T H E W OLV E R IN E --F Cut this out and bing tomy shop IT IS GOODfor$1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. NEW U. of M. BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillion Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. Q. TESSMER, Prop LARGE NUMBER OF RACQUET WIELDERS PURCHASE TICKETS 3foch Interest Manifested in Coming Tournament; Post Blanks at Gate The register at the Ferry field gate, showed last night that a total of 80 summer session students had already, purchased tickets entitling them to the use of the Ferry field tennis courts. The first tournament will be purely singles, and a specially designed silver cup engraved as emblematic of the tennis championship of the University of Michigan summer session, will be awarded the winner while fobs will be given to the runners-up. To defray the expenses of prizes, and other ne- cessities, it has been decided to chargd an entrance fee of 50 cents per capita. Entrance blanks will be placed at the Ferry field gate the first ofnext week, antd the fees may be paid at the win- r 1 T 3 I ! dow. I Vacation Time Is Here We have a full line of suit cases and bags Our stock of summer Underwear and shirts never was better. Ask to see the new sport shirt for Outing wear We also sell the Everwear socks guaranteed for six months. Ex-. changed at this store. [1 I PROF. GLASER SPEAKS FOR BETTERMENT OF HUMAN RACE Explains Theories of Inheritance BasE ed on Mendel's Law; Says Heredity is New Science "Every man is potentially a father, and every man should work for the betterment of the race," said Prof. O. C. Glaser in his lecture on "The New Heredity." He pointed especially to the principle of heredity which in- fluences the offspring of parents, ei- ther for good or bad, and thereby af- fects the human race. Professor Glaser expounded the the- ories of inheritance which are based on Mendel's law, and, with the aid of numerous slides, showed the experi- ments which Mendel performed with peas and animals, which formed the basis of his law of inheritance. He also gave illustrations of inheritable traits which dominate certain lines of individuals or have recessive qualities, such as albinism, spotted skin and hair, colorblindness, and other traits. Professor Glaser said that the knowledge of heredity was practically new, having been brought to the pub- lic notice only 14 years ago, although the same principles were discovered by Mendel years before this time. MANY TURN OUT FOR WORK IN SUMMER CHORAL UNION From the number present at the rehearsal of the summer choral union last Tuesday, school of music author- ities believe that the summer organi- zation will be even larger than ex, pected. Rehearsals are held at 7:00 o'clock every Tuesday night at the school of music, and anyone inter- ested in choral works is urged to be present. No membership fee will he charged, and music will be distri- buted free The management is anx- ious to have all who intend tosenter, to be present Tuesday, m so that the chorus can be definitely made up. During the last week of summer session, a miscellaneous concert will be held in Hill auditorium, featuring popular soloists. The chorus in under the direction of Mr. Earl Moore, pipe organ instructor in the school of mu- sic. Weymann Mandolutes, Martin Gui- tars, and Musical Instruments of every description for sale at reason- able prices at Schaeberle & Son's H- sic House, 110 S. Main St. tf Calkins Pharmacy for drugs. tf. FOR RENT-One suite of rooms, near Campus, $1.21 per week. 200 N State St. 5-7 WANTED-A hustling second or third year student to solicit for a good rooming house for the coming year in payment for his room rent. Ap- ply at once. 1144 E. Catherine. 5-7 FOUND-Good Board at Campus Cafe. $.50 per week. Lady Boarders de- sired. Miss MacDonald, 911 N. Uni- versity. 4-9 WANTED-Young man of good ad- dress to solicit Engraving and Print- ing orders on commission. Student prefered. 1004 Forest Ave. Phone 1242. '7 MRS. M. M. ROOT Press Building Maynard St. Victor Victridlas and Records For Surmer Cottages Special Prices on Rent- ed Pianos and Sheet Music. TT LE 'AttractiveMid- MILLINERY LUNfCH ROOM AT LYNCHESandSODAS DA N A R I C H A R D S 0 N'S 338 South State St.1 ils E. Liberty Kodaks and supplies at Calkins. tf. For results have your films develop- ed at Hoppe's, 619 East Liberty St. tf July Clean-up Sale. Oxfords & Suits. Campus Bootery. tf Buy your kodak films and supplies at Sugden Drug Co., 302 S. State. tf Suits pressed by hand 410 S. State, tf Ladies Suits cleansed, 450 S. State, If ANN Summer Students Notice Suits cleaned and pressed by hand. We give special attention to ama- 410 S. State. tf teur finishing. Daines & Nickels, 336 S. State St., over Cushing's Dug Rent a camera at Hoppe's. 10c a Store. tf day. tf The White Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave., Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER ARBOR I, THE ANN ARBOR Pool FRED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies Only R easons in every bundle of Laundry work sent from the White Swan Laundry, why you should CALL PHONE 165 for our wagon. GDODS NOT ROTTED BY CBEMICALS-White, not yellow nor blue-button holes intact; buttons ditto. Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES IRE LOWEST. The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water fl i i ITHE WANTED-A stenographer and book- 725 South Fifth Ave. Phone 996-2 rIngs keeper. Apply 600 E. Liberty St. SAVE THIS COUPON--7 Good for ONE looker gt the Swlmming pool Good FOR RENT-A large, pleasant room in for Summer School Students Only a new house after Sept. 15th. Sleep- Phone 1530 J ing porch if desired. 442 Geddes Heights. Telephone 2330-M. 7 WHITE 1 SWAN LAUNDRY PRESS BY HAND C. I. KIDD 1112 S. Univ. Ave. DRY AND STEAM CLEANING 75, SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR 75. THE WOLVERINE 75c Offee Press Buding My rdStreet.75