THE W OLVE R IN E ORPHEUM SAT, July 18-"The Last Will." Vita- graph 2 part feature "6Complete Line"' OF MEN'. FURNF -HINDS VARSITY T OIG ERY SHOP 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Flnest Billiard Roomc In the Slate CIGARS andCANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" THE WOLVERINE The offcial student,* newspaper! for the University of Michigan sumimer session. Published by the students on Tuesday Thorsday and Saturday af- ternoons. Twenty-five issues. Subscription rates-By carrier, sev- enty-five cents for the summer; mailed to any address for one dol- lar. Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- plication to the business manager. Subscriptions and ads taken at Quar- ry's, Gushing's and South Univer- s ity Pharmacy. Address, The Wolverine, Press Build- log, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Office Hours: Managing editor, 2:00 to 3:00 daily; business manager, 1:00 to. 3:00 daily. Phone 960 or 2414. Leo N. Burnett-Managing Editor Phone-1283-M. F. Giurnee Millard-Business Mantager. Phone-1407-M. Athletic Eitor-Cha~rles Kendictk. Today: What .well known ngovern- metlofca sdt eperato toPrinceton University-and n t ivesnk Washington a great deal? FURNISHERS and HAlTERSIn University Men 1VI E C O L --342 S. State St. _______________ Ads may come and news may go, but! the directory?"'lush. JOUSTICE IS Il1itlEt) UNIiAR1UN CHURCH -Headline, Times-News. T X On with war, rapine, anad rivca red State cor. Huron blood. R. S. Loring, Minister. Startling Siafistica, Niagara Falls is N isitvd ty nmane sight-seers. Australian wool cmes froasa thba sheep residing in Australia. The Emperor .ot. Timbunvls las1887 was -a coloredl gentlensan, The Panama Canal is pratically fia- ished. Huerta is planninag an eateinsive vas- cation. Subject Juny 19111 at 1030 - THE WAY OUT OF MATERIALISM Oairasiaverse is not the old world of blind force and dead matter brutally increased iii size, It has mnore ordler, executive action, sa- tolding tife, than forimerly sola- posea..fMay it not ilien be the homse otGcdi? Buy soar Icodak ilmslhanas supipieas at Su.-edris l o., 02. OS. State. tf av nvrtt cbooi of SATURDAY, JULY .18, 1914, Maynard Street Acn Arbor THE AWFUL Ia'mPTY3ESS, Annul SmmerSesion In winter, Michigan is too small- Annul SmmerSesion five thousand students all trying to go Jane 29 Io Autgtss 21 to school in a few acres of campus. Instruction in all Branches In sunmner, Michigan is too big- of Music 1,500 students trying to fill the For full Information, Call spare of five thousand, like a few pen-. at the Office. nies shaking around in the child's CHARLES A. SINK Secretary empty bank. SInt winter Michigan cannot have a "small school spirit," which so many people desire. It is impossible to know U? w rl everyone by name or even by sight. S ugar It is too big a place; the social system, S 09 . lanSre is too complex, for one to be acquaint- 109S.aiStet d with even one-twenty-fifth of lain Best Ice, Cream n fellows. In summer too, the small college Home nmade canrdy spirit has seemed unattainable. There fresh da ily has benen such an "awful emptyness" Prom t Sevice that one makes evena fewer acquaint- Prom t servic inaceti-than uturifig a period -of similar PHONE 967 length during' the regiatar.. term. IFrom a social standpoint, Michigan should aimn to be a college during the summer, rather than. a university. S There should be more receptions, more gatherings of all kinds. Numerous af- B u O Nfairs are ,held for the women, but there - should be more which all might attend. LAW AND. MEDICAL There. should be sings, smokers and carnivals. The ideal could never be reached: 1 1W AND SEICOND-HIAND) the very presence of a large number of buildings of university dimensions Complete [ i e would not permit the gentle,1 cordial welcome of the college hail: . But by 'text Books being more social, through affairs Text Laborat ry lbooks f planned by the administration, by Reference Bonoks more activities on the part of the Un- Dtictionaries ion and the women's league, in short, Compends, etc. by more warnatb, more welcome, more CASH O0R0 tXClIN ONP , R cordiality on the part of every organ- Yt UP OLD Bn UKS liation, Michigan's summer session could take a step or two toward' the LAR(ilt ST STUCK IN MIChlIAN 1 wholesomeness of the "small college spirit." Ce E. Bartliel 326 S. State St. Tel. 161-M . OUR SWEATING BEAU ____________________________ By Harold R. Scliaadzki. II ... . - .-- i'euir;I MrsII ~srs THElIBRUTTES............... . . Lake Erie Girls Itetase to Yieldtilo titaviaraa Vassair in P~ointt of .btiletir' bn cmr t nlp s ~ --Plainivitle, Ohio, Joaurnal. dtay. U t SomeSalint Fcts n Tht Reigio s Foresults Isaveyour filmas deaelopa Sot ilCap aigon Ttt eaib ed ait I totapes, 6190Feast Liberty St. tf 293 religious naeetings. (Comnanit: 'u.. Hooray!) thodais atad suppamlies at Calkitas. tf $3,500 worth of imported religison, including Bill Sunday sad ryse, Jane Summer Stndeutis Notice Adams, Jesse Janaes, Old Sleuth anad Wa' give special attentisan to ainsa- Oscar Hanamerstein. Cooperatioas ol tetar tlnisbing. Dainaes & Nickels, 33 the wonmen. (Conament: Golly!) S. State St., seer Coalitaf's Drug Mteetings held in Newberry .Halt, Store tf Hill Auditoliin,. Maj., Tempte. crn- pus class rooms, Yale, Peniav3, Na..s- da, Athletic Association office. 1-4 OFF SKUNK VALABLE On Reach -and "Ty Cobb" SKUNS YLITABLEBase Ball Cloves --Ann Arbor Times-News. AT Phew! 160 Days lilt Christmas. 310 Stale BOOKS And Students. Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partments. University Book Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE Limited andEresscCasersfonaDtrit --7is a, . n id hourty it6i p. en., also8:a p. ms. Leval Cars Ins Detroit-S :4a a. mi., 6o6f a. n, and eercytwo hosctoa6:o6 p.e., 7:o6 1) em.,h8:o6 p. M. sip. m.. ati aTs-.rp"T Tolsailati ny:7 -46a. in., : :0am. lt,11:( a. in-.5:06 p.s . , 11aa15:ps , 12 1C 1..., .1a?:as, 1:00 a. et. Limited Casers,'orJuclitar--7 :s6cainmard Local Carsfcksokn-5:12aa. m . 6:5i a. m., nd everyin's hoseta (0:51 ako oc:; p. ms., t1:t15p.mi. All Killds of Hat Wor Done Right'' Factory Hlat Store, 118 E. HIuron S't. Year Allssol Hoiii COVSINS ( HALL Car. 121t t . SUi. Ave Plienc 11 5 Capital, $io c ye r >a a i, atg ci.ic Unvi dera 11 a ta t c THE FAPMERS AND MECHANICS HANK ANN ARBOR, fetCH. ISafc BianingsadrColliv,,ia.'rrr,1.'aiitco Cu Ciiaatv neliiisi itchl,.c 3 per centIterest in our 5