THE1 NWO0LVERNI N E Cut this out anda bring tomyshop IT IS GOOD tor $1 In Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEWjU, of M, BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavilien Orchestra Sunday Aternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. IBuy Indestrn, SHOWS IMPORiTANCE4 OF EMIR, ! ENGI INEEIS GTIAIl NOSE .~D THRIOAT IDISEASES (AME IbM I11's (Continued from page 1.) , (Contintued from pagte 1.) cauoes deafness, partial or total, and managed tot slip ito rent aetross in even abresoeo, if there is any infection the seventh, bttt at no timie apptart'd predated. The orrorrenre of enlarg- dantgerous. ed glands in the hark of the neck was( No gate ttsoopltayetoyestertday at- shownt to he rhararteristic and very Iterttuon, otwing to at ooisotttltr: taotliots dangerous, because in rase they break btetwseen the ottatoag re. Tlday's aioooo and flliithe mastoid cells, they racser till he-atnothetrcotest hetss t tot the mastliditis, and the neressity of op- nits otood eegitteers. The ntasenttt' erative proredures. stat'e' thtt the leotue) neetds rio itt Dr. Canfield announcred that he will aerial suptport of the ptlaye rs, andt gladly make appointments with tearh- requtests thsat all bring their aott'ss- ers and ethers in rare o1 rhildrens, or nnents to the fieltd before ttotnorrots. anyone interested its the diseases. Fritday lh iceIls sill eresstbtcstwith _______ ____________ the stronmt sedlict'eant. Servire, Quality, and Prires Right. Thkesummttarieo'ttr Tlut'cday's otte E~dsill's IRexall Drug Store. 122 So. Follotws: Main St. Phone 31. tf hifgineersi FOR RlENT---Cottages in Widennoann Patersotn ci .......2I10 OI0c Grove, Whitmore lHake. AddressIlWheat p ......01 0tt 0c 312 S. Division St. Phone 312-J. ;Iltgliti t &e. .... 34 8 1 114Stewtt it & cc...4 1 2, 5 0I1 ____Thotmas lb ..... 01 2 0 1 Clean soda water at Calkins. tf. Fead lb.......4 2 2 It0 0 _____________________________ tnoctlson rt &s ..4 1 1 21 10I i'atonssc .... 4 2 2 41 1 cranttlI......2tt0i0 I0 0I1 cto B agg g e lyons 1f...::.IItII 11 II I C~da tAbI~ I~fK 9g mtliel lit ..1 t0 0 1 0 0 otottlithp.......0 II0It 0I0I0 s.e. Gtoldberg rf 1-c ..0I0I0I1 011 MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard St. Vict r Victr las. For Sumxmer Cottages Special Prices onRent- ed Pianos and Sheet Music. BOARD $4.00 AT Freeman's 803 E. WASHINGTON STREET One block north from Hill Auditorium 75 cts. per Day Dinner 35 cts. We bail our drinking wates and reel it I Just Received. A new line of INOESTRUCTO TRUNKS and BAGS. Tine kind that can't wear out. FURNISHINGS FOR MEAN Ltght weight Underwear Manhattan SHIRTS, with Soft Colars and French Cuffs. Prices. - - - ironm 51 .50 to $3.50 Light Colored Worsted and Flannel TROUSERS At 2091o oi from regular prices Prices - - $3.50 to $5.00 Ruede, Conlin & Fie gel tisle'r et Tlottals . . .....2 15 131 21 <3 lilsI All I IIl 10A i1 tloss lb.......4 loettelos .....4 Nietoam 3'b ....4 Glentnoy Pit.... MliltonttifI.....3 Vanotwiulalt' A)t.. Ntelltolltn otI.... lirilmne'r rf..i..4 Ac ii .. . .. . . I3 LI 0I QI 1 II 11 () 1 05 1 <, U 1 {) C) 1 to ( o t . 2 2 1 It i0 1 v0 THE ANN ARBOR Pool FRE0 C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. tai 9:0 P. M. For -Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVEC THIS COUPON Good for ONE looker at the Swimm x-Ing pool Good for Steromer School Stuadez~ta Only Totals ......12 9118iS7 4 tliniligs it 11 E nt 2 1 30 4 5xh__151136 1,1cc . 22t012022-9 6 4 Twt o taset' oi ls Itittt, "tooa,, at- ot, Iluoehel; tete hase sits-Thsomtas, Stt'tart; hoe arootn-oes; first last ott halls--uff'Smthlt2, IIoglti' 1 2, Wh eat 1, Gletnty 6'; lt'fl tt n tsoc- frst itase on t "rs -lanog'.4, lits 4; strrk out--by Li mottlt3, Illtot :, tGletntys3; It ssed bttlls h-'atcon I, t lo 1; hit hbyjtitcheod hall--aiodbterg; scrifitett-otTlteottoc; tinte oti goatto I-I:15. Umptres-Liggetttanodlt' ole. Directory of Summer{ School Students ItContittttt(dfrottoploss 3.) IHio's, Wl. t., 1802 lPttarol. ltotsas (lily,lMe. 1908-J. troit, .Mico. 11118-J. Hoyt, tarroll, 1443 I'oslto'to..Eat Jordaon, Mith. 11611. Huossty, It. W'. Princtetot, Ill. llcsieto-twei, Kto, to08 S. Polev. ,Shoono- hti.Chia. 18932-Al'. IHutghtes,'1. IG., 326 Ttt'to It, otto. Salot Sto'. il ooin, Iicho. sHbbell, H14.52116lO,sevto.ry. Maot- iste, l Mcha. 802-J. Hutot, 1L. ot,5234Ithurth. AnnotArbcor.o HoontinonoK. I. ledesllo. 1od. Amoot Arhor. 2361. HlusteolRt'., Ypsilaaoii, Mi. h. yHyde, C. A., t'amop Bogardloo, Plo to land, Ohio. ldyde, sois, 16127t'osloteoaoo. t1)'- troll, Moicho. 1016. ttexoll Rtemedies ootd Toilet Article's. Ltdsill's Itoxall Droog Store. 122 Sot, MainctoS. Photos 35.t Caclkoins Phlaromacy for druogs. I. Phone130 J 1112 S. Univ. Ave.. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING The Wvhite San Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER R easolns ito vroot ulotot o ''l not ty tormo tosoett f(loot,, e io t eI iaL aundrItototy , tovoy'yoolsit told CALL. PHONE 165 f'01- totur 'Ot Utot 00StIIN' 561OT I 101 1111[:0IY{ Xl:CI ~i~c lt I l n0 lots, est l tot.-oolto Itole'sit tl, ]l t(ios-dstt'. S1)(,( oM tlor:°- tiotoot,' eto Ia slots It s tt. OUR PR ICES 1IH E I OU IST. THE WHITE S.WANM LAUNDRY 9 Attractive Mid-Summer T UTT LEtS MILLINERY LU'NCH ROOM AT LVNCHES aniSODAS !D A NA R ICGHA RD S ON'S 338 Sotith Ste.,e St. 115 E. Likerty WE PRESS ]BYTHAND' C. I. KIDD 50C BIG H;50C WO LVE__ .5 0 ~REST® OF THE SUM MElR5C