T HE WO0L VE R INE ORPIIEUM MON-TUES. July 1.14 - Edmond Breze. "The Master Mind' WED., July 15S-"The Redskin and Renn- egade," 2 parts. Kalem features_ THUR., July 1 6-"A Mitlion Bid." Vita- graph 5 part feature FRI. July 1 7-"On the Minute." Snlig 2 part feature. Mary Fuller in "Thu Umbrella Handle" SAT. Jaly 1 8-"The Last Wilt." Vita- gapuh 2part feature "Complete Line" OF MEN'S FURNI--H INGS VARSITY T1066 GE RY S HO P 1 107 South University Ave. HUSTON BROS. The Ftaest Billiard Rece n thie State CIGARS and CANDY "We Try to Treat You Right" THE WXOLVERINE OUR1)DILYr'tZZl': Wthat g.reait Amierican president T ~ w & CO. The official student newspaper for i(freed the slices: SESadHTESt AYT~Y I the Univ ersity of Michigan summter' (Answer to yesterdtays: XWhat fat UNSERe- ATESt nvest e session. Pobliohed by the otodentson00o00 ocean lie's 'ast of1 Nec'Yor'k:I 342 S. Stale Sy. Tuesday Thoroday and Saturday af- ATLANTIC. Subscription rates-By carrier, oev- einty-five cento for the summer;! mailed to any addreoo for ooo dol- lar. Advertising rates-Furnished noon ap- yplication to the busineos manager. Subs.criptions and ads taken at Quar- ry's, Coohing's and Sooth Univer- sity Pharmacy. Address, The Wolverine, Press Buoild- tog, Maynard St., Ann Arbor. Offie hours: Mansaging editor, 2:00 to 3:00t' daily; bousiness manager, 1:00 to 3:001 daily. P'hone 960 or 24113. Leo- N. Biurneti-1f1tetmgitig Editor Phone-1283-M. F. (txrttee 3Mltord-Bttsituess Manulager. Phone-1t407-M. F irst prize 5w011 by 'Ilillie 'ri'mete,- 1819 Prospect Are,1 1' 'JRll ID F(111'FN T'A ME -o--Feed wxithi chickens oii larm Ness OUR JU IS 1 1I E MINTRE 'iNVinstead._N ew York "WIorld." DliiJt~lSUMM(It)ION'l'l~i: Yet sefret haswled out (or doing (lie Mr. Johixsing: Mr. lBones, C'sit yousaneit ithin inAnin Arbor. tell me the difference between a . Ann o- Ahbah butchah and that chicken Ai BULL REl Ls rJIAiIO seed you folloseiing danntle. street -heiaidline in Mladirid 'slier. (hi othsah night: 11:r. toxies:- No, Mrl. ,feinsine, .1ix Isdistillthet' oiratsica'xl iele;gatcs tives os. exist confess thixiAAifis to see the difference betwreen tile twxcixharacters. Suppose yiiixtell xis 1Me. Jolxisn nsx, ly 1l 10H s ('iClristmaso whlat aixi tlie differexice betweein.lxxx Ann AhbxahB utchahi auxd .a.esicei FOUND- tGiiiid Boxiridat tamipus (Cate. Mr. Jlohnxsixng:--W.ell you see, lie. 13.50 sr is eels, Laity Boarders de,- tBones, the 'Axis Ahbabxulxtixati kills sireid. Miss Maieiexialid, 911, N. tUni- to stress while the xfoimentionedt versity. 4-9 cicikein dresses to kilt. No applxiuse - please. Introducxing thaxt peerless WANTED--A stenlographieir andiitioix- tellr, ie. Five N. F~ive ini his latest keoexr. Aixplly 6iu0iE. Libierty St. soils liit, "Whelxi hel e rispiexionx7-lit Sticks ikeisi' lue" Tinikle, ttiixkle,--- P'r'ofessoxr! _C. L.. F. Weiymnxxxlandiolxte's, MaixliGui- 5- tars, said Mxusical Istruixiexits- of N" Hltsitess Sti Bust ;isisci , every description for sali' at reaisexi- Once stile irises at Schaeberle & Son's Mxx tie: swhat ire youxitakixxg inx sxxlxmery sir house, 110 S. IMaixi St. ti 'Uutver~itp Zcbool of I TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1914. Maynard Street Ann Arbor Isse liftiur-l. 11'. Watsont *Annual Summer Session IdEsAl. Junf 29 1o Augunst 21 'Ths lasting qualities 01 a cixunk 01 Instruction in all Branches ire are best tested by hxot wexther. of Music For fll Iformtion Call And the ordinary chuxxk idoesxn't usual- at the Office.norai ',Cal Iy last very lone. CHARLES A. SINK Secretary A siniilar test mxay be apllpied to 'the average person. 'The proverbial cool-hea'ded manli, kixid to his exemies I 16 faid ox inanx zous to iis friexids, thei S ugar noI~ I iever-ruffled uxan, needs o0013o is v B o w l the mercuxy creep tip a fewe iotches, 109 S. (lain Street and he xc off. Flies bother iiox; pex- Best Ice Crem iraitoxi annioys himx; axid six oh- stalirinx the runiixg ot his daily life Homnermade candy 'xadden, himx. fres d~.~y 'This is the average mxar-the maxi Prom pt Service who blaspxhenmes his stexxograpliin, the PHONE 967 gextleman who loses all patience with his automobile axid his wife. But there is one xman for whxomi the heat test is nista test. ide sits calmly at his desk adpours out wiidomi iith abornial B O O K ~ N~..S coiolniess. lie doesn't notice the Bly r hichelicawls on his. hand, and the L AW' AND MEDICAL haay hot air doesn't once oppress ________________________ hinm. Eathex', his mxextal energy goes NEW AND) SICOND=HANI) recklessly ahlead with greater zest. 'The univiersity pirofessor is tlxi soul- Gomnplete' i c ist miani snxthe eaxipuis, the coolest Tex Boksxaniiini Annx Arbor, the coolest mxan in Text Lboks yBok Reference Books Poise ini iviiter is exari'eenoughx,hut Dictlonaries xx sxxxmx er it is aix almxost xiikxnownx CompendF, etc. quality. Loiokc for sunimenrlixie Ipoise CAS O FCHN~: OR iii AxxixArbor iiixdlyoux will fid it ini V(,.UR OLD In WKS, tie irefeseor, cbs is either too etrong xixtlolxazy to be aixy differexit. LARGESOT STOCK IN MICHIfiAN Be iaz' if you oxust, bus get soxie fl'elprofessor's pioise, becxause it is Ce F. Barthdl ~~te greatest o ot01he olcs 326 S. State st. Tel. T 61-M ---- _ It: Ass, xnothixxgivoithix leii tie': 'Fliexi w'hy doustyixixtxake' itie "Wo'xlverinxe"'58. QUE1STlION lOX W.X.V "i.: 1111 a1glxas01fswatexxxi- dee ithe bexi chen you retire, axid sprinikle salt oxi your uppeixr lip. 'Theni wvhe'n the hairs get thirsty, xand toxixi out for x drinik, tiex'e'sin iikniots. 'This neser fails to raise as peach 01 a muxsx- tacks. E. XW. I-1.: Raxwc bee'f will ixox helix the eye mnuchl. (2) 'Tell-yoxuxe Iriensix the old onxe about trying fix eateixh x trainxini' a hurry, bxumxpiing ixito 'lose, etc. It gets by. ' Calixins Pharmacy far drxugs. If. Tue ihomie of Rtexall Rexmedie's. EAI- sill's Rtexall Druxg Stoe', 122iSoxuthx Main .St. 11 Pefect Sodas, Quaxlity xaxnd Seesvic'. E0dsili's Rtexal l Drug Stor', 133 Souithx 1=laini St. tf Cleanx sodxawxater at Caxlkixns. tf. SWI TZ ER !HARD WARE 310 STATE STREET nSUMMER SCHOOL JTEXT IBOOKS And Students Sup- plies Second-Hand Books for all de- partmnens WAH R'S, University Book Store DETROIT UNITED LINES ANN ARBOR TIME TABLR tio ixed and ExpresCre otrontsin yi ta i..uadiouyin:ia p. xn.. asc (oeal Cars for Detroit-5:40 a. ut., 6o6n a.m, aderytpoiourixsixto 6:o6 xx. m., 7:oi p m.. 8:6ip.x., 9:eyx.m.aintx :spi To'il i'~ilalxiii ill: g15 ix.rn., :'i' xii. ' 1140 p W..,1: .ti. Lmxited Cars ior Jasknn-7:46 a. sr. and evnry two ouresetos7:46p.ni, LsoalCairrJackun-5:xza. m., 6:51uaSm., uaud eepy ma'us sx to 65r xp. em., uls 92i P, '. r5 p. Si All Kinds of Hat Work Done Right Factory Hat Store 1 118 E. Hiurotn St. Near Alnti Hoteli COVSINS Q .HALL Florists Cor. 12hIilSt.a lxS Uiv Ave Phne 11 5 eapial, $u'e'sx o Sx pi,xlix'5esxeo~ I THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS ANK ANN ARBOR. MICH. Sane Ilauktixgacl5 rruxii s x5,.,s , 'ici oxf' ouirxx 83per cant Interest inour Savings Department THE ANV ARBOR SAnICS BANK r'asxal ...........:.... aus so T raccuels at Dccc rat BucuflitEuinese plentx~ i~rsl aidxxxntSxx vingsxue, i'eis Yon-i 1'.iii i me.. .SllitIei31 ,C i' Cxxi C 55.i 5iCiarlx11 MamtAspi TEMPLE THEATRE ON MAIN STREET WED.. July I S- A leaf ram the Past." FRI., July 17 -"Atique Engagement ine" SAT., July 1 8-"The Winner" COMING NEXT WEEK "The Gambler" k A YLAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION Use D. & C. Line Steameru for Businesusad Pleasure Tripu ITHErenfreshinog lakn breenzeothnfredomci thn deks cud the lxuious comfot of thn populiar D. & C. ]Liesteamnrsmare wait- eng for you. Whnthnr you go nerdh to tbeautiful Mackinac Island, the famous summxeresenort of thn Noeth countey, er choone the "Water Way" oe yonr trip from the eant or west, you will appreciatnedtneteeny cemforts otn our paloxial teamers.. Daily service betwnen Detisit aed Cleveland. ond Detroit and Buffalo. Four trips weekiy from Teledo and Detroit to Mackinac Isiand and way ports. Delightfol day nrips between Dntroit sod Cleveland dueing July cod Aogunt. Popoiar week-end exursions every Soturday between Dntroit ond Boffalo, cod Driroit and Cl..eland. Special Steamee Cleve' lced to Mackinac Island dixect, Iwo trips weekly. Jane 25mb to Sept. 10th, exciing no stops eneoute exeept at Detroit every trip. Daily nervica be- tween Toledo. and Put-In-Bay, Jone 10th to September 10ti. YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS. eeading between Detroit and Bat' talos"oe Detroit and Cleveland, are available foe transportation on D. & C. steamees eitherdircetion. AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving detailed dencription of various trips will be mailed you on receipt of to cents to pay postage, Addes'L.G.LewasGen.PassengerAgent, Detromt, Mxcix DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY Philip tI.IMeMiix s Prer ideiii. A. A, Scht,ice-irPres ad Cent. Mg. Shtees arrieanddepartifreanfoot ofThind ShretDeroixt, Mick. THE COAST LINE TONIAC KIJA. DETROIT, CLEVELKNDF TOEBOP UFFLN- GAiFA - STIGNACE cCANADIAN CRASHES You know the material- light, porous, elastic, soft in texture,durable_ in quality-the ideal fabric for a Summer suit. We have them, together with a large assortment of flannels Full Dress Sutls a Specislty 6o H, WILD GO, Leading Mec-aut't'ailos JUKJWuVLAIAiIBlAU II B13 Itroxld I(. SefIrlai,. D11l' (ON 'T'E 1J)1 XII lixsixeiit's ixot, it aitno10time ito Ita'tlii o11time tincrumpxle nui aid Olbserve the sqirel. Ain't lie brisk axnxtshill Git oi thxe job. 'iheini peipruxis 0u11 xn riv'ule'is aixd streamsli Whexilay Aeams xisetplayin'glied amd reslink ies-ie h sur ret sexixs: !Get onithie job. 'Tile squirre'l's alwas upni 5 (C', yo51 I claism You'i laxss himiixxw ithte1n15s, youii il' ixch 'Yet hex'gsts sha~t xe's iftee, axliiiax Gst oxi this job. The Wolveri ne WILL RUN A Want=Ad Column If you have lost anything or desire to sell something, try an A D=LET