Vol. V.
No. 1
No. 1
Post-Season Games With Pennsylvania Full Quota of Events Seleduled for
to Mark Finish of Season j1Visitors at 70th Annual
For Wolverines Griadiiation
Michigan's 1914 Varsity nine., will lcign' svetetrCnsene
face the final tet today and tomorrow Michigans se en Seth Commence-
,., u. met week began Sunday night with
in the annual Commencement games -v-- T the Baccalaureate address, and the
with the University of Pennsylvania. Uclose will be marked by the Com-
Last year the Quakers took two out-- mencement dinner Thursday after-
of the three games between the two noon, following the exercises. Every
institutions, and this year they already o-t-i s l
have one game to their credit. Sisler's 'h'_ event to eistertain the hundreds of
men will therefore make a desperate -.alumni, parents and relatives who are
attempt to take both of the remain- ocking into Ais Arbor The pro-
mg games in order to round out this gram tollows:
season successfully, as well as even Tngt
up for last year's victory of the series Excavation for the new Natural Sci- es and 243 feet 6 inches respectively, form distance, the spaces between 7 0 1' 10 nnual senior ume
by the Quakers, ence building, for which the state leg- the other two sides being somewhat which will be almost completely filled ade oi h mpromen-
Coach Thomas' men have been uni- islature appropriated $375,000 at its shorter on account of cutting the by windows, which will afford a max- 8:00 P. M.-The annual senior girls'
formly successful against the best last meeting, is well under way. The southsest corner to accommodate the imum of daylight The amphitheater play, out-doors on the campus,
teams in the east this season, and with diagonal walk of elms. The five floors lecture room will occupy the portion of8 P 1: -Illustrated lecture on
building, which was designed by the will allow a floor space of 155,000 , the building running along the diago- the P . DeaneC Wetr,
Cornell stand as the candidate forthPilpnebyDaC.Wrse,
eastern intercollegiate honors. The same architect as the Hill auditorium, square feet as compared with the 135,- nal walk, and with its seating capacity h89, inHill auditoriumo Lwer floor
Quakers won their annual series from will be built of red brick and terra 800 square feet in the new engineering of 500 and excellent equipment, will rese ved for alumni, swho will secure
the Ithacans, while Lundgren's men cotta, and will be the largest and most building. The 270 class rooms, lab- undoubtedly prove to be one of thetickets i advance at the office of the
have duplicated the feat. On this mcdern equipped building on the cam- oratories and private offices will be most valuable lecture rooms on the Alumni a sscation. Balcony and gal-
dope the games this week should be a scientifically equipped. campus. The building is expected to
dopetle gamnts wpus. The east and north sides of the The structure will be carried on a be ready for occupancy by the fall ofn to the public.
battle of giants,erayfo cuacyb h al t1cnsday, Jine 24-AlumniniDfay
Pennsylvania defeated the Varsity building will measure 262 feet, 8 inch- system of concrete piers set at a uni- 1915., Registrationicoutines
4 to 2 at the end of the eastern trip, throughout the day
the Wolverines being banged up as the HUNDR EDS SIGN UP SEVENTEEN SENIOR WOMEN thRrEED E IG 9:10"en -dal al"mni
result of a series of hard gamesfl GRITO ii Tr EIORWOEN jg, 0, ~ UIO isnUiversity club room, Alumnis
Quaintane and Ferguson pitched AG ALUTNEHAILATSSDE N OFRUIT Memri a~all.
against Sayre, the pick of the east. AE DEAN F10:30 a. m.--Dedication of the tab-
Lundgreh will send the lanky junior -_let to the University's men who have
to the mound today, and Ferguson's Seventeen senior women announced served their country as soldiers or
showing in shutting ut Notre Dame, Some Graduates Wear Badges of eene en e nu Resignation Accepted at eeting of
asdsriig utte alisl at ar it (Clsses; Minyi'aI their engagement- at the ianinual IeimamnIcpe tletig s r1 ai. . hluasic'teen', ll:i.
and striking cut thelalumnimlast E eae Mn r of 1.egent 11:0 atogtcsestab-
Thursday indicates that the Quakers Ciil War Time breakfast at Barbour gymnasium last Morning let to Chancellor Tappan. Address by
will have their work cut out to beat Friday, by eating a slice of lemon,'- Luther Mendenhall, '60, of Duluth.
him. "TAPPAN MEN" MEET TOMORROW which is an acknowledgement of the HOLD SESSION THIS AFTERNOON Alumni Memorial hall.
This afternoon's game, which starts fact that they have become engaged -- 11:30 a. n-Dental Alumni clinic.
at 4:00 o'clock, is free to students Alumni Memorial hall has been the during the past year. The names Dean John O. Reed has resigned The classes of 1884, 1894, 1904, and
holding athletic books, but toporrow's scene of much activity for the last from the head of the literary depart- 1914 of the College of Dental Surgery
game, which' starts at 4:15 o'clock, two days, gray-haired, stoop-shoulder- ment, the regents continuing Prof. J. will devote the day to class reunions
will require an admission charge from ,ed old men of the younger days of the Emma Heath, Toledo, O., to Warren R. Effinger as acting dean at their and clinics in the dental building. Dr,
students, owing to the heavy demand university mingling with the more Vaughan, '16M, Ann Arbor; Irma Hog- meeting this morning, after accept- Victor H. Jackson, of New York City,
for seats by the alumni week guests. robust representatives of later per- adone, Grand Rapids, to Robert Stur- ing the resignation with regret. will give an address in the Dental
Lundgren has shifted his batting or- iods. A few wear badges which show tevant, '14, Delavan, Wis.; Margaret Raymond G. Davis was appointed amphitheater, at 11:30 o'clock.
der slightly, and the Quaker hurler them to have graduated in the 50's, Irving, Toledo, O., to James Howells as Williams professor, an emeritus 12:00-1:30 p. m.-Alumni buffet
will face the following array: and many are to be seen who finished , . 'Mposition. The nomination was made luncheon, complimentary to alumni
Sheehy, cf; Baker, ss; McQueen, college around the time of the Civil '130, Detroit; Madeline McVoy, by the alumni. Minor business mat- from out of town, who will secure
2b; Sisler, If; Howard, ib; Labadie or War. Minneapolis to Albert Parfet, '16, Gold- ters were discussed, no action being tickets in advance at he office of the
Benton, rf; Mughitt, 3b; Baer or Hip- When registration began yesterday en, Colo.; Julia Henning, Ann Arbor, taken. Alumni association. Served in Bar-
pler, c; Baribeau, Quaintance or Fer- there were a large number on hand to to Ralph Conger, '14, Grand Rapids; The regents convened at an after- bour gymnasium by the Collegiate
guson, p. sign the roll, and before the day was Lois Spraker, Grand Rapids, to Paul noon session. Alumnae and the University.
over an enrollment of several hun- I 2:00 p. m.-Alumni mass meeting in
OPERA MIISIC AND MOVIES dred had been recorded. At the close Cunningham, '15L, Indiana, Pa.; Chris- Union Will Conduct Summer Bureau Hill auditorium. Songs, college yells,
FEATURE STUDENT SHOW of Monday's registration, John Rich- tine John, Ann Arbor, to Rudolph Rei- A rooming and employment bureau moving pictures, short speeches. Rob-
Musical club and opera stars, and ards, '57, of Flint, Michigan, possessed chert, Ann Arbor; Florence Essery, will be maintained at the Michigan ert F. Thompson, '92L, chairman. Bal-
"movies" by Lyndon, depicting the the distinction of belonging to the Ann Arbor, to Charles Webber, '14, Union this summer under the chair- cony and gallery open to the public.
spring contests and other university earliest class represented at the re- Ann Arbor; Helen Croman, Mt. Clem- manship of Louis M. Bruch, '16L. This 3:30 p. m.-Alumni parade to Ferry
events were among the attractions at union. In the class of 1859 there were ens, to Alger Syme, '13L; Jesse Cam- is the first summer that this depart- field, by classes.
the college vaudeville, presented at originally 40 members, 12 of whom are eron, Bay City to Arthur DeFoe, '12, ment of the Union has been operative, 4:00 p. m.-Presentation of bronze
Hill auditorium this afternoon. The still living and five of these are ex- Bay City; Herta Luellamann, Sagi- and it plans to be of great service to tablet marking Mason hall, by Daught-
entertainment was furnished by the peted to be on hand; they are W. J. naw, to Merwin Smalley, '15E, New summer students who desire work or ers of the American Revolution.
Mimes, of the Michigan Union, Charles Beal, Amherst, Mass.; R. C. Davis, Canaan, Conn.; Hazel Champlin, Little information concerning rooms and 4:00 p. m.-Annual Mortar Board
Kendrick, '15, acting as chairman. (Continued on page 4) Valley, N. Y. to Robert Ideson, '14, board. (Continued on page 4) -
Avon, N. Y.; Elizabeth Sweet, Dowagi-
ac, to Bruce Laing, '11-'13L,Dowagiac
Pennsylvania vs. Michian Frances Rhoades, Ann Arbor, to Her
mann Weigand, '13, Brodhagen, Ont;
BASEBALL CAIM ES Maleta Moore, Dowagiac, to Julius V T T 0 D A Y
Wernicke, '14, Grand Rapids; Ethel
Tues. June 23rd, 4 p.m. Wed. June 24th, 4:15 p.m. Kenyon, Ann Arborg
UNCOVEREDRBLACHERT SETS - -anceni MsPhylis Dunn was married this
Student coupon books will admit to Tuesday gane. To obtain spring to S. J. McKinnon, Iron River,
reserved seat present coupon book at Athletic Office any time and partook of the lemon at the senio MICHIGAN'S FUNNY SHEET
before 3 P. M., Tuesday, June 23rd. breakfast. Miss Mercedes de Goenaga,
If reservations are not all taken for the Wednesday game by 4:20 P. M. '13, Detroit, recently announced her 15C 9 Is e
Coupons will be honored at the gate after that time.,I engagement to Howard Ford, '13, De-
Get in touch again You will wan t to
with undergraduate do- see your classmate's
ings. This is the best TAKE ONE HOME picture years from
way- now. -