T HE WO L VER IN E T H E WO0L V ER INE Orr, faymond 1B., 1t607 Huron. t re- _________________ ORPII .tJ1 i The official student newspaper for Otterbein, M. 47 S. Diisio, Vetta- T N E O U M R SH O MNTS.July 13-14 -Emn the University of Micigan summer buhrt Michs. FURNISHERS and HATERS to Uivesity Men Breeze"The Master Mi" session. Publishsed y the students on fiei V 4511.stt t.tu32 S. State St._________________ WED., Juty 1--The Redskin and Ren. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday f- itotn, Ten. 43. egade"Y2 parts. Klem eaturesPamrW.B,04SSte.Dro. THU.. uly16- Miile Bi." ita ternoons. Tweity-fie issues. PleI.I. 0 .Sae itot graph spartlfeaturej 371. Pratt, L. A., 802 Soru. Armada,1T T FRI,July 17-On the Mieute." Selig Suhscription rates-By carrier, sev- larker, Ruth, 16 N. Stoi. SI. Jams, St.it~ 1114-.Vh 2 prt teatur. eny-ive cents for the sumer; 1.IrISlr,20 .Sal.Ftzead Mar Fulete Th Umrela aede" mailed to any address for one dot- Parker '. L, 323 Monroe, Norh ast, Os. SAT, July 18S-"The Last Will" Vita- a. a graph 2 part feature tar PaiQary, Luciille. 1746 tWaslteatv, Ati Advertising rates-Furnished upon ap- Parker, W E., 3121 S. IDivison. Fush- Arot 181-4. plication to the usiness manager lsing1licli lft it in lare, Detroit. "'Conmplete tine f Subsriptionts and ads taken at Quar- Parsons, Ine, 413 Thompson. Dtttt ReebstC F. 437 ,Mayard. Plymoiuti, t'of ryes, Cushigs and South Unier- int, N. Y 852-. Sitlkh3. ME FN'S FU RN I H-I N N1UGSm shy Pharmacy. tln t .,Ytist.33I 1 ReedtilKtteie, 1502 PCamtbrige hi. K VARSITY 0OGRYS O Address, The Wlveritte, Press Build- Peers, Esther, W110Pactkard,l.Totea 881 O K tug, Mayard St., Ann Arbor. l .aitReittOMary, 216 N. Stte. Detroit. 1107 South university Ave. Office IHours: Managing editor, 2:00 Peirsel, T. It., 76 Ar. .tMt in ittot.t, tlds, tGrct, 407 . Unitv.SMat- to 3:0 daily; bsiness nmanager, 147-3. isleetIi. 245-. 1.00 to 3:00 daily. Phone 160 or Pelet, R. .. 435. IDiision. hat- n oldtsts, ltti aet, 11111Greenwsood. And Students Sup- . 241.4ford ity, 1und. Situ Aror t617-NI. plies Second-Hand The inet Billiard Room in the Statesir .d,01 .Otii ltii ioates, Frncttis, 2112 \Vssltttas. Bok fralde CIGARS and CANDY Leo N. Bret-)tttigiitg Editor 47'-S. Ainn Arb. Bosfr-l e "W r oTetYuRgt' Phone-1283-M. lenimian, B. It. 11 E. Atn. Dllalss, Rte leotira, tillGOt. SutHven partments IW TrtTetORit"F Gurniec llttiard--Busiiiess llatager, Tex. Alie. 114-. Phone--1407-Mt. Perkitts, Mary, 5tillTomptsont. Ttiedot, Richlards, Dtel, 7111Cthlerinie. htlts Athletic Iiiitor-Ctiarles Kendrik 1464-N1. razd gniverotV 9choo1 of Perritte, 17 Ypstiatit.Iilititl ele910 sstttts muscI(ONDAY, JULY 13, 1914.1 Pery Matrguerite. Su Sint.chliHatrfort, 11h. 188-31.A H (U~~tCPeris, Jeilie,210 N.Sat. 1lunger- iidderinig, At.,31S. DivisiointitDut- - Myard Stet Aee Aror tld, O. de Sieh. University BookC Store AnulSumrSeso ItELCJOIIVl OF SUSTIIIIEP etrs, Vite, 2:2 Jeffesoni. Chalttett,iiis,1. ,111inluiuw.ft- AnaSumrSsinSCHOOL SII)ENTPS Slicli.. 1,303011-2.aw.C Jtne 29 o August 21 Mc.16-.litibus, Id. 678-. -Inshrnction7 in all Branches Petersoun, Berthta, 537 S. Diisitti. Itclie,1dnat, 23 S. Ttayr. tHarris- DETROIT UNITED LINES of Mnsic (Contiued from page 1) Gaesburg, 111. 14-'. ill,SMih.- For fll Information, Call I elenHR.,~ Seatle, Wash. PetersonWlmat~, 57 S. Diisint.IRitclhe, Fornce , 407 tF.Univi. St. ANN ARON TIME TABLE at the Ofifce. SeyerAE., Jr., 217 . Igalls. White- alesburg, 11tt,143-. Josepht lImc. Li eel rpree Cas fsr Deot- is CHARLES A. SINK Secretary 1 hal, N. Y. Picier, Imtogene, 311 Thompnuaiu. titte, Ois,111 N. Sttet. Thorton, a , .ad hanrly is in o p .,attn 0 in Miketski, Ottiie Johannia, Chirtgo. Cleveland. 1198-hd.Lai n npO'its tm'.,Ot a s Siliter, Ania, 1214 tankard . O Fr- Pilsbuiry, Eliabets, 317 L.. Liberty. tlet tas . hutet tniu and usry toehusuito usp.i., pao6 p. aitge N. 195-M.Met Branch, Mich. N. Y. rTu siauitit only: Sttaa. u..s720 a.m., I M llet, It L., 313 ThtrnSpon. Fetn- Itrns,,. P., 3332 1. Mad sut ~ttt tbiss..., 32Grandh. P ir as . W., 50 .it . rL~ri zr ,.1:3 RaosisU13Rohberets, t. P,11411-i . aksp.I,in1:0d0an.a a nm. ~ . i n Sugar BVr1 sile, Sieh. 113J ad,19-N1.iuhGrenilttl en spee40t. rie s orJasn : a. "6ria.d Miller, Jean, 1214 Packard, E. Onige, Ptaink, . IW,.344 5. Divisio. Utiltneverytwo hurs Ian74. n 109 S. Plain Street N. ., 1955-M.Michl. (Contlinueud on tpte 31 and every Iwa leas tis6:51 p.in, tals nMls .H,58Sae eauIl ot, 1 . 2 .Wlim 3.P n,1:5P Best ice Cree~m 23. Posers, . P, Lyons, Mitts mMe axdy Sitheilo~lC dith, 1224 ckRd ashteiuas. Masr- P1ratt, lOsW. 1115.Moro. yoin, 5 lT Z E RS All Kin1dS 01 HLIL H VI fresh dall~y qeteSrttEhl,9 ary. AnntiAAboi. ARD AR Done Rht Promnpt Service fflnia, tL, 307 N. State. Sns Juan, Pratt, It. F., 1015 E. U.l StILuisARDWAc PHONE 967 Poto Rico. 63-. n. 310 STATE STREET Factory Hat Store B oll, L. 5.,620 Cuurch. Detroit. 1017- _ 118 E. Huron S. Near Allenl Hoel __________ Moneuee, A. ., 810 Paekard. Toedu, A LAKE TRIP FOR REST AND RECREATION CO USIN4S ft HALL .23-.Uen D. & C. Line Steamers for Business and Pleasure Trips Foit sr' otre, A. h., 427 llatmiltonsPlaeIle- r' z erehig lake breee, ie fredm al the dcks and the Foit B OS rit. 1 luurius cmort al thu poplar D. & C. Lieutamen ae wail l.11 Morris, 1. C,621 . Stte. FColumbus, lg fnr ye. Whether you go nrth In eauiiul Mackinac Island, 04-. Blle97 rigied,3 thu faoseseamer resrioalike North onty or coosu the "Waie Cr. 12th St. an S. Unil.A. Phone 115 LAW AND MEDICAL Morri, Dls piufeuH ist. Way" on yur trip fromn te east o west, ya wilt appreciate Ie many _______________ cmfors n ou palatial suauers. M________________ Sorison, F. Austin, 602E.Lbry Daily evie etween Deruit and Cleveland, and Deteeit and Bffalo, Capitl, $io ass~ su ptu, sanncooos NEW AND) SECOND-HIAND) Iron Rive, MSh. 71J. Fue trips weekly frmn Tledo and Deteit t Mkinac Island and way I THE FARMERS AND. MECHANICS BANK __________________ Mo_ hrrison, 2.VW., 209 . Stat. Autn pets. Drlighfu day trips bewen Detroit and Clevead dring Jly Sttand Augst. Popular week-end ecusins every Saturday between ANN ARBOR, MICH. Arbor. 2488-2, Deroit and Buffalo, ad Detroit and CIreelod. Special Seme Cleve Safetnuiktg and u toaiiTrneat uitt or oe Complete I ite Morow, H. ., 16131E10.Hutron. S, land In Mackiac Island diet, two tips weekly, June 25th to Sept. 10th, cuticsis out tilti tieout TxBok.I oti, So. I-imaking no sope enoute ecept at Detroit vey titp. Dily servica he- 3 per nent Inerest in or Sins Deparmen Boesextuie 80Botuott.s trht ween Toledo and PutInBay, June 10th to Septembe 10h. Text Laborate ry Books Mre ai,86Tpa.Dtot YOUR RAILROAD TICKETS, readng betweeu Dtrot and Buf THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Reerne oks fao or Detroit and Clveland, are avaiakle for transportation n D & C. Cpitl. ... .]..o ReeeneBokortoun, SM.h., 1311 SMinervanRd. l us- steames ehike diecion. 5uuruiitiu inivtityson ltco ro.oo Ditctionaries Itst dh.002 AN INTERESTING PAMPHLET giving detaild desrption of Sj55p i adtUitol roat $15 lo(I Cotipends, etc. thses, I1. D.,126 iWashttenawStilt varus tips wilt e mailed you n reeip f twocenteintoppostage. Tranats a Gnutra anulatnes Add eL. . Lwi, ci, Poinssee Aent, Delrsu, Mch.. 3r enCt itrr spid nt i nsui Ispoet, CAStH OR EXCIJANCaB FOR Arbor. 1394-MI. DETROIT & CLEVELAND NAVIGATION COMPANY C Yosr55 Ilitnt I.so 5 JitC it YOUR OLD IB WKS SMulle, Clara, 1322 Wasttetas. Sag Philip i. ShMittt, Psidt. A. A.OShatzui, is Pn ad Gen1 Mr. W. ut ioranvie-ren.,Coel seno ,Ast. inav,.___________________8 85-M. hieaier ar llvoianl prt free fout of Thlhir i ellDeroi, Mik.csh , Wi, , s s t Cs 5 iSavnsDti t p. LARGEST STOCK IN MICHIIIAN I Muller, . ., 417 F. Univ. G and _______________ Raspids. THE COAST LINE TOM A CJ4./ K I N C. . B rtel11 Sumord, }. ., 527 Inekarud. High-,lty DETROIT, CLEVELgjSJD ,T M ETH A R land Park, Si. e BUFFALO NIAGARAFALLS O ANSRE 326 S. Stale S. Tel. 761-M Mith. 802-S. NastefiMaro V., 900 Ant. Bulgaria _8~. WED., July 15-= A Leaf rm the Pst." NewcombRachel_228_S.Thayer. TOLEDO.PT___ I 0 1 FRI., July7-'Antiue Engageent ______________IBg Rapids. _____S-lI Ring" Nish, Siriatmt,123 Voitand. Kin '- SAT., July 18-The Winnru autoChina. S BGACE Niman___.,108____nw Hr COMING NEXT WEEK CANADIANle, ch 43.as1stiw Iln"The Gmlr CRASHES 11u76- ., 1 NygisLAlbioi, 555 S. Division, Gwinti, You know the material- ShieSh. 383.lihpTLelti, OCnrV.J,58SSae. taw, soft in texture,durable OConnor, Wi. Jr., 32 Jeffersoun. Al- 7' i o v rn in quality-the ideal estton. WILL RUN A fabrc fr a umm r Ooaghu, . ., Chicago. fabrc fo a umme Fgesby,Elina, 516 Cheever t. D- OuitH rait. V,60E n._Mnsiu Weit haetetgMhrwt ilo.h81.W ant=Ad Colu-n a large assorment of flannels OHora, .. 212 S. Stat, OGueva,____________________ N. Y. FulDesSisaSeily Olds, W. E., 427 Thomnpson. Elk Rap-I'ha eny i g FlDisStlaSeily ids, Mch. I fn you hv lost ayhn or 679le n,326Caherne Sai-desire to sell something, try an . H. WILD CO. 71-w ot ng RS., amazoottl. Pr-A D = (L 13 T Leading Mercant 'Taiora FOpplenheimeurR. H4.621 S tt.Fe ____________________________ motuutO. 7-J. 1 r 6 0 i r 1 I i 0 C r it s 0 S 5 z