THE WOL V ER IN E THE WOLVER[NE OR? lJEUM ~~ The official student newspaper for ______________________ the University of Michigan summer -- session. Published by the students on THrU. roy au-'wftt~r. r of tre Tasday :Thursday-and Saturday a- - rk." A six reel Viterah featere. ternoon. Twenty-five issues. F1.July 3- "Tb. Baby Spy," a .s..elig Addres, The W overine, Pres Build- uhpitueMnayTellet i "A Tght ing, Maynard ,St., Ann Arbor. ' ;Leo N. Brett-Mafnsging Editor Phone-1283-M. y ~~ F. tGurnee 3Phoner-1407-M, M)anage. C oflteAthletic Editor-Charles Kfedrik.I MEN'S FURNI-INGS VASIY 133 B I O uan Bonilla Sttclbridgo Hilton 1 107 South University Ave. Harold Boweok Clement Jckman Louis'Bruh Charles Johnson j j / Vre Burnett Dudley McClure MUTS VI ROS.WilertFuller arry Vandarwarker The Finest Billiard Room In the State Walter Watson CIGARS and CANDY Buiness Staff "tWe Try to Treat You Right" . W. Donaldson, Ass. Bus. Mgr. T.C. Hill Lee Watson Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- 'Unierolp' cboo of eny-five cents for the summer; mailed:to any address for one dol- Maynard Street Ann Arbor 'Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- Annualon Summer Sess1ion plication. to the business manager. Jane 9 to Augut 21 Subsriptions and -ads tken at Qbeias an2ruc 10o Agnal 21nces ry's, Cushlgh and Soth Unvu - ofnMsirctini l nhs- sity Pharmacy, of MusicOffice Hours: Managing edtttr, 2:A05 For full Information, -Call to 3:00 daily; . business manager, at the Office, 1:00 to 3:00 daily, "phone 960.or GtAttES A. SNKt Secretary 2414, THURSDAY, JLY 3, 114. Y2CH1IO IS NEW WOMNAN. Su ga r LB oX l Chages in social systems arege- 109S. am tret -ally subtle. But Michigan is about - to witness a rapid, obvious transformsa- BestlIce Cre m tin in its social'strcture. Michigan HA~er Y1