TEE WOLVERINE UNIOIN TO WEL(COME SUMMER I(II1101 5'tAIENCE TAKES Cut this out and being to mysliop ITlIS GOOD tor $1 in Trade White Serge Trousers and Summer Suitings awaityou J. K. MALCOLM 604 E. Liberty St. Brennia t .6 Restausrant Regular Board, $3.50 $4. Meal Tickets, $5.50 Single meals, 30-40c. A Clean and Col Place to Eat Cattring to banquets & parties a speciatty open all Summer Phone t64 709 N. Vsiversity Ave. Mrs. -E-W. Brennan, Prop. NEW U. ot M, BOAT LIVERY CANOES Candies Cigars Cakes Soft Drinks Soda Fountain and Pavillion Orchestra Sunday Afternoons and Evenings P. G. TESSMER, Prop. Chubb House 209 South Stat. Street Under the Original Managemsent Summer Board $4.00 "TASTES LIKE HOME " C.S.GChubb Prep. J. Q. Neeland Steward lIEN AT S31OKER SATURDAY Sunmmer schoot men wtll be guests at the Micligan Union at the smoker to be hetd on the Union lawn at 7:30 o'clock Saturday ntght. If theta first affair is well attended, the Union man- agement plana ta give other aummer school functions. BIEN COEET COMPANY :PLAXNS FIE PLAYS FORl JULY 23-.25 Woodlantd Platyers to Gdvte Extra Per- formtance, t l, Drinug AutnsArbor ViSit DIP1 INTO LORD, OF FATS (Continued front page 1.) ifying them by a irocess o1 distillation which farms a fatty acid. This sub- statnce is mixed. with sodium htydrox- ide, tand the ftnal prodtcrt is snap. Speakting at ties relative nmerits at soapts, Professor Conte said that tite ordinasry cheap whbite soap was nmore likely to be peure than the scooted or colored soaps. A whlite soap has to be pure because at its nature, there being nothing to cover tup its itmper-, feeliotta and iinplurities. The tratns- Incent soaps htave uo esptecial maerit' othete h lacnbeinteransaerent. Theey are neo purer aced are usually msade of Press Building Maynard St. Victor Victrolas' and Records 3For Summ er Cettages aSpecial Prices on Rent-. i ed Pianos and Sheet Music.Y Accordiceg to a telegrame recently glycericee, castor oil, acnd soneetimees receieed front Mr. Bets Greet by Prof. glucose. I. Strauss, of the Englishe departmcent, - - - thec BenttlecetfNWoodland players will DRII. FLOIE '0 RElPENT TALK give ive Iterformantces leere inestead of O I {HEISLIFE 'VtitI' fattr, as foretely placened. The plays - twill be givene se the cameptus, betweeee Summteer schotol sttudents twill leave 'lappatn hall and the library. tchelortaceity of seeing a coceplete "Masqcues aced Faces" by Charles and eareftutty arraccged collectioce of teed aced Totte'T'aylor will begin the slides, illeestratineg the' homne aced series, Thursaeycighet, July2. '1ccheseauneetso r. Meartine Lutheer at a:0e0 Beet Greet cometpatey offers theis Iclesy as o'clock iee Neswberry hllc. a distinct departuere frome tee usual 'Ibis leeture was given reecetly oce- Night" will be' preseceted Friday ai- der vtce analicto of the' St. P'aul young ternon, ad "AMidsmmerN~ig tpeople's society, teed is repeated by Dreamo" in the evenineg. The tea Sat- speecial reqesct. The slides sill ine- urday performnees will he "As You terpret the maine poinets of the lectuere Like It" and "The Temepest," after- -which silt deacl especieatly 'aitheLee- noone aced ight respeectively. ther's preparatioce far the traneslatione _____ _____-- ' of thce Bible. 'T'he lecttere will be gi- 'I-WO ('OIAN(ES IMt LECTURtE en by Dr. Florer, swle is at present en- P510(;IAM TOIt COMING WEEK geegedl ice sritineg cchookt of Luetheer's Tracnslatioce o1 the Bible, abide will Le~cture plans for next week icclude appear duericeg thes year iceocee of the thee following cheanges, according to Johnes Bopkites l'niversity jourteals. annoauneemeeent at the stemmer school office this enorneine. FOR RSENT'--thneesuite of roomes, eear Prof. W. B. Worrell, of Bartford, Canmptes, $1.25 pee' seek. 200 N. Caon.sell deliver a snecial illustrated State St. 5-7 i TUTTLE'S ILUNCH ROOM LVNCHES ansd SODAS 338 Sou~th Stlm e St. LIFE OF 'LUTHER Illustrated Lecture BY Dr. W. W. FLORER Auspices at St. Paul's Society Ne" berry Hall, Thurs. Eve. 8 P.M. ADMISSION - - 1tc Attractive Mid-Summer MILLINERY AT DANA RICHARDSON'S 115 E. Liberty First Class BOARD $4.00 Per Week 1212 5. University Ave. 1 block( from Engineering Bldg. T. HANKINS, Prop. lecteere ace "A Trip 'Through Egypt," at 8:10 o'lock Mlonday nighet in te physics lecture roome. Professor Wor- rell is afainter membher of the Michet- gate faculty, and teas spent 56 teestel' ice Egypt. Thce lecture by tDean V. C. Vaueghane, vceduled for Tuesday enight, has beene tpostpoceed, aced in its plcse, Be'. U. J. Wile, of the mcedical faculty, will talk one "Ace Bistorical Survey of Syphilis" at b8:001 o'clcklsice the moedicael actepei- theeater. I THE ANN ARBOR Swimming FRLED C. WEINBERG, Proprietor OPEN EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. M. For, Ladies and Gentlemen Tuesday and Friday Forenoons for Ladies only The Pool is Fed With Cool Spring Water 725 South Filth Ave. Phone 996-2 rings SAVE THIS COUPON Goodtfor ONE looker a.t the Swlmtmlesg pool good for Susr nmer school Stisdeests Onily WAN'lEtI A husctlineg secnd or tird year stuettoI solicit for a good roomeineg eouse for thes connineg year ice payet for his roome recet. Ap- ply at oetce. 1144 E. Catheerine. 5-7 FcOUND---thoodi lBoaed eat tCmpus Cafe. $3.50 lear week. Toady Boearders dc- aired, Miss M~acteonaldl, tiltN. lUni- versity. 4-9 COFFEE I<,A('1I. Coffec aced jucmbo peanuts roasted freshe daily. Salt retail st wvholesale prices, also 'fTeacend Cocoa, 211 East Liberty. 1-6. Weyceatet .Manedoluetes, Martine But- tars, seed Masical lcestrueeets of every description far sale at reasoen- ablc pricee ast Seceaeberle & Sac's iMt- sic Hanse, 1550 S. Masin St. tf Calkins P'hearmeacy for drags. If. Buey tonerlkodak filmcssteed supplies at Sugdenc Drug lCV, 202 5. State. t Suits presse'dibtyteatd 410 S. State. 51 Ladies Suits cleaneed, 410 5. State. tff 'T'eehoeseeeft Iexall Reedcies. Ed- sill's Itexall tDreue Stoere, 022 Soueth Matn te.Iti' Rteent acc eamer'ae st Hoppele's. toe a day', to jPefect Sodas, (tuality aned Sereice. l+"drill's Itexall Drug Stoere, 522 Southe Matte St. tf Stuits cleaeectaned peessoetdbyleaced. 410 5,S.Sate. If The White&Swan Laundry Corner Detroit and Catherine Sts. and 4th Ave-, Ann Arbor USES SOFT WATER Reasons' to every bundle of Laundry work sent from the White Swan Laondry, why you should CALL PHONE 1 65 for our wagfon. (GZODS NOT ROTTED BY C13EISIIALS-Wbile, test yellow nor' blue-button holes intact, buttons ditto, Special atten- tion given to ladies clothes. OUR PRICES IHE LOWEST. THE WHITEI SWAN LAUNDRY WEgPRES iS B Y H A N D C. I. KIDD Phose 1530e«J 1112 S. Univ. Ave, . DRY AND STEAM CLEANING cleeae soda water at Calkins. tfp 0 75c SUBSCRIBESN-9 FOR 75c THlE WOLVERINE Ar, e h xm- 5 c Office Pres 8d ing Maynamm r D ret. 75c