T HE WO LV ER IN E Cut this out and bring tomyshop IT IS GOODfor $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K..MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. RegularBoard, $3.50 $4. Meal IJickets, $5.50 Single meals, 30-44c, A Clean and Cool Place Catering t banquets & parties a specialty Open all Summer Phone 164 709 N. Veiversity Ave. Mrs. E. W. Brennan, Prop, FOUR 1914 CLASSES PRESEN] MEMORIALS TO UNIVERSIP) Lits and En 'gisseerssGsnisoLeneFun1said Lawss and 11esaeops Voe No (ifts., More than $1200 will be left as loan funds by the combined classes that graduate this wools. The sonicr literary class voted to leave all msoney left in the class treasury utter at bills wsere paid, this amounting bc about $750. The fund will be at th. disposal of thse president sod treass orer of the university, and will b4 open to senior fits in ansounts nol ex, eeding $100 at a tawo per cenat rat( of interest. Scholarship will not be basis of awarding the loan. 'she engineers' annsual class gilt con. sts of a loan fund cifsnore thans $40( to be used the salve way and unsder the same conditions as the senior lits memorial. 'Tbe senior medics are still unde- cidad but expaect to bay apparatus toi the hospital. The dents will leavc a sanitary MEN DA'S HOPSCOTCH RELATIVESI INVADE POMPOUS CEREMONIES' Froms the ( stdce Looking Ins one. Ytelluse and ma are pret ty No, not that one with the red hairs proud ot our Mcisda. hut taey doss't silly. That BEAUT1IIFUL one, in white, asppieciate hor at haome thougis. thse sixty-unsptha frons the left bassd Fromse In side, Looking (ut corner of the nortis, east section, range tGreatest day in the world? Sub- 4, town 5, west principal meridian, lime rot. I be so tickled to tear' See no5w? Yehl, thsat stunning creature loose from this pest-house of canned with the-the-say, soother, what color learinig that I'll take a $5 a week job, hair las Menda got? Ai't she a dan- shovinig hot plates atossa ' table' be- -- dy-? Say, 1 wanst to tell you something tore I tools a blue-book io the lace absut siy little girl. Besides being the again. Greatest day coi earth, slain best losoking of ALL TBE CO-EBS, icy gradaioin farce? ito-hum. Lok at daughater is positively thse brighatest it that way if you wasit to, bait heli've girl in that graduating class. What up, H-eaper, 1I'dinevera aail fosuryears dthey call that swell sorority bright nmore for this day cii a long odads bet. people cais join, nsa? My girl could Nix, Beaper', nix. haave joined thsat srority any tiime she Gosta, aia't it taut? Aind giv, thae wacited to, oinly she didn't like the in- rewssupon roarsotfaaxhioslar, isis thaa itiatiocs or the watch charm-a key, B. 5)., wilt you. 'hfisocls trot lu- ain't it? Funsny thing for a scrority dreds of nmiles across the c ontinient, for sart folkss, ain't it? just to sit here for haoirible barace oft And pplar? Land a goodiness, that hocurs, acid to cwatch Tillabelle clu~tch poor kid used to sit home in Hopscotch the bhhilde iii ter tiiywrite usit. sight after sight, never going to a Bh, Hlesper, taske a sly peep as that lacue. Cot soon us she hit Ann BHar- crazy get-upa Mildred Booch has hoe, she likse to bust mce buying her nerveaeoucgh to cactI her gradatiocn party dresses. Honest, the folks in garment, will yen? Ain't it the tinit, Hocpscotch wsot believe the itenms II( Heoser? lSe cain lit 00 more "dog" put in the paper about Menda. But ini a cmotiher hubbard thain the rest of it's s o, by cricksey. Kinow's all the nut- this arizs' assortcmecnt cussisa a Ptaquic. ty stances the college people do, and W~ell Hosper, we're graducatincg. Acid Ihad her picture in that black book the tacy salt this success. Hulo. And cue gaduatinag class get nut. \Vhat is it, goinag Sc six t rC'ac, eight hunicdred m na? Osr, the Mitchigensicaum. dlances ordlincaire, ancd Lord kniowsshoca Alsn's she a dandcy? t told he she I ny other so; at stucits-acid so get could either go tcc this scchsol or to a Iouit sod unader as iticcat a rusg or a conveist, and I'll bet there ain't a ccci- promise. Greatest day oncc earsth? vent iii the cocuntry that can turn cut Bunck, Heshes' buick. ai better graducating clcas hthi s -by iacrohid1Kselts'adsti, Press Building Maynard St. Rem-oval Sale Special Prices on Rent- ing Pianos and Sheet Headquarters for Coll- ege Music. t s r Y 11 0 e ;- e r. , a - :r . r Y PICK SMITH FOR vAR~ITV iDFeflR ENTERTAIs ss 'EheP t, V t '1 l I I L LflSJLII (Conaticnueac aromapage '11 -___reunialusat tics' homes'c-CMrs. Joarana. Harold L. Smith, 't6, of Detroit acid J2 Olivia Ave. Minnseapolis, avas chosena Varsity track 4:??51p. isn.-Bass'aitI gacise oi Ferry captain for next year at thse ainual fieldt. Michian vs. P'ennsylvaia. 'tections held the afternaoon of June 10, 7:00is. is.--Osancaoncert sac tat chess tse oficial picture was taken. caimpuis, lay the USnaversity ci Michigans Smith is as sprinter acid hurdler, task- thea'Uiviaersity Senate to inavited ing seconad in the 220 yard dash and gess.', I ruatee, forerr studsatt fifth isa the century alarmnt at the iter- assistfrienads of thseu'amassity. tarads colla'giaates this ospring; in additiontosofciadmaisslioncanasabe obtainaed at tie qaualifying isa the first preliinaries office of thesecasretasty ous the unsiver- of thae c'lohrdles, from which 'Prain- oily, froms Sa thecre 'tar? of tihe Alisiat er tFursreli sithdrew the new leader', associtio, satd at tSlaoffcbes ci the owissg to isis sowing in thce dash pre- various dcrgarta etaal secetarits. lininaries. ''l slca vta, 1 mo d Smts haus the distincticon cf being Si-estietle annumal5 tommseneents A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION Use D. & C. Line Steamers for Business and Pleasure Trips HE refreshing lake breezes, she treedom of the decks and the '1 ing for you. Whether you go north to beautiful Msckinac Islad, she lemous summoee resort of she North country, or choose the "Wster Way" oyear trip from the east or west, you will appreeciate the many comforts on our palatial steamers. Doily service heiween Detroit and Cleveland, and Detroit and Buffalo. Four trips weekly from Toledo and Detroit so Mackinac Island and way posts, Delightfol day trips hetween Detroit and Cleveland daring July and Autust. Popular week-end exsuesions every Saturday between Drtroit and Buffalo, and Detroit and Cleveland. Special Steamer Cleve- land to Mackinac Island direct, two trips weekly, June 25th to Sept. 10th, makint oo slops enroute except at Detroit every trip. Daily service be- tween Toledo and Pus-In-Bay, June 10th to Septemher 10th. YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS, reading between Detroit and nuf- fao or Detroit and Cleveland, are available for transportation on D. & C, steamers either direction, AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving detailed desceiption of various trips will he mailed you on receipt of two rents to pay pmstage. AddressuL. . ,Lenis, Cecil. Possenger Agenr, Detroit, Mich, DETROIT & CLEVELAND N4AVIGATION COMPANY Philip H. McMillao, Presidenr. A. A. Schantz, Vise-Pes, end Gent, Mgr. Starsr sivtand dtpsrt from footof ThirdStesst, Detrirt, lich. " A B FFLONIA, F _LL T E T, CACE. ' a i . {M E tNE drinking fountain so be placed in the theo first sophomoare ever chosana cp- 8:15 a. ma.-Btugle call. S'eremaanya corridor at the entrance to the build- tain ot a N?'olverinie track team. Isa ofhotisting the flag. ink. additions to Smuith, the only intercolle- 0:30 a..cii.-Comaimenceenat preces- Neither the homeosancr the laws giate point sinnser heft fsr next year is sionafsrs. 'The graduatin, ctasses have left a inenmorial of any kind. Ferris who took fifth in the broad will turns at thaeir respective bailtdings -juinmp. at 8:30t sharp, smiler She directiona ot EXPII'tNt' GARtGOYLES CALLS ---________ the class presidentss. The processiona A'I"I'ENiON 'ITO FINAL ISSUE- (IT)IN ISILY1S lOUSE ANN TAL to Bill aumditoimaaasill be unader' thae The "Joy and Sorrow~" iumber of tEt'EP1'l(IN OF -NE AR GR4ADS direction of ChaletfMarshcal Beaus the Giargoyle-the campus funnsy - Coley ansaksistanat Aarshah Profes- paper, will make its appearace today. Seniors of all departnments as- sor L. aM. CGrami. Admnissiona to H1111 This is the lust issue o1 the year for secaibled iin Barbour and WVatermanasiuditaoriuccm will be by ticket ocly. the humor niagazine acid it wilil cost- gyinsiusast night for the annsual 9:00 a. mc.-Processiona starts. taiss besides sundry words of advice senior reception and bull, the lust 70:00 s. as. Commasencemient Exer- to thcesnear graduates, mussy drawngs foralc gathering of the near grado- cises. Address by Edmusnid tanes anad sketches typifyicng" studenat life ats-s. About 125 couples attended thae Jamcaes, L.D., Iresoient 01 the Unai- anid life ina the "widhe, wide asoril." funcctions. Yellowandasi blue bsuntincg aersity of Illinsois. The cover, which is enmblematic of acid drapery fittinigly transformced the t:15 p. cc.-Conaccaaeesiect dininer. the passing of thae senior, is a cork gymasumns for the occasion. In thae Watermiana gymaicum toss in two colors by L. M. Kishlar, '17. PTce recepsiosn aasa held isa ths Bar- trasnce tharougha Hrbour gymaslimi). W. H. Smith, '17?, has contriboted the boor gymn parlors ut 8:30 o'clock. 7:00 to 5:00 p. ci.--Annsualhrecep-I double page dracing, which presents Pros. Hurry B. Houtahisanad Mtrs. ,tiona Is the gradatinag class and their a few sidelights on the vacation activi- Huntchins headed the receieinagline. frienads, aloumni anad faulcty ci the ties of the stodents. Other druwings folloased by the deanas ot the varioos haomoeopathic umedical college, given are by Francis Bade, '75, Shark Smith, departmuens, acid the adean of conmen, by tDeananacd M7rs. hhicasdale, 7t16hFor- 'I7, Walt Grover, '17, Itoy Parsonis, '14, Mlyra I. Jordua. Ths grand march est Avenise. acid others. begasn at 9:00 o'clock and dancing con-- - The price is fiftecei cent s ad ropies tinuoed untail shortly after 2:00 o'clock Gtil (Et"S, of time publicatio nimay be obtained asSsainisroisng. Finzel's orchestra, sur- Bancing frocmi 9 to 12 eviery \\'sdcao- all na-wa stasnds. rounsded hy palsms on as raised plus- day night. 50c per roisple. 51. ___________- form nas thae center of the floor, de- - _____ Huyler's Candy Algencey, 214 S. Masin lighted thse dsacers awith u lively pro- Boy your ksodak flmus acid suplpies St. 1-.0graisin at Saigdes Briug Co., 3112 S. State. tf. N .I li-NIIIIE DS SIGN UP AT ALUMIt HALL (Continued from page 1) Chiago; Jodge Grant, Betroit; J. B. Snaoiddy, tPleasanaton, Kansas; and Or. 'P. A. Mchetruaw, of Detroit. Among the other promainent auomni of those early elasses ure Col. hsaac Elliot, '61, of Dlexter, NV. lex.; Or. Williasn Hull, '61, asid S. WA. Dunsing, '60. The "Tappan men," those who were aere under the administration of Pres- idenst Tappan, will banquet at the Suis, Wednesday, immnediately after the unveiling of the tablet, over which t ol. Elliot, 61, awill preside. C'OLLEGEslaEND) SALE, Canmpuv Bootery. 308 5. State 55. 1-2 Picitures of thse Tappan Bronze will 'se on sale at.IDaisses & Nickoha, 256 5. State imnmediatehy after the unveiling. Osvor CushinsagD rug Store. Uhe Arcadia Open for Summer School Studenis Board $3.75=$4.25 per week MEAL TICKETS $5.75 No. 612 East Liberty Street ESOMETHING NEW FOR A SOUVENIR! ' xoSepia Art Prints with i ie tinted border. wi The finest Photographs ever taken of Pictucresque Ann Arbor, made by G. R. SWAIN Ask to ado the sample set of 40 views All New at WAHR'S STATE ST. BOOK STORE 75c SVBS'CRIBE NO FOR 75c THlE WOLVERINE And get Those Commencement Numbers and the Seimmer - 75c Directory. Office Press Btxilding Mayznrd Street.