AT YOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENING S A WEEK, 750 , UMR ULCTO Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THAURSD. Y, JULY 23, 1914. No. 13. TO M KE I IT55 1'r(? 15TanTy'eStiudying 1l1L Ioldonl TO MA E i~TIALofessor Claude II. Van Tyne of theh(istaory department, who has hesn BOW HIS.EVE ING os aI]Iav of abs eoce from the uni- 51 eit~ durnng the piast year, writes - Uait hPcis at presto ini London doing Woodland Playes toAppl. ~ 1 searchIsworh in tihe Britiosh Mosoum. lie .11411 ees b eat; Sale; fir expects to refers to Ain Arhor Large 500m0 tilme inSeptembeor. lIE (SFl''IAhS 5111111 SVETERANS TAKE LAW COURSES "Alasqu05 anid Face" will beg0in the - enigagOeent of the B iGreet iplaycs aS11mer141Schoeol Lists Outbid I 4Teacher at 8:010 o'clock toolilit ini the campsl of IiLaiw uacid S iiiii('iui open sir theater, slid ini casseof rails attorneys in University Hall.-- - Rteports froiss tie:saidvainced seat sale Law depuartmenost stanidards are ruis- indicsti that uuua i rs s b oilg diuingtho sismmiesr by thearIses- shownin i the aseie' of pla which esire o1 teacheors and attorneygs at law, are to he givn Thusirday, Fsiday ansd aso 01 of lsomishave 00011 several Satsurday ofltlisa seelk iy ltiiBelliyors'-of jsractical asork. Gret.tWoodlaisdIPlayers. 'Ielaoorsl Aeons the "hardeined ones" here comitee in csarge eratacaaiialty thi's ssesmer are th~e follosing: Sere- crowdslateacshsierformasnisii Mr.sBesslPi -ilaido, inistrsurtor of liawii thse Greet is susrrosnseilteihis yeas Py a Unsiersity of the Phailippisses; sod groups o1 skilled actors.Amosng those Charles McCalmni, of East Jordan, aready knoiwn to Ann Arbor audiec-Bich., W W Malone, of Athens, Ala- as are :Ruth Vivans, GeorgeU. Som- Panma, B. B. Peacork, of Eastmns, Ga., res asnd I-arry Caloer. all E. M. Verger, of Clarksdale, Miss., It. is clainmedth lat Mr. Grret haus all of whole are attorneys at lawo. trainsed score thseuatrical stars fltshan___________ aniy other onr masi. To he a Greet I player one has fo serve a lise-year is SY EETICLGTIGI liresticrsiiillindselrrdose s511 riosaiois 11 N RMTVESAE ansd iisstritiois. Three years ag, 72 STl INP MTVE TA S comaeis left New' York with Greet ___ plsayers assuming liriniial roles. "The tengsten is ocry far from the Asmosigtie sioted ictors and actress- Pest isa lighting. We oeght to here a es whsoslaser Peen~tsitored Jy AMr. Grert i6 tinmes bettor tight," said Prof. H. H. are IT. I3. aod Lawrenice Irving, sosHiigPie iss hi' lectssre oss "Recent Ad- of Hlenry Irvinge, tobert Lorraine, vasces in Electrical Illuminations," in t'r'nvllePalue EdthWynse atthe physics anmphitheater yesterday thiesons, asii Mrs. Patsick Canipbell. afternsoon. "'fhe greatest develop- This year Mr.l e Greet is to Prea etaini electrical illismination leave seeninii characteristic roles iii each of icerried withiss the last ton years,", lt' lyfiirmn('a liiisray tthortel-oe.oisw :siig r. Greet will iappear ii 1 ri thi next teen'arwaill Pr greater part of Triplrt iii "Ma i i n a o s i the past 50. The rate for the es." Ins "Twoelfth Night' oii Friday licrcas of efficiosicy is great, and the aftrnooni, he wililsuioothe, role 01 hr id14for ismprevemnit is large." Malvolo the'i"' oi~ticiul tiwird to' Profeosor tHigbie traced the devel- tllivia, who is iii lot ' i t,:livia, aniopmnst of lighting froissthe earliestl who is led on ) c o easonsiraon arc in 1806 to the present ansessii . 1ts Great sill aigai tak irsgti is He 'aid tha t in 1806 the 0he IsOlillarcrale of I 'coosis the maa 5, t dyssamo was invesited, and that' s ,lsmii .a'sied isa"A Miidsummesir 1i s perp'ose 'was to ope'rate arc lamps, 'ight' flrans H cli I FIbisle the tusigstrenseas first prodeced rol (i uthtesocynical Jaquesain "Aas1110 "'os like It," os S tiit sy aftornsoon, It was pointed out that in 1885 the ,aild thc siore srs ar1t51oh 'Pros- Is: candle power lamap cost 21 cents. per, te rghtIlee e Oi is i Th cBisle the preseist tsssgste's of 8,000 TemposI onSird evening. AIts sidle power coots tess cesits. He, fIlarry Galver will;act thc role oil Cal- towed that to increasc the eticiency sii is, a ~ sae ane~d diwformeid slave, inis to decrease the cost. I P ~efe 0 The lectusrr was illustrated Pgy ster- folrcihly awdic irP,1 1ya pia II f z S C I OFFER SPECIAL NIGHTS FOR VISITORS AT OBSERATORY er's oftdepartmnetaul anus ill Suniner Schl b asebsill leagsue, ait tlue Unonup7:30 oirlarls n- (lay eight, ENGINEERS GRAB GAME FROM LITS xSisler Appteason Field lDuruinglFifth andilStarts Hlileruuuakers oilt Raslly All summer school students asidj their friends will Pe givers an oppor- tessity to inspect the University oP- servatory on one of three evenlinso, commencinsg with Wedneoday, Jely 29. Observations will Pegin on Wednesday at 7:25 o'clock and costinueeutil 10:30, while the hoursone Thuraday and Fridag will he trees 7:10 sintil 20:30 o'clock. Admission will he Pg ticket only, which smay he secured at the summer sssion office, Pg present- ing the tresurer's receipt. Professor Curtios hao arranged to accommnoodate 50 visitors an hour, so that, the nuns- Per hao Peen linaited to 410 for the three evenings. The moon snag he observed Py eachl visitor end the new 12-inch refrasctor will lie used for that purpose. The neav 37-inch ref ractor will also he demonstrated, and the instructors in charge of the various instruesnts awill inform the "star gazers" as to their specific uses. Many took advantage of the visitor's night lest slimmer asid a capaicity crowid is expected this gear. tProfessotrF.1".. Scott Arrhees in Parils Professor F. N. Scott has just ar- riyed in Paris, svhere he will stay for several dayo. Irofessor Scott left Ann Arbor for Europe in June, anld expects to return daring the latter part of Septemuber. W anted: Woman With Black Ba hing Suit A nmysterious womsan in a black bathing suit, asid tars wedinsg rings which look very niech alike are fac- tors is a pathetic little comedy which has Peen distressing two women asice last night. "I am sere she core a Plack Paths- ing suit," said the voice over the phone, "and if she will retusrsnagy rink-', I shall Pe very miuch obliged." It seas likse this:- The lady deposited her jewelry at Weiner's desk last isight Pefore go- ing to her locker. Amsosng the jewelrg was a weddinggrcng of the old-fsash- honed type, with a wide heavy Pand. On the inside swas eng~raved, "FeP. 19, PROGRAM OF ENTERTAINMENTSI i'0 11 DOES SOME ("LOUTI'NG 'The asssuer school attrcin flossli- gramecositasis a sasrsidlist ohfcestir taisnmetasiwith the Bess treet tier- formsanices aa thei'ceusn talsuibers. The prograisisfollows: 1 iidi,3 5:00ll o'cloths. "Shaakuc- pease iii thlePrisenst," 'oiPof. .A Streuas. 700 oloch,"'The Vocationi Hissu, cPr Isicipal JI It. Dais. 8:00' o'clock, Maakssait Faces," tentGreet P'laycrs. Friuy 3t:i4a o'clock,"Taselfthli'aght, i3on G're(et slayers. 7:110 o'clockr, "The Pruactical Applicuitioni of Vocus- tional GisidaisceI'rincilJ . tB. Davis. 8:00 o'clock, "A Midssmmier Night's Drease," Bess Grert players. Satiirday,3:145 o'clock;,"AasVYssLikae It" Beni Greet players. 8:00 o'clock,. "'The Tempsest,"Bess Greet playeors. DAVIS BELIEVES THAT PUPIL SHOULD PICK LIFE WORK EARLY "There us a grceit nced losravocatuisn al gusiduunce iii iur schlsatodaig," said Prinscipal Jesse 14. Oetis,ot Gra~nd Rapida censtral high school ini his lec- turce last night. He susiid feat of the piupills knois'the hinduof u wsork thsegar iriepuarinig tlaoiiseha'es for. This wssproved iii ani uctual ascsool cenusus.tOter500) stiideiitsstore ix- a551i" eel sks's 'il'sil11'esu' rlt wvork. Liss thioa"25u hail formsed 111y coniveptions hsoevei'ir of hait itsowia goinug to Pc. Its Dasvus thenstolid'soilt flue sc- riouis stcps that arc tuskeniiiineh grade to aid the stuident us chioossig a profession. tIs thle seventh grad" we try he insapire the stulduntitI o wiutto Pc sosmebody, and in the eighterasde ass effort us niade to show' luo i cc's- sary cducaltionsus if this'cbjectu's to he ohstaisied. Isthuehigh'Isca'hool,1blag- rashy is studied. S sdiis in clue ninth graide are eicuadt td the ives of "seat men, asfluhsa viewasof finding out the ileenets of haiuracter swhich nmaki for siucciss "Whsen the tenth grade us recshicd the high school pl1'e'ic'ntecesled Worg 1tn ILtst, Pc. Eug. ..... .... 0 1000 Meics....a . 1 .67 Laws .....0 2 .000 Lits .... ....0 2 000 ii Isotheloosist atmuleplayedthssfhr ii in'hesimmer sssrion lelaue,'Ices- duly iftiernoioi, the ein~see'rsM kept thi latei Iieaniagussuat the ists fpr '51i ili'sslith aPfinal acuore 15 to ': he wasimuiers founI Gis issy for a lota ofii13IIbills '1111pilfirtd 7 sacks. G~euieriallaa 'er tieorge Sister, <'il contiiruteid hcasaly Iou his isamalhugh heisdiiinsot puh inian appilearancuvniltil thllidleilfthe huhfto TheIlietss we0reluaing the boilerinakersat'ithlaotime 'unud thseen- gineers' situ at Pittsouth twomn out anid Eatonrs tlin oilseconsd. hianiter I-lusitf spotted Sister com- isg ascrosahflue hld just asGoldberg wsoa stopsinrg to the plush' Sister seas iustashled inu Goldbierg'atoolsansd cam ,ucthrough niucelyawith a ichean isirs- "hge, allowoui"gPEatons to ronmp iiiwith tthe tiuing tsally. 'h icultisis oat of the ba~g.IPatieisonthesertcatniup 'diiw so batse ouilPsilla.,'hen IFuu.sith hlphed things 'ulonugswith a smsashirng drive hr left foi two Pbases, scoring lSister andil Patersonu. Hughsitt helhped tihsalusonig with sm sashuig drive .to !f1 for two li;ssscorisng Sistr'and PateronIi. luglhittcsarsue homssowhers Ste~wart sinigled andhsonmes flied to ltoes for the thirud oust. F'our sore tal- legys iv sit (.ownr to the ensgiuseeras cred- Sit is the sixth, msakinsgtar fuss Pig a leapul for the hits to overcomue. They (Countiniued ilonpage I.) -SHOWS IMPORTANCE OF EAR 1NOSE AND THROAT DISEASES b"ll of helueatsssri. awsaks sing tuto lssu uimportusnce' oh the diseases of flue ear, nose andu thuroat that thsey are pasying exports ho exuiminue the school tchiludren" declaredl Ir. It. BI.U'anfield Iiun his lecture osu "The *Diseases of the SEsar, Nose andu Tharoast" 'h'is aygnight. All diseases ef the esirunse snd throat iare due, he shuowed, to onie of three euuses';suasal obstrucetion, infection or siusceputibility, or us the combsiruation oh lily oh thess three. 'Thsesshue ex- pslaiued, by the aid of viewvs, the nor- sis oaland umuorsuiet usratonmy of the nsose, and its relatioshipi to thur ear aund throat andlfluthe Eurstachliars tehe, the tonssils ansi thu rerspiratory pas sages. Thealeeuker explainsed the causes lou the marked syruptonms of adenoids, such as breathing through thse musoth, rlhs'h palate, lailsure of thoeIphysical developmuent of the face and uhest. Tho; adecnoids art spongy masses growin"; in those proxinsity to the Rust'achian -tubec ahovc ut aurd covering it. 'This tueleaida to the inner ear', end so (C~ontiued on pago 4.) '99," and a little farthuer around, "June in the various socatiosanad a': mucih 24, '02." informeationus s15praticaPly us oh- When the hady caine from hesim etwinued about theuss In the ol'eenth a little while later-, she called for her grade the vocations us chuosen itushs as jewelry and noticed nothing w'ronsg. much definitenuess 'us pcaauille The Uponu reachinug homse, . sow'ever, she work of the student un flue past years ihuoughst the ring diidnoc "feel" right. is then carefully gonie over,1a1d his Taking it off, she wes startled to learn 'future program of stasis adestout that tise initials of tis "other somni"swith a viesw to. meeting the college se- were "E. A. W~." aund that it seas on quiremcenis isu the professional school Apr. 9, 192.1, that she was married, wehich hue seekus to enter." according to the eusg. lying. 'The lady said oer the phone that Y..?V..1C. A. Seerethrri 's Solicit Fuudts she knew all of the, women in the 'Tw'o secretaries of the V. 74. U. A., pornd Put one, air(] this mysteriosus W . J'Tinker, and :Fronk I. Olumstead, person wore a black silk bathing suit. also Ralph It. Snyoder, '14L, lhaves been "I attach many fond memories to in Detroit shice before July 1, raising my ring," she said sery nauch moved,1 funds. The total amount, which is "and if that persons who wore black nearly raised, counsists 1argely of pri- silk iii the sweimmuing posh Wednes- cafte contributions to be used is do- day sightf will nosify Weinerg's or fraying the currenat sxpeses of the call 693-J, I shall ho very happy." university V. It. C. A. '7'1 .1117> FTEIl'PLAY THURSDAY, 8 P. r11,, eade and -etSl tWh' tt Taylor's "flask' u d Fes Annual Summer "chool Engagement ofSetalatWhsSae FRIDAY, 3:45 P., M., Street Store, opens Mon- FRDY -Twelfth Nibg I" day, July 20th, at 4 P. M. "Midsummer Night's Dream" J ~1[S VVJJIJIReser!ved Seats, 75G SATRPlaycrs . M By spcial arrangements Stu- ",As You Like It" dents can purchase tickets at a SATURDAY, 8 P. M, Campus Theatre July 23, 24, 25 rdcdrt of $300 or nll five "The Tempest" performanices