TYOUR DOOR THREE THE ONLY OFFICIAL EVENINGS A WEEK, 75 SUMMER PUBLICATION Vol. V. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1914. No. 6. ARMY ROUTINE IS LOT OF CAMPERS Engineers at Camp Bogardus Are Sub. Jected to a Real Military Discipline BASEBALL MEN WIN FIRST GAME CAMP BOGARDUS, TOPINABEE, MICH.-preliminary work completed and Fourth of July dissipations over, the summer engineering camp at Top-. inabee has assumed a military aspect, with roll call at 6:20. Some diversion creeps in, however, and on the Fourth an impromptu baseball nine defeated a Topinabee aggregation in a game in which the scores were not counted. Beginning at 6:20 the daily program is as follows: 6:20--roll call; 6:30-breakfast; 7:30-field work begin; 11:30-din- ner; 12:30-field work resumed; 5:00 -supper; 9:30-lights out. The only exception to this schedule is that on Saturday nights the elec- tries are allowed to burn till 10:30 be- fore being turned off at the power house. Fourth of July was a holiday in camp. After lunch two wagon loads, of fellows left for Topinabee, where a ball game was played' between a team from Topinabee and a camp nine. The Bogardus team was at a great dis- advantage, due to the lack of practice, but nevertheless had little troule in taking the Topinabee team into "camp.' H. H. Caswell pitched for the camp team, and held his opponents to a few scattered hits. C. L. Williams handled the mitt, and his receiving and'hitt+ing were features of the game. Footbat1 captain-elect Raynsford made a name for himself in the field by some acro- batic catches. Caswell helped win his own game by driving out a three- bagger in the eighth. An "indoor" baseball league will be formed in the near future, so that ev- ery night after supper there will be at least one or two games going on. Church Societies Hold Joint Social A union social of the Ann Arbor church young peoples' societies will be held Friday of this week at 8:00 o'clock in the Baptist church parlors. Entertainment, music, and refresh- ments will be furnished. The first of this series of socials was held last Friday evening at the Methodist Epis- copal church, at which more than 150 were present. CURIOUS AUDIENCE TAKES DIP INTO LORE OF FATS' Fats and oils assumed many inter- esting features and unheard-o uses for a curious audience Tuesday. Prof. L. H. Cone discussed the subject 10 his lecture on "Fats and Oils, Their Productions and Uses." He cited the cases of certain Eski- mos, who would nearly starve to death1 when they could obtain no other than lean meat. The Arabs, according to his statement, who are great eaters of olive oil, and who are able to do hard work and perform feats of strength1 and endurance, owe this ability1 largely to the value of oils and fats in their food found outside of meats. Fats, he pointed out, contain two and1 one half times as much energy as sug- a r T The revolution of the soap industry was also fully explained by Professor, Cone. In place of manufacturing soap, out of lye as was done in the past, soap is now made of the animal fatsa which heretofore went to waste. The low grade greases are utilized by pur- (Continued on page 4) THE NEW MICHIGAN C ONCRETE STADIUM AS IT WILL APPEAR WHEN COMPLETED. '.ITADIMFtRF RRY FELD- A1 . TttTIGAjGT KJ' T tf' NiapY e S1I O i t d The east half of the south stand of will give the field a seating capacity the Wolverine structure easily makes Michigan's new concrete stadium will of 24,000 this fall. up for this and places the two on a probably be completed by about the It is necessary to view the structure par at the top. The Harvard stadium, from the rear to gain an accurate idea however, is so near the running track end of the week, according to the of its height, as from the front, the that athletes cannot be observed when statement of "Hal" Weeks, the old tiers of seats rise gradually in a curve, running on the near side. Wolverine football star, who is in which is pleasing to the perspective to The distance of the fifty-seventh charge of the work, while the ground every point of the field from every row of the Yale stadium from the work of the other half is practically seat in the stand, and a great deal of side lines is 206 feet, while a specta- all laid. The entire section will eas- time has been spent in figuring on it i tor seated in the corresponding row, ily be completed in time for next fall's by Engineer Weews and his staff. The which is the top of the Michigan stand, big football games, as the construction curve gives a depressed appearance to would be nearly 58 feet nearer the of the west half will require consid- the middle of the stand, and gives a gridiron. Another point of superiori- erably less time than the first divis- flaring slant to the upper rows of ty lies in the fact that end seat specta- ion, due to the fact that the cement- seats. tors in the Ferry field stands are con-' pouring apparatus, and other prelim- A set of statistics has been compiled siderably nearer the goal lines than inj nary constructions, are already in by Weeks, comparing Michigan's pro- the bowls of the other three university place. posed stadium to the structures at stadiums. For instance, a person seat- The south stand is being built to Yale, Harvard and Chicago, and from ed in an end seat of the Wolverine seat 13,200 people, and will cost $55,- almost every point of view, the Mich- stadium will be only 34 feet from the 000, while the entire stadium when igan stands will be superior to the field of play, while a similar seat in finished will cost $285,000 and will others. The distance of the spectators the Chicago stands is at least 78 feet seat more than 54,000 spectators. It from the side lines in any given row distant. is expected that its construction, of seats is less in the Michigan stand Representatives of the Portland Ce- which will be periodical, will take in than in any of the others with the ex- ment Co. recently completed an ex- the neighbofhood of of ten years. With ception of the stadium at Cambridge, haustive analysis of the entire job, the wooden bleachers left on the north which is a few feet nearer in the low- which will be treated in a bulletin to side of Feey field, the new south stand er tiers, but the bowl-like .s2Ic "^ h , , nubllshed soon by that concern. 'BLIND PEOPLE IN U.S. TOTAL 64,000 Prof. W. R. Parker Says 6,000 or 7,000 of These Are Needlessly Without Sight INDICATES PREVENTIVE METHOD "There are 64,000 blind people in the United States today, and between six and seven thousand of these are need- lessly blind," declared Professor W. R. Parker in his address on "Conser- vation of Vision," Tuesday night in the west amphitheater, medical build- ing. The helpful methods now used to relieve those who have trouble with their eyes were discussed. Professor Parker said that the suc- cessful ways of getting parents to pay more attention to the condition of their children's eyes were the lecture method, legislative enactment com- pelling examinations, and co-opera- tion of teacher and parent. Illustra- tions prepared by the American Medi- cal association were thrown on the screen and the various slides were explained. The need for thorough examination of all school children was discussed by Professor Parker. "There are 17 million school children in the United States, and of this number more than 10 million have either eye, nose or throat trouble," said Professor Parker. Much of this trouble can be done away with if examinations by competent men are given. Some popular methods of eye treat- ment were discussed. "The eye cup," he said "is no good and should not be used." Dark glasses are to be con- i FIRST BASEBALL PRACTICE FREE FACULTY RECITALS TO BEGINS IN SU - -M BE GIVEN IN AUDITORIUM More Than 35 Men, Ana.e First ('all 1ig Variety of Complimentary Events for Tryouts; StIll Mr to lie Offered by School Needed of Music More than 35 men, armed with glov-' Cooperation between the university es, bats,balls and other paraphernalia, , and the school of music has taken a appeared on south Ferry fic d yester- decided step for next year, putting day afternoon, in answer to the first Michigan ahead of nearly all commun- ities in America in the matter of free call for tryouts, Issued by the mans- cocrs concerts. gers of the various department teams, Due largely to the popularity of the composing the summer session league. twilight organ recitals during the past While he admits that the turnout was year, the school of music has arranged encouraging, General Manager George with the university for the presenta- tion of the faculty concerts and his- Sister states that double that number torical recitals in Hill auditorium on of'tryouts" wil be needed be'e t the afternoon of the first Thursday active work may be begun in the of echmnth. her eitals "MIDWEST DEBATING LEAGUE" TO GIVE NEW COMPETITION Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin Form New Triangle; Contest to Come Next March Michigan will enter a new field of debating next March, when two teams will meet representatives of the Mid- west Debating league, which has been organized. The other two schools making up the new triangle league are the universities of Illinois and Wis- consin. A team from the University of Illinois will meet Michigan in Uni- versity hall on the last Friday in March, and the same night Michigan will have a team contesting with the University of Wisconsin at Madison. right fashion. vL-ca 1 .L wintso the fact that H. A. Knowi-will be continued on the third Thurs- The question to be debated has not day of each month, and both affairs beeischosen. son, who was elected manager, prg will be complimentary to the public. Michigan is now a member of two last Friday, has beensout of town, and Another cooperative step was taken rong debatig leagues. he er by the regents in permitting girls league 'is composed of Northwestern, consequently unable to start work from the school of music to have the the University of Chicago and the with the boilermakers, "Tommy" -rUmithesscyool ofchugan ,oThaveythr Hughitt, the versatile football and privileges of Barbour gymnasium, up- University of Michigan. This year on the payment of a nominal locker Michigan will meet Chicago Univer- baseball star, has been appointed by sity in Ann Arbor and Northwestern Sister to take charge of the engineers sClssesillrbe organized for permanently, and with this move it scho c girls in the fallguess o ben de- ___________ bated. in this league has not been defi- is expected that they will soon be in Library Sta jead tjven Reception nitely decided. the field with a.strong lineup. The staff of the uqiversity library At a meeting of the managers, Tues- held a receptioss for Librarian Theo- day night, it was decided to play all ; c on a n o "THE HUNCHACK" WILL BE dore W. Koch Monday afternoon on games on the diamond nearest the new the occasion of his recent return from GIVEN BY ORATORY CLASS bleachers which were recently moved Europe. over, and placed along the north side James Sheridan Knowles' play, "The of south Ferry field. To provide new house will be furnished free to all men Hunchback," has been selected by Pro- balls and other materials for the gam- trying out for the league teams, and fessor Thomas C. Trueblood, head of es, it was thought best by the manage- the showers have been placed in con- the -department of oratory, as the first ment to levy a small assessment on dition for their use. The clubhouse is play to be presented by his class in each of the players at some time pri- located between the new stadium and Shakespearian reading. The date set or to the first game, which is sched- the west teonis courts and will ac- for the first recital is July 29, 8:00 uled for next Tuesday, between the commodate Imore than 100 men. o'clock. The students of the summer lits and medics. Such a plan will There will he practice for all the session and the general public are in- rkakt it possible to purchase the balfs teams, every afternoon this week, at vited The class this summer is larg- in dozen lots, thereby making -them 4:00 o'clock and the managers urge er than in the past and with the vari- considerably cheaper. that everyone with any baseball abil- ety of talent, a strong cast is being Lockers in the intramural club- Ity, turn out. selected. sidered the same as a crutch, and should not be used except in those ca'es where nothing else will take heir place. "Amber colored glasses are much better," declared Professor Parker. Summer Dances Begin at Nine O'clock The Michigan Union dances during the summer will begin at 9:010 o'clock instead of 8:00 o'clock as formerly, as the dancing can be carried on later on Friday night than the usual Saturday dances. Prof. John R. hruinm and Mrs. Brumm will chaperone the dance this Friday night. NOTICE! All teams in the interdepart * * mental baseball league will hold* * practice at south Ferry field, ev- ery afternoon this week, at 4:00 * o'clock. Everybody requested '* o to turn oit. TWO LECTURES AND READING TO FINISH WEEK'S PROGRAM Two lectures and one reading will conclude this week's -daily lecture pro- gram. Prof. E. C. Goddard, of the law department, will lecture on "John Marshall, Master Builder of the Con- stitution," at 5:00 o'clock this after- noon. Prof. 0. C. Glaser, of the zoology de- partment, will lecture on "The New Heredity" at 5:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. Professor Glaser teaches a course in heredity during the regu- lar university year, and is master of the subpject, both from a biologicqi and a theoretical standpoint. Prof. T. C. Trueblood, of the oratory department, will give a recital on "Readings from Mark Twain" in Sar- ah Caswell Angell hall at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow night. Most of Professor Trueblood's previous recitals have been of a more profound nature, and the Mark Twain recital is offered as an innovation.