~AT YOUR DOORTHREE I 1 T J J DJ1TH FLOFFICIAL~ EVENING S A WEEK, 75c V '4 7 ~j SMMER PUBLICATION ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURD)AY, JULY 25, 1914. No. 14. Vol. V. ENGINEERS AGAI N r i GREET MAKE S LAST 'T)10 INISH I INI)L~ OMRK RG TRO NCELITTEA Cncthe nepieancd fondatoi sue FA TR U CTI E~ 1 hose Expteiiig 1Hee 1 t As APPEARANCE TODAY onretnewsincendbildin ilbe F C Vii Offic of Summer___ completed within a week. Th( soth HanOui ht Second IDefeat to Literar'y Issi Woodand Players Close Eniggemet walal is still in the process of contre- BlOOM ThI - -WhS Twoe Shkesperean tion, and te wooden framework oe In Aggregaion huh tr 4-- Students in the litrary department Productions tie tunnel, which is to run inside the Score who dsire that recordsofo their stand- - soth wall, is sot completed. - inss h( sent to them ater then close oTO'1)G(IVE 4-'('15 '1EMPIS'1"'TON1011' The large concrete iixer has arri- MhIC TO N'((IMIE'1' LITS MOVID.1Y he summer session, should report at a~ d, and the remaining cemet swork is DI151051 --the summer ession ofie" soimeime. f- "As Yoo Like It.this aftersoon and to e rshed as rapidly as posible. Meib TIeamo Won Lost Pet tee August 10, to 1111 ot required "'he 'Tempest" tonight will close tis Materials, sch as rik and tile to e Meb ltnig ...............4 0 1.000 hlanks and leave addressed envelopes. summer's engagement ,ot the Ben used in the first floor construction, areweert Medic................. 1 667 Summer school students in thc liter- Great Woodland players. The ater- ariigdyb a, o h erc rdy of Law ...............0 2 .000 ary department wishing to chaige nooni performance will begin at 3:45 work will begin the early part of A- Lit................0 3 .000 fron itheir department to another in oclo, and th3 evening production at gust. ste - 'lhe engineers againa proved their Octoer are requtested to notify the 8:00 oclock. Both will e given in - fautyn superiority over the ageainrp Registrar the nosela air thatr on the campus, Student lBadly Burned in Laboratory aggrgatinJre-HI"I I-iftr,'141, f St Looisercises,a resenting the it departamemt in the Smomer students eho expet to c~n or in ase nf rain tinlUiversity Hall ' iesr erly in ouminrsesioi lagu, Tursay t-plate tie reuiremntessfIn a degree in Thcceermacse have beeni well at- Mo., a stdent in the summer enbalnciiet- teriionn, y handiiig theni the siall the literary department are asked to tended ths far, and the seat sale in- ing corse, is suffering froni a brinn edoa4to2soeThcaieofclatthe sme school ofic t' fill dicatesa fair crowd fo h w e is rightaran hand, whichla reoentiec baseball was far superior to that dis- Out certaiin blanks, acd to pay the di- naining miumber. Iowever, a large eved in an explosion of -hot caustic potsh.whie wrkig i th chmisrynunber played iiiTueseday's game between the ploia and teacher's diploma fees at number o good seats remai for each, poah hlecoriegi techiisr tentai.the treasurer's office. and may be procured at the doi. lbratory Wednesday afternoon.orr liughi~t and Wheat showed their - "Masques and Faces" Thursday -- - sity libra versatility by reversing their regular night opeied the engageient and sas VjARETY OF ENTERfTAINMNTS It was positions for the first six iinings, PRNIA A I IVS AS a pleasing departure from Shakes I- LI u~h~IV nt bec "Tomiy toeiiig the rubber while PRNIALDVS pAI Ieare. The play sowe the ability o ISQ LISTED FOR NEXT WEEK ine pow Wetwiddtebig at The com- OF SERIES OF LECTURES the players to enter readily into te NLITD U EX Thewre bimnatimonc sas successful, tieis a- spirit o a later play. Elsie endon cumcmatii~ ony sixscateredhitsKearns took the role of Peg Woing- Sumner session lectures and eitert ho nd ae stll 'b t'I'hsi-t n d wsataimiments oe nextweseik include svn Pnmc The engineers got the junmpinon heir "W have been passmmg adae tl on wihmtue emPsinaasamaOte oppoients in the first inning, Thonas tiassig trough a crisis ini our cduca- fiery contrast to the ore gentl char- lectmmrswtihewet hyiciectm p anmd Stewart acoring when Fead sim- tional system,"'aid Principal Jesse B ater of Mistress Vane, played by Ruth renm, a recital at Sarah Caswel An- ciib gDd le ia h isntlddwciavis, of Grand tRpids LCitral hgh Vivian. gell hal, and a faculty concert at ill - aind eld the boilemkrtowo oe schinool in his lecture on "Tlhe Practi- "Twlth nigt" yesterday afternoon auditorimum. 'lie observatory will be ,iIAkNY ruims, one inc the second and the oher cal Application o1 Vocatioma Guid- sas giveia in University ali on c- opened to visitors on Wednesday, Mh in tie fifth. ance," in west physics ampihitheter coumt of rain. In spite of the poor ac- Thmrsday, and Friday aights, with ad- The its started a rally in the sixth last night. Mr. Davis showed hose the costics, the rather small audience mission by tickets to be procured at Nansem but it was rather short heved. Achi schools are trying to inpress the ti- cas amicuised nt lss thacn in ther the summer session office. On Satur- uents in leccied against the ball for a clean bin- portaice ot channsing a vocatiocn cwhie years by M0r. Ben Greet as Malvolo iay an ecumrsiona will be taken to Put- for ther a bv n gil aas til ic hih shuo an tie tin f cimmdmas slmo~ nBa. Next week's program is r- ptit gle past first and scored on Brilnyer's abyo ilws-tl nhihsho-n h roo oedaswosp nByptit dobe rlyraddaohrtlyand hnse this aight be done. lHe said ported him. acged as follows: Tep semi icete rveitaigsartgo othat a teacher should becocme acquaint- .n iscmmrNgc'sBem p .Monday, :00 p. in:-"The Coppercmdin: mute. ad th net tw caeo wntad sith as many differint voationsa essech its usual -harm o1 fantasy and (ining hIndustry of Micigan" Regent ecel*tty denei nod tenx w er.tlpossible, learning thinmictechnically in cctat il1h goeucelmnsIL. Hubbard, of Houghton. :00 p usca '11ce'lits were scheducled to meet the asmnMaerspsihi.ai en h. en Greet and the other artisans a.fni' TeHucbc, ls oe futumi oceie ystrdy ftrnon bt heable t tell na boy or girl the advan- i the burleen,''ranc cdT in Shakespearian readig under Pro- o h i heavy storma interfered. Monday of tages and disadvantages f every pro- b"hdnvnlcs featues whichlesrTC.Tebnd by a Ch "fession predcdthlovusncaralyi Tedy,50 p .-"h ndls mx weeko the medics wi take a flimg 'pn rdte ovismgmitryp licdya10 . ."ih ifils , the inhis and on Tuesinay will play Mr. Davis ass emphasized the need cal sf the performacnce.faFokSn"(luttebyheVc a mires th mgnesfcooperatioia of the parets in shap- trola, Professor C. . Wagner. :00hypo th nines fthr -- - - eypo 'he summaries finie 'humrsday's game ing the future of the young Ipeple. ISC0VEIIS1,Sil DOU'BLE2S'ARS .p. i"reseit Views Concerning th al chore fllow: One nf the greatest dificulties swhichaI Causation and Curabiiy of taicem ," rer amd L~oguiees M. Dais aid inehoin cicoocnteed icBookt ecently Publihed Shows Professor C. P. Darling. Mscd AD1 hIP is wrk, sas the indifference of the Work o Prin'f.IHassey Wednedmy, :00 p. nci-"Apollo and general ''ots Id tIeiPOlckAnfiHtessteinthin'Oracle of Delphi," Profesor C. ioi coopms.......10I 10iieratee.i. Hiteng'yitiaescdiscovered- r-Bnner. :00 p. n. Faculty concert. girls' o Bmugit, p its c ......4 0 a12 0 snirtmewt li'snhOtalmr- 10 omble strs, according to a re- 'Tlcrda, :00 p. m. -"Our Compi- Tocnl .4 2 2 3 1 ties. Iert, of iis astrocnommical work at the'any Thms 3 .....e' ated B3allot," lroessor J. S. Reeves, circular Stewart, Ib .....31 i8 10 In his fourth lecturme WedncedayUiviesity of alatain icuicth Amer- I Fridayi, 5:0011. m ,"The Early ra-thCh Fecid, lb . ..........3 1 ca1 ighlt, Mr. Davis discussed the Iroibemiclea. recectly pucbishlied. The booklet taisohatriak, rlse aeato Wheat, c & p ........3',01 1 0i 1 sis to whether or not the plinnaces senpsor-ionmtis a dettnailed acicomunt of the 200 Iei :0p uTePyia ai ctlt Crane, of ....... 0 0 2 0 o ed by the pubi sconl chinden.who double stare rectly discovered. Aside of Mmsi," ean K. E. Gthe. Lyis i ....0.1 0 . leave tie schools acd go to work, are froma these featuries, tics boklet de- ration. Lyodn', rIt .. .2I0 I02itpaefothutobecpyin 3O srbe1n ievrkdnei Sutrday,Exrsion to Pit-in-Bay. _ Golbegrf.. ..2 00 2fi pacs orthm o e mpoyd n .1 ingeneral tewokdnei egent IL. L. Hubbard who lectures Smith, f .......0 0 c0 0 )0I0 (Continued on ipagin'4.) thesoucthern insituition.nmahs enSaeGelgsgi- ER _- Professor H-ussey has been in Ann (40 'lotnnts .0 4 021 3Ii minyce iemmici, hincedinge: thrc Aror duing terhatermprtaoftheoealsmaagerof seeral giningen m Potat .........28 48 21 5 "acoye, Niean, llmeninge; thi e Abor dring hpanitesaranfmthmpanisbean ofme theft facultyt aat Alt I'llPOAE o bae hnits-Hughitt 2, ffhenny 1; ini La Platacmouot en month agn. lcture is to be of popular interest rich re Brimyr, 1)......21 28 ]struck out-by Hughitt 1, by Genny Thci experimnectes sork done by P. ammOion-technical in character. C. P. Ne'linc IleilmycI', un . 2 2 ! 4' left nn bases-Rng. 4, its 6; double T. Delevani and 1. B. Dawson, both Wgepoesro pns a n'd Immiiniel, s .... ... Id0:1 4 It 'aginebrpitrhofeunversitfstSpdnisthhissiveu cnside Niemamnn, 3b.... 3 Io 1 4 11 1 payFadt geat;aifymiced uniaberdittdeiosProfesonHsdey'sbriccht Victrola records direct from of t85.s (Glennmy, p ...........2 0 0II 3(;I al--Golbeg;time o a :5,al rdt nPoeso usysthe Andulasian povince in Spain. already Vani Akem, lb ..... 0 0 0 1 0 tUmpire-Kendrick. bak.' will be; Allmendiger, rf . . ..3 0 .1 0c0 a to time Lnril, if.......... . 0 1 0 0 E B Y T E R e N C H V first di Baecf......30 0 2 0 0 L P RUI%.LuKX Avli, c............3 1 1 6 0 ti Huron and Division Streets 4 Thes Totals .. .. . . . . . .24 2 6i 21 _0s Leonard A. Barrett, Minister - - Roy W. Hamilton, Student Pastor tial e Innings Rt1IIE1. th cia' hog ... 2 :1 0 0 1 I 0 0- 4 8 5'1 10:30 A. M.-Sernmon by M. art, Theme, "Tire Distinctive Message of Christianity." to swhic lice .0........n 0 0 0 2 0---' . BIBLE LASS AT NOON LED BY MR. HAMILTON turn fi 'T'so heasehits-'Thoimas,IWheatItc- pabt NTS CENSURE 'ULTY__MEMBERS inksTh e ree Inifout Poperly h midne lluumjmtk'eek of t'ounmmmeueeut r (IF MNORltMAT"1ERS os of the netieesity faculty her harshly critiised by the cegents at their meeting yes- m of properly attending Coi- mt exercises. The regents as- at comparatively few of thin mnm were present at te ex- amd that they sere not prop- evidene durimg Cocmene- aek, as a nmark of respect to gmalumni. The swork of the was the transaction of a large of mnmor maters. oof qmuarterns wee provided reserve books ini the munver- icy. decidein that insurance hould carried omn the boilers af lbs 'cc plant. :gents voted thaf the umiversi- dnot make am exhibit at the exhibition as was suggested, matters were' disposed of and pinted inm the neal issue iIPIOVEMIEN'lS BE]NG ADE BYV SCHO1OL OF MUSIC 'ous plans-made fr impoe- ithe school of mnusi, panned msot part last year, are being operatinm this sumlue. rperty on tie coner of May- d William sreets, hihsas aoinur,sh by tie Uniesity Society, is being put in-shape e occopation. The large ooe rner, for many years occupied inese laundry, is being raed, try to placing the grotunds in slightly condition. Tie Hart- ety next to the Congregation- ,h, will be remodeled this sum- Sprobably used as a School of simitocy next year, and an the headquarters for the Sym- Leagume, the Schol of Mmsic ganization. thousands of catalogues amd -ace beinig ailed ou, while cal Union ancnounements and niloges shich are to e sent ;r are in the comurse of prepa- .L LIBRIARY PLAES 111)511 F0R1EXPENSIVE SET1 ant librarian Franmcis L. Good- ;ently placed ama order for "The ecnatiomal Encyclopedia" (se- tinal in 2 vlume at a cost It. The first two volumes have beema received, ad the ret shipped in small lots from ime as they are published. The tion of "Thew New Internatiomal ipedia" was published in 102- 3econd edition retaina tie essen- tuces of the first principally cing of fthescbjets cnder tite sh the reader swold maturally rst amd the usin of a simge al- Annual -Summer School Engagement of SATURDAY, 3.45P.M. Seat Sale at Wahr's State -As You Like It Bcn1ITGrI1-n-I Street Store, opens Mon- SDA11 DAY 8 P. M.IJUoo dand ITlers day, July 20th, at 4P. M. "The Tempest"RsevdSa,75 Campus Theatre July 23, 24, 25RervdSas75