THE-W OL VE RI NE. ALL RADSILEAD-TO POP'S DIREMT V I va ci at t, flintie, atifc r i t A l ': J 14tgirae hat stt t; 1ha right at tiitconatiThayera tual And ater that ti .')a Bacrot a at ,i l to hisay Itelia." 'thu smdif And a lotaa of at tltlaidtW iti IT'S THE Siatar, G. It STUDENTS' SUPPLY STORE SkitcI Ih ' WI-0 HA TxRSimart, C. Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Kodak Supplies Smialey, J.I Stationery, Pound Paper Cigars .Sith,(.1 Everything a Student Needs. Phone ue. We deliver the Goods ittgtata, U. Smaith, S. J., liit So. University Ave. Phone 1331-J Sih Statt, -. Smith, C..1C Facile Princeps a. No beverage can approachl-has ever even challenged 2 _ .Nt10( the stupremaacy of Coca-Cola. It stands first. The a '~ a trnk that will refresh and delight you with its diatina- tive and deliciaus flavor-its wanderful thirst-quench- ina. sg quality. t Delicious - Refreshing ~>.. Thirst- Quenchinlg THE COCA-COLA CO Atlanta, Ga. hae yaau-e an Arra Rpiringo Eye Glasses l-" Secialty FIE LENSES DUPLICATED FIEWATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING 11ca-Hr Jeelry i Co. Telephone 531 _303 South Slate Street OF THE IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Lawe, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart- ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Destgns, Higher Conmmercial Education, including Railway Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (afiliated with Ann Arbor Schools tar Observations Studyt, and a course tar those preparing tor the scientitic administration oi departments of sanitation_ and public health.. For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or Individual Information, address Secretary University A N N A R B 0 R __________________-Siithta, )., 6032 S. State. -Algoita, trttnW W_. ,117 Wsbtnaw. Na- ORYOF SUMMER Mitth.783 tite n. 1116. Siitt it. D., 02tOatktatti. a ie1Stat tb t r. \),,V. 410 S.tDiisi. ;cHOoL STUTENTS ceta, Micth1680-J. h t i.8t1-, n ., 72 Kitgaey.An SmithO.ft. I, 6Slatnroe. }t;.at i a ha 1A.,71.2 tis dphlritiamotes will Mticti61lat. I St wane'. i, a ni. ittot itlst ititli si iao-Smith, . V., 921 tPtckard. I a ta Ilili nii this weekhMiht., 579-. tteah411.ttaAttAar - Staith, I. H-., 7201S.. Uta. Dtrit 147 1 1hiatirttent C otncltdd SStta-11)9Fatea. A1 fClintaon, Ohi. 374. Staith, C. 'T., 530o Hit. Mhaott 7, h 1 at 045',i W., 605 Edwis. Dtroit, 1 1<6-It u0era L'_. G0 -Mtirere. Fowler I Stmitt, I1 ., psiaitt, Micth. _ ifett- + 75.8 Laaretnca. Ioynae taga, ,t . tt ro. Scoct ,255 ttliaAt negoeI.PAnAbr iyc r 2S.Fthhs. -J,. Soantot, Abraa. Sttterir, Ws. eta (ali.070 3. 0132S. Stata.Lanctater, S atiaS. i., :443 Washtoat Suntg C.Ifl,54 1tl lt.Iitagtata, Fao- lattat, Mict, 1166.-tchow, Chitta. 146-51. ., 1408 Wasttaetnat. \aah- Spritng,N. F, Itudhaon, Micth. Swtdbeg Car, 410 S. Diviionaa.aI- C 242 tattaaeritae, t1, A., 1025 Vautghta. Jon- etttttg, ihalt.89-. 1336 Geddtes. AttaAbor. ts,Mich.b 28-J. Staet, 11. Gf 16 Caterine..Detroit, I tera, C.S, Cataat Bogardust. Kaa-' Phontix, Ariz.a . taaaaaaMict. Trry, '.L.,, Camp Bltgardus..Rotha- 61617 Wabtetaws. Wor- Sttetc, 1R. IT., CampaBtagrdtus. Ho- ctr,ttd. 2220. as. ad "Mol. Thiet,~. ., Camap tbgaritata.pigaoin, Miich. Thotaptsata R, XV~.04 S tt. Jack- ae S.S,111 N In is Btl Ceekta titata69-11 t1 as C 11 11 XFinn, t ontige 10 n~tt 1 1)1 o , S'ay Ittt, .Saray 4 arset it71 Ataelt V mlAror k tteaaela 11g1Can 1, tu: 45wD aln. VDl- hO5 51o, J ,t t rt tr C It,22 . o i .s an- atacta.Mih~ AVtidl ',i CatcttBV I i. Ann 1512/ V tate ,It t. 558 5tas. eFarm- yrttf , tt OletI1 - ' T ;:t-..1 trrtlattath~c 11tsal;tait0I , 544 S. StatetBrwnt- Wtsaa1w W.V 5t85S.a te. rotn- I N OLUS the outside abert a n dawod Teas. 2'1. 1underdrawers are one garment. This mean thtt the ahit I aaai 11S I. Cattittatiarats. Cbtin- Scan't work aut at thetousers,, thtt three nee n, st ails ito bh ei kit t hnt. in seat,tit he draes "siltay :pt," tosayaa nting aoftecolnaifat5 1haa It 25 atl .At r ad ecosassi my of savig a gaament -OIIUTS i tat rcu-apenaeit,.fa!12.Gdc_.AnA all sle way dow--claisedcroch, cloacad bar. Sea illstratian., itae1t34-M1. Frg.teRt iotu sielti re ra, c saanadtaspei tt tehil ttla 01,0 ai, O ae,.A ., r522lKiits1tee. '71ny City, reeoatar rshaatsleeves. FEtanszestoraeay ta l ll so tatI, Al t tttlca,a. Mihab 6. -X- insar eitau,s. iaatattao itth-$1.50 to $10.00., OLUS oneelece PAJAMAS i a Jeiazr stan aat aa,,tl ,tata,te a O~ber R CE., 1.20 -S:1aia. liDetrit,_ Otde aa he: ameettanil, ai San ttte-aa)cut, at1ase akh.clao