T HE W OL VER IN E ALL ROADS LEAD TO POP'S Why all th is dolbt a towhrto . For lrttaL. dinnt. or after IIlO o "opi Bancgt awit you totay' Ililo.' H's g(iA trep.oilyO si el Ni I treatYotariol t., Mornt, nonor night. VII loii ld w hit tries. 51,11to 'otthim.tt,t Soo t' 'o li tiioh Ia '-is,otr a "slotp.' FllwtBrollbot ds' ALL ROtAD1S011'hit i) TO llO'S. STU T 9SUPPLY STORE «'To0 TUll'111 Morse's and Gilbert's Candy Stationery, Pound Paper Everylhing a Student Needs. Phone no. lil1 So. University Ave. Kodak Supplies Cigars We deliver the Goods Phone 1331-J Repairing of Eye Glasss a Secialt LENSES DUPLICATED FINE WVATC1-I AND JEWELRY REPAILING, Haile r e yCo. Telephon ! 531 303 SOAth State Street The NwUaaou CF THE University o 1 ichIgau IS NOW READY Complete Information concerning seven departments: Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine, Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Dentistry and the Graduate Depart-' ment and the Summer Session. Special Courses in Forestry, Newpaper Work, Landscape Desigtn, HightrCommercial Education, including Railtvay Administration and Insurance, Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Pedagogy (afiliated with Ann Arbor Schools tar Observation Studyi, and a course tar those preparing tar the scientitic administration of departments ci sanitation and public health. For Copy of Catalogue, -Special Announcement. or Individual Information, address SHIRLEY WS SMITH Secretary University A N N A R B 0 R Strotag, Car, t2 Forest. Walhalla S DIRECTORY OF SUMMER ' th7;9147Mair.Kaotit, SCHOOL STUDENTS Mi. ______________________________Tatlock,Orret. 111111N. Diiiot. itt Arbor.'t939-M. The directory wilt be run by'depart- Ttompoani Bertha, 5.19 X-,f l:Tit.1. inett in the following order: law, lit, Laninag, lici. amedi, eigitering, pharmic. The oam- Tomapon, Sarah, It Park Terrace, es aod addreoses are taken from the Vreclean, Miich. 75-1i. and contain tie ate error. if there ina. h71-.tI ia an addres but no phone number, Titt, 11. ., 4111k:. L~brl~. Ki~inlii'te, ral chief o-rator, for tiere may be Oka. a pbone itt the hose. j Tosb, F. C1, 1:7'ara Territc.(te Gradutech too Cotcluded, Vato Ficri, Mabel, 2it S. intsu. .Atit Arbor Melencamnp, F. A., 720 S. Sttet. L'- r Ans, I~lia.Vander, Ale, 14 14 \V asitlt thiGrn Melt, R. R. AnantArbor. 1572. ; iVa i o, i Vb: 1t. il, latl Nliddeboo, F. A., 412 N. Division. A- (leelk Mihi 14611. so. Mbich. 132-J._ Miller, P. L, 119 Thonmpson.tOberliin, L5IIN 1( Moufftt, T. S. Detroit, Mich. PIISIINIl thili'UNCHllBA't" Muyskens, J. IH., 332 E. Madisont. Satg-- attuck, Mich. 1395-Sf, (ontintaei frottopa,,'c ) j Newton, G. B., 808 Ann. Coluntbi, Mo. strctor of orttory t t' Micigant Nichol, ratnes, 119 Park'ferrace. Sttit AgricultraltColee. Wariwick, Mass. 765-M. The best ktowt octber itfite ott NQitiris, It'., 710 F. in. Eutdora, Miss. ottoast i lIro ti~t y Bbl's i iia,) Nicioson, H. V., 508 E. An. West-' who io ead of tae0departientiof '- vill, N. J. 422-M. Itorytht tfena C tic ,o N. Y. ther' t Nrcrass, S. A., 917 E. Hutron. ilowing tmetmbers ofthPe cst, liiho t.re iwl r Green, Ky 1wite xliritc-o ittdanatic wot'oi'aretc Olthouse, . hW., 511 Cleeve. xWootet, iltes'Aitaia Koep_,Nr1y S ove, ad tiia.Ola F. Foler. Ais toctpiaitiMis'. tirenm, OWitta, 02 E. Wfashiugtotn.'Stowtelhtave bitosol iiiliiitranitt i'ait - lianbtian, Kans. 59-J. Profesor Truebood'N, -o Pult't itt Ort Milidred, 1112 Wastnaw. S-iadtex'erirene ini iansats draatic ittaw, Mich. 710-J. circ. Peahe, . I., 1115 F. Huaront. Portatnd, - ihi. 15h-M. Cleati soda water at Calkis. tt Peck, A. V., 636 iE. Univ. Syracuse, N. Y. IJuly Ceata-tuptSale. 'Oxfcrd f& Perkins, xW. L., 27 Thompson. Bot-Stits. CamptsRBcotry t' agiac, Mich. 1147-Mf. ________________ Pinnork, Jf F., Charlotte, Mich. j- Priddy, Srs. Besie, 818 Daliand. Ad-'\ rian, Mich. 2149. iirchc., Lodie, 712 E. fUniv. iastat .4"4.a_ Rcdeno,CGertatny. 122-M. Rlockwood. ft.IW., 52.2 Morac. leo Land, Fa. Rtobinson, hA,, A., L111,1 Prospct. Atn:- .rbtt. Rtosenberg, E. J., 102 is. Libertintsm- it, Nb. Resenbterg, Paulitie; 210 . Sate. oma-I h, Neb. 1134-1M. 11011c, . J., 712 Curch. Atir Arbor 4 a Rufos, x. C.. 408 Cki i ltAl tion ..4 Micrh. 99-J. J n ilylenbroFE. A., 22& . Thyer.lRon' ester, N. Y. 1111. Q< SciatlP. J., It000lWasinton.ataFort \,taytt, nd ti.$ echoeff'e C. S., 104 S. Ingalls Sani dukOi12-.Shmoitt, it. 7., 521foE. Jeeffrsot I C- a Iattbus,Otiia. 19-3f. Alitit1310-L. AkP Stn'nt, C.L., 14 k5l. Fionr stirit oat, '. St. (14 Gltn hoesvt S M a y a , P . V . , 1 0 9 S . I t tg a l s W a s h n -t . . , _ /' , onB. C. Smatoi, dyih, 2201 I'lonps.n ran, Otibi. Smatlh, N. I., 806 ill. Mastal,t math Pric Snare, ihlinti, .521 4fl. Ctv dOLS one-piece PAJAMA ii xs'adsht'gSud. 96N.ciple as the GL.U Unoln Sit- Snydle., C. S.. Abcroi, Otibi. Iroed bk, and oly one laye Stattg, A. 1., 505 N. Dviionai. Ann B S ir , he istnoioraki-p,lidig. l 5 1 beaa.eOLS PAAMAthae notinsto tigh Arbc.Whoa era hy Undewea or Pjaathi, Stewart, A. F., 604 Madison. Manaatt i, I Atyordeale. fiortati Ill. 789-MTo Daes-Yor Whocsal 01 Stewart, L. 1V., 236 S. Thayer. Strickler AivnFra nkfort, Sich Ias~~~ .._PICTURES frIou iiE and - - - - ° THE NEW EVIISN L ND DIAMOND DISC Ann Arbor's Headquarters for Kn PHtONOGJRAPHt for your -I tiake a Specialty of denrir, itig, No Needles' by tiodern ?Methtods:.Tiiis hIi bt Better Tune . intcreased rtvcry lay -;,nly rsitl wi # Longer Records I antyhintg p itoaraItia lcfo te s ______________ mone, LY NDON has I the EDISON Came toad JImnom, ber It. 71 N.U iest ALL $12, $15 and $11 SUITS A $10,00 ,ALL $20, $22,50 and $25 SUITS $15,00 Adlen's. Good Clothes Store MAIN STREET Lessons in German By, a atttat' Ileran t titte tmotsin itAmei.rica. Elight years' expe riente,. Faculty references JUAiN ZENISCK toot nutE Stceet Phone 1508 J UIiVERSITY AVE PHARMACY GOULDING & WIKEL 1 219 So. Unversity Avenue Drugsa, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Cig'rettcea and Candy Opcn ftor Stummoner School Students Bord $3.75=$4.25 Ter week MEAL TICKETS $5.75 Nc. 1812 East Liberty Street PHtOTOG RAPH-ER 3195 1'. Boronr St. PHOtNES 96 !. dots, Cameras and Photo Supples Printitng atti eFnlrging foe Attteuars asn liy binetss for to years alit ihas ill dots an stuo awheneser yott want igi ato the kotdak- thats whtre things Kodaks for 10c per day