Ky. YI I I u a clu s ues50to$85r b en1 1 Ask your dealer far OLUS. JicClenahan, 11. L, 806i> uon.i Anni RequetMcoy,I.1.,a1141 'axbht piv. Emlen- - ~~~~D PHMkr tonPa. 144. 1199 Brnadway, New York McVean, J. A., tClevelanad, Ohiio, ! ~(Continund on page 4.) ,_ W moo I iol ROO i . 0 so The, OF THE IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments : Collegiate, Engineering,, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-_ ment and the. Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work,. Landscape Design,Ilighir Gommuercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (afiliated wiih Ann Arbor Schools toe Oboervation Studty), and ia coarse for those preparing tar the scientific administration ot departments of sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement. or, Individual Information, address SIH IRL EY W SMI TH Secretary University A N N A R B O R PlC UR itr .ye nE YES PRTUE NEW EDISON, DIAMOND DISC PliONOtIRAPH a for your , lARS - NoNeedltes Better Tune a- Longer Records LYNDON.has; the EDISON Cone is sod hear It., s LYNDON, POTO-GRAPHER Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kodalts, Camesas and Photo Su ppleos I make a Specially of developitng, Printing roil Enlarging for Amtumrn --by muoern iMehoals. T~hs pvbeen smyhusiess foremoyearn and itlelas iinreasled enemy clay -ous-y results will ido this aed nowbenever O youswan aunything photographic look for the sign of the kodak- thuats where thuings .move..~~= -719 N. University 'Kodaks for 10c per day .: .: 25 c Suwxnmer School a ! 5c -Student Directory FOR~ SAE~ AT THE WOL.V EKINE ~OW'FICE 25,c Press Bulld4tdi g, Maynard Street 25c i